Claimed Scores 2024
  6616 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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26/07/24 70MHz Trophy
26/07/24 SHF UKAC 5.7 GHz
26/07/24 SHF UKAC 10 GHz
26/07/24 SHF UKAC 3.4 GHz
25/07/24 70MHz UKAC
25/07/24 SHF UKAC 2.3 GHz
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Claimed scores for 144MHz FT8 AC (2 hours)

3 Jul (28 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AR 1 G3YDY JO01 53 17,171 324 12500 29,671 DJ6OL 693 100 7 ele One of my better sessions  
AR 2 G4ZTR JO01 45 13,748 306 12000 25,748 EI3KD 692 100 10 el DL6WU Seemed like average condx and a bit slow at times. Almost nothing heard/seen from north of the country.  
AO 3 MM0CEZ IO75 45 16,329 363 8500 24,829 G6HIE 686 400 2 x 9 Element M2 Flat cndx, a few repeats. wrked everything I heard. Ran out of stations to work after an hour. tnx for the calls.  
AR 4 G7LRQ IO91 40 12,693 317 12000 24,693 DK0TR 708 100 10 ele Poor conditions and high noise make for a difficult contest  
AO 5 G0JJG JO02 45 12,646 281 11500 24,146 DK0TR 597 500 2 x 5 ele Unstable conditions - JN48/49 seen before 2 hour start but not later. Failed with some normally easy paths....  
AO 6 EI8KN IO62 31 13,197 426 7000 20,197 F1NQP 775 400 PA144-432-34-6-2CBGP    
AR 7 2E0YDG IO93 36 10,366 288 9500 19,866 DF8XC 712 100 12 element lfa yagi    
AR 8 G4HGI IO83 35 9,454 270 8500 17,954 DJ2KP 810 40 8JXX2 Thanks to all 73  
AL 9 G8IXK IO91 32 7,402 231 9500 16,902 EI3KD 554 10 DUAL PA144-432-19-3-2C    
AR 10 G0BIX JO01 30 7,705 257 8500 16,205 EI3KD 692 100 7 Ele Yagi by Dual    
AR 11 G8SEI IO92 18 7,757 431 7500 15,257 OZ9PZ 783 100 11 ele only got 1 hour due to power fail on pa .. its been a bad week 73  
AR 12 G7WIR JO01 28 6,855 245 7000 13,855 MM0CEZ 596 50 2m Big Wheel Slowed down towards the end but all in all good conditions.  
AL 13 G0ODR JO02 23 6,062 264 7500 13,562 DG9BFE 597 10 9 ELE LFA    
AR 14 G3XBY IO92 24 5,333 222 7500 12,833 EI3KD 559 100 7el Tonna World first! No IO92 in the log!!  
AL 15 M7REV IO82 19 4,752 250 6500 11,252 PH2M 542 10 2/70 beam    
AR 16 G3WZK IO91 27 4,491 166 6500 10,991 MM0CEZ 518 50 3 ele yagi    
AR 17 2E1FMS IO82 21 4,872 232 6000 10,872 EI3KD 426 50 23ele beam    
AR 18 G0ISX IO93 19 4,041 213 5500 9,541 F6ANO 623 25 9 ELE    
AR 19 GM4JIB IO85 16 4,010 251 5000 9,010 G7LRQ 464 50 G2BCX 16 ele Yagi    
AR 20 GM0SCA IO85 12 2,660 222 4000 6,660 G4NBS 424 50 6 ele quad  
AO 21 GM8IEM IO78 10 2,260 226 3000 5,260 GM8MJV 355 400 9 el Vine    
AO 22 GM4VVX IO78 8 1,986 248 2500 4,486 GM4JIB 355 400 10 ele yagi Plagued with static rain. Only GMs worked though several Gs heard but could not get their attention. Very slow = last hour only a single QSO  
AO 23 M0WEO IO90 6 961 160 2500 3,461 G4PIQ 262 30 Comet Tri-band vertical    
AL 24 M7APV JO01 10 1,266 127 2000 3,266 F6ANO 363 10 diamond v2000 VERY SLOW ONLY DECODING 1 TO 4 SIGNALS AT A TIME  
AR 25 M0TMR IO93 9 690 77 1500 2,190 G4NBS 174 50 Diamond x50    
AL 26 2E0SNB IO91 2 537 268 1000 1,537 F1NQP 360 10 5 El Yagi Very poor tonight.73  
AO 27 GM7GAX IO86 3 391 130 1000 1,391 MM0CEZ 167 15 2m colinear    
AL 28 G0BWG IO93 3 150 50 500 650 G8EEM 1 10 Watson W2000 Vertical    

5 Jun (28 scores)

1 May (34 scores)

3 Apr (36 scores)

6 Mar (35 scores)

7 Feb (34 scores)

3 Jan (39 scores)

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