Claimed Scores 2024
  9185 claimed scores
V8.41 by G4CLA

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21/10/24 70MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 144MHz UKAC

1 Oct (164 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G4CLA IO92 215 41,994 195 20500 62,494 OZ1BEF 791 600 4x10 Thanks for the QSOs.
AO 2 G4PIQ JO02 142 37,586 265 21500 59,086 SM7EYW 863 1000 17el F9FT Wrong side of a weather front to the East - tough going. Pretty average inland. Thanks for all the QSOs - great fun as usual.  
AO 3 GD8EXI IO74 142 45,594 321 11000 56,594 F4CHA 696 1000 18 ele M2 Remembered to run 1kw right from the start this month! Conditions more like winter.
AO 4 GI4SNA IO64 117 43,300 370 12000 55,300 F5RZC 689 300 17x2 Ele Yagi G4CQM    
AO 5 GM3SEK IO74 129 41,128 319 11500 52,628 F4HRD 600 400 11el YU7EF Lots of aircraft, but background tropo was dire.  
AR 6 G4FZN/P IO94 130 34,130 263 14500 48,630 F1RAF 734 100 9 element Tonna Guy ropes on the pump-up mast working overtime tonight. Very wet. Thanks for the QSOs.
AL 7 GW1YBB/P IO81 154 31,897 207 14500 46,397 DR0X 764 10 9 ele homebrew some strong sigs from North.New QRN source East,meh. Thanks for all the call, Steve  
AR 8 2E0VCC/P IO70 100 29,788 298 11000 40,788 G8PNN/P 537 100 9 element Far From A Flat Night, North Strong Signals, QSB Wicked At Times, Improved Multipliers, Thank You Everyone, 73 Darrell  
AR 9 G3XDY JO02 84 20,987 250 18000 38,987 OZ1BEF 694 100 12 ele M2 Yagi Decent conditions considering the dreadful weather  
AR 10 MW0LKX/P IO82 128 24,953 195 13000 37,953 PA0WMX 635 40 9Ele LFA Homebrew Wet & Windy, not a nice evening, radio conditions seemed up which was nice. Thanks for all QSO's 73 Wayne
AO 11 G0LTG/P IO81 111 22,781 205 15000 37,781 PA0FEI 627 250 9el owl Wet and windy at start. Conditions flat but picked up some good squares. As always thanks to all for the QSOs. 73  
AO 12 G4LPP JO02 86 22,151 258 14500 36,651 OZ6TY 732 800 4 x 8 ele yagi Conditions fairly good tonight - fast QSB though. Thanks for QSOs. 73, Phil  
AR 13 G4ODA IO92 78 19,575 251 17000 36,575 OZ1BEF 712 100 12el M2 Very wet and windy all day (not even able to fly my flag for great Lincolnshire day) so I guess better than anticipated.  
AL 14 G0EAK/P IO93 101 20,500 203 15500 36,000 OZ1BEF 719 10 8 Ele LFA Rapid QSB at times and seemed busy, a struggle to hold a run frequency. Also a very noisy band tonight - wx wet and windy.  
AR 15 GW6UAJ/P IO81 118 22,598 192 12500 35,098 PA0WMX 630 100 5 ele wierd propogation, multipath on many signals....hard work, but fun.  
AR 16 G3TBK/P IO93 117 19,941 170 14000 33,941 F1RAF 594 100 11 el Tonna Fair, some QSB especially to West. Very wet set-up & pack-up.  
AO 17 G4AFF JO02 82 18,410 225 13000 31,410 SM7EYW 854 700 12ele and 7ele    
AR 18 G8PNN/P IO95 70 20,787 297 10000 30,787 OZ1BEF 707 100 9 ELE PA144-9-5A Poor WX heavy rain and windy but band conditions okay. Thanks for all QSO's 73 Gordon. NFCG  
AR 19 G8CUL IO91 94 15,131 161 13500 28,631 DR0X 655 100 17 element Conditions perhaps below normal, but we had some nice QSOs. Harwell ARS.  
