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  13552 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

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Claimed scores for 1.3GHz UKAC

20 Dec (83 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AR 1 G4CLA IO92 98 16,078 164 14000 30,078 OZ3Z 791 100 1.9m Dish Flat conditions, thanks for the QSOs see you in 2023 !
AO 2 G3XDY JO02 66 15,749 239 13500 29,249 OZ3Z 680 400 4 x 23el Yagi Flat conditions with deep QSB, some RX issues, sorry those I struggled with. Thanks for the QSOs in 2022, Merry Christmas to all.  
AO 3 G4ODA IO92 55 11,016 200 12500 23,516 DK0IZ 655 400 1.9m dish QSB slowed many QSOs but the 2.5 hours flew by. Tnx for all contacts this year and erry Xmas to all, hope Santa brings good tropo for 23.  
AR 4 G7LRQ IO91 64 11,027 172 11500 22,527 PA0O 506 100 1.9m dish Slow start then busy at time, No JO01 :( Thanks for all points this year and season greetings.  
AL 5 G1YBB/P IO82 69 11,630 169 9000 20,630 PA5Y 609 10 67 ele have to use noise nulls to work people and hope there is enough signal left to hear them! Thx QSOs all year,CU in 2023, MC & NHY all,Steve  
AL 6 G1PPA/P JO03 61 11,332 186 8500 19,832 PA0O 439 10 67 ele wimo tough night tonight expecting UBN or 2. thanks guys for all the points in 2022 have a good christmas and new year see you 144 january steve  
AO 7 F1BHL/P IN99 39 12,069 309 5500 17,569 GW8ASD 444 15 1.5m dish Poor conditions, happily a few planes helped. Missed GD8EXI by a hair. Merry Christmas. 73. Jacques. Harwell ARS
AR 8 G4HWA IO92 52 6,502 125 9000 15,502 PA5Y 468 100 67 ele Wimo Conditions down on normal a lot of qsb on signals. Just failed with PA0O on cw thanks for trying .Seasons greeting to all Bernie  
AL 9 G0WUS/P IO92 59 7,173 122 8000 15,173 PA5Y 475 10 67 ele seasons best all round 73 work u next year
AO 10 G3TCU IO91 36 5,124 142 8500 13,624 PA5Y 448 300 44 ele Vy poor condx. Tks QSOs & Happy Christmas.
AR 11 G4FEV IO92 42 5,401 129 8000 13,401 PA5Y 441 80 37 el Yagi Never did work JO01. 73 & Merry Xmas to all.  
AO 12 G4LPP JO02 27 5,997 222 7000 12,997 F1BHL/P 412 12 4x55ele F9FT Happy christmas and NewYear, thanks for QSOs. 73, Phil  
AO 13 GD8EXI IO74 30 8,995 300 4000 12,995 G3XDY 456 400 60 ele PowAbeam Signals about 10dB down on normal so really struggling to work even the regulars. I night for QRO! Merry Christmas
AR 14 PA5Y JO21 19 8,389 442 4000 12,389 G8PNN 636 100 PA1296-70-6 Dreadful, no IO74, IO83, IO81 no GMs weak and watery signals. Merry Xmas and HNY  
AL 15 M0ABT/P JO00 27 4,881 181 7000 11,881 PA5Y 396 10 44 element Wimo Tough night, sorry to those missed. 9 degrees. Thank you for the contacts this year. Merry Christmas and HNY. Stuart on Beachy Head.
AR 16 G8PNN IO95 25 5,750 230 6000 11,750 PA5Y 636 100 44 ELE Well down on QSO's lots of regulars missing. Thanks Ian G1HLT for persisting to complete QSO. Thanks for all contacts. Merry Xmas Gordon.  
