Radio Society of Great Britain VHF Contests Committee

1999 Multiplier Types

One of the following rules as defined in the individual contest rules will apply to any contest using multipliers. In each case, a QSO with your own county, country or large square as appropriate to the contest counts for multiplier credit, and any appropriate QSO can count as more than multiplier (e.g. your first G QSO in an M3 contest will count for a new locator, postcode and country).

M1. Post Code and Country Multipliers. The multiplier for a band is the sum of the number of different DXCC countries and UK post code areas worked on that band. You can work your own country and county for credit, and an appropriate QSO can count as both a postcode and country multiplier.

M2. QTH Locator Multiplier. The multiplier for a band is the sum of the number of different large locator squares (e.g. JO01,IO91 etc.) worked on that band.

M3. Post Code, Country and QTH Locator Multiplier. The multiplier for a band is the sum of the number of different DXCC countries, U.K. post code areas, and large QTH locator squares (e.g. JO01,IO91 etc.) worked on that band.

M4. Country and QTH Locator Multiplier. The multiplier for a band is the sum of the number of different DXCC countries, and large QTH locator squares (e.g. JO01,IO91 etc.) worked on that band.

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