AR 20 G7LRQ IO91 92 15,574 169 13000 28,574 DR0X 599 100 10 ele Terrible QSB and high noise and terrible head cold made for a difficult evening. Thanks for repeats when needed.  
AO 21 GW0RHC IO71 73 17,226 236 11000 28,226 GM4JTJ 577 400 2 x 12    
AR 22 G4HWA IO92 99 15,542 157 12500 28,042 OZ1BEF 796 100 9 ele Vargada Flat Conditions a lot of noise and deep qsb on dx signals thanks for all the contacts 73 Bernie  
AO 23 G0XDI IO91 106 15,962 151 12000 27,962 GM6JNJ 571 400 7 ele Dual Poor conditions but improved towards the end. No DLs in the log, Not a bad first session from the new QTH. thanks to all  
AR 24 G0SKA IO91 100 14,360 144 13500 27,860 GM4JTJ 563 100 11 ele Powabeam quite good in patches and good activity. Thanks for all QSOs
AR 25 G8SEI IO92 99 15,243 154 12500 27,743 DR0X 639 100 12 Ele Noisy night with lots of multipath. High noise did give me issues and thanks to those who stuck with me 73 jeff  
AR 26 G0ODQ IO91 87 13,968 161 13000 26,968 GM4JTJ 557 100 9 ele M Squared  
AR 27 G4BRK IO91 68 12,839 189 14000 26,839 GM4JTJ 562 100 9 el Awful noise to NE tonight. Lots of no replies when I called stations, but don't think I'd get away with more power here.  
AR 28 2E0NEY IO81 72 12,888 179 12500 25,388 GM4JTJ 580 100 17 ele Tonna Difficult tonight and hard work. Poor condx with high noise and qsb. Tnx for the points 73
AR 29 G8KPD/P IO85 56 16,397 293 8500 24,897 G3WGN 548 100 9 Element Tonna Wind and rain all night. Band conditions better than the weather! Thanks for the repeats.
AO 30 GW0GEI IO72 60 14,272 238 10500 24,772 PA0WMX 706 1000 13 ele powabeam Deep qsb but nice level of activity and conditions seemed to be up a bit  
AR 31 G8EKG IO92 93 14,506 156 10000 24,506 F1RAF 605 100 13ele    
AR 32 G3SQQ IO93 76 12,016 158 11500 23,516 OZ1BEF 752 100 9EL LFA Condition all over the place, but good at times, numbers down here but some good contacts, enjoyed contest.  
AO 33 G4YPC IO91 67 10,317 154 11000 21,317 GI4SNA 513 1000 17ele Tonna & 4X 3ele DK7ZB Average. Tnks QSOs. Points to Guildford DRS  
AO 34 MW0DX IO71 46 11,595 252 9500 21,095 GM4JTJ 557 500 2 X 9 good to the north but rather noisy elsewhere hence many regulars missing from my log.  
AO 35 EI8KN IO62 36 13,985 388 7000 20,985 G4LPP 602 400 12 elements    
AR 36 G8REQ IO83 67 10,908 163 10000 20,908 GM4JTJ 368 95 H/B 5 Ele DK7ZB Cdx. just about average with much QSB, noise levels here getting worse, Sri if I missed you. Tnx. for all QSOs..73.  
AR 37 G3WGN IO80 40 11,356 284 9500 20,856 G8PNN/P 549 100 6el Dual Conditions especially good to the north.  
AO 38 GM4PPT IO75 47 11,335 241 9500 20,835 G4PIQ 522 500 12ele M2 Long gaps between!Planes helped, too many meeps to answer,beam north earlier for IO75!Seems us 2nd to continetals. It IS UKAC so wrk UK!
AL 39 G3NFC/P IO92 90 12,132 135 8500 20,632 F1RAF 598 10 15 Ele LFA Enjoyable contest. Some deep QSB. Thx for the QSOs and sometimes patience.  
