Claimed Scores 2019
  13031 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

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29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
19/12/19 70MHz UKAC
17/12/19 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 1.3GHz UKAC

17 Dec (73 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G3XDY JO02 59 14,161 240 13000 27,161 SK7MW 861 400 4 x 23 el Yagi Poor tropo conditions again, I missed a few stations that went QRT early.  
AO 2 G4ODA IO92 63 12,677 201 12500 25,177 OZ9PZ 694 400 1.9m dish Steady contacts 'though struggled with lots of meeps at end, sri. Cndts flat with QSB but still good activity  
AO 3 G4ZTR JO01 56 12,739 227 11000 23,739 DL3IAS 600 350 2m PF dish Calm wx and first time mast has been extended for a while, but it didn't make up for poor conditions.  
AR 4 G4ASR IO81 54 10,897 202 10000 20,897 GM4JTJ 520 90 67-el Wimo Yagi Definitely not the worst of the year as there were 7 months with a lower score. Happy Christmas everyone. 73 David - - HEREFORD HARS - -
AO 5 GI6ATZ IO74 36 11,392 316 9500 20,892 ON/PA0MHE 714 150 2 * 55 Ele Tonna    
AO 6 G4BRK IO91 51 8,314 163 8500 16,814 GI6ATZ 433 400 35 el Conditions poor, sorry to F1CBC, G1HLT and others who disappeared into the noise.  
AL 7 G8DMU/P IO94 48 8,336 174 8000 16,336 PA0S 481 10 44 ele Wimo    
AL 8 G1YBB/P IO82 55 8,847 161 7000 15,847 ON/PA0MHE 447 10 60 ele very cold clear night above the fog.Not great band conditions.Owls making a racket. Thanks all for the 2019 QSOs,CU in 2020.MC & HNY Steve  
AR 9 G7LRQ IO91 43 6,600 153 8500 15,100 PH4X 398 100 1.9m dish Conditions poor and activity low. Intermittent relay didn't help. Thanks for points and patience. Merry Xmas & HNY. Points to DRRG.  
AO 10 GD8EXI IO74 37 10,066 272 5000 15,066 ON/PA0MHE 627 400 60 ele PowAbeam Poor conditions at start and finish.  
AO 11 G3MEH IO91 43 6,439 150 8000 14,439 PH4X 414 300 4 x 44el Wimo/SHF Design Poor conditions, thanks for QSOs, HC & HNY
AR 12 M0SAT IO91 37 6,094 165 8000 14,094 GI6ATZ 483 100 67 ele Wimo Poor condx & deep QSB made it tough, but a few nice A/S contact Tnx to all /P & all those who tried. Merry Xmas & HNY to all. Points to DRRG  
AL 13 G3UVR IO83 48 6,714 140 7000 13,714 G3XDY 324 10 23ele Tonna Lots of fails tonight again poor conditions.  
AR 14 G8PNN IO95 31 6,750 218 6500 13,250 M0SAT 403 100 44 ELE Band cond. not great. Sorry to G0DJA unable to complete. Merry Xmas & Happy New Year from Englands most northerly UKAC active stn.73 Gordon  
AL 15 G3SQQ IO93 40 5,226 131 7000 12,226 F1BHL/P 419 10 35EL TONNA Conditions not to good to south but patience won through, so many thanks to all.  
AL 16 G3VCA IO93 31 4,469 144 7000 11,469 F1BHL/P 436 10 44 el wimo Flat Conditions with vicious QSB. Happy Christmas & NY to all who take part. 73 Bob  
AR 17 M0GHZ IO81 26 4,349 167 6500 10,849 GD8EXI 341 45 55 ele Worst conditons of the year! Failed with several normally easy contacts. 73 & seasons greetings  
AL 18 F1BHL/P IN99 21 6,666 317 4000 10,666 G4RQI 489 10 1.5m dish Poor conditions but some nice DX's though and the unexpected IO71 square at the last minute. Merry Christmas to all. Jacques. Harwell ARS.
AR 19 M0UGA/P IO91 40 4,595 115 6000 10,595 G8PNN 383 100 44 Ele Wimo/SHF Best Wishes for a very Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to all.  
AR 20 G4RQI IO93 28 4,465 159 6000 10,465 F1BHL/P 489 90 18 ELE Deep QSB and most signals down... Merry Xmas and HNY  
