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  1377 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

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16/02/25 50MHz UKAC
16/02/25 432MHz UKAC
15/02/25 432MHz FMAC
13/02/25 432MHz FT8 AC (4 hours)
13/02/25 432MHz FT8 AC (2 hours)
11/02/25 144MHz FT8 AC (2 hours)
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Claimed scores for 144MHz UKAC

4 Feb (180 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G4CLA IO92 234 43,243 185 20500 63,743 OZ7KJ 797 600 4x10 Busy night, thanks for the QSOs  
AO 2 G4PIQ JO02 148 37,106 251 21500 58,606 SM7EYW 863 1000 17el F9FT Conditions better than I feared they may have been with front passing through. Some odd missing bonuses. Thanks for all the fun.  
AO 3 GD8EXI IO74 130 41,117 316 11000 52,117 F1MKG 716 1000 18 ele M2 I suspect many stations beaming E at the start. Busy later working 24 stations in last 30mins.
AR 4 G4FZN/P IO94 122 31,424 258 14500 45,924 F1DBE 769 100 12 element LFA Set-up was going well until I came to unpack the pc for logging - which I'd left at home! Conditions were surprisingly good. Tks for the Qs.
AO 5 G4AFF JO02 109 26,901 247 17500 44,401 SM7EYW 854 700 12ele and 7ele    
AO 6 G0UOK/P IO94 126 28,995 230 9500 38,495 F1MKG 648 1000 12 Ele A night full of technical issues. Apologies to those trying to get me on KST, that was one of them!  
AR 7 2E0VCC/P IO70 98 27,962 285 10000 37,962 G8PNN/P 537 100 9 ele First 2m Ukac This Year, Conditions seemed Good from SW, Rotator Had Mind Of Its Own At Times, Many New stations, 73 Darrell  
AR 8 GM4JTJ IO86 70 26,836 383 10000 36,836 OZ1BEF 724 100 9eleYagi Poor propogation which improved slightly later. Thanks for pointing North.
AO 9 GW0RHC IO71 87 22,317 257 12500 34,817 PA0WMX 710 400 2 x 11 ele Very enjoyable evening with QSB towards the north east enjoyed working the F and PA also the GM’s in the far north for the first time
AR 10 G4ODA IO92 89 18,507 208 15500 34,007 OZ1BEF 712 100 12el m2 Another difficult night.  
AR 11 G3TBK/P IO93 130 21,019 162 11500 32,519 F4FCW 695 100 11 el Fair, but very unstable to South with deep slow QSB. Some odd beam headings. No chat-room.  
AO 12 G8SEI IO92 113 17,816 158 13500 31,316 OZ1BEF 801 1000 2 x 11 ele stacked first time running the 2 x 11 ele stack seems to be succesfull. to the many i missed or forgot i apologise .73 Jeff  
AL 13 G0EAK/P IO93 101 17,738 176 13500 31,238 OZ1BEF 719 10 8 Ele LFA Good activity and fair condx although QSB a problem on a few signals. Down on locator squares so maybe my tactics weren't perfect.  
AR 14 G8PNN/P IO95 74 19,796 268 9500 29,296 F1MKG 753 100 9 ELE HB WX cold and windy. 2deg. Band cond. good.3 normal locators not heard. Thanks for all QSO's. 73 Gordon. NFCG  
AO 15 G4ZTR JO01 85 16,893 199 12000 28,893 F6DCD 591 400 10 el DJ9BV Conditions pretty flat and low EU activity: only 1 x DL, 1 x PA but 3 x GM. V difficult to find a clear freq.  
AR 16 G0CNN/P IO94 88 17,577 200 10500 28,077 F4HOG 593 100 Innovantennas 7 Ele OWL-GT Better than normal conditions. Strong winds and cold. Smaller antenna. Thanks for all the calls! Unassisted.
