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  6616 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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26/07/24 70MHz Trophy
26/07/24 SHF UKAC 5.7 GHz
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26/07/24 SHF UKAC 3.4 GHz
25/07/24 70MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 144MHz UKAC

2 Jul (182 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 GI4SNA IO64 149 58,568 393 11500 70,068 ON4LDP 792 300 17x2 Ele Yagi G4CQM    
AO 2 G4CLA IO92 220 42,626 194 20500 63,126 HB9SJV 848 600 4x10 Hard work this month thanks for the QSOs.
AO 3 GM3SEK IO74 151 45,593 302 13500 59,093 F1MKG 766 400 11el YU7EF Busy! Good tropo up and down the West Coast, but difficult in other directions. Apologies for the lost QSOs.  
AR 4 G4FZN/P IO94 157 41,376 264 14500 55,876 OZ1DLD/P 701 100 12 element LFA Conditions well above usual. Thanks for the QSOs.
AO 5 G4PIQ JO02 140 33,845 242 17500 51,345 HB9SJV 718 1000 17el F9FT Tough going to the East tonight + an intermittent relay for 1st hour - but good fun and thanks all QSOs  
AL 6 GW1YBB/P IO81 173 34,029 197 13500 47,529 HB9BLF 902 10 9 ele homebrew signals up,no new DX bar the one remarkably strong one! Mega QRM my end tho,sorry to lost callers.Thx all,Steve  
AR 7 G4CZP/P IO90 153 33,568 219 12000 45,568 GM4JTJ 678 100 8 ele yagi Cndx a little up on summer normal but pretty cool for July! Thanks for all QSOs, Richard.  
AR 8 2E0VCC/P IO70 117 32,973 282 11000 43,973 MM0CEZ 580 75 9 ELE Conditions Seemed Up, Loads Of Activity, North & East Great, QSB At Times, MM0CEZ Nice Surprise, Thanks To All, 73 Darrell  
AL 9 G4ASR/P IO82 139 27,491 198 13500 40,991 PA0WMX 625 10 9-el Vargarda Out near Hay-on-Wye @ 1400+ft. Lots of activity. Missed the HB9s though, 9 DXCC inc. 7x GM, GI, GJ, GU. Bit damp at tear-down but ok.
AO 10 G0LTG/P IO81 128 25,794 202 14000 39,794 HB9SJV 825 250 9el owl Lovely warm evening. Fair conditions and lots of activity. Tropo to the West, missed lots to the South. Tnx to all for the QSOs 73.  
AR 11 MW0LKX/P IO82 142 26,059 184 13500 39,559 PA0WMX 530 50 9Ele LFA Homebrew Good band conditions but was cold and windy on tear down, Thanks for all QSO's 73 Wayne
AO 12 G4AFF JO02 117 25,372 217 13000 38,372 OZ1DLD/P 643 700 12ele and 7ele Just realised I'd forgotten to wind up the tower (after completing entry form). Happy days.  
AR 13 G3XDY JO02 92 21,242 231 15500 36,742 HB9SJV 710 100 12 ele M2 Yagi Conditions a bit up but EU activity levels down, so fewer squares than usual. Also limited by solar panel QRN until it started to get dark.  
AR 14 G3TBK/P IO93 132 23,201 176 12500 35,701 F6BQG/P 544 100 11 el Tonna Fair. Logging issue in last few minutes, lost call of whoever I gave 128- vy sri! No kst nor mgm.  
AR 15 GM4DIJ/P IO74 85 26,131 307 9500 35,631 G6HIE 560 100 17 ele Tonna Quite good condx -ran out of time .Wet at teardown
AO 16 GW0RHC IO71 103 24,079 234 10500 34,579 PA0WMX 710 400 2 x 12 ele Best this year thanks to all the QSO’s Sry for the lost QSO’s
AR 17 G4ODA IO92 96 19,929 208 14500 34,429 OZ9KY 734 100 12el m2 Still rather rusty. Must do better.  
