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  13230 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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Claimed scores for 144MHz May Contest

(108 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G3M JO01 357 116,115 325 92 10,682,580 OE5XBL 922 400 4x7,4x6,2x11 Flat but not so busy. Plenty of time for the barbecue. Thanks for all the qsos  
SF 2 G4ODA IO92 290 72,025 248 99 7,130,475 SM6VTZ 970 400 2+1 12el M2 Short of prep time so modest set up but very happy with result. All QSOs SSB/CW ONLY. Cndts up, noise down. Lots of GMs tnx.  
O 3 G6NRC/P JO02 249 69,110 278 89 6,150,790 SM2CEW 1882 400 2 X 14 ELE LFA Our first attempt at portable VHF contesting in many years. Thanks for the QSOs.  
SO 4 M0ICK/P IO93 248 55,686 225 99 5,512,914 DK1FG 992 400 17 M2, 8 LFA Thanks to all callers, all SSB Qsos, might have to dabble in FSK next :-), good codx sat evening, thx to Erik for use of the gear  
6O 5 GM6MD/P IO75 156 49,515 317 89 4,406,835 F1MKG 811 400 2 x 9 element Perfect WX. No wind, rain, sun or midgies. Conditions weren't great and activity could have been better. Thanks to all who worked us.  
SF 6 G4ASR IO81 200 46,433 232 84 3,900,372 OH6KTL 1842 400 2 x 10el KSC OWL 14 DXCC, no GD/GJ. 69 p/codes. 3 x FSK441 MS with IK, OH, S5: Tropo, only 2 x DL-stns (1027km/772km) & OZ (JT6M tropo) 883km. 8 x GM-stns.
SF 7 G0XDI IO91 216 41,126 190 83 3,413,458 DK4VW 651 400 23ele/11ele Duel Antenna Conditions fairly flat with some deep QSB, Expected more UK activity. Thanks to all for the QSOs.  
O 8 G5H JO01 193 38,857 201 77 2,991,989 GM0LKU/P 612 400 2 x 9 and 4 x 3 Deep QSB at Times, Very quiet, better score than expected  
SF 9 M5TKA IO91 192 37,742 197 79 2,981,618 DK1FG 881 25 13 El G4CQM Some good prop at times, and better than usual AS too. Good to be able to spend time seeking & working QSOs rather than usual UKAC mad rush  
SO 10 GM0ULK/P IO75 104 37,825 364 65 2,458,625 GU3TUX 667 300 14 Ele Yagi Very wet on Saturday evening, caused generator to fail, Sunday much better but late start. Heard many, worked few, not beaming North agn.
6O 11 G1V IO90 161 35,028 218 70 2,451,960 GM4YXI 763 250 8 ele Dual Reasonable level of activity and blessed with lovely wx. Poor cndx. to East but good N-S. Good fun - thanks for all QSOs,Richard.  
6S 12 G3XDY JO02 145 34,198 236 67 2,291,266 F4EZJ 740 400 12 ele M2 Yagi 1hr Saturday evening and 5hrs Sunday. Solar panel noise limited receive, sorry for any missed.  
SF 13 G3MEH IO91 166 30,017 181 70 2,101,190 DL3FCG 719 400 9 ele M Squared Condx poor to north Sat. but ok into EU. 10.5 hours total before increasing wind forced mast lowering and QRT at 1300.
6S 14 G4ZTR JO01 136 29,396 216 69 2,028,324 GM4YXI 642 400 7 el Reasonable conditions and reasonable activity - difficult to find the backpackers though  
O 15 MR0DX IO91 158 24,928 158 74 1,844,672 DF0WD 635 300 2 x 13 ele Cushcraft yagis fairly flat with deep QSB and low activity on Sat eve. Sorry, last claimed post put wrong section as multiple ops!!!
6S 16 G7L IO91 126 22,835 181 67 1,529,945 DL2GWZ/P 653 400 10 ele LFA QSB and high noise floor made it difficult but reasonably activity. Equipment issues = lost time. Thanks for points.  
6S 17 G0ODQ IO91 142 21,678 153 69 1,495,782 EI8HH 603 400 9 ele CQM  
SF 18 GM4PPT IO75 79 22,184 281 64 1,419,776 G3M 615 350 12ele M2 Intermittent operating. Low Sat activity/poor conditions but better on Sun with fairly good conditions.Thanks to all for the FUN!
6O 19 GW1YBB/P IO81 114 20,943 184 62 1,298,466 DM8MM 641 5 homebrew 9 ele 3hrs backpackers.  
6O 20 M1L IO81 114 19,337 170 67 1,295,579 GM4YXI 621 100 8Ele LFA Nice level of activity.
