Claimed Scores 2023
  13230 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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24/06/24 50MHz Trophy
03/01/24 144MHz Xmas Contest
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Claimed scores for 144MHz Trophy

(117 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G2D JO01 746 303,203 406 SN7L 1046 400 4 x 9 ele LFA 4 x 4 ele OWL Great weather, Great company and a fun weekend with plenty use of the Hot Tub. UK activity back to a nice level, Equipment changes again imp  
O 2 G2N JO02 613 282,967 462 OM6A 1286 400 4x14el and 4x9 ele LFA A lively contest - many problems before and during overcome, a mixture of great stress and great fun! Thanks for the QSOs, 73  
SO 3 M5MC/P JO02 532 196,995 370 SN7L 984 400 4x9 Superb fun. Partial enhanced conditions to northern Germany. Several OK stations audiable all Sunday. Strong signals from SM,OZ, few takers.  
SF 4 G4ODA IO92 419 161,167 385 SN7L 1111 400 4+2x12M2@65 ft Gt sigs out to circa 950Km then brick wall,too far inland. TNX to VHFCC for arranging Cndts and WX., Note to self getting to old to do 24 hr  
SF 5 G4AFF JO02 383 147,492 385 OE1W 1160 400 12ele + 7ele Good condx for my 1st Trophy from JO02.  
O 6 M0UGA/P IO91 401 137,796 344 7S7V 1095 400 4x11Ele PowAbeam & 2x Halo Thoroughly enjoyed the weekend! Great conditions, company & weather. Couldn't have been better & no traumas LoL Thanks for QSOs & 73 all  
O 7 G3V IO91 404 131,112 325 EA1T 1027 400 2 x 12 I0JXX Really enjoyable weekend. Difficult to break past 1000kms. Failed with OE1W,SM6VTZ,OL6N,SN7L. Thanks to VARC for use of the site. Phil & Ste
SO 8 G8XVJ/P IO93 350 113,908 325 EA1IT 1140 400 17el m2 /8el nice to have tropo and warm as well, working HB9/EA/OK/ TAKE ALL  
SO 9 GM4ZUK/P IO86 236 107,717 456 SM0IJS 1218 400 4 x 13 ele Yagi Tropo marginal from GM. Short Aurora on Saturday but little activity on CW.  
SF 10 OK2DTF JN89 323 103,873 322 LZ2T 828 1000 Dualband 10 20el. OK5IM  
SF 11 G3XDY JO02 301 101,911 339 DH5YM 851 400 12 el M2 Yagi Severely impacted by local noise from solar panels/inverters, made it a real challenge even though conditions were up.  
O 12 GD2T IO74 260 86,867 334 EA1IT 1238 400 2 x 12 ele M2 Great fun operating from the IOM. Briliant for UK contacts and slightly beyond but too far away to work more than the strongest DL's.  
O 13 G5H JO01 274 85,178 311 5P5T 841 400 2 x 9 and 4 x 3 and 4 x3 Low Uk activity, Good Weather and good distances  
SF 14 G4ASR IO81 263 72,507 276 DK0NA/P 966 400 2 x 2 x 10el Definitely an east-west divide, always a struggle from the welsh-borders but pleased to work 4 x OZ on Sunday morning.
6S 15 G0LBK JO03 168 62,956 375 DL0HTW 941 400 11ele beam of power Good conditions east and se to the euro mega stations, nothing enhanced to OZ.  
6O 16 GM6MD/P IO75 180 62,040 345 TM9A 919 400 2 x 9 element Nice WX and good band conditions. Missed out on EA2DR, but all in all happy with our result. Tnx to all who worked us.  
