Claimed Scores 2023
  13230 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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Claimed scores for 144MHz AFS

(88 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 GD8EXI IO74 117 39,929 341 F6DKW 762 400 18 ele M2 Less points from EU than in previous years, partly because I could get any plane feed for Airscout.
SF 2 G7RAU IN79 92 36,237 394 PE1EWR 638 400 12el M2 Tough grim contest with no tropo and static rain all day. Tnx QSOs  
SF 3 G4BWP JO02 139 29,164 210 GM0HBK 670 400 14 ele    
SF 4 G4ODA IO92 145 28,241 195 DF8V 627 400 4+2x12 M2 White at start, heavy rain by end. Poor Eu support. At least frost gone off ants from Saturday.  
O 5 F1MKG JN08 84 27,825 331 GD8EXI 716 250 4 X 11 F9FT PRO XL Again a lot of QSB, sorry for the missed QSO, 73 Jacky
SF 6 G4NBS JO02 123 22,455 183 DF8V 585 400 11ele Flat but relatively warm in the shack! QRO for a change and new aerial gave a good account of itself, even QRN was well behaved for once.
SF 7 GM4JTJ IO86 46 21,355 464 M0BAO/P 641 100 9eleYagi Very poor conditions,many signals were in the noise but a good way to spend a snowy sunday.
O 8 GW4CC IO71 78 20,749 266 PE1EWR 542 400 2 x 11 ele tks for all the callers, high QSB
SF 9 G0XDI IO91 118 19,467 165 GM4JTJ 567 400 23ele/11ele Duel Antenna Mostly poor conditions and activity seemed down, weather probably not helping /Ps either. Thanks to all for the QSOs.  
SF 10 G8DOH IO92 117 17,596 150 DF8V 670 400 2x8ele Yagi Poor conditions. Just a few A/S contacts to provide the better distances.  
O 11 G3TBK/P IO93 108 17,123 159 DF8V 666 250 2 x 11Y Average. WX awful - late start - road impassable due to snow. No kst nor mgm. Thick fog for return journey.  
SF 12 EI8KN IO62 40 17,034 426 F4VRB 598 400 12 elements Good activity and fairly good conditions. A very enjoyable day-time contest.
O 13 F4VRB IN98 42 16,361 390 GD8EXI 651 100 16 element Well, that was interesting. All was well until we had a chimney fire so lost about 1.5 hours while 'Les Pompiers' sorted it! Harwell ARS.  
O 14 G4CWH JO01 92 15,806 172 F8BRK 651 400 2-over-2-over-2-over-2  
SF 15 2E0NEY IO81 82 15,433 188 GM4JTJ 580 50 17 ele Tonna What a pleasant way to end the weekend. A very enjoyable contest, decent condx, not much qsb and some nice dx at times. 73 es tnx all
SF 16 G4LPP JO02 71 15,396 217 G7RAU 562 400 Jaybeam 10 XY Average conditions here. Thanks for the QSOs, 73, Phil  
O 17 M0ICK/P IO83 80 15,037 188 F1MKG 597 40 8 element LFA Sat in freezing fog for he whole test, couldnt even hear Kent beacon at the start, RF and WX condx grim, highlight of he day was hot ribena  
SF 18 GW8ASD IO83 74 14,705 199 F1MKG 559 100 12 ele M2 Not the best of conditions!  
SF 19 G6UW JO02 84 14,470 172 DF8V 585 400 9 el Yagi Average conditions with QSB  
O 20 G0EAK/P IO93 87 14,294 164 F1MKG 534 75 8 Ele LFA Average condx and activity, qsb a problem at times.  
SF 21 G4GFI IO91 82 13,750 168 GM4JTJ 613 400 9 ele /P Tonna High VSWR on main ant so used my /P Tonna. Average condx with good level of UK activity.  
O 22 G1KAR/P JO00 71 13,605 192 EI8KN 550 100 10 Element 2m Yagi  
SF 23 PE1EWR JO11 41 13,406 327 G7RAU 638 80 PA-144-9-5A Deadly QSB and some stronger QRM (rainy/snowy). Still nice DX scored!
SF 24 G0ODQ IO91 93 13,198 142 GM4JTJ 557 400 9 ele CQM Poor conditions but well supported for a weekend contest Thanks all for the contacts  
O 25 M0NVS/P IO91 93 13,036 140 GM4JTJ 547 100 5 Ele Yagi Luckily not too cold but wet. Not much Mainland EU heard. Thanks for all qso's. 73 Phil
SF 26 M0FXX IO91 82 11,810 144 DD0PX 617 400 8 ELE LFA High Local Noise to North. Some QSB on signals.  