AR 18 G8PNN/P IO95 83 24,755 298 9500 34,255 F1MKG 753 100 9 ELE PA144-9-5A Band conditions and WX good. Thanks to F1MKG for best DX. Many thanks for all QSO's. 73 Gordon. NFCG  
AO 19 G4LPP JO02 88 21,767 247 12000 33,767 OK1DTP 873 1000 4 x 8 ele yagi Condx seemed fair early on. Thanks for the QSOs, 73, Phil  
AR 20 M0NVS/P IO91 140 19,702 141 12500 32,202 DL6BF 578 100 6 ELE LFA Opted for smaller yagi and missed a few bonuses. Great activity but seemed pretty flat otherwise. Nice WX Thanks for qsos. 73 Phil
AL 21 G0EAK/P IO93 96 17,779 185 13500 31,279 OZ1DLD/P 713 10 8 Ele LFA Decent condx and activity but down a few squares, not sure why.  
AO 22 G4ZTR JO01 96 18,980 198 12000 30,980 F6DCD 591 200 10 el DJ9BV Reasonable conditions, but poor to the east. Noise level limits performance here on 2m, especially NE and SW.  
AR 23 GW6UAJ/P IO81 94 17,086 182 11500 28,586 HB9BLF 890 22 13 ele tonna calm night, good conditions east and south for 1st hour, and towards the end.  
AR 24 G8CUL IO91 99 15,469 156 13000 28,469 HB9SJV 779 100 17 element Busy start and finish but slow in the middle. Harwell ARS.  
AO 25 F1MKG JN08 69 20,880 303 7500 28,380 GM3SEK 766 250 4 X 11 F9FT PRO XL good activity but qsb tnx for contacts 73 jacky
AR 26 G0CNN/P IO94 80 17,549 219 10000 27,549 GM0HTT 534 100 Innovantennas 7 Ele OWL-GT Conditions up. Chilly & blowy. Unassisted as always. Thanks for all the calls!
AO 27 MW0DX IO71 76 18,649 245 8500 27,149 GM4JTJ 557 400 2 X 9 Nice to have some beams our way at the start for a change ! no Europe but there are still big hills in the way. Go Tripple B  
AR 28 G0ODQ IO91 99 14,856 150 12000 26,856 GM4JTJ 557 100 9 ele CQM  
AO 29 MM0CEZ IO75 56 17,005 304 9500 26,505 F5RZC 699 400 2 x 9 Element M2 1st 144 for a while,cndx up and down, some a/s, I waited for 10 mins for an a/c to work F5RZC . Nice to work 2E0VCC/p as well. Tnx for calls  
AR 30 G0SKA IO91 100 14,905 149 11500 26,405 GM4JTJ 563 100 11 ele Powabeam very lively but some deep QSB and quite noisy
AR 31 G8SEI IO92 72 13,397 186 13000 26,397 GM0HTT 731 100 12 Ele despite the Dell being slower than i could type i made it through the noise thanks to Alan HTT for his repeats 73  
AR 32 G3SQQ IO93 95 14,935 157 11000 25,935 F1MKG 513 100 9EL LFA Conditions quite good, nice clear contacts, most enjoyable so thanks to all.  
AR 33 M0GHZ/P IO81 81 13,644 168 12000 25,644 PA0WMX 572 30 17 ele Tonna A bit of a disastrous evening. PA decided not to work so limited to 30W. Took the wrong laptop, missing a pullyblock and no sugar in tea!  
AO 34 EI8KN IO62 45 17,035 379 7500 24,535 G4LPP 602 400 12 elements Propagation seemed to be fairly good from here.  
AR 35 M1MLM/P IO93 106 14,420 136 10000 24,420 PA0WMX 575 100 5 ele yagi    
AR 36 M0UHF IO91 89 12,524 141 11500 24,024 PA0WMX 503 100 13 E CUSHCRAFT    
AO 37 GM4PPT IO75 53 13,449 254 10000 23,449 G3XDY 529 400 12ele M2 Fair conditions at start but faded at 20:30!Picked up agn later, a few lost to qsb & some nice initials worked. Still Good Fun! 73 all.