AR 17 G4HWA IO92 106 15,351 145 12500 27,851 OZ1BEF 796 100 9 ele Vargada Flat conditions a lot of qsb thanks for all the contacts 73 Bernie  
AR 18 G8CUL IO91 102 15,070 148 12500 27,570 GM4JTJ 568 100 17 element Conditions variable with QSB, good activity! Harwell ARS.  
AL 19 G6HPR/P IO92 104 14,753 142 12000 26,753 F6BQG 501 10 9ele Good conditions tonight but major QSB on some stations.Thanks for all QSO's and meeps. 73 Al
AR 20 G0SKA IO91 110 13,884 126 12000 25,884 GM4JTJ 563 100 11 ele Powabeam quite good conditions but no real DX here. Good activity. Thanks for all QSOs.
AO 21 F1MKG JN08 76 18,103 238 7000 25,103 G8PNN/P 753 300 4 X 10 EL DK7ZB good activity, tnx for QSO 73 Jacky
AR 22 G4NBS JO02 76 13,025 171 11500 24,525 E13KD 565 100 11ele Good 2B bak even if Ae stuck @rest height. Multiple moving noise sources made life difficult. Worked 24 LOC but Robot says 23??
AR 23 G3SQQ IO93 98 13,725 140 10500 24,225 OZ1BEF 752 100 9EL LFA Wild QSB here at times and also conditions, Enjoyable contest thanks to all.  
AR 24 G0ODQ IO91 90 13,027 145 11000 24,027 GM4JTJ 557 100 9 ele M Squared  
AO 25 G4YPC IO91 86 11,801 137 11500 23,301 F1DBE 464 1000 17ele Tonna & 4X 3ele DK7ZB Average to fair conditions.Good act. Pleased with claimed score for winter time.Happy with JN17 for ODX. Pts to Guildford 73 all.  
AO 26 G0XDI IO91 100 12,138 121 10000 22,138 PA0WMX 451 400 7 ele Dual One to forget! Really Poor conditions with deep QSB! many mults missing and activity seemed low. Thanks to all for the QSOs  
AR 27 G1DFL/P IO91 111 12,132 109 9500 21,632 EI3KD 500 100 WiMo Big Wheel My tiny egg whisk omni was just 3m/10ft off the ground due to a jammed mast! Thanks for QSO's.
AO 28 GW0GEI IO72 64 13,575 212 8000 21,575 GM4CXM 418 1000 13 ele powabeam    
AR 29 M0SAT IO91 73 9,846 135 11500 21,346 F4FCW 593 100 9 ele LFA Nice to work JN38. Mixed bag, some QSB some v strong. Tnx /P's. Points to DRRG.  
AR 30 2E0NEY IO81 64 10,685 167 10000 20,685 GM4JTJ 580 100 17 ele Tonna Flat condx tonight a real struggle. Very noisy and lots of qsb too. Hard work but good number of squares. 73 es tnx
AR 31 M0UHF IO91 84 10,901 130 9500 20,401 PA0WMX 503 100 13 E CUSHCRAFT    
AO 32 PA0WMX JO21 30 14,596 487 5000 19,596 GW0RHC 710 400 2x12 el    
AR 33 G4ILI/P IO81 86 10,393 121 9000 19,393 GM4JTJ 534 100 6 ele yagi Dry cold breezy. GD to be /P agn. Conditions seemed average, GD activity TNX fr the QSOs - 73 Grant Hereford ARS.  
AR 34 G3WGN IO80 47 12,226 260 7000 19,226 G0UOK/P 481 100 9el Dual Busy band full of stations pointing the other way...Had fun anyway. Thanks for all the Qs  
AL 35 G0WUS IO92 66 8,474 128 10500 18,974 EI3KD 488 10 11 ele  
AR 36 G8EKG IO92 82 10,472 128 8500 18,972 PA1EWR 381 100 13ele    
AR 37 G4BP IO94 59 10,970 186 7500 18,470 EI3KD 557 100 8 ELEMENT POWABEAM YAGI Above average condx with very noticable QSB - I was not plagued by local noise. 3 X QSO in CW and 56 in SSB.  