SF 27 G3MEH IO91 85 11,796 139 DJ0PY 528 400 9 ele M Squared  
SF 28 G4YPC IO91 76 11,570 152 EI8KN 475 400 17ele Tonna Up to the N:wrkd more in 83/93 than normal.Still think SF stns shouldn't be able to enter open. Need PC,DXCC & loc mults in all AFS tests.73  
SF 29 M0HOM IO93 58 10,660 184 F1MKG 557 100 10el Had a frozen mast this morning so no antenna height. Some good Q's, thanks all, 73  
O 30 G1DFL/P IO92 89 10,607 119 GM4JTJ 507 100 Single Halo Tiny aerial, basically a bent piece of wire on a long stick! Heavy rain and hill fog. Thanks QSO's and festive greetings from Pete & Jules!
SF 31 G4FAL IO93 66 10,404 158 DM8MM 581 100 9 ele Congratulations to those who braved the winter weather to go out portable.  
SF 32 G4HGI IO83 58 10,383 179 F1MKG 589 80 8JXX2 Frozen feet, rotator, antenna - in an RF dead misty bubble. Awful plus s8 noise to SE ...rubbish but thanks to all 73  
SF 33 G0CDA IO83 56 9,802 175 ON/PA0MHE 459 50 15ele Cushcraft Junior Boomer Noisy band .Lack of AS feed hindered some paths. Slow as always up here with lack of activity.  
SF 34 G3SQQ IO93 62 9,192 148 F1MKG 513 100 9EL LFA 2hrs clearing snow from tower. Just over 2 hours operating, Conditions Good here.  
SF 35 G1SCT IO92 58 8,899 153 DL1KFS 506 100 9 ele Tonna    
SF 36 2E0OUT IO81 55 8,756 159 GM4JTJ 562 50 11 ell duel hard work lots of QSB . 73 all De James.  
SF 37 G5TO IO93 57 8,751 154 F1MKG 536 100 9 EL YAGI Conditions and activity fell off after 1200z. Anyone who went /P in today's snow deserves the highest honours!  
SF 38 G8FMC IO91 70 8,651 124 GM4JTJ 535 280 8 ele G4CQM Powabeam Cond. poor at start. Took a break & better at the end? 280W instead of 10W makes a difference!  
O 39 G3WRA IO82 60 8,524 142 ON/PA0MHE 422 100 8 Ele Powabeam Poor to the East Just 3 hours out to lunch Good test for new antenna system Looking forward to Tuesday UKAC 73s all Stuart Hereford ARS  
SF 40 MW0OMB IO81 41 8,037 196 G4LPP 362 70 8 Ele OWL-G/T Flat Cdx with dreadful QSB to N on some QSOs. A late start, wx raining, got wet putting up ant.Thanks for the points. 73  
SF 41 M0UHF IO91 59 7,955 135 EI8KN 416 100 ZL Special    
SF 42 G4EFT IO91 57 7,715 135 GD8EXI 422 100 7 ele LFA 2M Big Wheel Propagation seemed to favoured NNW / SSE path. Some annoying QSB. Good activity with new station joining in.  
SF 43 G8ZRE IO83 42 7,409 176 ON/PA0MHE 474 50 8 XY Yagi Only 1st 2.5hrs then Dancing with Wife!Good to S/E & called by ON/PA0MHE. Fair activity.Sent ser32 twice sorry.Tks all for pts.Dave G8ZRE
O 44 G4ILI IO81 42 6,412 153 GM4JTJ 529 100 7 ele yagi Poor conditions, static rain, wicked QSB - improved a little towards the end. Stopped fr lunch. Warm in shack 73 & TNX Grant Hereford ARS  
O 45 2E0IGD/P IO93 50 6,357 127 F8KGU 465 25 Big wheel    
SF 46 G0GJV IO91 51 6,029 118 GD8EXI 397 150 9 ele dual    
SF 47 G4HWA IO92 43 5,964 139 GM4JTJ 507 100 9 ele Vargada Flat conditions only able to make last 90 mins thanks for all the contacts 73 Bernie  
SF 48 G4NTY IO83 33 5,665 172 F8KGU 528 100 6 Element Poor conditions
SF 49 G7WIR JO01 52 5,554 107 GD8EXI 444 100 Big Wheel Not too bad. A bit of QSB and some strange multipath echo on some signals.  
SF 50 MW0DX IO71 19 5,514 290 G4LPP 444 400 2x 9 hopefully in the right section now. only had an hour but conditions were ok for that.  
SF 51 G6NUM IO93 42 5,439 130 G7RAU 449 100 10ele Powabeam Garden snow covered after overnight fall, dense freezing fog all morning.  
SF 52 G4FEV IO92 40 5,430 136 GM4JTJ 504 80 9 el Yagi    
O 53 G0OIW/P IO91 51 5,410 106 EI8KN 434 20 5 ele Diamond Dreadful weather but plenty of activity and reasonable conditions.  
SF 54 G4CSD IO91 40 5,032 126 GD8EXI 397 80 8 ele    
SF 55 G0NZI IO92 43 4,804 112 GM4JTJ 464 60 Hentenna Flat conditions but interesting results on a single element from home! Thanks for all the QSO's!