AL 17 G1DFL/P IO91 45 4,428 98 6500 10,928 GD8EXI 372 10 44Y WiMo Dire/Fun. Somehow skip'd 4 serials so don't worry if you worked me at end with higher numbers! :) Seasons greetings, thks for all the QSOs!
AL 18 G0FVI/P IO93 32 4,640 145 6000 10,640 F1MKG 506 10 wimo 44 ele dire, deep QSB, couldn't hear several regulars, many repeats needed. Merry Xmas thanks for points in 2022!
AL 19 G0CDA IO83 31 3,801 123 6000 9,801 GM4CXM 309 10 44 ele Wimo Some paths deep QSB,good AP's & CW helped on some.2nd best score 2022 pre UBN's! Tks all and have an enjoyable and peaceful festive break.  
AL 20 GW8ASD IO83 31 4,790 155 5000 9,790 F1BHL/P 444 10 67ele Yagi Poor conditions, even AS failed to PA5Y! No GM/GI/GD in log!  
AL 21 G3SQQ IO93 36 4,105 114 5500 9,605 F1BHL/P 419 10 41EL TONNA Xmas lighting locally caused terrible noise, sorry those missed. but all the very best to everyone for Xmas and new year.  
AL 22 G0HEL/P IO81 28 4,043 144 5500 9,543 EI8KN 371 10 44 element WiMo band was quite poor with deep qsb, fun evening talking to friends and other like minded people: last of 2022 Tnx all Alan TDARC HNY ukac's  
AO 23 G4LDR IO91 24 3,537 147 6000 9,537 EI8KN 410 200 4 x 35 Element Yagi Hard work, conditions poor with QSB. Thanks for the contacts. Happy Christmas.  
AR 24 G4GFI IO91 32 3,841 120 5500 9,341 GD8EXI 434 100 35ele Tonna Condx poor and activity down on normal. Tnx all QSOs in 2022 and hope to hear you all again in 2023, 73 Martin.  
AO 25 F1MKG JN08 26 5,159 198 3500 8,659 G0FVI/P 506 100 2 X 35 EL F9FT very bad qsb, sorry for missing contacts, merry Xmas 73 Jacky
AL 26 G3VCA IO93 23 2,926 127 5500 8,426 F1BHL/P 436 10 36 ele    
AL 27 G6HPR/P IO92 30 2,903 97 5500 8,403 F1BHL/P 362 10 23 ele wimo Late start tonight,conditions not great with deep qsb. Thanks to all and seasons greetings 73. Allan  
AR 28 G8LYB IO92 30 2,791 93 5500 8,291 F1BHL/P 336 100 Tonna 35ele Horrible noise from the direction of Coventry...
AR 29 GW4JQP IO71 13 3,309 255 4500 7,809 G3XDY 437 25 35 ele Tonna Thanks for the repeats.
AL 30 G0NZI/P IO92 29 2,668 92 5000 7,668 F1BHL/P 316 10 22 element DL6WU Awful conditions tonight. Thanks for all the QSO's & seasons greetings!
AR 31 G8AOE/P IO94 19 3,478 183 4000 7,478 G7LRQ 304 25 34 el yagi    
AL 32 G0EAK/P IO93 25 2,774 111 4500 7,274 G3TCU 242 10 67 Ele Wimo Not sure what went wrong tonight. Merry Christmas and thanks for all the QSO's throughout the year, see you in 2023  
AL 33 G4JLG IO83 22 2,580 117 4500 7,080 G3XDY 291 10 44 el YAGI Poor conditions, extremely noisy and lower activity than usual.
AO 34 G8SEI IO92 23 2,401 104 4500 6,901 PA5Y 513 250 48 ele Noise at various lobes stopped play but many thanks to everyone who acknowledged my call. &3 and have a great christmas  
AL 35 M0UHF IO91 20 2,273 114 4500 6,773 GD8EXI 357 10 35e Tonna    
AL 36 G4EPA IO92 23 2,017 88 4500 6,517 F1BHL/P 335 10 35 ele Tonna Very difficult tonight. I need more power!  
AL 37 G0SKA IO91 26 2,509 96 4000 6,509 GD8EXI 376 10 20 ele yagi very noisy with diabolical QSB. Very hard work. Tnx for all QSOs