AO 38 GM4PPT IO75 37 8,391 227 10000 18,391 G4OIQ 529 400 12ele M2 Variable condx & activity, only five /P. Surprised at many sqs wkd, all Good FUN! Thanks to all for beaming my way.
AO 39 GB3RN IO90 54 9,781 181 8500 18,281 F6GYH 603 200 9y Very deep qsb and heavy local qrm. Thanks for qsos and those who persevered  
AO 40 MW0DX IO71 38 9,760 257 8500 18,260 GM4JTJ 557 500 2 X 9 overhead powerlines not playing ball today - noisy to north nice to make it to france thought. prob many UBNs  
AR 41 GW8ASD IO83 56 8,913 159 9000 17,913 F5RZC 435 100 12 ele Yagi Poor conditions, high noise levels, what more can I say?  
AO 42 G8DOH IO92 66 9,403 142 8500 17,903 PA0WMX 523 75 2 x 8ele Only able to be on for 70 mins. Condx. above average.  
AL 43 G8IQL/P IO90 58 8,294 143 9500 17,794 PA0WMX 490 10 16el F9FT(1979) Learnt much from /P trial of big Tonna. Better use next time. Tnx QSOs and tries.  
AR 44 M1MLM/P IO93 84 10,422 124 7000 17,422 PD4HDB 580 100 5 ele yagi Had to pack up early but had a great night, Thanks all, Take care Ben  
AR 45 G3YDY JO01 57 9,294 163 8000 17,294 OZ1BEF 760 100 7 ele    
AR 46 G8DVK IO91 57 7,572 133 9500 17,072 GM4JTJ 572 100 16 elementtonna    
AR 47 G8REQ IO83 62 8,949 144 8000 16,949 GM4JTJ 368 95 H/B 5 Ele DK7ZB Mixed Cdx. with QSB. Missed some regulars/ squares, Tnx to all ...73.  
AR 48 G4EPA IO92 70 7,906 113 9000 16,906 GM4JTJ 486 100 9 element Lots of activity tonight very enjoyable.  
AO 49 M0WLF IO81 67 10,126 151 6000 16,126 PA0WMX 596 400 17B2 CUSHCRAFT    
AL 50 G0FEH/P IO92 61 7,302 120 8500 15,802 GM4JTJ 507 10 5 ele yagi A busy one tonight, thanks for all of the QSOs
AR 51 G1HLT IO93 61 7,165 117 8500 15,665 GM4JTJ 399 100 8 el Powabeam Contrary-Almost empty band at times but activity much higher than January. No real DX heard but my distant QSOs much easier this month.
AR 52 G0JDL JO02 38 8,075 212 7500 15,575 OZ1BEF 655 100 Dual 5-ele Conditions were a bit above average but my QSO count was a bit below. Deep QSB on some signals.  
AO 53 M5BFL JO02 37 7,037 190 8500 15,537 OZ1BEF 656 200 12 EL    
AO 54 M0FXX IO91 58 7,023 121 8500 15,523 F6GYH 627 400 8 ELE LFA Very noisy band  
AL 55 G8OVZ/P IO91 52 7,477 144 8000 15,477 GD8EXI 395 10 9 element Tonna    
AO 56 GM4BYF IO85 31 8,630 278 6500 15,130 G8CUL 536 400 16ele Started well and went rapidly worse. Scoring computer played up and maybe some UBNs as a result. Also Ptt went unreliable. Bad noise to N  
AR 57 F1CBC JN09 42 9,098 217 6000 15,098 GD8EXI 601 80 5 els yagi (broken) Changing Conditions, deep slow QSB, Noise by time but good activity. 73! at all ..Philippe.  
AR 58 G8FMC IO91 59 6,451 109 8500 14,951 G8PNN/P 373 100 8 ele G4CQM Powabeam V heavy QSB tonight & cond. average to poor?  