SF 56 G4PFZ JO02 32 4,707 147 GM4PPT 487 100 6 ele beam Had to finish early, thanks for the contacts  
SF 57 G4EPA IO92 42 4,600 110 GM4JTJ 486 100 9 element First attempt with DX Log so please excuse any errors as most likely my finger trouble.  
O 58 M5IC JO01 36 4,481 124 GD8EXI 471 400 12 ele Lots of Deaf Stations, struggled to be heard from JO01, High noise on the Rain killed the Gs31b Linear  
O 59 G1PPA/P IO93 30 4,175 139 GM4JTJ 388 25 8 ele stuck in snow first site 90 mins diiging van out, got 2nd site very high noise level didnt get started until 11:30 joys of being portable HI  
SF 60 G1MZD IO92 36 3,526 98 GD8EXI 343 50 7 ele G4CQM Did what i could in the time available, conditions not good and electric fence noise was a pain. tnx. Dave  
SF 61 G8VPE JO02 24 3,417 142 G7RAU 560 100 9 ele F9FT Very sharp QSB at times, I lost a few contacts when they disappeared into the noise. Very noisy to the West from here.  
SF 62 G0KYS IO80 12 3,324 277 G4LPP 421 100 7 ele Some deep QSB  
SF 63 G3TKF IO81 24 3,193 133 EI8KN 340 50 BIG WHEEL Poor conditions to start but improved towards the end...  
SF 64 G4NKT IO81 21 3,127 149 GD8EXI 327 50 9 ele LFA beam  
SF 65 G3OVH IO92 28 3,005 107 GM4JTJ 453 50 8 ele home brew Lots of QSB, noise and weak sigs.  
SF 66 2E0VKH JO01 23 2,731 119 GW8ASD 310 50 3EL Quad Late start, Coax issues. conditioned mixed. thanks those worked & seasons greeting 73s  
SF 67 G4XYW IO91 25 2,401 96 GD8EXI 404 100 7el LFA    
SF 68 G4OTV JO01 29 2,396 83 F6DQZ 295 100 7 ele Yagi    
SF 69 M1DTG IO91 29 2,314 80 GD8EXI 387 100 9 Element Tonna    
SF 70 G4JED JO01 27 2,141 79 PE1EWR 234 100 11 ele Yagi    
SF 71 G0BNC IO91 18 1,920 107 F4VRB 338 40 10XY JAYBEAL Just on giving points away. Raining so antenna stayed low  
SF 72 G4HQX IO81 12 1,903 159 GD8EXI 309 100 5 element Yagi    
SF 73 2E0YDG IO93 16 1,820 114 G7RAU 513 50 11 element yagi Mast frozen solid so not the best effort, real surprise to make it to IN79 square with antenna so low. Regards 2E0YDG (ex M7ALE).  
SF 74 G4DYC JO02 19 1,619 85 GD8EXI 415 90 Colinear Vertical Prop. better than I expected. Many tnx Q's / well done to all those out /p. 73, Mike
SF 75 G6GVI IO83 11 1,593 145 G0XDI 246 40 Super Moxon (4-ele) In and out of the shack through the day, giving away some points.  
SF 76 G8CRB JO02 13 1,455 112 G7RAU 449 80 5el DK7ZB    
SF 77 G6KMQ IO92 15 1,316 88 GD8EXI 272 100 5 Ele Beam  
SF 78 M3EMO IO92 12 1,176 98 GD8EXI 251 10 4element OWL Yagi in loft  
SF 79 M6XAK IO93 14 1,010 72 G8DOH 149 10 5 Ele LFA    
SF 80 G3TDH IO83 10 971 97 G4BWP 209 100 vetrical in loft! Only a token entry, but worked most of what I could hear on my indoor vertical. Some good ears out there!  
SF 81 G1HLT IO93 12 921 77 GD8EXI 255 30 Comet GP-1 Somme rookie errors so no temp mast for beam. Small GP-1 colinear at side of house worked well. Op about 1 hour.  
SF 82 2E0IIJ JO01 12 630 52 G8DOH 160 50 10 ele beam    
SF 83 M7DQO/P IO92 7 561 80 GD8EXI 319 10 4 element yagi    
SF 84 M0KSE IO83 5 493 99 G4BWP 245 10 Homebrew 6E yagi Only a brief foray, thanks for the QSO's.
SF 85 MM6POV IO75 5 416 83 GM0HBK 220 10 9ele Tonna Very poor conditions  
SF 86 G4HYG IO83 3 197 66 GD8EXI 165 50 50 MHz dipole    
SF 87 M0MDS IO91 5 186 37 M5IC 57 30 3 Ele    
SF 88 G3MGQ JO01 5 143 29 G0XDI 78 100 triband colinear    

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