Claimed Scores 2011
  7946 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

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29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
27/12/11 SHF UKAC 10 GHz
27/12/11 SHF UKAC 3.4 GHz
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Claimed scores for 144MHz May Contest

(56 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G4ZAP JO02 430 124,880 290 113 14,111,440 IT9NAN 1976 400W 2x12+2x12+2x12 G4ZAP/P - Thanks for QSOs. Just on the edge of the Es
O 2 G5LK/P JO01 335 95,727 286 104 9,955,608 DJ2NR 752 400 2x11 2x15 lfa Hard going- What Es? Very windy Sunday - Tnx for qsos
O 3 G0VHF/P JO01 301 93,452 310 104 9,719,008 9H1CG 2053 400 2x12 OWL+2x15 When its already up at 60 ft and the wind Blows: it adds a certain frisson as it is realised that the tent is on the windward side...
O 4 G8NEY/P IO81 333 82,607 248 114 9,417,198 DF0WD 741 400 17 ele & 17 ele Very windy. Some good dx. Sorry to those lost due to QSB. A very enjoyable weekend!  
SO 5 G0XDI/P JO01 299 89,938 301 98 8,813,924 DL8MAI 791 400 2x 10ele DK7ZB Contitions Flat but heavy QSB at times. UK activity seemed way down on normal. Hard work doing 24hr single op! Thanks to all for the QSOs :)
O 6 G5FZ/P IO93 281 77,445 276 99 7,667,055 DK1FG 909 400 2x17Elts Great contest, Plenty of fun.
SF 7 G4DEZ JO03 224 68,934 308 92 6,341,928 DK1FG 868 400 4 x 12e Terrible conditiopns and very low activit6y.
O 8 M0MCG/P IO80 202 57,321 284 91 5,216,211 DJ6JJ 796 400 2x10Y + 9Y Quite hard going from down in the south west. Very windy at times but still had an enjoyable contest. Thanks for QSO's de G4WFR & G0KYS
6O 9 MM0GPZ/P IO85 119 39,793 334 84 3,342,612 F6DKW 852 350 12 ele M2 @ 6m Very slow by hr 32,20,14,24,15,14. Perfect WX. Surprised to work 3 ON's in a row in last half hour. Tnx fer all QSO's.
6O 10 M0BRA IO91 138 29,304 212 73 2,139,192 DL8GP 593 400 17 Ele M2 Hard work with deep QSB  
6S 11 GD8EXI IO74 73 23,355 320 51 1,191,105 ON5AEN 674 400 18 ele Conditions OK but low activity in my chosen 6 hrs
6S 12 G3ZVW IO80 87 18,821 216 60 1,129,260 GM4PPT 528 400 13-ele Condx average. Activity low. Very few GWs about.  
6O 13 G4FZN/P IO94 74 16,680 225 53 884,040 DK5DQ 660 100 9 ele No GI, only 1 GW, and lack of European stations to be heard in IO94 in the first 6 hours.  
6O 14 G3PIA IO91 80 14,328 179 55 788,040 DL8GP 636 180 12 element Poor activity, average conditions. Tnx to all for QSOs. Harwell ARS  
6O 15 G0PKT JO01 77 16,322 212 46 750,812 DF0WD 510 100 9 ele LFA Yagi Started off busy and then activity died away but it was an enjoyable afternoon on the wireless. Martello Tower Group.  
6O 16 G0EHV/P IO94 67 13,612 203 53 721,436 GM0HTT 487 160 13 Elements HIgh winds forced a move from IO84 to IO94 and a muck lower antenna! Conditions subject to much QSB but reasonable activity.
6S 17 G8HGN JO01 67 18,450 275 36 664,200 IW8PQU 1883 50 2x15ele CueDee 28 P'codes & 8 DXCC, no GI,GM,GW and nil from IO83? Brief ES to Italy. Tnx to all.
6O 18 G8SRC/P IO91 84 12,038 143 51 613,938 DF2VJ 659 100 5 ele beam  
6O 19 G3YDY/P JO01 69 12,910 187 43 555,130 GM4NTX 576 10 7 Ele DK7ZB  
SF 20 G4HGI IO83 78 10,850 139 49 531,650 F6HPP/P 627 25 12 ELE I0JXX Low activity poor condx very windy ..thanks to Backpackers :-)
6S 21 G8DOH IO92 70 9,727 139 49 476,623 DL8GP 670 180 8ele Jaybeam Below average propagation and few continentals heard
6S 22 GM4JR IO85 41 11,529 281 35 403,515 G5LK/P 539 300 12 element M2 Hard going! Weather atrocious, pity help backpackers! Thanks for the points.
