Claimed Scores 2023
  13232 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

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Claimed scores for 144MHz Christmas Contest

(54 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 MW0DX IO71 42 11,469 273 22 252,318 G4PFZ 425 400 2x 9 Well that was a bit better than 6 even with the mast down. I will try to get something up for tomorrow the weather gods permitting. HNY ALL  
AO 2 G4AFF JO02 56 11,056 197 22 243,232 EI8KN 562 400 12ele and 7ele High noise level. Tnx for QSOs!  
AO 3 G0XDI IO91 72 10,273 143 22 226,006 GM4PPT 491 400 23ele/11ele Duel Antenna Poor conditions and QSB, Very windy so antenna low. Activity good but some easy mults missing. Thanks to all. HNY  
AR 4 G0SKA IO91 64 9,021 141 21 189,441 GM4PPT 483 100 11 ele Powabeam reasonable propagation some QSB and reasonable activity for a non AC contest. Thanks for all QSOs and wishing you all a happy New Year.
AL 5 G6HPR/P IO92 58 8,150 141 23 187,450 EI8KN 433 10 9ele home brew Horrendous weather but died off thankfully,good conditions and good activity. Thanks to all who worked me,AL 73.  
AR 6 G1KAR/P JO00 61 9,474 155 18 170,532 EI8KN 550 100 9 Element 2m Yagi Extremely Windy. Flat RF but good fun. Big thanks to those who worked us.
AR 7 2E0YDG/P IO93 41 7,921 193 20 158,420 EI8KN 482 50 7 ele yagi First time out portable for a while, really enjoyed it. Thanks to all who called in. Seasons Greetings, 2E0YDG/P (ex M7ALE)  
AR 8 2E0NEY IO81 47 7,639 163 20 152,780 GM4PPT 470 50 17 ele Tonna Good fun as always and good activity. Low antenna due to awful wx 73 es tnx points
AR 9 GW8ASD IO83 45 7,576 168 20 151,520 PE1EWR 482 100 12 ele M2 Poor conditions, low activity.  
AO 10 GM4PPT IO75 26 8,390 323 18 151,020 G0XDI 491 350 12ele M2 Poor conditions & low activity Some regulars missing & a couple of initials, all Good Fun! See you on 432 tomorrow. HNY to all in 2024.
AR 11 G3TBK IO93 49 7,639 156 19 145,141 GM0HBK 564 100 11 el Still poor, but better than previous days. No chat-room nor mgm. Slightly more activity but still little from northern England.  
AO 12 G4NBS JO02 31 6,010 194 22 132,220 EI8KN 500 300 11ele SEASONS GREETINGS 90 mins mostly S&P, wind & low aerials so deep QSB & Hi Noise in some directions but nice activity.
AR 13 G4FAL IO93 48 6,101 127 19 115,919 PE1EWR 410 100 9 ele Thanks for the QSOs, particularly with the brave souls who were out portable - even a warm car would be pretty inhospitable today. HNY all.  
AR 14 G3MXH JO02 31 5,936 191 19 112,784 EI8KN 562 90 11 EL DUAL 70/2m YAGI Local Noise from Solar PVs to the north. Low activity. Propagation slightly better to the West.  
AR 15 M0BAO/P IO80 37 7,562 204 14 105,868 MD0MAN/P 379 100 8 Element Activity better than expected, thanks for the points. HNY  
AO 16 EI8KN IO62 19 8,274 435 12 99,288 G4AFF 562 400 PA144-432-34-6-2CBGP A much busier session. HNY to all.  
AR 17 G8ZRE IO83 34 5,078 149 17 86,326 G1KAR/P 349 50 8 XY YAGI Better than expected tks to MAN/KAR/PPT/BAO for their QRA`S.Perhaps UBN YDY. Tks all for points,HNY see for 432 on 20w Friday.Dave G8ZRE
AR 18 G4EPA IO92 31 3,871 125 18 69,678 EI8KN 420 100 9 element Noisy and lots of QSB  
AR 19 G0CDA IO83 29 4,092 141 17 69,564 EI8KN 352 30 15 ele Cushcraft Junior Boomer Quite noisy and deep QSB on some paths. SWR issues so lower power. Activity low from here.  
AR 20 PE1EWR JO11 19 5,647 297 11 62,117 GW8ASD 482 75 144PA-9-5A  
AL 21 G0XBU/P IO83 34 3,578 105 15 53,670 GM4PPT 288 10 Diamond 5 ele Low activity, poor condx and poor weather!  