AL 38 G1HLT IO93 20 1,825 91 4500 6,325 G8PNN 234 10 44 el Wimo Very poor conditions Marry Xmas all Tnx Gordon my antenna higher next time  
AR 39 G8GYX IO91 33 3,286 100 3000 6,286 G1YBB/P 213 40 44 Ele beam Noisy, regulars missing. Thanks to all for the points throughout the year seasons greeting - Tom  
AL 40 G4VFL/P IO84 17 3,267 192 3000 6,267 G7LRQ 352 10 24ele G4CQM Wx: Windy. Packed up 10 min early to avoid the rain. Conditions flat
AL 41 G8IXK IO91 18 1,947 108 4000 5,947 GD8EXI 376 10 Wimo SHF 2344    
AL 42 G0JCC IO82 18 2,408 134 3500 5,908 F1BHL/P 337 10 70 ele Suffering a QRP problem! 10w at one end of a long feeder is not 10w at the other end! Tnx all 73, Seasons Greetings! Andrew  
AR 43 M0NVS IO91 13 1,849 142 4000 5,849 GD8EXI 389 100 44 ELE WIMO Poor night from here. Thanks for tries. 73 & Merry Xmas to all
AL 44 G4NTY IO83 18 1,811 101 4000 5,811 G3XDY 291 10 Wimo 67 Element Poor conditions, a struggle
AL 45 G4ILI/P IO81 26 2,220 85 3500 5,720 G3XDY 230 10 18 ele Yagi What a dire night to end the year on.The scope was blank most of the time. Picked up towards East in last half-hour. Merry Xmas Grant HARS  
AL 46 2E0TXQ IO92 21 1,546 74 4000 5,546 F1BHL/P 364 7 23 ele tonna Thanks for all the QSOs in 2022 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! M7TXR/2E0TXQ  
AL 47 G8LNR/P IO81 22 2,025 92 3500 5,525 G3XDY 238 5 34ele hard work, but fun as always.. HNY to u all, see u all in 2023. 73's Clive HARS  
AL 48 G8REQ IO83 15 1,444 96 4000 5,444 G7LRQ 263 10 44 Ele Wimo Poor session ending in a torrential rain storm, heard many more than worked, thanks to all for meeps/tries. Seasons Greetings...73.  
AL 49 G4YPC IO91 17 1,612 95 3500 5,112 G4LPP 216 2 23 ele Tonna Flat/QSB. New SGLab TV big difference over poor old MM one.Tnks all for all QSOs 2022. Seasons greetings. Peter, Guildford DRS. GL 2023.  
AR 50 GM4BYF IO85 7 1,511 216 3000 4,511 G4CLA 402 100 53ele Dire conditions. Watched an Airbus prior to contest heading out of range. Managed 1 contact from it. Happ Xmas to all  
AO 51 EI8KN IO62 5 1,934 387 2500 4,434 G3XDY 581 150 44 element WIMO Even less activity as we get closer to Christmas! Thanks for all the Meeps and QSOs in 2022. Happy Xmas to all.
AO 52 PE1EWR JO11 14 2,423 173 2000 4,423 G4CLA 344 100 2*25 el Loopyagi SONIM Shortly after 21:00 UTC no signals heard or seen on waterfall and I closed down the station. Merry XMas all!
AL 53 MW0OMB IO81 8 1,371 171 3000 4,371 G3XDY 320 10 44 Y Flat cdx, band mostly clear of sigs. Thanks for the meeps and tries and QSOs this year. Merry Xmas and HNY.  
AL 54 G0JRY IO91 13 1,196 92 3000 4,196 F1BHL/P 285 10 tonna 23e  
AR 55 G3UKV IO82 10 975 98 3000 3,975 GD8EXI 210 75 35 ele Quiet session
AL 56 G4AQB IO83 11 863 78 3000 3,863 G3VKV 187 2 23 ele Tonna Quiet tonight. Happy Christmas!  
AL 57 G5ROC IO93 16 1,303 81 2500 3,803 G1YBB/P 165 1 13el beam    
AO 58 G3UDA IO82 14 1,300 93 2500 3,800 G3XDY 281 180 67ele Flat conditions Merry Xmas  
AL 59 M0SLO IO92 16 1,227 77 2500 3,727 F1BHL/P 352 10 22 ele yagi Tough conditions tonight - high QRM in the Coventry direction. Thanks for trying the QSO Jacques! 73  