AR 59 G4GFI IO91 66 8,352 127 6500 14,852 GD8EXI 434 100 9ele Tonna Poor tropo but high level of activity.  
AR 60 G8GRS/P IO81 38 6,730 177 8000 14,730 GM4JTJ 584 75 8ele Condx variable, weather fair,thanks to all in log.73 Richard.  
AR 61 M0NVS IO91 39 6,134 157 8500 14,634 PA0WMX 446 100 8 Ele Lfa QSB on many signals, good A/S helped. Noise towards South for 1st 2hrs. Thanks for qso's. 73 Phil
AR 62 2E0VPX IO92 49 6,995 143 7500 14,495 2E0VCC/P 387 90 10 ele Average conditions. 73 Andy  
AO 63 G4KUX IO94 21 6,941 331 7500 14,441 OZ1DLD/P 732 800 4x8ele Only QRV 90mins. Poor cond.  
AL 64 G7LII/P IO92 66 7,336 111 7000 14,336 GM4JTJ 500 10 8 Element I0JXX G4ZTR thank you for supplying my new antenna. Much improved range and better F/B ratio. John G4CZB/P managed to log your C/S correctly  
AR 65 G0CDA IO83 38 5,773 152 8500 14,273 EI3KD 421 25 15 ele Cushcraft Junior Boomer Search and pounce and some AS contacts very noisy and reduced power again!  
AR 66 G4NTY IO83 52 6,945 134 7000 13,945 2E0VCC/P 350 100 8 Element Yagi Deep qsb.
AR 67 MW0OMB IO81 43 7,341 171 6500 13,841 G3YOA 355 70 8 Ele OWL G/T Slow going, band was quiet but some nice QSOs.Disappointingly, no GMs, Fs, 80 or 90 sqs to boost the bonus.  
AR 68 PE1EWR JO11 36 9,655 268 4000 13,655 G4KUX 505 80 PA144-9-5A Conditions dir NE and NW, difficulties dir W. Tks to those that tried!
AR 69 G4CSD IO91 52 6,716 129 6500 13,216 GD8EXI 397 80 6 ele    
AL 70 M7DQO/P IO92 45 6,197 138 7000 13,197 F1MKG 455 10 10 ele yagi    
AL 71 2E0SBM/P IO92 61 6,222 102 6500 12,722 F5RZC 319 10 yagi good fun tonight thanks to all who worked me  
AR 72 G4JLG IO83 47 5,605 119 7000 12,605 2E0VCC/P 350 100 10 el LFA YAGI Very noisy, but made a few more contacts than I thought I would.
AR 73 MD0MAN/P IO74 28 6,588 235 6000 12,588 G3WGN 426 100 9 ele Tonna Tried playing rotator again this evening without too much joy, got very noisy towards the end - tnx all in the log  
AL 74 G0NZI/P IO92 56 5,030 90 7500 12,530 EI3KD 459 10 Halo Too much gone wrong but persevered. Thanks for the QSO's!
AR 75 G3TDH IO83 38 4,822 127 7500 12,322 GM4JTJ 367 100 10ele Extremely noisy here tonight until 10.15 pm. A busy last 15 minutes! Apologies if I could not hear you! 73 to all, Reg  
AR 76 G8ZRE IO83 46 5,692 124 6500 12,192 F5RZC 434 50 8 XY Yagi Fair best N/S.Good to work F5RZC/GEI/JTJ & RHC. Shame no real contest in General Club section this year,forgone conclusion of result.Dave.
AL 77 G1MZD IO92 55 5,418 99 6500 11,918 GD8EXI 343 10 7ele G4CQM Hard going with rapid QSB lots of noise to the south + usual electric fence. tnx Dave  
AL 78 M1DST IO91 39 5,392 138 6500 11,892 EI3KD 438 10 12 ELE    
AR 79 G0PQF JO01 41 5,139 125 6500 11,639 GD8EXI 409 100 9 el Reasonable conditions but QSB on some signals was an issue. Thanks for the QSO's.  
