March 144 432MHz
Date 6-7 Mar 21 Time 1400-1400 (UTC)
Bands 2m , 70cms
Modes SSB, CW, FM, AM, JT6M, ISCAT and FSK441
Exchange RS(T), Serial Number (starting at 001 on each band) and a 6 character (e.g. IO92JL) locator
Scoring One Point per Kilometre
UK Contest Callsigns Allowed
Multi operator stations, and Single Operator stations who do not meet the requirements of
any of the Single Operator sections in the contest, or who choose to
compete in the Open section.
6 hours others
Rules as per section "O" except stations may only operate for a maximum of 6 hours. Entrants may choose between any continuous 6 hour period in which to operate (e.g. 1500-2100, or 1917-0117) or alternatively split the 6 hour period into any number of segments as long as they are separated by at least 1 hour off time.
In order to increase activity we recommend the following times to operate in this section
1900-2100 UTC Sat and 0700-0900 and 1200-1400 UTC on the Sunday.

Operation after this 6 hour window is allowed but will not count for points. All contacts must be included in the log.

Serial numbers must start at 001 for this 6 hour period, and you cannot enter both this section and the full contest.

In multi-band contests the same single 6 hour period must be used on all bands.
Single Op Fixed
Stations must operate from permanent and substantial buildings located at the main station address as shown on the licence validation document. The spirit of the contest will be paramount.
Single Op Others
Single Operators not located at a fixed station address as defined in the SF section.
6 hours Single Op Fixed
Rules as per section "SF" except stations may only operate for a maximum of 6 hours. Entrants may choose between any continuous 6 hour period in which to operate (e.g. 1500-2100, or 1917-0117) or alternatively split the 6 hour period into any number of segments as long as they are separated by at least 1 hour off time.
In order to increase activity we recommend the following times to operate in this section
1900-2100 UTC Sat and 0700-0900 and 1200-1400 UTC on the Sunday.

Operation after this 6 hour window is allowed but will not count for points. All contacts must be included in the log.

Serial numbers must start at 001 for this 6 hour period, and you cannot enter both this section and the full contest.

In multi-band contests the same single 6 hour period must be used on all bands.
General Rules
General Rules for all RSGB VHF/UHF/SHF contests can be found here
Stephen, GW4SHF
Entry Date Within 7 days
Log Entry Upload your log here
Log Generator Transcribe your log online here
Claimed Scores Enter your claimed score here
Web Results Date of results 05/04/21; Available here
Email Alerts Set up an Email Alert for this contest