AR 40 M0UHF IO91 75 10,052 134 10500 20,552 GM6CMQ 512 100 13 E CUSHCRAFT    
AR 41 MD0MAN/P IO74 49 13,731 280 6500 20,231 G0JDL 448 100 9 ele Tonna Late start for me, some QSB, tnx all in the log  
AR 42 GW8ASD IO83 50 9,711 194 10500 20,211 GM0HTT 672 100 12ele Yagi Flat conditions. GM0HTT a nice surprise.  
AR 43 2E0OUT IO81 53 8,999 170 10500 19,499 GM4JTJ 562 50 11ell duel still no rotator. finished early. thank you those fighting the QSB 73 all De James  
AR 44 G4EPA IO92 59 8,173 139 11000 19,173 GM4JTJ 486 100 9 element Slow start but it got better  
AR 45 PE1EWR JO11 44 13,134 298 6000 19,134 GI4SNA 725 80 25 el F9FT Surprising conditions near the end, still severe QSB throughout.
AR 46 G8GYX IO91 59 9,586 162 9000 18,586 GI4SNA 530 100 9 Ele tonna points to CATS thanks -Tom  
AL 47 G8OVZ/P IO92 50 8,437 169 10000 18,437 GI4SNA 487 10 9 element Tonna    
AR 48 G8IQL IO90 47 7,419 158 11000 18,419 GI4SNA 518 100 16 ele Tonna Above average condx. Thanks for the QSOs. Guildford & DRS.  
AR 49 2E0YDG IO93 39 8,439 216 9500 17,939 PA0WMX 532 100 12 element lfa yagi    
AL 50 G0FEH/P IO92 53 7,810 147 10000 17,810 GM4JTJ 507 10 5 ele The band didnt seem so full tonight, many signals seemed lower than usual. Thanks for the QSOs, cheers, Dave
AR 51 G4GFI IO91 51 8,283 162 9500 17,783 GI4SNA 530 100 9ele Tonna Condx better than expected with good level of activity.  
AR 52 G0JDL JO02 46 9,987 217 7500 17,487 GM3SEK 477 100 Antennas-Amplifiers 5-ele Very noisy band but conditions better than I expected given the weather.  
AO 53 GM4BYF IO85 29 8,761 302 8500 17,261 G3SED 571 800 16ele Absolutely dire noise levels. Tnx to all who tried and persisted.  
AL 54 G6HPR/P IO92 61 8,396 138 8500 16,896 F4CHA 440 10 9ele home brew Lost a lot of time due to technical issues so a night to forget. Thanks to all who meeped me, sorry for those I missed.73 Al  
AR 55 G3YDY JO01 47 8,704 185 8000 16,704 GI4SNA 536 100 7 ele    
AR 56 G3TDH IO83 43 7,143 166 9500 16,643 F5RZC 408 100 10ele Less noisy than usual here, so better than expected! Thanks for QSOs, 73 all, Reg  
AR 57 G8GRS/P IO81 37 7,626 206 8500 16,126 GM4JTJ 584 75 8 ele Good to north.Power reduced to conserve LIPO battery volts.Thanks for QSO's.Richard.  
AR 58 G4OBK IO94 37 8,615 233 7500 16,115 2E0VCC/P 470 100 7 ELEMENT YAGI Thought conditions were average. Local noise level dropped after 10pm local time as usual.  
AR 59 G8FMC IO91 60 7,568 126 8500 16,068 GI4SNA 448 100 8 ele G4CQM Powabeam Seemed hard work tonight? Results a bit below par.  
AR 60 F4HRD JO00 40 11,394 285 4500 15,894 GI4SNA 667 80 11 ELE TONNA  
AL 61 M1DST IO91 56 7,026 125 8500 15,526 GI4SNA 431 10 12ELE    
AR 62 G4ILI IO81 51 7,007 137 8500 15,507 GM4JTJ 529 100 7 element Reasonable North&West but below par elsewhere. Deep QSB on most. Some local CW QRM, so sorry if I missed you.TNX ALL fr contacts. Grant  
AR 63 G1HLT IO93 40 5,969 149 9000 14,969 GM4JTJ 399 100 5 el Powabeam 2 days continuous rain so lightweight antenna. Some weird paths,later slooow QSB to SSE.
