Claimed Scores 2024
  6616 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
26/07/24 70MHz Trophy
26/07/24 SHF UKAC 5.7 GHz
26/07/24 SHF UKAC 10 GHz
26/07/24 SHF UKAC 3.4 GHz
25/07/24 70MHz UKAC
25/07/24 SHF UKAC 2.3 GHz
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Claimed scores for 1st 144MHz Backpackers

(20 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
5B 1 GW1YBB/P IO81 119 23,520 198 109 2,563,680 MM6OEC 733 5 homebrew 9 ele mic broke 5mins in,argh.Glorious wx,sunny,dry & bug beating cold stiff breeze non stop. Conditions seemed OK.Low QRM,poor activity.thx Steve  
25H 2 MW0LKX/P IO82 96 19,177 200 90 1,725,930 PA0WMX 635 25 9 Ele LFA Fantastic weather, really enjoyed this one, Thanks for all QSO's 73 Wayne
25H 3 G0EAK/P IO93 78 15,432 198 79 1,219,128 DF7KF 599 25 8 Ele LFA Reasonable condx although QSB a problem at times but not brilliant activity. Only 8 contacts in the last hour.  
25H 4 G4RLF/P IO80 84 15,344 183 73 1,120,112 GM0ULK/P 538 25 13El Yagi Reasonable conditions and it did not Rain.
25H 5 GW6UAJ/P IO81 79 14,231 180 71 1,010,401 DF7KF 685 25 13 ele tonna nice WX, good activity at start due to contest overlap...finished early.  
25H 6 G4GFI/P JO01 62 11,667 188 60 700,020 GM0ULK/P 609 25 9ele Tonna Condx seemed up a bit to the north with usual level activity for a weekend contest.  
5B 7 F4FET/P JO00 45 10,008 222 40 400,320 GI6ATZ 647 5 10 ELTS YAGI  
5B 8 G0KYS/P IO80 38 7,815 206 45 351,675 GM6MD/P 510 5 8 ele Jaybeam    
5B 9 G4TCU/P IO82 51 6,746 132 52 350,792 GM0ULK/P 398 4 4 Ele yagi Sunny and warm, but flat conditions from my location
25H 10 G4HLX/P IO91 52 6,586 127 52 342,472 GM6MD/P 451 25 10ele yagi Lots of QSB on some paths. Weather glorious! Last hour really slow.
5B 11 M1CJE/P IO91 47 6,137 131 50 306,850 F6DWQ 342 5 Homebrew full wave loop    
5B 12 G4EFE/P IO91 42 5,476 130 47 257,372 GM6MD/P 473 5 5-ele Yagi    
25H 13 G0OIW/P IO91 41 5,333 130 48 255,984 GM6MD/P 459 10 5 ele Diamond What better way to spent the 50th anniversary of my first ever QSO (as G8IQV)? Lovely weather, plenty of activity and quite reasonable DX. ☺:  
5B 14 M0REG/P IO90 31 5,730 185 42 240,660 GM0ULK/P 604 5 5 element Yagi    
5B 15 GW0RCY/P IO83 24 4,296 179 37 158,952 M5C 335 4.5 5 el Yagi    
5B 16 M0XPO/P IO81 23 3,789 165 38 143,982 GM0ULK/P 509 5 HB 6e bream Not at my usual high spot today. Some QRN to W. Strong QSB to E at times so thanks to those that persevered. 73 to all.  
5B 17 G2SM/P IO83 19 3,175 167 33 104,775 2E0VCC/P 365 5 Tonna 9 ele    
25H 18 MD0MAN/P IO74 14 2,920 209 23 67,160 G4RLF/P 390 5 9 El Tonna Few stations couldn't hear me, but happy with contacts made using FT-817  
25H 19 G6JUT/P IO92 10 1,474 147 19 28,006 MW8P 244 25 8ele Yagi    
5B 20 G8LNR/P IO81 12 1,049 87 16 16,784 2E0VCC/P 194 5 6 ele wimo log perodic tech issues(faulty batteries) ment early finish  

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