RSGB Contest Special Rules 2011

These contests are timed to co-incide with the two hours of a number of European activity contests. They take place on the 4th Tuesdays from 2000-2200 local time .

A UK station is required to be at one or both ends of a QSO for it to be valid.

Please submit an entry after each session in which you are active. In order to speed adjudication entries must be sent within 7 days of the contest.

Scores will be normalised for each section in each session as follows.
Score for each section/session = ((number of entrants+1)-(position of entrant))*1000/(number of entrants)
At the end of the year, on each band an overall score will be calculated from the best 8 normalised session scores.
It is impossible for you to determine your best sessions without knowing everyone else's scores, so please submit your logs and scores from all sessions in which you were active and allow the adjudicator to calculate your best sessions.

Stations may change section and move location between individual activity periods.

Certificates will be awarded to the overall winners and runners-up in each section and on each band in the same way as per the general rules. No certificates will be awarded for the individual events.