AO 80 G0WZV JO01 33 5,561 169 6000 11,561 GD8EXI 447 320 6 Ele    
AR 81 G3YOA JO02 22 4,882 222 6500 11,382 GM4JTJ 491 95 9 ele LFA QRM from high power tx's, Thanks for points to Bittern Dx Group  
AR 82 G4JED JO01 38 4,342 114 7000 11,342 GD8EXI 461 100 11 ele Yagi    
AL 83 G7RIS IO92 40 4,800 120 6500 11,300 GM4BYF 354 10 15 ELE Really hard work tonight. At times the band was absolutely dead, then deep qsb later on. Thanks for contacts.  
AR 84 F4HRD JO00 24 6,175 257 5000 11,175 GW0RHC 440 80 11 ELE TONNA  
AR 85 G7WIR JO01 56 5,378 96 5500 10,878 G4FZN/P 328 100 WiMo 2m Big Wheel Lots of deep QSB made it difficult at times but overall it was a good result.  
AR 86 G4PFZ JO02 34 5,307 156 5500 10,807 GW0RHC 400 100 6 ele beam average conditions here in Norfolk. Thanks for meeps and contacts  
AR 87 G0LTG IO81 36 4,149 115 6500 10,649 F1MKG 374 50 8el Couldn't get out tonight but managed an hour on and off. Conditions seemed poor in all directions.Tnx all for the QSOs, 73.  
AR 88 G0UUU/P IO94 25 5,122 205 5500 10,622 GB3RN 375 50 7 ele Quite a lot of QSB about. Thanks for the QSOs. 73, Phil.  
AR 89 M0ALW/P IO81 27 3,987 148 6500 10,487 G0UOK/P 368 100 9 ele tonna    
AO 90 M0TXE IO82 35 4,447 127 6000 10,447 F5RZC 398 300 11ele    
AR 91 2E0YDG IO93 32 4,383 137 6000 10,383 2E0VCC/P 421 100 12 element lfa yagi conditions not great, sorry to those that called in and just faded away. hopefully get you next time. regards Dave  
AR 92 G4GTH IO90 21 3,511 167 6500 10,011 MD0MAN/P 406 95 10 Element Yagi Little activity in south. Some DX but a deep QSB
AR 93 G3YCR IO91 50 4,290 86 5500 9,790 GD8EXI 438 100 7 ele DK7ZB Noisy and quite a lot of QSB.  
AR 94 2E0TGU IO91 42 4,341 103 5000 9,341 GD8EXI 366 50 9 Ele Tonna    
AR 95 G0JSB IO83 27 3,267 121 6000 9,267 GM4JTJ 364 100 5 ELE LOFT    
AR 96 GM4DIJ IO85 19 4,223 222 5000 9,223 G4ASR 441 100 9 ele Poor condx planes needed.  
AR 97 G0BIX JO01 31 4,140 134 5000 9,140 GD8EXI 468 100 7 Ele Yagi by Dual    
AR 98 M0IAM IO91 35 3,629 104 5500 9,129 GD8EXI 426 100 6 ele DK7ZB Tnx for the contacts and points to Guildford & DRS  
AR 99 G5ROC IO93 46 4,504 98 4500 9,004 GM4JTJ 391 80 10 EL Yagi    
AL 100 2E0TXQ IO92 33 3,184 96 5500 8,684 2E0VCC/P 313 10 6 ele LFA    
AL 101 G0HEL IO81 17 3,160 186 5500 8,660 GM4JTJ 594 10 11 ele tonna late start very poor band conditions deep qsb and S5 to 9 noise floor some ap's helped a lot but most didn't tnx all Alan TDARC  
AR 102 G0GJV IO91 38 3,150 83 5500 8,650 G0UOK/P 330 100 9 ele dual    
AR 103 M0JWU IO91 33 3,468 105 5000 8,468 GD8EXI 426 90 5 ele    
AR 104 G8KPD/P IO85 23 3,733 162 4500 8,233 G1YBB/P 350 100 9 Element Tonna  
AL 105 G8NRY IO93 38 3,583 94 4500 8,083 GB3RN 278 10 5 Elel Yagi    
AR 106 G4OED IO91 22 2,539 115 5500 8,039 GD8EXI 344 100 7 ELE ZL SPECIAL    
AR 107 G4KQY JO02 24 3,305 138 4500 7,805 G3WGN 418 80 6 ele yagi Tnks all for contacts. Sorry if I stamped on your freq,rig was playing up txing blindly with no power indication and no spectrum !! 73  
AR 108 M0XAC IO81 23 2,672 116 5000 7,672 GD8EXI 301 100 7 Element dual band yagi    
AR 109 G0BNC IO91 22 2,281 104 5000 7,281 G0UOK/P 290 40 10XY Conditions a bit better my end this week, with a few more squares than normal.  