AR 38 G8EKG IO92 95 14,279 150 9000 23,279 PA0WMX 542 100 13ele    
AR 39 G4BRK IO91 70 10,947 156 12000 22,947 GM4JTJ 562 100 9 el Conditions seemed up but couldn't get much benefit, very hard to get through the pileups. Felt like I was running 5W.  
AR 40 G4ILI/P IO81 92 12,836 140 10000 22,836 GM4JTJ 534 100 6 element Picked up well towards end. Average 2 good conds TNX GM4JTJ in final minutes and to ALL QSOs. Dry & calm on hill. 73 Grant Hereford  
AR 41 2E0NEY IO81 71 11,390 160 11000 22,390 GM4JTJ 580 100 17 ele Tonna Really hard work tonight. Condx poor with high noise in some directions and deep qsb. Tnx for points
AR 42 GW8ASD IO83 63 11,339 180 10500 21,839 GM0HTT 672 100 12 ele Yagi Noise issues made things difficult, particularly the last 30 mins.  
AR 43 G4FEV IO92 56 9,844 176 11500 21,344 GM4JTJ 504 80 9 el Yagi    
AO 44 G4YPC IO91 79 10,128 128 11000 21,128 HB9BLF 717 900 17ele Tonna & 4X 3ele DK7ZB Good cond. Surprised to have HB9 reply to my CQ! Not my best of the year though.Noise low here contrary to other comments...Pts to Guildford  
AR 45 M0KYB/P IO91 84 12,088 144 8500 20,588 GM4JTJ 569 100 8-ele Powabeam Great to be out portable again, fine weather! Deep QSB at times. Marc  
AR 46 PE1EWR JO11 50 14,857 297 5500 20,357 G3WGN 517 75 PA-144-9-5A Nice activity
AR 47 MW0OMB IO81 51 9,725 191 10500 20,225 GM4JTJ 568 70 8 Ele OWL G/T Cdx seemed up a bit so 2nd best score this yr. Noisy to the SE so hard wrk there. Thnks for ur QSOs & patience.  
AR 48 G8REQ IO83 64 10,227 160 9500 19,727 GM0HTT 640 95 H/B 5 Ele DK7ZB A good session but noise was a problem, peaking to the S/SW, Tnx. to GM0HTT for ODX and Tnx. to all for contacts.73.  
AL 49 G8OVZ/P JO01 59 9,439 160 10000 19,439 GI4SNA 500 10 9 element Tonna Good conditions  
AL 50 G7RIS/P IO93 74 9,836 133 9500 19,336 PA0WMX 556 10 15 ele lfa Thanks for all the calls. Lost the first 46 minutes due to rotator issues. Missed some of the regulars. Still enjoyed the night.  
AR 51 G0CDA IO83 62 9,785 158 9500 19,285 F1MKG 573 40 15 ele Cushcraft Junior Boomer Very noisy band tonight but reasonable to SW/S. Some nice AS. Tks all.  
AR 52 2E0IGD/P IO93 56 9,677 173 9500 19,177 PE1EWR 399 30 7 ele Noise and QSB, the fun of contest night. Thanks for the calls and repeats, much appreciated, 73 de Gary  
AR 53 G8LNR/P IO81 58 8,531 147 10500 19,031 GM4PPT 439 100 9 ele lfa slow start, deep qsb, busY in centre part, band died last 3/4hr, tnks Clive HARS  
AO 54 M0WLF IO81 67 10,882 162 8000 18,882 GM4JTJ 584 400 17B2 CUSHCRAFT    
AR 55 G4EPA IO92 63 8,595 136 10000 18,595 GM4JTJ 486 100 9 element Not bad tonight. Quite enjoyable  
AR 56 G0JDL JO02 44 9,524 216 9000 18,524 GI4SNA 557 100 Antennas-Amplifiers 5-ele Quite reasonable conditions and good level of activity but the band was noisy at times.  
AR 57 G8ZRE IO83 68 9,450 139 9000 18,450 F5RZC 434 50 8 XY Yagi Good conds high level of QSO`s & bonus QRA`s. G4HZG/P lost in QSB.3 stns worked on FM not heard on SSB. Tks all for points.Dave G8ZRE.