AO 64 G6AD/P IO92 68 7,407 109 7500 14,907 F4CHA 419 100 13 element yagi    
AR 65 G8ZRE IO83 47 6,595 140 8000 14,595 G6HIE 331 50 8 XY YAGI 16 QRAS`s worked. Best N/S. Ran out of time with G8GYX at end. Only 1 stn in IO93.Missed HTT for bonus. Tks all for points.Dave G8ZRE.
AR 66 M0ALW/P IO81 43 6,959 162 7500 14,459 G8PNN/P 447 100 9 ele tonna Late start, but got best UK DX for us and a new square so a good night. Thanks all for Qs. Mike  
AR 67 G3YOA JO02 23 7,204 313 7000 14,204 OZ1BEF 627 90 9 ele LFA Slow start, Thanks for points to Bittern Dx Group.  
AL 68 G0NZI/P IO92 46 5,544 121 8500 14,044 GM4JTJ 464 10 6 element DL6WU Another struggle on low power with poor conditions. Thanks for the QSO's!
AR 69 G0JRY IO91 35 5,272 151 8500 13,772 GI4SNA 439 100 tonna 9e  
AR 70 G3SGC JO02 29 6,637 229 7000 13,637 OZ1BEF 620 100 PA144-12-7BGP    
AR 71 G4JLG IO83 42 6,508 155 7000 13,508 2E0VCC/P 350 100 10 el LFA YAGI Unable to work JO squares due to severe QRN, as usual
AR 72 G8TZJ IO84 38 7,132 188 6000 13,132 G3XDY 345 100 7el XY Yagi    
AO 73 F4CHA JN08 26 8,152 314 4500 12,652 GD8EXI 696 300 10 Elts LFA    
AR 74 G0JSB IO83 30 4,469 149 8000 12,469 GM4JTJ 364 100 5 ele attic Some deep QSB and flat conditions here. Thanks all Phil.  
AL 75 G1MZD IO92 43 5,371 125 7000 12,371 GM3SEK 380 10 7ele G4CQM Just a little too wet to be in the field but quite reasonable from home even with some qsb. tnx. Dave  
AR 76 G4XYW IO91 49 5,856 120 6500 12,356 GI4SNA 498 90 7el LFA  
AR 77 G1DFL IO91 55 5,667 103 6500 12,167 G4FZN/P 307 100 WiMo Big Wheel Tough band conditions. Wet and horrible, set-up in the back garden next to high trees. Thanks QSO's!
AO 78 M0FXX IO91 47 5,381 114 6500 11,881 F1RAF 462 400 8 ELE LFA Deep QSB, S5-s* Local QRM and heavy QRN. Quite a challenge. Thanks for everyone's patience.  
AR 79 GW4ZAR IO83 34 5,224 154 6500 11,724 F5RZC 450 100 6 ele Dual QSB resulting in an average night for me. Thanks/merci for the exchanges and for the /Ps for doing what they do .. 73 .. Dave  
AR 80 G7WIR JO01 49 5,707 116 6000 11,707 GD8EXI 444 100 WiMo Big Wheel Good conditions with the odd bit of QSB spoiling weaker signals. Thanks to all that heard me. 73...  
AR 81 GM4DIJ IO85 24 5,141 214 6500 11,641 MW0DX 470 100 9 ele Busy - but high noise level
AR 82 G3YCR IO91 46 4,521 98 6500 11,021 GD8EXI 438 100 7 ele DK7ZB    
AR 83 G4CSD IO91 40 4,636 116 6000 10,636 GD8EXI 397 80 8 ele    
AR 84 M0IAM IO91 31 4,617 149 6000 10,617 GI4SNA 520 100 6 ele DK7ZB Condx were a little better than expected but with QSB. Tnx for patience of stns that struggled to hear me.  
