Claimed Scores 2024
  9185 claimed scores
V8.41 by G4CLA

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Claimed scores for 2nd 144MHz Backpackers

(17 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
5B 1 GW1YBB/P IO81 120 22,225 185 37 822,325 DM8MM 641 5 homebrew 9 ele 4°C car warning at valley floor! Cold wind all day that kept unzipping tent door.No bugs tho. 57 min gap no QSO in PW 2 hours! thx all,Steve  
25H 2 MW0LKX/P IO82 105 20,683 197 37 765,271 DM8MM 649 25 9Ele LFA Homebrew Drizzle, cold and windy but still very enjoyable, QSB at times made it tough, great to get to JO31. thanks for all QSO's 73 Wayne
25H 3 G0EAK/P IO93 84 17,577 209 35 615,195 F5ICN 1129 25 8 Ele LFA Decent activity and a few nice surprises but struggled with QSB at times and only 11 contacts in the last hour.  
5B 4 G0KYS/P IO80 42 9,146 218 24 219,504 F1MKG 413 5 8 ele Jaybeam Reasonable conditions with QSB. WX dry but cold wind.  
25H 5 GW8ZRE/P IO83 62 9,492 153 22 208,428 GM4EDW/P 391 5 7 ELE ZL Special Cold wind rain! Missed G0ODQ.IO91 very hard to find.Good to work 3 GM incl GM4EDW/P IO86 No GD heard. Tks all for points.Dave G8ZRE.
5B 6 G4TCU/P IO82 71 8,896 125 23 204,608 F1MKG 464 4 4 Ele Yagi Cold North wind, rain in the last hour, flat conditions
5B 7 GW8OVZ/P IO71 45 8,289 184 23 190,647 GM0ICF/P 422 5 6 ele h/b DK7ZB "Rather disappointing" said Eeyore: last 80 minutes and nothing went in the log..  
25H 8 G4GFI/P JO01 59 8,926 151 18 160,668 GM0ICF/P 613 25 9ele Tonna Condx about average with a good level of activity for a weekend contest.  
25H 9 G8BGV/P JO01 38 6,294 166 16 100,704 EI8KN 547 25 6 ELE DK7ZB lightweight Some very poor contest operting observed. Low activity, no one beaming JO01. Had to stop early, flat bettery.  
5B 10 M0REG/P IO90 36 4,784 133 16 76,544 EI8KN 500 5 5 element Yagi    
5B 11 M1CJE/P IO91 47 4,441 94 13 57,733 F1MKG 350 5 Homebrew full wave loop    
25H 12 G4HLX/P IO91 32 3,674 115 13 47,762 G3XNO/P 283 5 10ele yagi Band wiped out by local QRN from farm machinery for long periods. Some potentially good QSOs incomplete due to this and/or QSB.
25H 13 G4EFE/P IO91 40 3,918 98 12 47,016 G3SVC/P 266 5 5-ele Yagi    
25H 14 G0OIW/P IO91 28 2,931 105 14 41,034 F1MKG 352 5 5 ele Diamond Nice-ish weather but conditions only fair with quite a bit of QSB.  
5B 15 M0XPO/P IO81 17 2,475 146 14 34,650 EI3ENB/P 331 5 HB 6e DK7ZB    
5B 16 M7SLL/P JO03 7 1,009 144 6 6,054 GW1YBB/P 253 5 8 element yagi    
5B 17 G8LNR/P IO81 9 719 80 7 5,033 G3NFC/P 116 5 6 ele wimo log perodic QRM from the town i overlook from this site prevented many QSO'S New site needed ?  

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