6S 21 G0JCC IO82 92 21,455 233 58 1,244,390 DK5QN 775 400 9 ele Limited time this weekend. Just over 3H on Sunday. Shame as I like this contest. Flat but good activity. Tnx all, 73, Andrew  
6S 22 G4HGI IO83 107 18,785 176 65 1,221,025 F1MKG 589 80 8JXX2 Refreshing change to have Post Code mults thanks to all 73  
SF 23 M0N IO91 119 18,605 156 64 1,190,720 GM0ULK/P 532 400 8 Ele Lfa Really enjoyed this, Activity was good & great WX apart from wind towards end. Missed first 3+ hrs. 73 Phil
O 24 M3P IO91 115 18,807 164 57 1,071,999 GM0ULK/P 512 100 17 element This contest would be SO much better if it was synchronised with the European Contests  
6O 25 GW4CC IO71 82 22,241 271 48 1,067,568 F4EZJ 760 400 2 X 12 ELEMENT    
SF 26 2E0NEY IO81 92 17,445 190 56 976,920 GM4YXI 668 50 17 ele Tonna Decent condx with bad qsb at times. Some nice dx with some ghood AS contatcs. Tnx all for points
6S 27 G0B IO82 92 15,258 166 56 854,448 GM4YXI 577 400 9 ELE DUAL Giving away points mostly, about 3.5hours, activity seemed good.  
6O 28 G1PPA/P IO93 79 16,400 208 52 852,800 DF0WD 621 200 8 ele IOJXX poor uk activity so early bath closed down 17:25 thanks for points steve  
SO 29 2W0PUT/A IO81 95 17,031 179 50 851,550 DM8MM 656 50 13 ele dual Not much lift but lots of activity at times. Enjoyed it. 73.  
6S 30 M0K IO91 89 13,457 151 57 767,049 MM2N 477 250 8 ele G4CQM Powabeam Bit of a slog. Strange variable cond. Not sure if using M0K from MK post-code was the best idea? G8FMC might have been better?  
6S 31 EI8KN IO62 52 20,184 388 38 766,992 G3M 609 400 12 ele Dual Conditions seemed up a little, and activity was good. Three hours each day.  
6S 32 G3SQQ IO93 88 14,899 169 50 744,950 PA0WMX 526 100 9EL LFA Conditions quite good, operated during different times, A pleasure to contest.  
6O 33 MW0LKX/P IO82 85 13,855 163 53 734,315 PA0WMX 635 25 9 Ele LFA  
6S 34 GW9J IO72 67 14,835 221 48 712,080 GM4YXI 599 400 13ele powabeam ultra Good activity on the Sunday morning. Part time casual entry  
6O 35 2E0VCC/P IO70 64 16,798 262 41 688,718 MM0C 580 50 2 x 5 element New aerial arrangement was interesting, steady start, some QSB, Scotland ! Hot on hill ! Thanku everyone.73 Darrell  
6S 36 GW8ASD IO83 65 13,570 209 50 678,500 PA0WMX 642 100 12 ele M2 There seems to be a problem with NK post code, substitution for NR?  
O 37 G0UTT JO01 80 14,446 181 45 650,070 GM4YXI 671 100 10 element Yagi-Uda Surprisingly low activity. Despite the low activity, we worked more stations than last year, as our receiver was not frequently being overlo  
6S 38 MM0C IO75 46 16,136 351 40 645,440 G3M 635 400 2 x 9 Ele M2 Flat conditions. Just giving some points away.  
SF 39 M0IEP IO91 97 13,307 137 47 625,429 DL9DAK 633 25 12 Element Yagi    
6S 40 MM2N IO75 44 14,517 330 42 609,714 G3M 630 400 12 ele M2 Operated for 1:45 on Sunday from 10:20. Condx seemed reasonable with some strong signals but not a lot of activity.  
6S 41 G1HLT IO93 77 12,415 161 49 608,335 PA0WMX 527 100 7 element Enjoyable 6 hours, good to GM decent district count added to the fun  
O 42 G4TJJ/P IO93 68 11,540 170 47 542,380 GJ7LJJ/P 438 50 8 Ele LFA    
SF 43 PE1EWR JO11 56 16,571 296 31 513,701 G7RAU 638 70 PA-144-9-5A Surprised when my CQ was answered by Dave G7RAU! Nice openings!
6S 44 G6OES IO92 66 10,120 153 45 455,400 PA0WMX 534 100 12 element antennas and amplifiers good strong signals on band  
6S 45 G5TO IO93 63 10,071 160 44 443,124 G7RAU 449 100 9 EL YAGI Disappointed as lower score than last year. Did 3 hrs Sat and 3 on Sunday. Conditions variable on Saturday but improved Sunday morning.  