AO 85 G0WZV JO01 21 4,406 210 6000 10,406 GI4SNA 545 320 6 Ele    
AR 86 G8KQH IO91 32 4,237 132 6000 10,237 GM3SEK 458 50 4 element Yagi Best claimed score so far this year. Thanks all for the QSOs de Owen, Guildford & DRS.  
AO 87 G3UDA IO82 33 5,235 159 5000 10,235 G3SGC 298 80 17 Flat conditioins  
AR 88 G4EFT IO91 40 4,309 108 5500 9,809 GD8EXI 422 100 WiMo Big Wheel Conditions seemed quite good with a little QSB. Tnx for QSO's. 73 Phil  
AL 89 G0GDA JO01 26 4,254 164 5500 9,754 GD8EXI 473 10 X200 Qsb, Just did n hour  
AR 90 F1CBC JN09 31 5,678 183 4000 9,678 GD8EXI 601 80 9 els yagi Variable Conditions,QRM, deep slow QSB and Good activity. After 20:00TU big Noise ? so QRT .. 73 at all ..Philippe.  
AR 91 M0XAC IO81 26 3,962 152 5500 9,462 GI4SNA 392 40 7 Element dual band yagi    
AL 92 M0KPU JO01 26 3,561 137 5500 9,061 GD8EXI 433 10 8 ele powerbeam    
AL 93 2E0SBM IO92 45 4,055 90 5000 9,055 GI4SNA 374 10 10 element yagi good fun tonight with my antenna just above the food level in a south easterly direction thanks to all who worked me  
AO 94 M0WLF IO81 21 3,255 155 5500 8,755 GI4SNA 416 100 17B2 CUSHCRAFT    
AL 95 G3YKI IO82 29 3,590 124 5000 8,590 GI4SNA 321 10 8ele Yagi    
AR 96 G4JED JO01 27 4,060 150 4500 8,560 G4FZN/P 347 100 11 ele Yagi    
AL 97 G4PGJ IO92 22 2,881 131 5500 8,381 GI4SNA 348 10 7 ele LFA    
AO 98 F4HNP IN99 14 4,856 347 3500 8,356 G4FZN/P 559 140 9 elts portableTonna    
AL 99 G4HZG IO93 24 3,145 131 5000 8,145 2E0VCC/P 353 10 13B2 Yagi    
AR 100 G4BKF IO83 28 2,965 106 5000 7,965 G4PIQ 323 50 7 ELE YAGI    
AL 101 M7RMF IO91 28 3,675 131 4000 7,675 GM3SEK 406 10 9 Ele Tonna    
AR 102 G1VNB IO92 27 2,926 108 4500 7,426 GI4SNA 379 100 5 ele zl crazy qsb tonight  
AR 103 G3OVH IO92 20 2,317 116 5000 7,317 GI4SNA 382 50 home brew 8 ele Noisy band.  
AR 104 G0BIX JO01 20 3,312 166 4000 7,312 GW0RHC 336 100 7 Ele Yagi by Dual    
AL 105 G0HXR IO92 17 2,557 150 4500 7,057 GI4SNA 422 10 Dual Antennas 6/11 ele yagi  
AO 106 GM6CMQ IO86 11 3,326 302 3500 6,826 G0XDI 523 400 M2 12ele    
AR 107 G8IXK IO91 13 2,292 176 4500 6,792 GM3SEK 413 100 DUAL PA144-432-19-3-2C Was only having a quick listen at the tail end of contest, but managed 9 squares in 40min, so good fun  
AR 108 M0VNP IO81 23 2,754 120 4000 6,754 G4OBK 328 100 MET 144-6X Below average conditions this month.  