AO 21 G3TCT IO81 22 4,389 200 6000 10,389 ON/PA0MHE 413 150 44ele Wimo Poor condx but meeps kept me busy, tnx all  
AR 22 G8XVJ IO83 37 4,376 118 6000 10,376 G4ZTR 289 100 1m dish very poor hard work thanks all. HNY  
AL 23 G4DHF/M JO03 26 3,405 131 5000 8,405 G8PNN 252 8 23 ele Yagi Really slow and hard-going. Cndx poor E/W with a little enhancement to the SW, on occasions. Seasons Greetings to all. Points to Spalding.  
AL 24 G1HLT IO93 21 2,463 117 5500 7,963 GI6ATZ 342 10 36 el DuaL Signals and activity well down. Little to do with smaller antenna. Deep and regular QSB. Stern ambition and patience required, tnx to all.  
AR 25 GM4JTJ IO86 11 3,389 308 4500 7,889 G4ZTR 569 100 55ele blown preamp so apologies to all who tried HC ALL  
AR 26 G0CDA IO83 24 2,527 105 5000 7,527 G4ZTR 278 40 44 ele Wimo Hard going and lots of deep QSB.Tks all.Have a good XMAS & HNY.  
AL 27 G0WUS IO92 14 2,148 153 5000 7,148 GI6ATZ 377 10 1.2m pf Dish Late start es deep qsb. Merry Christmas to all  
AL 28 G1ZAR/P IO92 23 2,068 90 5000 7,068 GD8EXI 274 2 28 Element Wimo A fair amount of contacts, more locals than usual. Freezing fog made packing away afterwards "interesting" Hope to work you again next year.  
AL 29 G8REQ IO83 23 2,376 103 4500 6,876 G4ZTR 313 10 44 Ele Wimo Cdx. poor and some regulars missing, but a fair session. Tnx. to all for QSOS through the year. MC&HNY..73  
AR 30 G6KWA JO02 11 2,192 199 4500 6,692 GI6ATZ 471 100 HB 47 element packed up 9:45 shack too cold. tnx everybody. seasons greeting - see you all next year  
AR 31 F4VRB IN98 10 3,552 355 3000 6,552 G4ODA 443 100 55 Tonna Conditions poor, but new PA helped, but it got a bit hot on CW QSOs! Thanks everyone for the QSOs tonight and for all of 2019. CU in 2020!  
AO 32 G3YKI IO92 16 1,836 115 4500 6,336 G8DMU/P 214 300 4 x 23 ele yagi    
AL 33 G4NTY IO83 24 2,227 93 4000 6,227 GI6ATZ 254 10 Wimo 67 Element Poor conditions tonight, hard going.
AL 34 G3WJG IO91 17 1,569 92 4000 5,569 G8DMU/P 282 10 23 ele tonna Poor condx thanks for patience, Best 73's to all for 2020.  
AL 35 GW8OGI/P IO83 22 2,212 101 3000 5,212 G4ZTR 314 10 35 el yagi    
AR 36 G8LZE IO91 12 1,678 140 3500 5,178 GD8EXI 399 80 44 element Poor conditions all round. Only the first hour. Thanks for all the points in 2019!  
AL 37 G1DFL IO91 18 1,569 87 3500 5,069 F1BHL/P 237 10 44Y WiMo Dire conditions with not many on! Merry Xmas & Happy New Year to all. Points to the Rats!
AR 38 G4GFI IO91 20 1,909 95 3000 4,909 G3VCA 224 20 35 ele Tonna Poor condx again but good level of activity.  
AR 39 GM4BYF IO85 8 1,389 174 3500 4,889 G4ODA 401 100 57 element Dire Conditions. Many certs just weren't. Thanks to all who tried.  
AL 40 M0NVS IO91 13 1,385 107 3500 4,885 GD8EXI 389 10 25 Ele yagi Poor night,failed with many. Thanks as always & a Merry Xmas to you all. GL for 2020 73 Phil
AL 41 G0JRY IO91 14 1,337 96 3500 4,837 G8DMU/P 246 10 tonna 23e  
AL 42 GW8ASD IO83 20 1,821 91 3000 4,821 G7LRQ 237 10 67ele Yagi    
AR 43 G3ZUD IO92 12 1,245 104 3500 4,745 GD8EXI 280 15 35 ele F9FT Dire conditions.High noise from the south east.Sry to stn's lost in QSB  
AO 44 GW4JQP/P IO71 6 1,659 276 3000 4,659 F1BHL/P 394 20 35 ele Tonna Just a short stint after a club meeting. Thanks for the contacts and the repeats.
AL 45 G4EPA IO92 15 1,136 76 3500 4,636 G8DMU/P 196 10 48 element Conditions were very poor. It was hard going tonight.  
AL 46 M0KPW/P IO84 12 1,599 133 3000 4,599 M0UGA/P 308 10 16 element yagi Always tough going in my part of IO84 - but better than last month. Thanks to those who came back to the calls.  