AR 58 G1HLT IO93 46 8,393 182 10000 18,393 F1MKG 517 100 8 el Powabeam Conditions OK,Op had a better night. Gremlins struck again, this time on the mast. Lost 20min near the start.
AL 59 M1EYP/P IO83 64 8,534 133 9500 18,034 F5RZC 396 5 SOTAbeams SB5 - 5Y SOTA activation from The Cloud G/SP-015.  
AL 60 G0FEH/P IO92 67 8,744 131 9000 17,744 GM4JTJ 507 10 5 ele yagi Thanks for the QSOs tonight.
AR 61 G7LRQ IO91 32 6,541 204 11000 17,541 GM4JTJ 570 100 9 ele LFA    
AR 62 2E0OUT IO81 60 8,968 149 8500 17,468 GM4JTJ 562 50 11ell duel lots of QSB. still no rotor. so having to climb tower to turn stack. so limited. 73 all. sorry if i never got to you. de James  
AR 63 G8GYX IO91 66 9,295 141 8000 17,295 GI4SNA 530 100 9 Ele tonna lots of activity, qsb deep earlier got better in the last 3/4 hour - tks 4 the points 2 CATS - Tom  
AR 64 G4NTY IO83 58 9,204 159 8000 17,204 F1MKG 584 100 8 Element Yagi Conditions not bad, a good night.
AR 65 G3YDY JO01 51 8,550 168 8500 17,050 MM0CEZ 550 100 7 ele    
AR 66 G8GRS/P IO81 45 7,906 176 9000 16,906 GM4PPT 466 100 8 ele Conditions and weather good. thanks for QSO's. Richard.  
AR 67 G3WGN IO80 37 8,772 237 8000 16,772 PE1EWR 517 100 6el Dual by Antennas/Amplifiers Great activity but some vicious QSB. Probably mest UKAC score so far, but conditions good, so others will have done well too!  
AR 68 2E0YDG IO93 40 7,547 189 9000 16,547 F1MKG 574 100 12 element lfa yagi A few difficult contacts due to QSB, overall about average conditions, maybe slightly up to the north.  
AL 69 G0XBU/P IO83 50 7,907 158 8500 16,407 F5RZC 398 10 Diamond 5 ele seemed noisy tonight with QSB. Battery started to die!  
AL 70 G1MZD/P IO92 48 6,624 138 9000 15,624 MM0CEZ 466 10 7ele G4CQM Quite good conditions and activity at the start but less towards the end. tnx. Dave  
AR 71 GW4ZAR IO83 44 7,027 160 8500 15,527 F5RZC 450 100 6ele Dual Thanks for contacts .. average night for me and I stuck it out to the end for a change. 73 .. Dave  
AR 72 G4JLG IO83 54 7,977 148 7500 15,477 2E0VCC/P 350 100 10 el LFA YAGI S7 white noise in SE quadrant worse than ever, making it virtually impossible to make contacts in that direction.
AR 73 G8IQL IO90 46 6,322 137 9000 15,322 GI4SNA 518 100 16 ele Tonna Great to be called by EI8KN, QSO with GI4SNA and several new to database. Thanks all.  
AL 74 G0NZI/P IO92 51 6,285 123 9000 15,285 GM4JTJ 450 10 DK7ZB quadlong Reasonable conditions thanks for all the QSO's!
