Claimed Scores 2019
  13031 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

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29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
19/12/19 70MHz UKAC
17/12/19 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 70MHz UKAC

19 Dec (68 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G4ASR IO81 78 15,481 198 9500 24,981 SP9HWY 1546 150 7-el Yagi Activity down but found GM4AFF, GM4VVX, MM0CEZ, ON6ID and OZ1DLD (great SSB reflections) & SP9HWY. 19 squares & 6 dxcc. Happy Xmas. 73 David  
AO 2 M1DDD/P IO93 83 10,644 128 7500 18,144 G7RAU 443 160 4/4 dual bander Secondary location. Wasn't expecting it so windy ! Only a couple worked in last half hour. Activity low. I guess its party season ! MC-HNY N  
AR 3 G4ODA IO92 57 9,121 160 8000 17,121 G7RAU 470 40 6 el yagi Wishing everyone a happy es peaceful Xmas es healthy es prosperous new year. Special tnx to all on VHFCC for their hard work throughout '19  
AO 4 G3MXH JO02 51 9,689 190 7000 16,689 G7RAU 498 150 7 EL CQM Yagi Average winter condx.No GM,Gd, GI hrd. Lots of local noise due Xmas lights.!! Seasons greetings to all .  
AR 5 G3UVR IO83 53 7,612 144 6500 14,112 G7RAU 398 40 4 ele Jaybeam Merry Christmas and Happy new year to all. Thanks for all the repeats tonight 73 de Denis  
AR 6 G7RAU IN79 16 7,562 473 5500 13,062 OZ8ZS 1288 40 6el 4m G0KSC hard work, mostly just noise hi. Tnx Qsos  
AO 7 G3XDY JO02 33 6,088 184 6000 12,088 GM4AFF 573 150 6 el Yagi High QRN from SW to NW covering much of the UK from here. Awful conditions too, an hour between QSOs at the end.  
AR 8 G3VCA IO93 55 6,491 118 5500 11,991 GM4AFF 400 40 11 el dual band Noisy with QSB - missed many stns and squares - Happy Christmas & NY to all. 73 Bob  
AL 9 G8DMU/P IO94 43 7,013 163 4500 11,513 G8GYX 324 4 6 ele    
AO 10 G4FVZ IO91 52 5,647 109 5000 10,647 ON6ID 332 40 5E Powabeam Tough conditions. Band noisy. Sorry if I missed some calls. Tnx fer QSOs. Points to MKARS  
AR 11 G8REQ IO83 35 4,188 120 5500 9,688 GM4AFF 383 30 4 Ele Jaybeam A fair session to end 2019 UKAC. QSB was a pain but Tnx. to all across every band. Lets us hope that 2020 brings good Cdx...73. MC + HNY.  
AO 12 GM4AFF IO86 13 5,344 411 4000 9,344 G3XDY 573 160 13ele dual bander Terrible conditions. Switched off after an hour!  
AR 13 G0SKA IO91 42 4,676 111 4000 8,676 ON6ID 323 35 9 ele dual band yagi 6/4 poor, noisy and deep QSB. Hard work with week signals and low activity  
AR 14 G0ODQ IO91 39 4,656 119 4000 8,656 G8DMU/P 266 40 4 ele of dual Poor, noisy conditions tonight. Seasons greetings to all and thanks all for the qso's this year.
AR 15 G4RQI IO93 34 4,134 122 4500 8,634 G0LTG 291 40 6ele Not so much noise tonight... Merry Christmas and HNY
AR 16 G3MEH IO91 32 3,432 107 5000 8,432 G7RAU 379 40 4 ele Poor conditions, noisy to north, low activity. Thanks for all the QSOs in 2019, Merry Xmas & HNY.
AO 17 G3NPI IO92 37 3,389 92 5000 8,389 G7RAU 375 160 6 el Yagi very slow.  
AR 18 M0ICR IO91 30 3,173 106 4500 7,673 G7RAU 380 40 4 Ele YU7EF Thanks for all UKAC QSO in 2019. CU in Cumulatives 26-29 Dec? Happy Christmas! Carl M0ICR, pts to Drowned Rats  