SF 17 G0XDI IO91 242 61,761 255 EA1IT 1006 400 23ele/11ele Duel Antenna Conditions improved and were quite good at times. It didn't really quite reach here but it was great fun, Heard OK but lost them. Thanks all  
O 18 F1MKG JN08 156 60,573 388 IZ0CLS 898 250 4 X 11 F9FT PRO XL Big activity, the 3SK122 of my FT736R still remembers it !! thanks for the QSO 73 Jacky
O 19 G4ALE/P IO90 184 54,212 295 DM5D 967 100 7 ele LFA plus Big Wheel Conditions were very good over the two days. Though Saturday was the best day. Sunday had more QSB. Tnx for QSO's. 73 Addiscombe ARC  
6O 20 G4LIP/P IO92 201 53,255 265 DK0NA/P 864 400 2x11 Very enjoyable outing, great WX and good conditions.
SO 21 GM0ULK/P IO75 134 51,065 381 DF0MU 931 300 14 Ele Yagi Enjoyed contest but could not hear many Europeans from West coast.  
SO 22 GM3HAM/P IO74 141 47,403 336 DF0MU 866 100 9 ele Good Conditions  
6O 23 G4G IO94 142 45,012 317 DK0NA/P 958 350 12 element LFA Laptop wouldn't turn on Sunday morning so didn't know who I'd worked on Sat. Conditions didn't live up to Hepburn's expectations. Tnx for Qs
6O 24 G3TBK/P IO93 161 44,069 274 DK0NA/P 822 350 2 x 11 el Very good. Unfortunately could ony spend 90 mins on Saturday when condx seemed best.  
6O 25 G1V IO90 154 42,853 278 EA1IT 877 300 8 ele Dual Cndx. up but not as great as predicted. Tricky to find new stations to work later Sunday. Great WX and good fun. Tnks Richard.
6O 26 GW4CC/P IO71 113 35,769 317 EA1AAE 1098 400 2 x 11 ele at last after trying for months Spain was accomplished thanks to all
SO 27 2E0DGP/P IO83 141 33,394 237 DK0NA/P 967 50 PA144-432-34-6-2CBGP cracked my head open saturday setting up, rotator control box packed in on sunday morning. still had fun, thanks for the points.
6O 28 M1L IO81 126 33,344 265 EA1IT 997 100 8 Ele LFA    
6O 29 G1PPA/P JO03 102 32,476 318 OK4C 940 100 8 ele IOJXX sat only seemed a lot of uk stations finished early i missed loads, very enjoyable contest thanks for points steve  
SF 30 G3MEH IO91 145 31,538 218 DR1H 866 400 9 ele M Squared Four hours Sat. and five on Sunday was enough. Tnx QSOs, sorry to those I missed.
O 31 G3CNO IO90 123 30,865 251 EA2T 872 250 9 ele beam    
SF 32 F1CBC JN09 91 29,455 324 GM4ZUK/P 835 80 9 els yagi Some good QSO, good conditions with QSB .Good Avtivity for this IARU VHF 2023. Thanks for QSO ..Philippe.  
6S 33 G0ODQ IO91 136 29,062 214 DK0NA/P 827 400 9 ele CQM  
SF 34 M0IEP IO91 121 27,662 229 DR1H 937 50 12 Element yagi    
6S 35 G4AWP JO02 92 27,069 294 TM0W 768 150 17 element Tonna Excellent contidions less UK stations than expected, but made up with lots continentals  
6S 36 GW8ASD IO83 88 24,608 280 DK0NA/P 986 100 12 ele M2    
6O 37 G0EAK/P IO93 87 23,332 268 SN7L 1169 25 8 Ele LFA Good EU activity and decent condx but UK activity seemed down.  
6O 38 MW0LKX/P IO82 86 22,574 262 EA2DR 1039 25 9ele LFA    
6S 39 M5TKA IO91 90 21,205 236 DK0NA/P 818 25 10 El Powabeam Bit of fun, great weather, some good enhancement at times. Thanks for QSOs 73 Andy  
6O 40 F4VSO IN98 55 21,118 384 EA1IT 704 100 16 element Conditions up a bit and activity lively both from UK and on mainland Europe. Thanks for QSOs. Harwell ARS  
SF 41 G1HLT IO93 104 20,316 195 DK0NA/P 868 100 7 element Best conditions 0800-0900 on Sunday. Active about 8.1/2 hrs split evenly. Good fun quite pleased all in all.