AR 75 2E0VPX IO92 43 7,208 168 8000 15,208 GI4SNA 415 85 10 ele Good inter-G conditions here, Little noise for a change. 73 Andy  
AR 76 G0UUU/P IO94 24 7,051 294 8000 15,051 F1MKG 643 50 7 ele Slow going tonight. Thanks for the QSOs. 73, Phil  
AR 77 G4PFZ JO02 35 7,491 214 7500 14,991 GI4SNA 527 100 6 ele beam REasonable tonight, thanks for contacts  
AR 78 F1CBC JN09 40 8,913 223 6000 14,913 G4FZN/P 523 80 9 els yagi Average conditions, slow deep QSB and noise by time Thanks for QSO .73 at all ..Philippe  
AR 79 G0GJV IO91 53 6,782 128 8000 14,782 GI4SNA 491 100 9 ele dual    
AR 80 MD0MAN/P IO74 42 9,189 219 5500 14,689 G4LOH 457 100 9 ele Tonna Struggled with rotator, picked up when I disconnected it! Thanks to all in the log  
AL 81 M0SLO/P IO92 49 6,090 124 8500 14,590 F1MKG 455 10 8 ele Tonna Good conditions tonight and lots of /p. Best so far his year! 73  
AR 82 G0WXJ IO90 38 6,351 167 8000 14,351 GI4SNA 526 100 Dual 5el 2m 12el 70cm    
AR 83 G4KQY JO02 30 6,198 207 8000 14,198 GI4SNA 522 75 6 ele yagi missed first 30mins.. good conditions. Tnks to All 73  
AR 84 G4GFI IO91 53 6,157 116 7500 13,657 GM3SEK 475 100 9ele Tonna Good level of activity but condx unstable with deep QSB.  
AR 85 G0PQF JO01 36 5,734 159 7500 13,234 GI4SNA 507 100 9 el Conditions not too bad, but QSB was a problem. Thanks for the QSO's.  
AR 86 G0JRY IO91 35 5,166 148 8000 13,166 GI4SNA 439 100 tonna 9e  
AO 87 M0TXE IO82 33 5,303 161 7500 12,803 GM4JTJ 441 300 11 ele yagi    
AL 88 G7FSD IO92 39 4,517 116 8000 12,517 GM4JTJ 465 50 8 element powabeam thanks to all who worked me catch you at the weekend  
AL 89 G3NFC/P IO92 43 5,119 119 6500 11,619 MM0CEZ 386 10 15 Ele LFA Thanks for all the QSOs Couple of operating errors made it a little difficult :|  
AR 90 G7WIR JO01 44 5,485 125 6000 11,485 GM3SEK 481 100 Big Wheel Seemed to be good conditions tonight. GM was a nice surprise.  
AR 91 G4CSD/P IO91 38 4,548 120 6500 11,048 GI4SNA 486 80 8 ele    
AR 92 G4GTH IO90 31 4,365 141 6500 10,865 GI4SNA 492 95 10 Element Yagi Some good DX. lack of French stations. Deep QSB  
AR 93 G4XYW IO91 46 4,758 103 6000 10,758 GI4SNA 498 100 7el LFA  
AR 94 G0JSB IO83 30 4,233 141 6500 10,733 GM4JTJ 364 100 5 ELE ATTIC Good to SE but average other directions. Thanks all. Phil.  
AR 95 M0IAM IO91 35 4,311 123 6000 10,311 GI4SNA 520 100 6 ele DK7ZB Condx up a little. Thanks for the contacts and points to Guildford & DRS  
AR 96 G0BIX JO01 28 4,769 170 5500 10,269 GI4SNA 565 100 7 Ele Yagi by Dual    
AR 97 M0TBQ IO82 37 4,227 114 6000 10,227 GI4SNR 313 100 Log Periodic    
AR 98 G0HEL IO81 16 3,085 193 7000 10,085 GI4SNA 443 80 7 ele home brew yagi    
AR 99 G1VNB/P IO92 33 3,371 102 6500 9,871 GM4DIJ/P 344 50 4 ele yagi a it of fun on a nice evening  
AR 100 G6VGG IO82 30 3,703 123 6000 9,703 GI4SNA 362 90 5 ele yagi    
AL 101 M7DQO IO92 37 4,655 126 5000 9,655 GI4SNA 443 10 10 element yagi    
AL 102 G4BEE IO83 24 3,650 152 6000 9,650 G4CZP/P 355 10 9 ele Yagi Seemed to be better than normal with the second half most productive  
AR 103 G7LMJ IO90 28 4,639 166 5000 9,639 G0CNN/P 405 100 8 Element Yagi Very slow most of the evening and then 7 QSOs in the last 8 minutes. TNX everyone.  