6S 23 G1TST IO81 46 7,421 161 52 385,892 GM3UCI 504 50 10 ELEMENT  
SF 24 G8DTF IO83 54 8,417 156 43 361,931 F6HPP/P 619 100 7 ELE Had to drop the mast down part way through because of the wind.
SF 25 G7DWY IO93 51 8,192 161 40 327,680 GM3WOJ 471 150 11 ele G4CQM Heavy going. Not on for full duration. Big thank you to all those who braved the elements /P!
SO 26 MW6OXO/P IO82 73 9,308 128 31 288,548 G5LK/P 380 1W 9 ELE "J" BEAM VERY STORMY NIGHT WITH HIGH WINDS AND LOADS OF LIGHTNING Thanks for the points
6O 27 GW8ZRE/P IO83 49 5,967 122 38 226,746 G5LK/P 367 10W 7 ELE ZL YAGI Terrible gales reduced height mast,No GM/GI/EI or EU DX.
SF 28 G3YJR IO93 42 5,839 139 37 216,043 M0MCG/P 343 25 9 el yagi    
SF 29 G6AHX IO82 40 5,855 146 32 187,360 F6HPP/P 492 100 8 El ZL Special Fairly flat condx but good fun.  
SF 30 G3RLE IO83 34 5,203 153 31 161,293 G5LK/P 358 100 11 El yagi  
6O 31 M0MST/P IO92 33 5,355 162 29 155,295 DF0MU 627 10 7 ELE ZL Poor Activity and Conds Flat - Got bored after 2 hrs :) Very impressed with Minos Contest Logger
6O 32 2E0VXX/P IO82 30 5,135 171 27 138,645 DF0MU 675 50 6 ele  
6S 33 G3SPJ JO01 25 4,541 182 26 118,066 GM4JR 467 100 11el Tonna Conditions poor & local noise problematic
6S 34 G3XBY IO92 25 4,891 196 23 112,493 ON4MPA 572 400W 17el Set up /P antenna in the garden, S9 noise. Worked everyone I heard and probably several that I didn't. Can't wait to go out \P again!
6S 35 GW3ATZ IO83 36 4,146 115 27 111,942 G5LK/P 369 50 6 Ele poor conditions.
6S 36 M0HAK IO91 39 4,032 103 27 108,864 GD8EXI 404 50W Vergarda 6 ele  
SF 37 PE1EWR JO11 24 6,377 266 17 108,409 M0MCG/P 532 80 10 el. Parabeam Jaybeam  
SF 38 G8EOP IO93 24 3,858 161 25 96,450 M0MCG/P 370 100 9EL m2  
SF 39 G4HHJ IO91 28 3,574 128 25 89,350 GD8EXI 394 50 11 ele Very intermittent operation due to family committments
6S 40 2E0BXD IO70 19 5,584 294 16 89,344 G4FZN/P 491 50 2 Element Beam  
6S 41 G1MZD IO92 26 3,852 148 21 80,892 GD8EXI 347 50w 13 ele boomer Fair conditions, little activity,worked all I could hear, tnx
SF 42 G8ONK IO83 23 3,737 162 21 78,477 G5LK/P 403 25 12 ele DL6WU Good luck to the backpackers, wind gusting to 45 mph at sea level
SF 43 M6XJP IO83 21 3,777 180 20 75,540 G5LK/P 391 10W 5 ele Poor conditions. Heavy QSB all weekend. Hard work for us ten watters! Thanks for the perseverance of many.
6O 44 M6XBX/P IO81 25 2,991 120 22 65,802 GD8EXI 344 10 4 Ele Tonna  
6S 45 G4XPE IO92 18 2,945 164 19 55,955 M0MCG/P 296 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10 element yagi    
6S 46 M0CNP JO02 13 2,625 202 20 52,500 M0MCG/P 437 80 3 ele yagi  
SF 47 MU3ZLQ IN89 12 4,139 345 10 41,390 G5FZ/P 700 10 9 ele Yagi Hard work for an MU3!!  
6S 48 M0DSZ IO82 15 2,956 197 14 41,384 G5LK/P 343 30 Hentenna  
6S 49 G1SMI IO83 14 2,730 195 14 38,220 G5LK/P 375 90 17 ELE  
SF 50 M3JAC IO91 22 1,905 87 18 34,290 M0MCG/P 240 10 9 le Tonna    
6S 51 M0XBF JO01 15 1,792 119 18 32,256 M0MCG/P 336 40 12ele ZL Special  
6S 52 G4JED JO01 13 1,928 148 11 21,208 M0MCG/P 298 50 9 ele Yagi  
6S 53 G3MEH IO91 10 1,277 128 9 11,493 M0MCG/P 262 5 2 x 9el Blustery wind so mast retracted and low power to protect local tv's. Just 1/2 hr S&P. G5FZ/P hrd 59 but no reply.
SF 54 2E0JWJ IO81 9 779 87 9 7,011 G4SIV 220 10W Tri-Band Vertical  
SO 55 G8OTI/P IO93 5 1,103 221 6 6,618 M0MCG/P 425 5W 5 ele DK7ZB homebrew Just on for 40 minutes to give away some points. Fun, conditions not bad.
SF 56 GJ7DNI IN89 1 366 366 1 366 G4ZAP 366 100 9el yagi got (hcb ) must be post code or some thing?

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