Claimed Scores 2015
  11145 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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29/12/15 70MHz UKAC
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
15/12/15 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 1.3GHz UKAC

15 Dec (71 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G3XDY JO02 50 14,152 283 36 509,472 SK7MW 861 400 4 x 23 ele Yagi Thanks for all the QSOs in 2015. Poor tropo, missed several UK locs.
AO 2 G3TCU/P IO91 57 11,224 197 32 359,168 PA0JUS 562 250 67 ele Wimo Lots of v. weak sigs (and mud) tonight. Pleased to work the portables that activated IO80 & 84. Tnx fer all the QSOs.
AR 3 G4CLA IO92 62 9,900 160 33 326,700 OZ1FF 701 100 67ele Conditions seemed below average and missed a few mults. See you in 2016 HNY.
AO 4 G8OHM IO92 60 10,201 170 31 316,231 OZ1FF 748 400 4 x 23 element Activity and conditions below average, but at least better than last month!
AR 5 M0GHZ IO81 43 8,494 198 28 237,832 PA0EHG 476 100W 55 ele Tonna Very poor conditions tonight. Happy Xmas and HNY  
AR 6 G8CUL IO91 43 7,331 170 30 219,930 G8PNN 405 100 1.5m dish Conditions poor with lots of QSB. Thanks to all for the QSOs tonight and in 2015. See you next year! Harwell ARS.  
AR 7 G7LRQ IO91 43 7,104 165 27 191,808 GM0USI 534 100w 67 ele Wimo Thanks for the points and HNY.
AL 8 G0PEB/P IO90 39 7,732 198 22 170,104 GD8EXI 456 10w Wimo 44 el ** TWCG ** Dry but windy conditions, ant lowered. Thanks everyone for qso's. Merry Christmas to all. 73 Rob G0PEB
AO 9 G4BAO JO02 35 6,517 186 26 169,442 DF9IC 648 250 23 el Tonna  
AO 10 GD8EXI IO74 32 9,374 293 18 168,732 G8ATD 512 400 60 ele PowAbeam Normal conditions but many regulars missing Merry Christmas and HNY
AR 11 G3UVR IO83 51 7,211 141 22 158,642 GM4JTJ 373 80w 23ele Tonna Hmmmm.. Think I should change sections in 2016. Thanks for all the many QSOs. Happy Christmas from The Wirral. 73
AR 12 G4KCT IO93 38 5,947 156 22 130,834 G0PEB/P 371 90 60 ele cqm Thanks for the points ,a struggle to find stations tonight .
AR 13 G4KIY IO92 32 4,794 150 22 105,468 F8BRK 371 100 2m dish V. poor conditions.Seasonal greetings.  
AL 14 G8XVJ IO83 36 4,752 132 22 104,544 GM4JTJ 357 10 55el tonna thanks for 2015 see you next year all.23 tonight deep qsb AP qso with gm4jtj. merry xmas
AL 15 G4ODA IO92 33 4,795 145 21 100,695 F8BRK 394 10W 1.2m dish Good sigs from G4BVE/P & GM0USI but unable to get attn. Tnx for all QSOs this year and seasons greetings  
AL 16 G4BVE/P IO82 37 4,790 129 18 86,220 G3XDY 296 8 23 ele Tonna **TWCG** Better than expected. Weather kind but a bit windy.
AO 17 G4LDR IO91 27 4,201 156 20 84,020 PA0EHG 445 200 4 x 35 element yagi Thanks for the contacts. Seasons greetings.
AO 18 G8PNN IO95 22 4,855 221 16 77,680 G3TCU/P 451 250W 35 ELE Struggled with some low power stns. Sorry didn't make it with G4BAO (nearly) Thanks for QSO's B/Wishes from Englands most northerly county
AO 19 G8DOH IO92 36 4,044 112 19 76,836 F8BRK 325 125 2x25ele Yagi Conditions difficult. Aerials detuned by the rain causing the PA to trip.
AL 20 G4YHF/A IO92 19 3,362 177 22 73,964 GM0USI 426 8 2m dish Dismal weather but maybe better than expected condx. Thanks for all qsos throughout the year. Festive Greetings!  