AL 110 G5IIA IO92 29 2,759 95 4500 7,259 F5RZC 270 10 9 ELE G4CQM    
AR 111 G3OVH IO92 36 2,741 76 4500 7,241 G8PNN/P 292 50 8 ele homebrew busy  
AR 112 G4EFT IO91 40 3,129 78 4000 7,129 GW4SHF 248 100 WiMo Big Wheel Condition were good only spoiled by deep quick QSB. Tnx for QSO's. 73 Phil  
AR 113 G0TAR JO01 20 2,829 141 4000 6,829 GD8EXI 468 50 9 ele beam High noise as usual Deep QSB gd eve Tnx points cu on 70cm 73 de Brian  
AL 114 M0KSE IO83 18 2,250 125 4500 6,750 GB3RN 315 10 Homebrew 6E yagi Thanks for the QSOs flat conditions at this QTH  
AL 115 G0CHO IO92 28 2,723 97 4000 6,723 GD8EXI 307 10 7 ele LFA yagi Some deep QSB tonight so thanks for all who perservered with my 10SW signal.  
AR 116 G4SSW IO92 29 2,179 75 4500 6,679 F5RZC 293 40 7 ele dual    
AL 117 G7WHI IO92 33 2,144 65 4500 6,644 GW0GEI 203 10 Moxon Hard work from home, but thanks for the QSO's  
AL 118 G7LMJ IO90 17 2,565 151 4000 6,565 G0UOK/P 404 100 8 Element Yagi Very high noise levels tonight. Decided on an early finish.  
AL 119 G3NFC/P IO92 35 2,877 82 3500 6,377 G0TAR 210 10 10 Ele Cushcraft Radio gremlins had a field day! Many issues from the get go. Thanks to all that persevered to log me.  
AR 120 G8KQH IO91 30 2,270 76 4000 6,270 G4FZN/P 323 50 4 element Yagi    
AL 121 G4PGJ IO92 21 2,231 106 4000 6,231 GD8EXI 250 10 7 ele LFA    
AR 122 G4AWP IO94 19 2,216 117 4000 6,216 GM4JTJ 307 100 17ele Tonna Spent all day putting my 17 ele tonna back together. Somewhat disappointed my first proper UKAC outing at new QTH  
AL 123 G4XTF IO82 18 2,203 122 4000 6,203 G0UAK/P 291 10 7 ELEMENT BEAM FAIR CONDITIONS. NOISE TO THE EAST  
AR 124 M0JQT JO01 22 2,120 96 4000 6,120 GD8EXI 465 50 9 Ele Yagi    
AR 125 M0VNP IO81 19 1,889 99 4000 5,889 G0UOK/P 342 100 MET 144-6X Conditions not to good but better than Jan.  
