Claimed Scores 2014
  9981 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
30/12/14 70MHz UKAC
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
16/12/14 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 144MHz Trophy

(63 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G8T JO01 829 343,414 414 S57LM 1162 400 4x 10ele 6x 3 ele 4x 9 ele 2x 14ele Reasonable conditions, nice to work so many HB9/OE/OK stations as well as up to SM and down to S57. Thanks to all that called us
O 2 G3M JO01 436 149,531 343 EE2R 954 400 2 x15,4x7 Interesting but too far from sea to pick up duct to ON/PA. Tnx for qsos  
O 3 G5RS/P JO00 415 138,600 334 EA2DHJ/P 887 400 2x17/2x9/12ele Radio conditions AVERAGE. Weather FAB. Very enjoyable weekend.  
O 4 G3SKY/P IO90 323 98,359 305 DR2S 866 300 4 x 5e, 1 x 9e First serious try at a contest for a long time. Great fun, much learnt. Thanks to everyone for the QSOs.
O 5 M4A JO02 300 91,859 306 F6KNB 821 400W 9-ele 17-ele Tonnas  
SF 6 G3MEH IO91 219 57,023 260 DL0GTH 805 400 2 x 9el Conditions varied and variable with deep QSB. It was good to have a bash at the kind of contest to which this QTH is best suited.
6O 7 G8NEY/P IO81 184 52,869 287 DL0GTH 918 400 17 ele Tonna Good fun contest with plenty of dx, and nice wx. Forgot KST is allowed for this event! 73 David M0GHZ & Pete 2E0NEY  
6O 8 M0TWC/P IO82 151 40,636 269 DL0GTH 958 100 11 ele + 2*4 el Great wx good activity, great fun, 73 Craig M0BUL and Tristan M0VXX
O 9 G2XV/P JO02 150 39,141 261 DL0GTH 764 350 2 * 9 element Tonna stacked Another great weekend for CDARC lovely weather. Tnx to the backpackers for activity.
SF 10 GD8EXI IO74 110 37,869 344 TM6T 826 400 18 ele M2 Conditions about average but with only 9 continentals worked. 6hrs of operating, broken into 4 sessions because of other activities.
SF 11 G8HGN JO01 112 35,455 317 DH1NFL 808 50 11 ele LFA Mostly EU on Sat', UK on Sun'. Condx up a little. 41 sqrs & 10 DXCC. Heard EE2R IN83 briefly on Sun' PM. Tnx to all.
6O 12 M0MCG/P IO90 143 33,080 231 DK0A 715 100 9 ele A 6 hour effort whilst doing SSB FD. Conditions and activity good. We were even called by IK2 and S59 on Sunday but not long enough to work!  
SF 13 G0GQT JO01 100 29,314 293 DL0GTH 722 100 17ele Seven hours worked on the Saturday and another six on the Sunday. Very happy to get 100 qso's.
O 14 M7W IO93 123 28,629 233 DL0GTH 822 100 9Y Entered as a sideshow to our SSB FD station with very basic, uncompetitive station. Good training for new operators. Average conditions.  
6O 15 M0MDG/P IO91 124 28,028 226 TM0W 758 120 14 element Great contest lots of fun, shame we couldnt do the 24hrs. Thanks for the QSO's  
O 16 G3WM/P JO01 101 26,069 258 DL0GTH 674 400 2x13 Cushcraft, 2x7 ZL Good weather and signals, Shame Main amp let go, did sunday on 200w Brick First time for us in trophy contest
6S 17 GW8ASD IO83 82 23,797 290 DF0MU 706 100 12ele M2 Reasonable conditions, lower local activity than UKAC, which helps me. Forgot KST is permitted! Great fun. :-)
SF 18 G4HGI IO83 107 23,664 221 F8KHO/P 796 25 12 ele i0jxx Much better do thann last year slow going on Sunday - not much dx though :-( thanks to all for points
6O 19 M3P IO91 96 22,427 234 DL0GTH 844 150W 17 element Narrowly missed IK2CFR who was a big signal for a few seconds. Shame we were deliberately blocked by an anonymous local. Harwell ARS.  
6O 20 M4W IO91 99 21,956 222 DL0GTH 867 100 1x 13  
6S 21 2E0NEY IO81 82 21,504 262 DL0GTH 912 50 17 ele Super weekend overall. Super wx and good condx in a contest! Very pleased with score, and some excellent dx - JN36 and JO50 highlights!  
O 22 G4ATH IO83 82 20,182 246 DK1VC 754 100 17 Ele  
SF 23 2E0BMO IO83 80 19,256 241 DF0MU 692 50 10 LFA CDX better than last year but some deep & fluttery QSB at times. Tough going though at avg. 4.6 QSOs p/hr. 9 EUs inc.2 new squares.
6S 24 G0HVQ IO81 76 16,693 220 DK5DQ 671 400 9 ele    
6O 25 GW0IRW/P IO72 56 15,258 272 PC5T IN JO23 616 10w 9 over 9 + LNA Only 3hrs (of the 4hr Backpackers) some loud signals around and nice to use my old FT225RD for a change (felt like 1985 all over again! :O)
6O 26 G8BGV/P JO01 70 15,230 218 DL0GTH 718 10 6 ele DK7ZB 3 hours only as main entry is 4 hours in backpackers. Hard work at times.
SF 27 M5MUF IO92 65 14,944 230 TM9A 709 25 10 el Yagi Good to the east/south-east, north was terrible. Better show than last year, but still seemed low UK activity.  