AL 47 GW0MDQ IO83 16 1,511 94 3000 4,511 G7LRQ 245 10 28 element WIMO not easy but fun.. thanks for all the points. 73's Paul  
AO 48 PE1EWR JO11 10 1,939 194 2500 4,439 G4ASR 451 100 2*25 el Loopyagi SONIM  
AL 49 G0DJA IO93 11 924 84 3500 4,424 G3XDY 213 10 37 ele Yagi    
AL 50 G0HEL/P IO81 11 1,171 106 3000 4,171 G3XDY 247 10 44 element Wimo basic setup with new van,missed 74,93,83 squares conditions poor.Seasons greetings. Alan TDARC  
AL 51 G6GVI IO83 12 1,027 86 2500 3,527 G4ZTR 289 10 27-ele loop-quad Very late start and subsequent interruptions. Also heard GD8EXI, G7LRQ and G4ODA.  
AL 52 G4VFL/P IO84 12 1,521 127 2000 3,521 G3VCA 193 10 24ele G4CQM Wx: Cold, Dry and Calm.
AL 53 G4GNC IO93 8 590 74 2500 3,090 G4ZTR 166 10 Tonna 35 el yagi    
AL 54 G4AQB IO83 16 1,039 65 2000 3,039 G4ASR 181 2 23 ele Tonna Conditions not good, but quite active tonight. Happy Christmas!  
AL 55 G8GYX IO91 17 1,391 82 1500 2,891 G3VCA 224 10 44 Ele beam lo activity & poor condx ran out of workable sigs no QSO's in last 45 mins dissappointing end to the year- HC & HNY GD DX Tom  
AO 56 GW4MBS IO71 4 843 211 2000 2,843 GI6ATZ 340 200 35-el Tonna Nothing in first hour. 10 fails some have been ok before. I live in a valley with no phone signal so grateful to have had any contacts.
AL 57 G4OAR/A IO82 7 498 71 1500 1,998 GD8EXI 189 10 44 ele Wimo Terrible night, down on squares and many regulars I could not hear ! Roll on 2020 HC & HNY 73,  
AR 58 G7APD IO92 7 475 68 1500 1,975 G4GFI 139 100 18ele    
AL 59 G4CRF IO91 7 443 63 1500 1,943 G4DHF/M 146 10 44 element yagi    
AL 60 G4ZHG IO93 7 431 62 1500 1,931 G8DVK 175 10 4 X 23 ELLY Tonna h frame  
AL 61 G3WRA IO82 4 146 36 1500 1,646 G3YKI 58 10 44 ele Wimo Poor from home 3 locals and G3YKI so gave up after 1st Hour Must get out more Tnx for the calls in 2019 73s Stuart Hereford ARS  
AL 62 F1CBC JN09 6 600 100 1000 1,600 G4ODA 353 10 23 els yagi Difficult conditions, Rain, deep QSB and very weak signals.**Merry Chrismas** at all ....73's Philippe  
AL 63 2E0MDJ IO81 6 321 54 1000 1,321 G0HEL/P 70 10 19 Ele    
AL 64 G0LGS IO81 5 240 48 1000 1,240 G0HEL/P 70 10 19 Ele    
AL 65 G3YPE IO93 3 159 53 1000 1,159 G3SQQ 65 10 28 EL YAGI    
AR 66 GM4DIJ IO85 3 117 39 1000 1,117 GM4JTJ 92 20 30 ele H/B yagi Poor conditions , low activity. No contacts after 20.30 so packed in at 21.30  
AL 67 G0JCC IO82 4 101 25 1000 1,101 2E0MDJ 59 10 HB 30 Ele Yagi worked a few locals QRP on 432mhz antenna.  
AL 68 G4SEQ IO93 3 68 23 1000 1,068 G8DMU/P 44 10 Wimo PA-23R Flat Panel Poor conditions with a poor set up my end, but I got points I otherwise would not have had. Thanks for the points and QSO's.
AO 69 GM8IEM IO78 1 428 428 500 928 GI6ATZ 428 180 60 el Powabeam Only active for the last 45 minutes.  
AL 70 G4CLB IO92 5 149 30 500 649 G4ODA 89 10 23 ele Tonna yagi Low antenna on busted mast and limited time of ops. I like to do things the hard way ...  
AR 71 G6GEI IO92 2 51 26 500 551 G3MEH 29 40 28ele Wimo could only hear local stations...something amiss... Have a good Xmas everyone. MKARS  
AL 72 G3ZWR IO94 1 29 29 500 529 G8PNN 29 2 23ele tonna yagi 73 all and have a great 2020 Norman  
AL 73 G8BFF IO92 3 26 9 500 526 G1ZAR/P 20 1 13 element yagi    

19 Nov (88 scores)

15 Oct (79 scores)

17 Sep (85 scores)

20 Aug (89 scores)

16 Jul (79 scores)

18 Jun (75 scores)

21 May (79 scores)

16 Apr (87 scores)

19 Mar (85 scores)

19 Feb (72 scores)

15 Jan (74 scores)

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