SF 46 G4ILI IO81 62 9,809 158 44 431,596 GM4YXI 617 100 7 element Dual Cons Nrth good but due East average. Good level of activity. Only dipped in & out as and when. Struggle from home TNX fr QSOs Grant Hereford  
SF 47 F1CBC JN09 41 12,970 316 33 428,010 GI4SNA 690 80 9 els yagi Some QSO but not QRV all the time.Thanks for QSO ...73 at all ..Philippe  
O 48 F1MKG JN08 34 14,172 417 30 425,160 GM6MD/P 811 250 4x 11 PRO XL Just to give points, 73 to all Jacky
6S 49 GR8ZRE IO83 55 8,704 158 45 391,680 G3M 369 25 8 XY YAGI Good conditions into GM Thanks all for points. Dave GR8ZRE.
6O 50 GW8OVZ/P IO71 43 9,573 223 38 363,774 G3M 436 5 7 ele yagi    
SF 51 2E0IEI IO81 58 8,576 148 42 360,192 GM4YXI 621 50 10 Elememt Powabeam    
6S 52 G0GJV IO91 65 8,276 127 43 355,868 GM6MD/P 483 100 9 ele dual    
6O 53 G4L IO91 73 8,683 119 40 347,320 GM0ULK/P 501 100 5 ele    
6S 54 2E0VPX IO92 54 9,407 174 36 338,652 EI8KN 481 50 8 elements Enjoyed this contest - bit of a change from the UKAC - nice to work different stations. 73  
6O 55 G8LNR/P IO81 65 8,160 126 39 318,240 GM6MD/P 416 100 9 ele Nice relaxed contest, thansk for the qso's, Clive HARS  
6O 56 M1G IO91 56 8,626 154 36 310,536 GM0LUK/P 503 100 6 ele Beam Great Start to the contest. But 2 hours in the battery failed. Result under voltage and a flat battery. Dont trust the charger!!  
6S 57 G3MXH JO02 40 8,614 215 34 292,876 GM0ULK/P 561 150 11 EL DUAL 70/2m YAGI Only a couple of hours operating. Now have a problem with breakthrough from a neighbours new Solar Panel system.  
SF 58 M7DQO IO92 58 7,917 136 35 277,095 2E0VCC/P 383 10 10 element yagi    
SF 59 G1MZD IO92 58 7,609 131 36 273,924 MM0C 470 50 7ele G4CQM Fair conditions did what i could in the time available, no EU. tnx. Dave  
6S 60 G8SEI IO92 51 8,389 164 32 268,448 DK3BU 589 100 11 ele yagi Just came on to give points :) 73  
6S 62 G0JRY IO91 51 7,027 138 36 252,972 PA0WMX 493 100 tonna 9e  
6O 63 G1KAR/P JO00 43 7,519 175 32 240,608 EI8KN 550 100 10 Element 2m Yagi  
6S 64 G0JJG JO02 42 7,520 179 31 233,120 GM6MD/P 487 400 2 x 5 ele QRV about 5 hours, rather casually....  
6S 65 G4EPA IO92 49 6,674 136 34 226,916 F1MKG 432 100 9 ele Tonna Only managed a few hours but quite good fun  
6O 66 M0KPW/P IO84 37 6,829 185 32 218,528 G3M 458 5 5 element yagi Not great condx. Only managed 2 1/2 hours as part of backpackers  
SO 67 G0PQF/P JO02 35 6,650 190 30 199,500 G7RAU 507 50 4 el Just giving points away when time allowed. Thanks for the QSO's.  
6S 68 G6NUM IO93 39 5,796 149 30 173,880 2E0VCC/P 358 100 10-ele PowaBeam Condx flat with some QSB. Slow going with limited UK activity  
O 69 G4JBH IO80 37 5,308 143 31 164,548 G6NRC/P 306 400 12 ele Dual  
6S 70 2E0OUT IO81 37 5,013 135 32 160,416 GI4SNA 417 50 11ell duel only 4 hr. poor cond. 73 all  
6S 71 M0IAM IO91 42 5,221 124 29 151,409 GM6MD/P 513 100 6 ele DK7ZB    
6S 72 G6GVI IO83 30 4,747 158 30 142,410 G3M 375 50 5-ele Mainly operating from picnic table in garden on Sat & Sun afternoons.  
6S 73 G4OED IO91 41 4,486 109 28 125,608 G7RAU 298 100 7 ele ZL Special    
6S 74 GW3ATZ IO83 27 4,822 179 26 125,372 G3M 378 50 6 ele 6 hours Saturday. Not a lot of activity hrd here.  
6S 75 G3OVH IO92 38 4,316 114 29 125,164 GM6MD/P 352 50 8 ele homebrew Hard work and loads of QSB. Grateful for the strong GM.  
6S 76 G4CSD IO91 35 4,185 120 28 117,180 2E0VCC/P 244 100 8 ele    
6S 77 G1DFL IO91 38 3,861 102 22 84,942 G7RAU 348 100 WiMo Big Wheel A quick set-up on the patio to give some points away! Just the last couple of hours. Thanks for the QSO's!