AL 104 M0XAC IO81 26 3,497 134 6000 9,497 GI4SNA 392 10 7 Element dual band yagi    
AR 105 M0REG/P IO90 23 3,457 150 6000 9,457 GI4SNA 552 100 10 ele 2m Yagi - Horizontal pol    
AL 106 G0GDA JO01 28 3,902 139 5500 9,402 GI4SNA 570 10 Vertical White Stick Just did over the hour, Some good distances  
AR 107 G4JED JO01 28 3,789 135 5500 9,289 GI4SNA 557 100 11 ele Yagi Some regulars missing, nice to work GI4SNA despite the QSB.  
AR 108 G1YOY/P IO81 31 3,529 114 5500 9,029 GI4SNA 421 50 8 ele DK7ZB    
AR 109 G3OVH IO92 34 3,323 98 5500 8,823 GI4SNA 382 50 8 ele HB Plenty of activity  
AR 110 M0ALW IO81 26 3,233 124 5500 8,733 G4XZN/P 342 100 9 ELE YAGI Missing my 2nd op so did not go out /P but worked it from home - those extra 200m elevation make a difference! Thanks for the calls.
AL 111 M0KSE IO83 25 3,450 138 5000 8,450 2E0VCC/P 350 10 Homebrew 6E yagi Thanks for all the QSO's, much more activity along with some QSB at this QTH.
AL 112 G4PGJ IO92 23 2,818 123 5500 8,318 GI4SNA 348 10 7 ele LFA    
AR 113 G4SSW IO92 24 2,755 115 5500 8,255 GI4SNA 397 40 7ele dual    
AR 114 G3XBY IO92 27 2,985 111 5000 7,985 GI4SNA 368 100 7el Tonna Average  
AL 115 G0CHO IO92 31 3,236 104 4500 7,736 GI4SNA 402 10 7 ele LFA yagi Slow at first but a good haul for me. Quite a few stations calling on top of others!  
AL 116 G0GGU IO92 22 2,567 117 5000 7,567 GI4SNA 420 10 5 Ele Yagi    
AL 117 G4HZG/P IO93 20 2,438 122 5000 7,438 GM4PPT 317 10 8 ele LFA    
AR 118 G4EFT IO91 30 2,708 90 4500 7,208 G4FZN/P 333 100 WiMo Big Wheel Good conditions with some annoying QSB Tnx for QSO's. 73 Phil  
AL 119 G3TKF IO81 20 1,987 99 5000 6,987 EI8KN 340 10 Big Wheel Lots of local QRM and kept power down ... condx quite good but finished very early.  
AL 120 M0BGR/P JO01 29 2,945 102 4000 6,945 2E0IGD/P 227 5 5 El Yagi Good conditions. Tks for QSOs  
AL 121 M0WBG IO83 19 2,334 123 4500 6,834 GM4JTJ 364 10 6 ELE OWL    
AR 122 M0AFJ/P IO70 21 3,741 178 3000 6,741 G4PIQ 496 100 7 Ele antenna problem forced shut down...  
AL 123 M0RSD IO82 34 3,159 93 3500 6,659 GI4SNA 342 10 9 ELE YAGI    
AR 124 G8KQH IO91 23 2,119 92 4500 6,619 MW0LKX/P 217 50 4 element Yagi    
AR 125 G8VPE JO02 17 2,366 139 4000 6,366 2E0VCC/P 475 100 9ele F9FT Noise level not too bad. Pleased to work Cornwall near the end after having had a couple of half hour breaks, sitting still for too long.  
AL 126 M7RMF IO91 24 2,291 95 4000 6,291 GI4SNA 462 10 ZL Special    
AR 127 G4YUP IO90 16 2,242 140 4000 6,242 G4FZN/P 367 100 6 el Yagi High noise, plus QSB  
AR 128 G0TAR JO01 15 2,711 181 3500 6,211 G0CNN/P 374 50 10 ele beam still got temp ant missed GI4 and IO90, tnx points cu on 70. 73 de Brian  
AR 129 M0TZM IO82 17 2,026 119 4000 6,026 GI4SNA 310 50 5 element yagi    
AL 130 G6TVB IO92 22 2,025 92 4000 6,025 2E0VCC/P 308 10 Wima dual band    
AR 131 G6GDI IO91 23 2,432 106 3500 5,932 GM3SEK 410 70 CLP5130-1 LOG PERIODIC Not a bad evening (for me!) Thx for the qsos.  