AL 126 G0HXR IO92 22 2,267 103 3500 5,767 GW0GEI 276 10 Dual Antennas 6/11 ele yagi    
AR 127 G7ICV JO01 22 2,229 101 3500 5,729 G4FZN/P 341 100 Moxon 50/70 by eantenna    
AO 128 G4LDR IO91 13 1,643 126 4000 5,643 F5RZC 261 1000 9 Element Yagi    
AR 129 G4YUP IO90 18 2,515 140 3000 5,515 G0UOK/P 386 100 6 el Yagi Noise QSB  
AL 130 G5MAT IO92 30 1,961 65 3500 5,461 GD8EXI 282 10 big wheel    
AL 131 M6XAK IO93 19 1,850 97 3500 5,350 GD8EXI 263 10 11 El LFA    
AR 132 G0MHZ IO91 23 1,846 80 3500 5,346 GW0RHC 243 90 8 ele Quad by J-Beam    
AL 133 G6TVB IO92 22 1,503 68 3500 5,003 G0UOK/P 237 10 Wima Dual Band Local interference to SW.QSB to the north. Thanks for all the QSO's
AR 134 G4FFY JO01 16 1,282 80 3500 4,782 G0UOK/P 363 100 Dual 144-432 5-8 Elements Y Noisy band especially towards the North. Also some deep QSB and some signals weaker than usual. Thanks for the QSO's. 73
AR 135 G1VNB IO92 31 1,723 56 3000 4,723 F5RZC 311 100 5 ele zl    
AL 136 M0RSD IO82 22 1,650 75 3000 4,650 GD8EXI 246 10 9 ELE YAGI    
AR 137 G4DYC JO02 18 2,125 118 2500 4,625 GD8EXI 415 90 Vertical Colinear Tnx for Q's thro hvy QSB/variable conditions. 73, Mike  
AR 138 G4BKF IO83 20 1,607 80 3000 4,607 GM4BYF 279 50 7 Ele ZL Yagi    
AL 139 M0WBG IO83 15 1,353 90 3000 4,353 GM4JTJ 364 10 6 ELE OWL    
AR 140 G4YSS/P IO94 9 1,287 143 3000 4,287 GM4JTJ 304 50 7 ele Average Condx. Thanks for QSO's  
AL 141 G4HZG/P IO93 24 1,785 74 2500 4,285 G1DFL/P 171 10 10 ele LFA Yagi    
AR 142 G0KZT IO91 30 1,700 57 2500 4,200 G0LTG 169 100 7 ele ZL Special Heavy QSB - Some stations just weren't going to be worked!
AR 143 G6XHF IO83 15 1,116 74 3000 4,116 G0UOK/P 180 35 7ele MET    
AL 144 G4BEE IO83 6 937 156 3000 3,937 G4PIQ 305 10 5 ele Yagi Not quite got back into the swing of it yet this year !!  
AL 145 M0BGR JO01 18 1,206 67 2500 3,706 G1YBB/P 222 10 5 el Yagi Flat but stable conditions. Tks for QSOs  
AL 146 G6WRB IO91 14 1,040 74 2500 3,540 G1YBB/P 173 4 5 ele Yagi My FIRST contest! Hope I did it correctly.  
AR 147 M7LHE IO92 15 1,023 68 2500 3,523 G0UOK/P 164 25 PowAbeam UKAC144-8 144MHz antenna Difficult conditions, lots of QRM  
AR 148 G6EIH IO92 12 879 73 2500 3,379 GD8EXI 247 100 7 ele Dual    
AR 149 2E0SHB IO92 16 845 53 2500 3,345 G0UOK/P 206 50 2M YAGI    
AL 150 M7GHW/P IO83 25 1,337 53 2000 3,337 G1YBB/P 169 10 Halo    
AL 151 M0ABT JO00 7 814 116 2500 3,314 G1YBB/P 258 10 Vertical  
AL 152 MM0GHM IO75 11 793 72 2500 3,293 MM6OEC 319 50 5 Element Yagi    
AL 153 M3EMO IO91 19 1,217 64 2000 3,217 G1YBB/P 222 10 4element OWL Yagi in loft  
AR 154 G6TXB JO01 5 587 117 2500 3,087 G3TBK/P 200 40 Fixed 5 ele yagi in attic    
AR 155 G5MW JO01 8 873 109 2000 2,873 G3TBK/P 200 19 5ele Only on for 40 minutes - pleased to exchange points - thank you.  
