Claimed Scores 2023
  13230 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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Claimed scores for 1st 144MHz Backpackers

(24 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
5B 1 GW1YBB/P IO81 134 24,539 183 99 2,429,361 DM8MM 641 5 homebrew 9 ele many great mults hrd b4 start and not after. Continual cold wind blowing tent door in my face,tiresome. thx all for QSOs,Steve
25H 2 MW0LKX/P IO82 101 16,796 166 79 1,326,884 PA0WMX 635 25 9 Ele LFA First time having a go, Wonderful WX, Thanks for all QSO's Wayne  
25H 3 G8BGV/P JO01 82 16,919 206 73 1,235,087 GM0ULK/P 589 25 6 ELE DK7ZB lightweight WX Fine. Conditions Average. Could do with more activity.  
5B 4 G4TCU/P IO82 108 14,374 133 80 1,149,920 ON4KHG 466 4 Homebrew 4 Oblongs Sunny and warm for a change with a light breeze. Very busy to start but quiet in the last 2 hours
5B 5 GW8OVZ/P IO71 54 12,800 237 66 844,800 G3M 436 5 7 ele yagi Good weather, nice time  
25H 6 M0BAO/P IO80 66 12,605 191 59 743,695 GM0ULK/P 525 25 8 Element Good contest, thanks for all the contacts.  
25H 7 G4GFI/P JO01 68 11,854 174 58 687,532 MM2N 595 25 9ele Tonna Nice Wx with average condx and good level of activity for weekend contest.  
5B 8 M1EYP/P IO83 80 9,476 118 72 682,272 GU3TUX 385 5 SOTAbeams SB5 - 5Y SOTA activation from The Cloud G/SP-015.  
5B 9 G0KYS/P IO80 39 8,781 225 49 430,269 GM6MD/P 510 5 8 ele Jaybeam Conditions flat with QSB. WX glorious! Struggled for QSOs in the last two hours.  
5B 10 M7ALE/P IO93 48 6,926 144 54 374,004 GM0ULK/P 347 5 7 ele yagi Thanks for all the contacts, regards Dave  
5B 11 G8HXE/P IO83 43 7,038 164 51 358,938 G1V 346 5 SOTA SB5    
5B 12 M1MLM/P IO93 43 6,406 149 53 339,518 GM0ULK/P 340 5 9 ELE TONNA    
5B 13 M0KPW/P IO84 37 6,829 185 44 300,476 G3M 458 5 5 element yagi Not great condx. Only managed 2 1/2 hours.  
25H 14 G4EFE/P IO91 48 6,092 127 47 286,324 GM0ULK/P 530 5 5-element Yagi    
25H 15 G3BPK/P IO83 40 5,991 150 47 281,577 G3M 387 25 12element M2    
5B 16 M0XPO/P IO81 30 4,915 164 43 211,345 GM6MD/P 474 5 HB 6e Beam Great WX. Noise to NW. QSB to E. Otherwise a great afternoon out /P in the sun. 73 to all those worked.
5B 17 M1CJE/P IO91 43 4,738 110 41 194,258 F1MKG 350 5 Homebrew full wave loop    
5B 18 M7OMY/P IO92 28 3,856 138 36 138,816 GM0ULK/P 504 5 5 Element AS144S5R Very windy but good fun! thanks all, Tommy!  
25H 19 G0OIW/P IO91 39 3,931 101 35 137,585 GM6MD/P 459 3 9e Tonna Conditions nothing special but lovely weather. ☺:  
5B 20 G8DMN/P IO81 27 3,399 126 32 108,768 F5NLG 310 5 Yagi 3 ele    
5B 21 G8NSZ/P IO81 28 2,956 106 33 97,548 GM6MD/P 400 2.5 9-el Tonna    
5B 22 G0ACK/P IO91 15 877 58 18 15,786 GW4IDF/P 175 5 3 ele Beam    
5B 23 GW4ZHI/P IO82 8 948 118 14 13,272 G1V 261 5 6 el homebrew Condx flat but breezy. Bit of a disaster as my trusty sota pole broke after an hour and the yagi came crashing down. So QRT.  
5B 24 M7SLL/P JO02 5 355 71 8 2,840 G3M 215 5 5 element yagi    

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