AL 132 G8OMB IO92 24 1,844 77 4000 5,844 G4CZP/P 215 10 5/8 element DK7ZB    
AR 133 G0MHZ IO91 25 2,344 94 3500 5,844 F5RZC 231 90 8 ele Quad    
AL 134 M3EMO IO92 25 2,084 83 3500 5,584 GI4SNA 347 10 4element OWL Yagi in loft  
AL 135 G5MAT IO92 20 1,555 78 4000 5,555 G4FZN/P 196 10 delta quad Struggled with noise but enjoyable  
AR 136 M0HPI/P IO91 30 2,031 68 3500 5,531 G4LPP 220 50 3 ele yagi    
AO 137 G0WZV JO01 10 1,814 181 3500 5,314 G4FZN/P 295 320 6 Ele    
AR 138 2E0GYI IO93 15 1,780 119 3500 5,280 G4CZP/P 326 40 3 Element Delta Loop Antenna in loft, just enjoy taking part.  
AR 139 G6XHF IO83 15 1,769 118 3500 5,269 G0LTG/P 239 30 7ele MET    
AR 140 G7ICV JO01 017 1,713 101 3500 5,213 G0LTG/P 215 50 Dual antenna yagi    
AR 141 M0VNP IO81 22 1,681 76 3500 5,181 G4PIQ 269 100 MET 144-6X Poor conditions, all stations heard W,E between IOx0 and IOx2.  
AR 142 G4DYC JO02 24 2,103 88 3000 5,103 GW6UAJ/P 302 100 Vertical Colinear Tnx QSOs. Rapid qsb/sigs fading in & out. Good at times.73 All-Mike  
AL 143 G4NBS JO02 14 1,580 113 3500 5,080 PE1EWR 255 5 11ele No voice tonight so just a bit of fun sending QRP CW Condx seemed good and low noise so not best night to choose to have a sore throat!
AR 144 G8DTF IO83 16 1,916 120 3000 4,916 G4LTG/P 255 90 Halo    
AR 145 G0ELJ JO02 12 1,804 150 3000 4,804 G0LTG/P 334 30 5 ele yagi    
AL 146 G1SCT IO92 9 1,239 138 3500 4,739 2E0VCC/P 388 60 9 ele Tonna Gave up, having limited time to operate, get frustrated with stations on the run repeatedly calling qrz and not giving their call signs.  
AR 147 G3OHM IO92 20 1,709 85 3000 4,709 G4ZTR 200 100 DUAL PA144-432-19-3    
AL 148 2E0TXT/P IO83 025 2,114 85 2500 4,614 G8GRS/P 247 10 Moxon homebrew    
AO 149 G4JBH IO80 15 1,456 97 3000 4,456 F5RZC 329 1000 13 ele Dual    
AL 150 G8IXK IO91 8 899 112 3500 4,399 GW1YBB/P 183 10 DUAL PA144-432-19-3-2C Only managed last 20 minutes. Beam low and S9 wideband noise (~80-160MHz)to NW.  