AL 21 GW8ASD IO83 34 3,967 117 18 71,406 G3XDY 309 10 67 Poor conditions, could hardly hear Martlesham! Deep QSB. Another tough one! Lots of missing squares.
AO 22 F8BRK IN99 17 5,733 337 12 68,796 G3VCA 446 200 4 X 35 elements Very poor conditions tonight.Hapy Xmas and HNY. 73 Gerard
AR 23 G4NTY IO83 36 3,724 103 18 67,032 G3XDY 291 100w 67 ele Yagi  
AR 24 G4RQI IO93 24 3,043 127 18 54,774 G0PEB/P 348 90 28ele Wimo  
AL 25 M1MHZ IO92 17 2,569 151 19 48,811 F8BRK 408 5 67 ele Thx all for pts. this yr. Poor condx tonight. Thx G8PNN for great hearing ~ took a while but got there in the end! HC & HNY 73
AL 26 G8DMU IO93 23 2,927 127 16 46,832 G3TCU/P 314 10 44 ele WIMO  
AL 27 M0COP/P IO82 25 3,017 121 15 45,255 F8BRK 416 10 23 EL Foggy and wet again!
AO 28 GM4JTJ IO86 10 3,625 362 12 43,500 G3XDY 565 120 35ele Dire conditions
AR 29 G1SWH IO83 25 2,255 90 18 40,590 GM4JTJ 339 100w 55el  
AL 30 G8BUN IO93 25 2,511 100 16 40,176 G3TCU/P 284 10w 55 element yagi Contests are about skill and ability, not KST/cluster.
AO 32 G3VKV IO81 19 2,608 137 14 36,512 GD8EXI 304 200 20ele poor conditions - have a good Christmas and new year 73  
AL 33 2E0BMO IO83 23 1,975 86 18 35,550 G8CUL 245 10 44 Y Very wet here and struggled with QSB to get details across with some stns, my apologies.Tnks all for the pts this year and merry xmas to all
AL 34 G8REQ IO83 22 2,184 99 16 34,944 GM4JTJ 368 10W 23 Ele Tonna Bad WX. and Cdx. again,missed a few locals, Hrd some DX but unable to attract a reply. Tnx. to all and Seasons Greetings...73.
AR 35 G8LZE IO91 21 1,922 92 18 34,596 GD8EXI 399 80 44 element Poor condx. lots of QSB. Here's to more fun in 2016!
AL 36 G4JLG IO83 24 2,251 94 12 27,012 G3XDY 291 10W 44 el YAGI Hard work with low power from a suburban QTH and flat band conditions.
AL 37 G0HGH IO92 13 1,762 136 15 26,430 F8BRK 394 8 55 ele Too much of a struggle tonight. 73 es tnx fer all points this year.
AL 38 G3VCA IO93 15 1,861 124 13 24,193 F8BRK 445 10 44EL yagi New QTH from January IO93MG - I hope it will better than this one on this band at IO93RF, 3m ASL firing into trees.
AL 39 G3TDH IO83 20 1,741 87 12 20,892 G3TCU/P 260 10W 23 Ele Better than the last 23cm- at least I could turn the beam this time! Thanks for all the QSOs in 2015.
AL 40 GU6EFB IN89 7 1,930 276 10 19,300 G3XDY 394 10 35 Ele Beam Thanks for points hard going with QSB. Happy Xmas to all
AL 41 G4VFL/P IO84 14 2,393 171 8 19,144 G3TCU/P 390 10 24ele G4CQM Wx: In the cloud, not the prevailing wind and quite warm. No IO93 or 82, did hear G3VCA. Merry Christmas and HNY to all.
AL 42 G4YUP/P IO91 16 1,389 87 12 16,668 M0MDY 256 10 28 el Yagi Wet miserable evening, Flat conditions with plenty of QSB. Happy Christmas and thanks for the contacts through the year,  
AL 43 G4AGE IO93 19 1,583 83 10 15,830 G3TCU/P 229 10 55ele  
AL 44 G1DFL IO91 16 1,298 81 12 15,576 G4DDK 161 10W 44Y Wimo Slow going in the back garden, but nice to work a few new ones! Thanks for all the QSO's in 2015 and festive greetings. Points to the Rats!
AL 45 G0HEL/P IO81 11 1,196 109 13 15,548 F8BRK 265 10w 44 ele Wimo usual wet windy condx. rubbish night. could hear Richard EXI but unable to work.Merry Xmas.TNX ALL for points in 2015.73's Alan TDARC