AL 19 G1PPA IO93 31 3,539 114 4000 7,539 GW4MBS 273 4 5 ele powerbeam Thanks to everyone for the contacts in 2019 look forward to meeting you again in 2020 seasons greetings to all cheers steve  
AR 20 GW4ZAR IO83 28 3,348 120 4000 7,348 GM4AFF 397 40 4 ele OWL A battle .. The devoted, the dedicated and the addicted were on tonight. Seasons greetings and thanks for your input this year .. 73 .. Dave  
AO 21 GW4MBS IO71 20 3,721 186 3500 7,221 G3MXH 344 160 5-el Powabeam Condx erratic. Nothing wkd to SE or NW, last hour was grim & desolate. Many regulars not heard.
AO 22 MM0CEZ IO75 11 3,544 322 3500 7,044 G4ASR 437 50 8 Ele PA70-8-7BG tnx to all, Merry Christmas. Cut short for the night shift.  
AR 23 G4NTY IO83 30 2,854 95 4000 6,854 G3MXH 266 40 5 Element Yagi Rather poor conditions again
AO 24 GW4JQP/P IO81 16 2,764 173 4000 6,764 G3MXH 341 50 5 ele Powabeam Poorer propagation than usual with nothing heard in some directions. Thanks for the repeats and Season's Greetings to all.
AR 25 G8GYX IO91 26 2,762 106 4000 6,762 G8DMU/P 324 20 3 Ele beam lo activity, poor condx - slightly improved after 1st hr no new QSO after 2130 Thks for all the points this year Happy Xmas to all - Tom  
AL 26 G0EAK/P IO93 29 2,741 95 4000 6,741 GW4MBS 266 4 3 Ele Innov Quad Novemer 4m was awful, tonight was even worse. Loads of regulars missing and deep slow qsb. Tnx for all contacts this year. Seasons Greetings  
AR 27 G8FMC IO91 24 2,116 88 4500 6,616 G8DMU/P 245 35 4el Moxon-Yagi Mast slightly lowered for wind. Hard work with LOTS of noise! Starting to use kst actively, which did get a couple extra.  
AR 28 G4CLB IO92 24 2,492 104 4000 6,492 GM4AFF 477 40 4 ele Y Festive Greetings and HNY everyone. Tnx for all the sessions' points especially if you suffered my iffy CW. Points to DRRG  
AO 29 G4EPA IO92 29 2,337 81 4000 6,337 G8DMU/P 196 75 4 ELE Conditions were very noisy and my voice was on the way out!  
AR 30 G4OAR/A IO82 14 1,800 129 4500 6,300 GM4AFF 432 40 5 ele Thanks for all the contacts in 2019 wishing everyone Happy Christmas & New Year. C U in 2020. 73,  
AR 31 G3WRA IO82 21 1,935 92 4000 5,935 G3MXH 251 40 5 Ele Powabeam Poor condx struggled with local noise but been a good year 73s Seasons Greetings to all see you 2020 Stuart Hereford ARS  
AO 32 G3OVH IO92 34 2,343 69 3500 5,843 G8DMU/P 163 100 6 Ele NBS Not very busy. Lots of QSO and weak signals  
AR 33 G8LZE IO91 18 1,958 109 3500 5,458 G3UVR 263 40 5 ele DL6WU Just the first hour. Tnx for all the contacts in 2019, see you all in 2020. Many happies.  
AR 34 G0BFJ/A IO93 22 2,032 92 3000 5,032 G0ODQ 226 40 6 EL Beam    
AR 35 G4DZL IO92 17 1,375 81 3500 4,875 G3MXH 164 20 dipole  
AR 36 G1HLT IO93 25 1,847 74 3000 4,847 G4ASR 176 40 3 el Very poor, signals drowned. Seasons greetings to all.  
AO 37 M1MLM/P IO83 29 2,264 78 2500 4,764 G3MXH 235 50 3 ELE Yagi    
AR 38 G4SEQ/A IO93 18 1,712 95 3000 4,712 G0ODQ 226 40 6 ele Yagi Low activity tonight but managed to work a few. Thanks for the QSO's and points in 2019. Compliments of the Season to you all.
AR 39 G4BEE/P IO83 14 1,470 105 3000 4,470 G0ODQ 245 10 3 ele Pretty quiet tonight. Packed up after my supply of Hot Vimto ran out. Merry Christmas to all UKACers :-)  