SO 42 G3ZTT/P IO83 85 20,257 238 DR9A 925 100 16 Element    
6O 43 M0AFJ/P IO70 59 19,884 337 DF0MU 895 75 7 Ele Powabeam nice bits of DX around but not much G activity, all beaming east?  
6O 44 G4HGT/P IO93 73 19,259 264 DR9A 826 400 9 ele PA gremlins messed up the first hour, noisy site and ****!!! midges so not the best contest I've ever done 73 john  
O 45 G4JBH IO80 80 18,960 237 EA1IT 891 400 12 ele Dual  
6O 46 G8GRS/P IO81 68 18,944 279 DR9A 841 100 8ele Powabeam Well that was fun! great weather and condx. thanks for all contacts .  
6S 47 G8DVK IO91 66 18,804 285 DK0NA/P 849 250 16 Element    
6O 48 M3P IO91 76 18,707 246 DR9A 759 10 10 ELE DIAMOND    
6S 49 G8ZRE IO83 81 18,235 225 TM9A 699 50 8 XY Yagi Good conds main effort on Sunday.Good GM/GW/G/GI/GD/F/ON/PE.Tks all for points.Dave G8ZRE.  
SF 50 MW0OMB IO81 75 17,562 234 TM9A 635 25 8 Ele OWl-G/T Cdx gud but maybe not as gud/exptd.At times hrd wrk getting QSOs,o'all more pts than lst yr. Few replies to calls/25w.QSOs/Hr low.Tnks.73GL  
SF 51 G1MZD IO92 83 17,458 210 DR9A 755 50 7 ele G4CQM Quite reasonable conditions and good activity, did what i could may have gone beyond 6 hrs but subitted SF. tnx. Dave  
6S 52 M0HOM IO93 52 17,218 331 DK0NA/P 845 100 10el fair condx for a contest weekend, enjoyed myself. 73 all  
6O 53 G8FMC IO91 82 17,108 209 DK0NA/P 823 250 8 ele Powabeam (G4CQM) An interesting time running a Fixed stn for HF SSB FD alongside! Several new squares from this QTH.  
6S 54 G8DOH IO92 57 16,842 295 DK0NA/P 870 85 2 x 8ele Only on for 3 hours or so, but conditions seemed above average.  
6S 55 M3C IO91 83 16,458 198 TM0W 695 400 9ele Tonna Saturday only as backpackers on Sunday. Nice tropo with plenty of activity. 73 Martin G4GFI  
6O 56 G1WKS/P JO01 67 16,349 244 DK0NA/P 733 250 11 ele Yagi    
SF 57 M7ALE IO93 62 15,997 258 TM9A 648 10 11 element yagi nice to have some conditions into the continent, usually a struggle from home.  
6O 58 2W0PUT/P IO81 62 15,981 258 TM0W 884 50 7 ELE Feeder issues meant I missed the opening couple of hours, alas. I managed over 4. New QTH for me with very good take off to the south. A ver  
6S 59 G3PHO IO93 65 15,600 240 DL2OM 687 100 9 el tonna yagi 3 hrs on Sat and 3hrs on Sunday morning. One more Q than last year but 3000 points better.Nice to work into Europe as it's normally a no-go.  
6O 60 M0KPW/P IO84 55 15,568 283 DB0DH/P 746 25 10 element yagi first 2 hours of backpackers contest  
6O 61 G0UUU/P IO94 48 14,370 299 DK0NA/P 872 50 7 ele Nice conditions. Just did 4 hours. Thanks for the QSOs. 73, Phil.  
6S 62 2E0VPX IO92 57 14,239 250 DK0NA/P 804 50 8 element Reasonable conditions and happy to work into Germany (rare for me on 2m). Tnx QSO :)  
6S 63 G8IQL IO90 68 14,223 209 DK0NA/P 832 100 16 el Good fun, thx for the qsos  
6S 64 M0ABT JO00 52 13,756 265 DR9A 642 10 9 ELEMENT TONNA Pleased with results(Low altitude from home). Thanks for the contacts. Points to Weekend Contest group. 73s Stuart.