6O 28 G5BBL/P IO81 69 14,366 208 DF0MU 671 50W G4CQM 8el Nextg First time I participated this contest... learned that to make points you need to move South coast and work the continentals!.
6O 29 G4L IO91 64 13,907 217 DL0GTH 878 75 M12 Not a good contest for a low power station in middle England. Can do better in an evening 2m AC!
6O 30 G0HEL/P IO81 62 13,825 223 DN2VHF 740 25w Short Double Quad Made a nice change to hear and work some continental stations. Missed TM0W THROUGH QRM. Good fun, 73's Alan T&DARC  
6S 31 G7LRQ IO91 46 13,715 298 DL0GTH 787 400 9 ele LFA Not on for the full six hours, looking for the DX and giving away some points. Conditions seemed flat.
6O 32 G8CQA/P IO81 62 13,696 221 DL0GTH 903 25W 9 Ele Tonna    
6S 33 M0MDY IO93 66 13,476 204 TM9A 759 100 BEAM thanks for the points
O 34 G1WKS/P JO01 69 12,075 175 DL2OM 520 40 9 ele Tonna Average conditions and aerial problem impacted operations.
SF 35 G0TAR JO01 70 10,858 155 GI4SNA 565 80W 6 ele vagarda Hard going as a single op but good fun. Thanks for QSO's. 73 de Brian
6S 36 G4GFI IO91 58 10,824 187 DL0GM 553 50 9 ele Tonna  
6S 37 GM4JR IO85 28 10,755 384 ON4KHG 707 250 12 ele M2 Giving points away. Some VERY deaf stations in G and EU. Voice keyers with minute gap. If I can't get my call in gap, how can anyone else?
6S 38 G6AHX IO82 43 9,711 226 DF0MU 648 100 Innov 8el OWL Thanks everyone for the contacts. Good fun to take part as usual.
SF 39 G1MZD IO92 63 9,693 154 DF0MU 558 50w 8 ele G4CQM Hard going some eu, roll on Tuesday. tnx. for the points
SO 40 M0TAZ/P JO01 41 8,336 203 DL0GTH 741 50 9e tonna 4Hrs afternoon entry, unable to find any GI, GW or GM although good activity from DL, PA and F
6S 41 G8LZE IO91 45 8,222 183 F8KID 557 24 9 element Only limited time due to family commitments and Backpackers.
SF 42 M0KCA IO92 38 7,058 186 PA1T 564 200w Cushcraft 13el  
6O 43 G3RCW IO93 42 6,859 163 M1AIX/P 455 160 7 Ele ZL Special    
6S 44 M6YZA IO93 30 6,689 223 TM9A 759 10 BEAM  
6O 45 M0HCY/P JO01 41 6,332 154 DF0MU 449 100w 10ele Yagi Generator played up then PSU died. Ended up running on battery. Ho-hum, one learns. Thanks for points. Blackwater ARCG.
SF 46 2E0XJP IO83 27 5,979 221 PA6NL 508 50W 5ele in loft Hard work and amazingly little heard north of The Wash. Thanks for the points and perseverance at times. 73
6S 47 G3YDY JO01 24 5,947 248 DL0GTH 730 100 7 ELE DK7ZB only intermittent operating in the 6 hour period
SF 48 G8GNI IO91 31 5,892 190 DF0MU 583 100 Tonna 11 el  
6S 49 G0CER IO82 24 5,738 239 PA6NL 502 80 9 ele LFA limited time but enjoyed the it. Very quiet North & West from me.
SF 50 G8ONK IO83 21 5,012 239 PA6NL 514 25 12 ele DL6WU Antenna fault again! Only limited time available, but conditions seemed good.
SF 51 2E0IFC IO80 20 4,659 233 PA6NL 540 50 7 Element DK7ZB  
6S 52 G0GJV IO91 25 4,411 176 DF0MU 561 25 9 ele Just giving points away
6S 53 G8DTF IO83 14 3,987 285 PA1T 615 25 9 ele Good cond heard ON4WY as well
6S 54 M0HLO IO92 24 3,787 158 PA1T 497 25 10el Diamond    
6O 55 G4CXQ/P IO81 18 3,567 198 PA6NL 495 50 2 Element HB9CV Could only operate for 3 hours due to hf field day contest commitments but pleased I took part.
6S 56 G8IBL/A IO90 12 2,466 206 PC5T 494 2.5 9ele WIMO  
6S 57 G4GTH IO90 12 2,328 194 PA6NL 433 95 M2 9 Element Yagi Above average conditions but activity low at the times I was operating  
SF 58 M0PFW JO01 17 2,277 134 PA6NL 256 100 9 ele  
SF 59 G0GDA JO01 16 1,768 110 PA6NL 652 10w Watson 50 vertical  
6S 60 2E0MSI IO81 7 1,271 182 G8P 257 50 Alton Antennas 2m mini beam Had a spare hour or so so decided to join in.  
6S 61 2E0NRD IO93 7 985 141 GD8EXI 284 30 4-Element LFA Yagi To busy for a serious go, just giving some points away
6S 62 M0CVO IO92 7 640 91 G8T 196 100W DIAMOND A144S10R  
6S 63 G3VFC JO01 10 514 51 ON4WY 169 50 9-ele Tonna First toe in the water of operating from home QTH - no angry neighbour appeared :-)

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