Claimed Scores 2013
  9614 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

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29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
17/12/13 1.3GHz UKAC
10/12/13 432MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 1.3GHz UKAC

17 Dec (53 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G8OHM IO92 61 9,713 159 14 135,982 OZ1FF 748 400 4 x 23 element Conditions average with good activity, but missed GI4SNA. Seasons greetings to all.
AR 2 G8CUL IO91 52 8,199 158 13 106,587 GM4CXM 525 100W 1.5m dish Lots of activity but down on mults tonight. Seasons greetings to all and thanks for all the QSOs in 2013 - see you in 2014! Harwell ARS.  
AR 3 GM4JR IO85 30 7,669 256 12 92,028 G8ATD 527 100 55 ele Tonna Not too bad a night. No IO81/82 though! Merry X Mas and HNY to everyone. CU 2014.
AR 4 G0MJW IO91 36 6,027 167 13 78,351 GM4CXM 523 40 1.2m Conditions were up. Merry Christmas everyone and thanks for all the QSOs in 2013  
AO 5 G4KUX IO94 25 6,287 251 12 75,444 G7RAU/P 452 250 4x23ele Poor to the SW but average otherwise. Just QRV for 1.5hrs. Thanks to all who called and Seasons Greetings, see you 2014.
AO 6 G4BRK IO91 41 5,980 146 12 71,760 GM4CXM 517 400 35 el Good activity but conditions down on normal with many QSOs at S2/3 level (on peaks!)  
AR 7 G4NBS JO02 37 5,666 153 12 67,992 GM4CXM 503 80W 55ele My turn for preamp being swamped. Something going on in Cambridge?? Deaf system & dire conditions. Tnx all 4 QSO's and congrats Mike!
AO 8 G8PNN IO95 23 5,690 247 11 62,590 G3TCU 455 150W 2X35 ELE Lots of long and deep QSB, patience needed to complete calls. Best wishes for the festive season.
AL 9 M1MHZ IO92 29 4,367 151 13 56,771 GM4JR 329 10 23 ele A lively evening with great activity. I still missed some stations. Thx all QSOs HC & HNY SPALDING & DARS
AL 10 G4ODA IO92 25 4,336 173 13 56,368 DJ5BV 554 10w 1.2m dish Conditions variable, turned wet as evening past and that made it worst.  
AL 11 GW8ASD IO83 30 4,501 150 12 54,012 GM4CXM 332 10 67ele SHF Another tough night here. Difficult conditions, deep QSB, and stations in high demand. At first I thought conditions were really poor, as I couldn't hear the Martlesham Beacon. It took a while for it to dawn on me that the antenna had been blown about 15deg off true! That established things were slightly better but still failed with GI! I must get the linear fixed!
AR 12 M0GHZ IO81 30 5,228 174 10 52,280 PA0S 463 100W 55 ele Tonna Poor condx. Bad throat so assisted by Pete tonight. HC&HNY  
AR 13 G3UVR IO83 36 4,619 128 10 46,190 GM4CXM 303 80w 23ele yagi Poor conditions tonight. Stations there but hard to work. Thanks for all the contacts this year. 73 to all
AO 14 G3TCU IO91 25 3,809 152 10 38,090 GM4CXM 584 250 44 ele Poor condx
AL 15 G4YHF/A IO92 23 3,139 136 12 37,668 G8PNN 279 10 55el Thanks All. Seasons Greetings!  
AL 16 G7RAU/P IO90 25 4,580 183 8 36,640 G4KUX 453 8 35el Tonna A very VERY wet/quiet end to the year on St Boniface and gennie still sick making it all vri challenging :). Tnx QSOs and Merry Christmas!
AL 17 G6WRW/P IO82 31 3,636 117 9 32,724 G3XDY 259 10 44el Wimo **TWCG** Nothing spectacular. Have a good Christmas and Happy New Year... see you in 2014
AR 18 G1SWH IO83 24 2,486 104 10 24,860 GM4CXM 283 50 55ell Poor conditions tonight. Stations there but hard to work. Thanks for all the contacts this year. 73 to all MX /HNY GERRY NO1 CLUB BOLTON
AL 19 G3VCA IO93 15 2,244 150 10 22,440 GM4CXM 389 10w 44elyagi  
AO 20 M0LNE JO01 19 3,168 167 7 22,176 GM4CXM 607 400 4 x 67ele What a dull night......where were all the signals....we@re exhausted
AL 21 G4JLG IO83 25 2,299 92 7 16,093 G3XDY 291 10W 55 el YAGI Slightly above average. Good activity in IO83. Merry Christmas to everyone.
AR 22 G8KBH IO83 15 1,979 132 8 15,832 G8CUL 279 60 35 Ele Tonna  