6S 65 M0UHF IO91 80 13,538 169 DB0DH/P 572 100 ZL Special 12E    
6S 66 M1DST IO91 71 13,513 190 DK0NA/P 890 100 12ELE    
6O 67 GW8OVZ/P IO71 44 13,153 299 TM9A 741 5 6 ele yagi    
6O 68 G4CSD/P IO91 58 13,051 225 DK0NA/P 843 20 8 ele    
SF 69 G4XYW IO91 62 13,044 210 DK0NA/P 814 100 7el LFA    
6O 70 G4HLX/P IO91 59 12,211 207 F8KID 615 25 10ele yagi Last 3 hours only (part of backpackers). Good conditions, perfect weather,  
6S 71 G7WIR JO01 69 12,195 177 GM3HAM/P 513 100 Big Wheel Good conditions. Shame I'm not able to get on during Sunday. Work sadly got in the way.  
6O 72 G8LNR/P IO81 66 12,131 184 GM4ZUK/P 580 100 9 ele OWL    
6S 73 GM4BYF IO85 37 12,127 328 TM5R 778 400 15 ele Some good conditions and loud signals, but difficult to break through the qrm mayhem to the south
6S 74 G0JDL JO02 44 11,352 258 DK0NA/P 668 100 Antenna-Amplifiers 5-ele    
6S 75 MM0CEZ IO75 29 11,308 390 TM5R 801 400 2 x 9 Ele M2 Working this weekend so just giving some points on Sunday Morning.  
6S 76 G8REQ IO83 44 11,250 256 TM9A 724 75 H/B 5 Ele DK7ZB Excellent Cdx. and activity, just a few hours of S+P on Sunday morning. Good luck to all...73.  
6S 77 G4HGI IO83 50 10,863 217 TM9A 711 25 8JXX2 Straight on the radio for last 2.5 hours after coming back off holiday ! Some nice condx Tnx to all 73  
6S 78 M1ABK IO92 55 10,593 193 DB0DH/P 537 25 5 element yagi Put up a new 5 ele aerial so I could enter, good fun, I need more power I think , quite hard work but pleased with the contacts made, sorry  
SF 79 M5ADF IO93 49 10,301 210 DL0NA/P 874 10 10 Element Yagi Saturday was hectic. Sunday a little less so. Nice to work DL0NA/P especially on 10W. All contacts were S&P only.  
6S 80 M5N IO91 62 9,851 159 DR9A 722 100 9 ele dual    
6S 81 G0CDA IO83 39 9,755 250 DF0MU 672 50 15 ele Cushcraft Junior Boomer 1.5 hrs Sat and 2.5 hrs Sun giving pts away.  
SF 82 G4YPC IO91 39 9,441 242 TM0W 711 400 17ele Tonna Good conditions and activity  
6S 83 G4BRK IO91 28 8,968 320 DR1H 914 100 9 el Not too bad, very pleased to work DR1H  
SF 84 G4KCT IO93 22 8,928 406 DK0NA/P 883 100 12 ele hb Spent most of the time looking for EA but never heard them .
6S 85 G0BIX JO01 45 8,886 197 GM6MD/P 538 100 7 Ele Yagi by Dual    
6S 86 G3OVH IO92 47 8,851 188 DF0MU 580 50 8 ele homebrew Good condx - some huge serials!  
O 87 G1CAR/P IO91 49 8,028 164 GM4ZUK/P 601 50 Tonna 9-ele    
6S 88 2E0MDJ IO81 41 7,922 193 GM4ZUK/P 562 50 8 Ele Powabeam    
6O 89 G0XBU/P IO83 42 7,744 184 DF0MU 642 20 Big Wheel just an hour each day in the nice weather, not a serious entry. Home antenna works better than big wheel on hilltop!  