AR 22 G8GYX IO91 35 3,824 109 12 45,888 2E0YDG/P 280 100 9 Ele tonna HNY to all poor condx for 2m vy windy antenna well down Tom  
AR 23 2E0VPX IO92 22 3,441 156 13 44,733 GM4PPT 385 50 8 element yagi Average conditions but better activity than on 6 and 4! 73 all Andy  
AR 24 G0GJV IO91 33 3,219 98 13 41,847 PE1EWR 301 100 9 ele dual    
AR 25 G8TZJ IO84 19 3,204 169 13 41,652 G0XDI 301 100 7el XY Yagi    
AR 26 G4NTY IO83 23 2,800 122 14 39,200 EI8KN 362 100 6 Element conditions not very good, on for first 1.5 hours
AR 27 MD0MAN/P IO74 14 3,795 271 10 37,950 G3MXH 422 50 9 ele tonna Got on for the last hour - thanks to all in the log, HNY  
AR 28 G4CCC IO91 36 3,090 86 12 37,080 GW8ASD 227 100 11ele beam    
AR 29 G0PQF JO01 23 2,886 125 12 34,632 MW0DX 338 100 9 el Conditions better than expected. HNY to all.  
AR 31 G3TKF IO81 23 2,775 121 12 33,300 EI8KN 340 35 Big Wheel omni Dire conditions and lots of noise . Thanks for the Qs everyone - All the best for 2024  
AL 32 G4GFI IO91 22 2,540 115 13 33,020 EI8KN 498 10 9ele Tonna Antenna at reduced height due to strong wind. Condx about average with more activity then previous days.  
AR 33 G0FEH IO92 21 2,336 111 13 30,368 MW0DX 230 100 5 ELE YAGI  
AR 34 G0NZI IO92 22 2,105 96 10 21,050 MW0DX 241 60 Hentenna Awful conditions again. Thanks for the QSO's.
AO 35 G4LDR IO91 17 2,159 127 9 19,431 2E0YDG/P 309 400 9 Element Yagi    
AR 36 G4OTV JO01 27 2,564 95 7 17,948 2E0YDG/P 311 100 7 ele yagi  
AR 37 G4JED JO01 20 1,746 87 9 15,714 PE1EWR 234 100 11 ele Yagi    
AR 38 G6AAQ/P IO92 18 1,540 86 10 15,400 PE1EWR 356 50 8 element powabeam good fun today thanks to all who worked me  
AR 39 G4BEE IO83 8 1,304 163 8 10,432 G4AFF 263 40 5 ele yagi Turkey nearly gone so thought I'd play a bit of wireless. Thanks to all HNY.  
AR 40 G4EFT IO91 21 1,411 67 7 9,877 G4AFF 181 100 WiMo Big Wheel Conditions were very unstable with very annoying deep, slow QSB making for many repeats. Tnx for QSO's. HNY 73 Phil  
AR 41 2E0VKH JO01 21 1,629 78 6 9,774 G6AQ/P 188 50 3 Element Quad LFA Strange condition, reflected signal. distorted audio. THX to all operated. Seasons greeting to all 73s.  
AR 42 G0BIX JO01 11 1,176 107 8 9,408 G3TBK 202 100 7 Ele Yagi by Dual    
AL 43 G0OIW/P IO91 26 1,527 59 6 9,162 G1KAR/P 135 10 5 ele Diamond Wx and condx not QUITE as ghastly as yesterday, but bad enough. :-(  
AR 44 G4PFZ JO02 6 1,142 190 7 7,994 MW0DX 425 100 6 ele beam Something went wrong after 45 mins as I didnt hear anything after that  
AL 45 M0TAV IO92 12 786 66 6 4,716 G1KAR/P 229 10 8 element    
AL 46 G0CHO IO92 8 747 93 6 4,482 MW0DX 219 10 7 ele LFA yagi Late on so not so many contacts. Conditions didn't seem very good and I struggled.  
AR 47 G0ANS JO01 6 410 68 5 2,050 PE1EWR 215 50 10ele Yagi    
AR 48 G1MZD IO92 7 446 64 4 1,784 G3TBK 108 30 Duel Band Colinear Only on for an hour in total but managed a few contacts, maybe a UBN or two. tnx. Dave HNY  
AO 49 GW4MBS IO71 2 398 199 3 1,194 G4ODA 282 300 15-el Powabeam Just on for 30mins CW only dismal activity. 4m yesterday was much more fun with 8 QSOs in same period.
AR 50 2E0GYI IO93 5 306 61 3 918 G4AFF 196 40 3 Element Delta Loop Problem with antenna  
AR 51 M0TVZ IO92 4 295 74 3 885 G0XDI 98 50 Diamond V2000 Colinear Quiet on band, much local QRM. Thanks for the points, seasons greetings, Ron  
AR 52 G1JJA IO92 2 190 95 3 570 G3TKF 114 25 Comet vertical poor weather so i used the vertical  
AR 53 M0HPI IO91 8 224 28 2 448 G0SKA 48 50 3 Ele yagi    
AR 54 G7JJZ IO93 3 112 37 2 224 2E0YDG/P 79 20 Colinear    

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