AR 40 G4CRF IO91 18 1,218 68 3000 4,218 M1DDD/P 161 10 5 element LFA    
AR 41 G5UM IO92 12 1,025 85 3000 4,025 M3MXH 152 40 quad beam    
AR 42 M0NVS IO91 14 967 69 3000 3,967 M1DDD/P 196 40 3/3 Dual Yagi Just on for an hour, worked all i heard. merry xmas everyone. GL in 2020 73 Phil
AR 43 G1MZD IO92 19 1,302 69 2500 3,802 M1DDD/P 150 15 5 ele G4CQM Probably my worst score,nothing for 1 hr. very noisy Seasons Greetings.  
AL 44 2E1SKY IO93 22 1,169 53 2500 3,669 G4ASR 194 4 3/3 (6) element 50/70MHz Yagi (1.2m) Thanks again for the help of G7TNZ for all his help for the last 6 months  
AO 45 G4IJE JO01 7 976 139 2500 3,476 G4ASR 250 100 4 element LFA Lots of local noise.  
AL 46 GW1CLH IO81 6 965 161 2500 3,465 G4ODA 271 10 5 ele yagi  
AL 47 M7WSP/A IO93 11 751 68 2500 3,251 G4ASR 194 4 5 Ele LFA    
AR 49 G0CDA IO83 11 727 66 2500 3,227 M1MHZ 166 15 Dipole 1hr operating giving pts away.Lots of noise on my dipole! MC & HNY all.
AR 50 M0HWO IO83 13 948 73 2000 2,948 M1MHZ 196 20 4m dipole    
AR 51 G4VFL IO84 5 1,108 222 1500 2,608 G4ODA 295 25 5ele G4CQM Wx: windy, reduced mast height tonight. Last hour only. Merry Xmas and HNY to all.
AL 52 2E0KBZ/A IO93 11 542 49 2000 2,542 G4FVZ 155 4 5 Ele LFA    
AR 53 G1DFL IO91 10 661 66 1500 2,161 G4ASR 154 40 3Y Fixed West Inside Garage Roof Just 1 hour in the middle. Hard going plus multiple technical issues. Merry Xmas & HNY. Thanks for an enjoyable UKAC series. Points to Rats!
AR 54 G6GEI IO92 14 546 39 1500 2,046 G3MXH 117 40 4 Ele Innov dual Seasons greetings from MKARS  
AR 55 G0DJA IO93 10 543 54 1500 2,043 G4ODA 122 25 3 ele delta quad Logging on paper because the Minos logging system crashed.  
AR 56 G3WRR IO91 8 540 68 1500 2,040 G4ASR 206 40 2 ele Moxon Not a vintage evening.....
AR 57 G4PDF IO93 6 464 77 1500 1,964 G3MXH 144 40 W2000    
AL 58 MW0XAD IO83 7 361 52 1500 1,861 M1DDD/P 92 4 dipole thanks for the qso's this year, see you again in 2020, points to WADARC  
AO 59 G8FRS IO92 3 259 86 1500 1,759 M1DDD/P 126 50 Halo    
AR 60 G3TDH IO83 10 443 44 1000 1,443 GW4ZAR 68 20 Dipole in loft. Only 90 minutes. Worked just about everything I could hear, but only locals tonight. Must get a better` antenna next year!  
AR 61 G4AQB IO83 7 386 55 1000 1,386 G3VCA 100 25 HB9CV Just giving a few points away tonight, conditions very poor. Happy Christmas everyone!  
AL 62 GW4OKT/P IO83 8 353 44 1000 1,353 M1DDD/P 101 4 VERTICAL    
AL 63 M6XAK IO93 8 240 30 1000 1,240 M1MHZ 73 4 Halo    
AR 64 G3YPE IO93 6 199 33 1000 1,199 G8DMU/P 56 40 3 EL YAGI    
AR 65 G4JED JO01 4 186 46 1000 1,186 G0SKA 87 10 4 ele Yagi Few hearing my calls this evening  
AR 66 G4WEY IO90 2 110 55 1000 1,110 G0LTG 66 40 4 ele Yagi    
AR 67 G0LGS IO81 4 162 40 500 662 G3WRA 102 40 4 Ele 6m LFA Token entry using 6m Beam  
AO 68 G4CCX JO02 2 68 34 500 568 G4LPP 44 100 Vertical    

21 Nov (82 scores)

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19 Sep (96 scores)

15 Aug (91 scores)

18 Jul (94 scores)

20 Jun (98 scores)

16 May (104 scores)

18 Apr (95 scores)

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