AL 109 M0WBG IO83 19 2,727 144 4000 6,727 GM4JTJ 364 10 6 ELE OWL    
AR 110 MM6POV IO75 13 2,193 169 4500 6,693 2E0VCC/P 519 25 9ele Tonna    
AL 111 M0KSE IO83 20 2,544 127 4000 6,544 G0LTG/P 260 10 Homebrew 6E yagi    
AR 112 G4YUP IO90 21 2,890 138 3500 6,390 G4FZN/P 367 100 6 el Yagi Constant high noise & Deep USB  
AL 113 G0CHO IO92 22 2,286 104 4000 6,286 GI4SNA 402 10 7 ele LFA yagi Quite noisy tonight and not much Northwards  
AL 114 G5IIA IO92 21 1,766 84 4500 6,266 F5RZC 270 10 5 Ele Yagi    
AL 115 2E0TXT/P IO83 15 2,116 141 4000 6,116 2E0VCC/P 359 10 Moxon homebrew  
AR 116 M0TZM IO82 14 1,955 140 4000 5,955 GI4SNA 310 50 5 element yagi    
AR 117 G8VPE JO02 14 2,325 166 3500 5,825 GD8EXI 451 100 9 ele F9FT Wet & windy. High noise to East. Some QSB but strong signals heard from West.  
AR 118 G0MHZ IO91 22 2,099 95 3500 5,599 GD8EXI 366 90 8 ele Jaybeam Quad    
AR 119 M0HPI IO91 24 2,010 84 3500 5,510 G4FZN/P 332 20 3 ele yagi    
AR 120 G7ICV JO01 20 2,399 120 3000 5,399 GW1YBB/P 262 50 Dual antenna yagi Conditions improved in second hour  
AR 121 G6GDI IO91 26 2,315 89 3000 5,315 MW0RHC 249 70 CLP5130-1 LOG PERIODIC An enjoyable evening. Thanks for the qsos  
AL 122 G6TVB IO92 17 1,624 96 3500 5,124 GD8EXI 327 10 Wima Dual Band Thanks for all contacts.  
AR 123 G8ZAX IO91 16 1,846 115 3000 4,846 GD8EXI 426 50 7 ele LFA local QRM was v bad  
AR 124 2E0GYI IO93 13 1,780 137 3000 4,780 G3SED 293 40 3 Element Delta Loop Antenna in loft, wet roof, just like taking part.  
AL 125 M0RSD IO82 26 1,771 68 3000 4,771 2E0TKI 142 10 9ELE YAGI Only did 45 mins this time.  
AL 126 G4BEE IO83 11 1,267 115 3500 4,767 G4PIQ 305 10 5 ele Yagi A frustrating night, particularly the first hour with little heard. Second hour a bit better but QRT early.. QSB won!!  
AR 127 PA0FEI JO33 7 3,075 439 1500 4,575 G0LTG/P 627 50 7 el Everybody thanks for patience.  
AL 128 M6XAK IO93 13 1,485 114 3000 4,485 GM3SEK 278 10 5 Ele LFA    
AR 129 G0ELJ JO02 12 1,819 152 2500 4,319 G0LTG/P 334 30 5 ele yagi    
AR 130 G3WZK IO91 8 1,745 218 2500 4,245 GM3SEK 482 50 DUAL YAGI 5/9 ELE Checklog only please  
AR 131 G4DYC JO02 14 1,582 113 2500 4,082 GD8EXI 415 100 Vertical colinear Mni tnx for patience thro hvy/rapid QSB, 73, Mike  
AR 132 G3WCB IO80 9 1,543 171 2500 4,043 G4PIQ 391 100 4 ele beam Rather quiet down here in IO80-land. Perked up a bit in the last half hour. Tks for QSOs. Pts to Drowned Rats. 73, Dave G3WCB  
AO 133 M7FWJ IO92 22 1,401 64 2500 3,901 GM3SEK 312 25 efhw    
AR 134 G4NTY IO83 11 1,314 119 2500 3,814 GI4SNA 265 100 6 Element  
AR 135 G6EIH IO92 9 1,074 119 2500 3,574 GI4SNA 345 100 7 ele Dual    
AO 136 M7CDF JO01 10 1,063 106 2500 3,563 G0LTG 204 10 5 ele yagi qsb first contest  
AR 137 2E0SHB IO92 17 933 55 2500 3,433 GD8EXI 285 50 5 element yagi    
AL 138 2E0RVX IO93 9 883 98 2500 3,383 GD8EXI 230 10 Retevis 2/70cm Yagi Interesting if sporadic. Thanks for the points 73.