AO 23 G3VKV IO81 15 2,516 168 6 15,096 GM4CXM 475 200W 20 ele wimo loads of QSB - see u all next year - seasons greetings  
AL 24 G8BUN IO93 15 2,154 144 7 15,078 G3XDY 263 10w 55 element yagi  
AL 25 G8REQ IO83 21 1,965 94 7 13,755 G6UW 247 10W 44 Ele Wimo Poor Cdx again, Hrd/ missed several more Locs. picked up during last 30 mins, Seasons greeting see you in the New Year..73
AL 26 G8DTF IO83 22 1,766 80 7 12,362 G3XDY 296 1.5W 44 ele WIMO Very QRP tonight.
AL 27 G4NTY IO83 22 1,650 75 7 11,550 M0GHZ 232 10w 67 ele Yagi Poor conditions.
AO 28 G3TCT IO81 15 2,227 148 5 11,135 G3XDY 286 150 44 ele Wimo possibly worst ever...
AL 29 M0MDY IO93 20 1,793 90 6 10,758 G3XDY 223 10 55 element beam Conditions weren't great not many around Thanks for the points & to the /p stations Seasons Greetings & Happy New Year
AL 30 GW4BVE/P IO82 20 1,957 98 5 9,785 M1MHZ 199 8 23 ele Tonna ** TWCG ** Flat conditions. Merry Xmas and best wishes for 2014.
AR 31 G4KIY IO92 12 1,581 132 6 9,486 G8PNN 313 100 2m dish Last 45 mins. Activity disappointing.  
AL 32 M1DDD/P IO83 23 1,685 73 5 8,425 M0GHZ 186 10 55 ele Really hard work tonight. Still unfamiliar with the band. Thanks for all QSOs tonight and during 2013. Happy Xmas and great New Year to all 73 de Nick *TTCG*
AL 33 G0HEL/P IO81 13 1,336 103 6 8,016 F8BRK 265 10watt 1.5m Dish Conditions cold wet 2deg c Poor show to finish the year.Thanks all for points.Merry Christmas See you next year.73's Alan
AL 34 M0UFC/P IO83 19 1,517 80 5 7,585 GI4ATZ 278 10w 35 el Tonna  
AL 35 2E0VPX IO91 14 1,194 85 5 5,970 G8KBH 272 10w 55 element Tonna Very poor conditions here... Season's Greetings from MKARS
AR 36 M5MUF IO92 12 1,153 96 5 5,765 G3TCT 197 25 44 el Wimo yagi Awful conditions - all sigs down, many regulars not even heard.  
AL 37 G8EOP IO93 9 1,050 117 5 5,250 G4BRK 228 10 35 el Beam MX & HNY to you all 73 all.
AL 38 G4MVU IO83 15 966 64 5 4,830 M0GHZ 270 10w 67 element    
AL 39 G0RAF IO93 5 865 173 5 4,325 GM4CXM 390 10W 46 ele  
AO 40 G7LRQ IO91 11 966 88 4 3,864 G4KUX 344 250w 4 x 35 element Tonna Why do I bother?
AO 41 G4LDR IO91 9 741 82 5 3,705 G4NBS 170 200 4 X 35 element yagi Conditions seemed poor tonight
AR 42 G7APD IO92 10 684 68 5 3,420 M1DDD/P 104 100W 35ele tonna  
AL 43 G3TDH IO83 14 842 60 3 2,526 M0LNE 291 10w 23 Ele. Tonna Poor conditions and a low aerial height here made multipliers difficult to find. Looking forward to working more of you next year!
AL 44 GM4AFF IO86 3 619 206 3 1,857 G4KUX 238 10 4 x 23ele Good fun. Not running enough power! Heard a lot more than I worked!  
AL 45 G6GVI IO83 12 430 36 3 1,290 G8OHM 134 8 27-ele G3JVL Great to work three portable stations in mid-December - well done guys! Seasons greetings to all, and catch you in 2014.  
AL 46 G0VTL/P IO92 12 590 49 2 1,180 M0MDY 78 10 13ey very cold and damp inside the car too :(
AL 47 G8JUT/P IO81 4 365 91 3 1,095 G8OHM 233 9 w 23el  
AR 48 G3WBB IO83 6 465 78 2 930 GM4CXM 243 10 log aperiodic As usual a struggle. Conditions changing by the second.!!
AL 49 G1MZD IO92 5 223 45 3 669 G4NBS 66 10w 23 ele Tonna Was it dead or am I going deaf! At least it did not take long to put the log on. Seasons Greetings to all tnx.Dave MKARS
AL 50 M0CGL JO03 5 236 47 2 472 G4ODA 54 7 55 Element Very poor conditions.Deep QSB. Happy Christmas to all, and look forward to working you all on next years contest's...
AR 51 G4FKI IO92 3 142 47 3 426 G4EAT 82 1 23 ele Tonna very poor conditions, happy new year all.Dave  
AL 52 G7ROM IO83 9 231 26 1 231 M1DDD/P 59 2w 14 element Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.
AL 53 GM7GDE IO75 4 226 56 1 226 GM4JR 116 10 44 Ele  

19 Nov (64 scores)

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17 Sep (53 scores)

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16 Apr (61 scores)

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