AL 46 G8PEF/P IO83 22 1,287 58 10 12,870 G7FAR 140 10 35el Yagi damp,foggy and windy... seemed fairly quiet. low # of qsos and low mult count = poorer score than expected tnx all - merry xmas. 73  
AL 47 M0SAT IO91 15 1,040 69 12 12,480 M0MDY 198 10 23 ele DJ9BV Failed amp, bad weather & a heavy cold should've persuaded me to give up, but plod on I did. Poor
AL 48 G0JRY IO91 10 1,088 109 11 11,968 F8BRK 304 8w tonna 23e  
AO 49 G3MEH IO91 16 1,073 67 10 10,730 G0PEB/P 136 50 4 x 35 el M2 (box) Poor conditions, gave up an hour early. Season's greetings, all.
AR 50 G3UKV IO82 12 918 76 10 9,180 G3TCU/P 216 80W 35 ele yagi Nothing out of the ordinary - but left 'KST switched off !  
AL 51 G8EOP IO93 15 1,060 71 8 8,480 G3TCU/P 284 10 35el m2 beam M Christmas & Hpny.Me thinks i had a problem all signals were down by 4-5sp hard, made it work 73 all see u next year.
AL 52 2E0HUN/A IO93 13 943 73 8 7,544 G3TCU/P 236 10 23 el Tonna    
AL 53 M0BUX IO82 10 816 82 8 6,528 GD8EXI 289 10 35ele Yagi    
AL 54 G0VTL/P IO92 10 705 70 6 4,230 G4LKD 121 10 13ey Better than November. Switching expired after 40mins. Thanks for the QSOs. Happy Christmas.  
AL 55 G0BRC JO01 5 618 124 6 3,708 M0GHZ 192 10 44ele WiMo Fading at times, but had a good time with everything working, 73 BRATS
AL 56 G7FAR IO93 4 452 113 8 3,616 G3XDY 176 10w Beam  
AL 57 G8HXE/P IO83 18 898 50 4 3,592 M0COP/P 118 1.3 11el yagi **TWCG** Only managed just over an hour. Worked all I could hear but need better antenna and receiver.  
AL 58 G3WCB/P IO80 4 869 217 4 3,476 G7LRQ 277 10w 22 ele Horrid, in a word. Only hrd 6 stations, but twice as many QSOs as last time :-)Sri 'XDY - next time. Tks QSOs Pts to Rats. HNY! Dave G3WCB.
AR 59 G7APD IO92 6 517 86 6 3,102 G4KCT 172 100W 35ele tonna  
AL 60 G3WJG IO91 8 326 41 6 1,956 M0GHZ 118 10 34ele Homebrew yagi Dire, except for last 20 mins when eveyone seemed to be on at once. Sry for poor rx rpts. receive relay is lossy. Merry xmas to all.
AL 61 G0LGS IO81 5 259 52 6 1,554 G4CLA 91 2.5 19 Ele    
AL 62 G4LBH/P IO90 4 243 61 6 1,458 M0GHZ 77 10 38 Ele Yagi    
AL 63 G4DFA IO91 7 327 47 4 1,308 G8DOH 122 10 15 15 slot fed Poor!  
AR 64 G8KBH IO83 5 315 63 4 1,260 G8APB 100 60 35 Ele QRV for last 45 mins only and the linear switching failed!
AL 65 G1MZD IO92 4 273 68 4 1,092 G3TCU/P 96 10w 23ele Tonna -1 Got antenna higher but missing one director. Worst score ever. A real struggle. Seasons Greetings
AL 66 G4OAR/A IO82 4 149 37 4 596 G3UVR 55 10w Jaybeam 15 over 15 Worst UKAC so far .. very poor conditions Heard more than heard me ! Very enjoyable year Tnx for points. Happy Crimbo & Healthy NY to all
AL 67 G4EHD IO93 5 243 49 2 486 G8DMU 75 2w 2 element yagi    
AL 68 G4GBP IO90 3 76 25 2 152 G4YUP/P 36 2w 21 el Yagi  
AL 69 GM7GDE IO75 2 61 30 2 122 GM7OIN 46 10 48 ele just having a local chat tonight
AL 70 G1FFH IO93 2 38 19 2 76 G8BUN 19 1 WATT TRIBAND VERT  
AL 71 G4JQN IO81 2 25 12 2 50 M0GHZ 19 10 DIPOLE Happy Xmas Everyone! 73, Jerry (No QRM up here - but not much else either on a dipole ! )

17 Nov (55 scores)

20 Oct (86 scores)

15 Sep (80 scores)

18 Aug (72 scores)

21 Jul (74 scores)

16 Jun (71 scores)

19 May (74 scores)

21 Apr (80 scores)

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