AR 139 G6XHF IO83 11 866 79 2500 3,366 GI4SNA 236 40 7ele MET    
AL 140 G4VFL IO84 6 1,268 211 2000 3,268 G4KQH 303 10 9ele Yagi    
AR 141 M5IC JO01 7 748 107 2500 3,248 G0LTG/P 204 100 Ceecom Big Wheel Short Test of a Ceecom Big wheel, noisy and wet conditions  
AO 142 DL4PD JO30 3 1,544 515 1500 3,044 G0LTG/P 615 50 9 Element Yagi  
AO 143 G8EFK IO91 14 1,002 72 2000 3,002 MW0LKX/P 137 50 8 Element Yagi    
AR 144 GX3VRE IO81 11 981 89 2000 2,981 G3XDY 239 50 5 element beam    
AL 145 G8OMB IO92 14 698 50 2000 2,698 G4PIQ 192 10 5/8 element DK7ZB    
AL 146 M7OBG IO92 12 632 53 2000 2,632 GW1YBB/P 148 10 ZL7-2    
AR 147 G3ZWR IO94 4 557 139 2000 2,557 G4CLA 279 50 9 ele Tonna car problem so stuck at home. WHAT A ????? NIGHT constant local noise s5+ deep qsb, I think this is another Band U/S 73thanks points Norman
AR 148 G0SWC IO91 16 751 47 1500 2,251 G4ODA 174 100 2/70 Vertical Somewhat noisy on my old 2/70 Vertical  
AR 149 G8FRS IO91 8 713 89 1500 2,213 GD8EXI/P 323 50 5 element yagi    
AR 150 G8DMN IO81 5 694 139 1500 2,194 GD8EXI 360 50 Yagi 5 ele    
AL 151 M0BGR JO01 10 628 63 1500 2,128 G4LPP 177 10 5 el Yagi Very poor conditions with lots of QSB.  
AL 152 M3HBI IO92 14 552 39 1500 2,052 MW0LKX/P 114 10 Hex Beam Not bad for a HF Hex beam that has no 2m elements lol  
AL 153 M0SLO IO92 11 440 40 1500 1,940 GW1YBB/P 129 10 Vertical colinear x50 Just getting over a cold, so avoided /p in the rain. Happy with a few QSOs at home. 73s, Al  
AR 154 G6TXB JO01 5 421 84 1500 1,921 G4AFF 142 40 Fixed 5 ele yagi in attic    
AR 155 G4PDF IO93 5 393 79 1500 1,893 G4FZN/P 122 70 W200 Vertical    
AR 156 2E0YCC IO91 5 261 52 1500 1,761 G4CLA 110 27 HB 3 El Yagi pointed N    
AR 157 G4AJA IO91 12 604 50 1000 1,604 GW1YBB/P 103 20 Q4/2M 4 element quad    
AO 158 G1VRJ IO91 9 366 41 1000 1,366 GW6UAJ/P 94 50 8 element Yagi    
AL 159 G3XBM JO02 4 333 83 1000 1,333 G4CLA 105 10 2m Big-wheel    
AL 160 G0BWG IO93 3 207 69 1000 1,207 G4FZN/P 90 10 Watson W2000 Vertical    
AL 161 G4DZL IO92 3 97 32 1000 1,097 G3SQQ 38 10 yagi in loft  
AO 162 GW4MBS IO71 1 228 228 500 728 G4LPD 228 300 7-el Yagi Just my usual 30min of calling on CW only. Just one QSO tonight, so one more than usual!
AR 163 M0TVZ IO92 1 101 101 500 601 GW1YBB/P 101 50 Diamond V2000 Colinear Only the 1! Poor cond's and much QRM at QTH. Thanks Steve. 73 Ron  
AL 164 GM8ZKU IO97 1 93 93 500 593 GM4JTJ 93 8 5 element Yagi in loft Tnx G8PNN/P & GM4BYF for calls, sri unable to complete  

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