AR 156 M7HCT IO92 12 840 70 2000 2,840 G0URK/P 169 25 Diamond Yagi  
AR 157 G8FRS IO91 11 713 65 2000 2,713 G4CLA 98 70 5 element yagi    
AL 158 M0NXD IO92 13 631 49 2000 2,631 G4ILI/P 104 10 Flowerpot - horizontal    
AR 159 G4AJA IO91 11 619 56 2000 2,619 G1YBB/P 103 20 Q4/2M 4 element quad    
AR 160 G3ZWR IO94 5 504 101 2000 2,504 G8SEI 265 50 19 ele Tonna thanks for points. hny 2025 my mast at minimum height 1296 antenna has moved in last storm. 73 all Norman NFCG  
AR 161 2E0GYI IO93 14 998 71 1500 2,498 G4CLA 118 50 3 Element Delta Loop Antenna in loft just enjoy taking part  
AR 162 M0REG IO90 4 386 96 2000 2,386 G4HWA 159 100 4 el Yagi-Uda Very few signals audible from this south coast location  
AR 163 M0HPI IO91 20 848 42 1500 2,348 G4CLA 141 50 4 ele yagi    
AL 164 M0IIB IO92 16 834 52 1500 2,334 G0UOK/P 260 10 10 element Yagi Cool & damp, broken cloud. Quiet evening at our QTH. QSB limiting QSOs to local squares with one exception! Tnx for the16 QSOs. 73 Trevor  
AR 165 G8VPE JO02 7 751 107 1500 2,251 G8DOH 227 100 9 ele F9FT Hard work in poor conditions, although I heard a weak 2E0VCC/P calling from Cornwall at one brief moment.  
AO 166 GW4MBS IO71 3 1,042 347 1000 2,042 G4PIQ 360 300 7-el Yagi CW only. Just came on for 30 mins.
AR 167 G0FVH IO80 5 243 49 1500 1,743 G3WGN 118 50 Indoor beam    
AO 168 M0WEO IO90 4 101 25 1500 1,601 G0LTG 66 45 Comet vertical Only a few QSOs but most enjoyable.  
AL 169 M7IPC IO93 13 491 38 1000 1,491 G0UOK/P 121 10 Diamond X50    
AO 170 M7OBG IO92 12 441 37 1000 1,441 G3TBK/P 65 25 ZL7-2    
AR 171 M7NMP IO92 12 387 32 1000 1,387 G1YBB/P 115 25 SHAMAN X-50 For contacts 1-7 my logging software didn't log the received serial numbers :( sorry Ian  
AR 172 MM6POV IO75 7 282 40 1000 1,282 GM4VYQ 105 25 9ele Tonna 4 Elements missing & poor conditions  
AO 173 G8EFK IO91 5 267 53 1000 1,267 G0SKA 71 50 8 ELEMENT YAGI    
AL 174 M0ISZ IO92 6 193 32 1000 1,193 M1MLM/P 78 10 dipole    
AR 175 G0NGI IO91 8 156 20 1000 1,156 G8DVK 54 40 HB9CV    
AR 176 M0MHW IO83 13 400 31 500 900 GW8ASD 69 100 Discone Issues with external noise. Thanks to all for QSO's  
AR 177 PA0FEI JO33 1 349 349 500 849 G4PIQ 349 50 7 el    
AR 178 M0SUC IO91 6 233 39 500 733 G0XDI 55 25 Diamond X30 A vertical, on SSB? I'll have to tilt my antenna 90 degrees next time at least!  
AL 179 G0LDP IO92 6 154 26 500 654 G6HPR/P 42 10 Vertical 2m in loft Very Noisy
AL 180 G3MGQ JO01 4 13 3 500 513 G4JED 6 10 Triband colinear    

7 Jan (177 scores)

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