AR 151 G3YCR IO91 12 1,773 148 2500 4,273 GI4SNA 534 100 7 ele DK7ZB Could only get on for the last half hour but some useful points for CATS. Tnks Colin  
AL 152 G0JPI IO92 9 1,020 113 3000 4,020 G4CZP/P 259 6 Dual Antenna 6/11 ele yagi  
AR 153 GM0SCA IO85 8 1,398 175 2500 3,898 G4CLA 376 50 6 ele quad  
AR 154 M0RJL IO90 10 884 88 3000 3,884 M0MUX 207 90 Diamond 10 ele yagi    
AL 155 G8NWC IO92 9 717 80 3000 3,717 G4CZP/P 253 10 5el    
AL 156 G4VFL IO84 9 1,669 185 2000 3,669 G4KQH 303 10 9ele Yagi    
AR 157 MM6POV IO75 16 1,093 68 2500 3,593 GM0HBK 220 25 9ele Tonna    
AL 158 M0IIB IO92 16 987 62 2500 3,487 G4CZP/P 165 10 YG27-35 Yagi Overcast, dry. Some QRM here this evening. QSB experienced stalling some contacts. However many thanks for the 16 QSOs! 73 Trevor  
AR 159 G8PCB IO91 13 956 74 2500 3,456 F5RZC 278 50 5El    
AR 160 M0UFC IO83 10 628 63 2500 3,128 GM3SEK 202 30 V2000    
AR 161 G3WCB IO80 9 957 106 2000 2,957 M0NVS/P 243 50 4 ele beam Thanks for the QSOs. Pts to Drowned Rats. 73, Dave G3WCB  
AL 162 M7OBG IO92 15 813 54 2000 2,813 GW1YBB/P 148 10 ZL7-2    
AR 163 G4AJA IO91 14 771 55 2000 2,771 GW1YBB/P 103 20 Q4/2M 4 element quad    
AL 164 M7FWJ IO92 13 714 55 2000 2,714 GW1YBB/P 126 10 homebrew 4 element 2m beam    
AR 165 M0TVZ IO92 10 681 68 2000 2,681 GW6UAJ/P 110 50 Diamond V2000 Colinear Some QSB and quiet on Band for me. Thanks for the points, 73, Ron  
AR 166 2E0VPA IO81 8 476 60 2000 2,476 2E0VCC/P 132 25 Yagi 5 Element    
AL 167 G3XBM JO02 5 456 91 2000 2,456 G4CZP/P 213 10 2m Big-wheel    
AR 168 G0FVH IO80 8 834 104 1500 2,334 G4LPP 336 50 Indoor beam    
AR 169 PA0FEI JO33 3 1,331 444 1000 2,331 G0LTG/P 627 50 7 el Poor conditions and activity. Some QSOs failed due to QRM and QSB...  
AR 170 G4PDF IO93 9 676 75 1500 2,176 G4FZN/P 122 65 W-200    
AL 171 G8MFH IO91 7 479 68 1500 1,979 G0LTG/P 150 5 5 element Jbeam    
AR 172 G3ZWR IO94 4 408 102 1500 1,908 G4CLA 279 50 9 ele Tonna car fail en route to io84xt.home ok. Sorry if I missed anyone. new levels of noise possible new solar panels 2 doors from me. 73 all Norman  
AR 173 G0DDF IO80 5 266 53 1500 1,766 M0AFJ/P 122 100 VX4000    
AO 174 M0WEO IO90 4 102 26 1500 1,602 G0LTG/P 66 40 Comet Tri-band vertical    
AR 175 G0SWC IO91 19 552 29 1000 1,552 G4CZP/P 84 100 2/70 Vertical Quite Good this Evening  
AR 176 G6TXB JO01 6 498 83 1000 1,498 G4LPP 172 40 Fixed 5 ele yagi in attic    
AR 177 G0NGI IO91 9 292 32 1000 1,292 G4CZP/P 89 30 HB9CV    
AO 178 M0TNI IO92 6 211 35 1000 1,211 M1MLM/P 128 50 HLP-270    
AL 179 G3MGQ JO01 3 70 23 1000 1,070 G4YPC 59 10 triband colinear    
AL 180 2E0IYM IO91 6 91 15 500 591 G0SKA 38 5 X30    
AR 181 G3LDI JO02 4 70 18 500 570 G4LPP 33 20 colinear    
AR 182 M0JWU IO91 1 8 8 500 508 G4YPC 8 90 7 Element Yagi    

4 Jun (192 scores)

7 May (205 scores)

2 Apr (182 scores)

5 Mar (211 scores)

6 Feb (182 scores)

2 Jan (164 scores)

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