6S 90 M0BKV IO70 28 7,616 272 EA1IT 858 100 ZL16EL_YAGI    
6S 91 G0GLG IO91 44 7,600 173 TM9A 509 50 5 Element Yagi Enjoyed it all, good propagation.  
6S 92 G4YHF IO92 16 7,557 472 DK0BC 826 400 12el Couple of hours Sunday afternoon oldskool style with no pan-adapter! My usual competitive self of course!  
6S 93 2E0SHB IO92 41 7,053 172 TM9A 573 50 Yagi    
6S 94 2E0TJX IO93 34 6,854 202 DB0DH/P 616 10 2m/70cm yagi Great day...
SF 95 G8W IO90 24 6,579 274 TM0W 704 400 8 ele Bit of S+P. Thanks for QSOs, Mark DOD.  
6S 96 M0IAM IO91 30 6,571 219 DK0NA/P 802 100 6 ele DK7ZB    
6S 97 G6GVI IO83 35 6,443 184 TM5R 535 50 5-ele Partly operating from a picnic table in the garden!  
6S 98 M6XAK IO93 35 6,025 172 F6KCZ/P 441 10 5 Ele LFA    
6S 99 GM0V IO85 17 5,315 313 TM4R 733 300 13 ELE    
6S 100 G0BNC IO91 28 5,244 187 TM9A 531 50 10 ELE JAYBEAM Conditions appeared to be good, but radio takes 2nd place to Moto GP (motor cycle racing) hence low score count.  
6S 101 M0ZMF IO93 22 5,176 235 TM5R 457 10 6 ele lfa fairly good conditions on a cobbled up antenna  
SF 102 G5XV IO91 23 4,892 213 F8KID 606 50 Beam 9 ele    
6S 103 GW9J IO72 14 4,836 345 PC5T 634 25 13 ele powerbeam Just came on for the last hour to give away points. 25w to 13 ele powabeam  
6S 104 G8HGN JO01 13 4,315 332 DR1H 789 100 11 ele LFA Casual operation on Sunday,conditions seems reasonable.  
SF 105 GM4UPB IO86 11 3,503 318 G1V 633 100 11 ele tonna sickness prevented me from operating so just gave a few points away thanks to those i managed to work  
6S 106 G0WXJ IO90 18 3,415 190 GM6MD 537 100 Dual PA144/70 Yagi    
6S 107 M1B IO82 19 2,289 120 G0VHF/P 275 100 dual 2/70 4/5 ele in loft fixed North giving few points away on fixed attic yagi. thx all,Steve  
6O 108 GM4IGS IO75 11 2,287 208 M0UGA/P 513 100 9 ELE YAGI Conditions well up. Nothing to the East. Thanks for QSO'S. 73, Mike GM4IGS
6S 109 G4EPA IO92 7 2,083 298 GM4ZUK/P 518 100 9 ele Tonna Just popped on in the evening as been driving trains all day  
6S 110 G7ICV JO01 13 2,004 154 PC5T 366 50 Dual antenna dual band 2/70 QRV 45mins Sat evening, good conditions  
6S 111 G0GRI IO80 11 1,978 180 TM5R 356 90 CX725 Tri band Vert Just a short session
SF 112 G3YRZ JO02 13 1,838 141 TM5R 307 25 Indoor Slim Jim Pleased with my few QSOs on 25W with an HB Slim Jim in attic!  
6O 113 GM8EXI/MM IO67 9 1,570 174 GD2T 343 50 5 ele Token effort from Canna Harbour as sheltering from southerly wind.  
6S 114 G0CNN IO94 10 1,565 156 M0UGA/P 353 100 Diamond X-300 Colinear Did what I could on a colinear for a few hours Sun am. Surprised at distances and thanks for turning my way in response to my faint calls...
6S 115 M7IDD IO93 10 787 79 G0VHF/P 243 10 3EL YAGI    
6S 116 GD6ICR IO74 5 674 135 GM4ZUK/P 331 10 15ele    
6S 117 G0BWG IO93 7 470 67 G3V 191 10 Watson W2000 Vertical    

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