AL 60 G0LGS/P IO91 15 1,197 80 2500 3,697 GD8EXI 311 10 67 Ele Wimo    
AR 61 G4YTL IO92 17 1,168 69 2500 3,668 G3XDY 149 75 43 ele    
AL 62 G6GVI IO83 16 1,595 100 2000 3,595 G7LRQ 252 10 27-ele loop-quad Not many bonuses, although I did hear stations in IO74,84,82,81 & JO02 during the event - but all very weak.  
AL 63 F1CBC JN09 11 1,515 138 2000 3,515 G4ODA 353 10 23 els yagi Poor conditions , very weak signals, deep QSB, wet environment .. 73 at all Merry Xmas and HNY..Philippe  
AL 64 2E0MDJ/P IO91 12 910 76 2500 3,410 G1PPA/P 201 10 67 Ele Wimo    
AL 65 G4OED IO91 11 863 78 2500 3,363 G1PPA/P 220 10 6 ele yagi Many thanks for the contacts during the year and Seasons Greetings to all. Graham G4OED SDARC  
AL 66 G4CSD IO91 13 1,106 85 2000 3,106 G1PPA/P 228 10 18 ele    
AO 67 GW4MBS IO71 4 942 236 2000 2,942 G3XDY 360 200 35-el Tonna 3cm condx good so went on KST asking for 3cm skeds then got entangled in UKAC where condx not good :(
AL 68 G0MHZ IO91 12 884 74 2000 2,884 F1BHL/P 274 10 16 element yagi    
AR 69 GM4DIJ IO85 5 707 141 2000 2,707 G4CLA 408 20 26 ele DL6WU Not great.Heard but missed CDA and ODA  
AL 70 G0DJA IO93 11 663 60 2000 2,663 G7LRQ 183 10 37 element Yagi/Uda Conditions poor, no stations worked north of IO93 and none in IO74 heard.  
AL 71 G0JSB IO83 4 403 101 2000 2,403 G4CLA 164 10 28 ele JVL QL Managed a few from my poor site. Thanks all. Happy Christmas.  
AL 72 G3WRA IO82 6 299 50 2000 2,299 G4KQH 103 10 44 Ele Beam    
AR 73 GM4PPT IO75 4 587 147 1500 2,087 G4ODA 410 100 36ele I0XXJ One to forget!Again no luck with CLA!
AL 74 G6GDI IO91 8 399 50 1000 1,399 G4CLA 82 10 CLP5130 LOG PERIODIC Very quiet. Thx for the qsos Seasons Greetings.  
AL 75 G1MZD IO92 7 261 37 1000 1,261 G0WUS/P 66 10 28 ele Had to give up early due to rig problem. tnx Seasons Greetings Dave NRC  
AL 76 M0CWX IO82 3 195 65 1000 1,195 G1YBB/P 80 10 10 ele Hard work tonight. 73 and Merry Christmas. Roll on UKAC in 2023!  
AL 77 M0IAM IO91 7 209 30 500 709 G0SKA 57 10 23 eleTonna High SWR did not help but condx were not helpful either. Thanks to those I managed to work and to the others for trying. Merry Xmas de Clive  
AL 78 M0TAV IO92 3 132 44 500 632 G4FEV 71 10 36 element very poor conditions  
AL 79 G0NGI IO91 4 63 16 500 563 G8GYX 29 10 18ele Not many qso but coild.Points to Guildford drs.  
AL 80 G4KZV IO92 1 46 46 500 546 G4CLA 46 10 19ele Tonna    
AL 81 G3ZWR IO94 1 29 29 500 529 G8PNN 29 8 55 ele Tonna The End of poor year health wise Hears to a healthy 2023 to YOU ALL thanks for all points Best wishes and a Happy New Year (Hogmanay) Norman
AR 82 G3MEH IO91 1 1 1 500 501 G3MEH 1 100 1.5m dish Apologies for absence from the last few for health reasons. Merry Xmas, HNY and see you in 2023
AL 83 G4DYC JO02 1 1 1 500 501 G3YLA 1 8 Vertical Colinear Merry Christmas/Seasonal Greetings' 73 All- Mike

15 Nov (87 scores)

18 Oct (95 scores)

20 Sep (100 scores)

16 Aug (78 scores)

19 Jul (80 scores)

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