SF 78 G4EFT IO91 35 3,325 95 25 83,125 G4ALE/P 250 100 WiMo Big Wheel Conditions on both days were very good with some QSB. Tnx for QSO's. 73 Phil  
6S 79 G0JDL JO02 20 3,646 182 19 69,274 DK5QN 468 100 Ant-Amp 5-ele Only able to operate sporadically but conditions seemed quite poor.  
6O 80 G0OIW/P IO91 34 3,074 90 22 67,628 GM6MD/P 459 3 9e Tonna    
O 81 GM4YEQ/P IO85 013 4,148 319 16 66,368 G3XDY 472 20 ZL Special    
SF 82 G0TAR JO01 22 3,013 137 22 66,286 MW8R 305 50 9 ele beam Only did 1 hour each day. Cond vary hvy QSB at times and a little aurora.Tnx points, 73 de Brian  
6S 83 2E0SBM IO92 24 2,824 118 20 56,480 2E0VCC/P 306 10 2 m Yagi just a bit of fun today good luck to all taking part and thanks to all who worked  
SF 84 F4HRD JO00 16 3,542 221 15 53,130 MW8R 411 80 11ELE  
6S 85 G0BIX JO01 16 2,408 150 17 40,936 GW4CC 336 100 7 ele Dual yagi    
6S 86 G7WIR JO01 18 2,330 129 15 34,950 MW8R 277 100 Big Wheel    
6S 87 G0XBU IO83 13 2,493 192 14 34,902 G3M 341 10 9 ele LFA just 45 mins giving points away. Too nice weather to stay in shack!  
6S 88 G0ELJ JO02 14 2,419 173 13 31,447 G1V 307 30 3 ele yagi    
6S 89 G7ICV JO01 14 1,957 140 15 29,355 MW8R 319 50 dual band antenna by Dual Anternna    
6S 90 GM4UPB IO86 8 2,598 325 11 28,578 M5TKA 493 100 11 ele tonna conditions poor thanks to those i managed to contact  
6S 91 G4CIB IO81 13 1,719 132 14 24,066 G6NRC/P 226 75 Loft Moxon loop Vintage station for a bit of fun! Tnx QSOs!  
6S 92 M0JND JO00 13 1,877 144 12 22,524 MW8R 331 50 lfa quad yagi    
6S 93 G3YCR IO91 17 1,565 92 14 21,910 G0JCC 211 100 7 ele DK7ZB Very little time available so just came on to activate CR postcode.  
6S 94 M0SAT IO91 15 1,370 91 14 19,180 MW8R 233 10 4 ele Tonna Too many other commitments to stay on for more than 1 hour.  
6S 95 G4YPC IO91 19 1,171 62 13 15,223 G4ASR 183 20 Vertical white stick! Conditions a bit up. Just giving points away this time using 20 Watts to a vertical white stick!!!  
6S 96 G8IQL IO90 9 1,330 148 8 10,640 G7RAU 316 100 16 el half hour S&P  
6S 97 M0HPI IO91 12 1,699 142 6 10,194 M0N 1233 50 3 Ele yagi Fixed 3 ele horizontal yagi in the loft pointing North.  
SF 98 G0KZT IO91 10 927 93 10 9,270 M0ICK/P 240 50 Vertical Co-Linear Trying out my new Icom IC-7100 and giving out some points.
6S 99 G8XYJ IO82 8 921 115 10 9,210 G3M 314 10 Wimo Big Wheel Just giving points away Matt G8XYJ
SF 100 2E0GYI IO93 9 1,148 128 6 6,888 G5H 284 30 3 Element Delta Loop    
6S 101 G4NMD IO91 8 793 99 8 6,344 M0ICK/P 239 10 big wheel 2m    
6O 102 GM8EXI/MM IO67 6 678 113 7 4,746 MM2N 274 50 5 ele Yagi Was going to do the backpackers from the top of one of Shiant Islands but my Li polymer battery failed so could only operate from the boat.  
6O 103 G3WRA IO82 6 610 102 7 4,270 G3M 304 100 7 ele Just token half hour  
SO 104 MD0PJE/P IO74 3 464 155 5 2,320 M0ICK/P 204 5 Flowerpot dipole Just out /p by the beach and joined in for a bit. Didn't hear many stations.  
6S 105 G8VPE JO02 4 404 101 5 2,020 G3M 168 50 Diamond X510N    
6S 106 M0TMR IO93 3 254 85 4 1,016 G4ODA 154 30 Diamond X50    
6O 107 GM4DIJ/P IO75 2 60 30 2 120 GM6MD/P 42 2 1/4 w whip Quick outing to a local hill.  
6S 108 G3MNJ IO91 2 55 28 2 110 M1N 31 10 Mobile whip on biscuit tin    

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