Claimed Scores 2024
  6616 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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26/07/24 70MHz Trophy
26/07/24 SHF UKAC 5.7 GHz
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26/07/24 SHF UKAC 3.4 GHz
25/07/24 70MHz UKAC
25/07/24 SHF UKAC 2.3 GHz
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Claimed scores for 432MHz AFS

(88 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 GD8EXI IO74 97 34,446 355 F6DKW 762 400 38 ele M2 Only 12% of my points coming from EU stations but still lots of very marginal contacts in poor conditions.  
SF 2 G3XDY JO02 101 25,450 252 DL2GWZ/P 812 400 3 x 28ele M2 Yagi Tropo flat, but some good AS to France and Germany. Nothing heard north of IO74/94. Fighting some gremlins near the end which slowed things  
O 3 F1MKG JN08 72 24,380 339 GD8EXI 716 200 2 X 18 EL YU7EF Big activity on the UKAC side, despite QSB, very interesting, thanks for the contacts 73 Jacky
O 4 G8NEY/P IO81 110 23,247 211 F5ICN 945 400 21 ele Tonna Good conditions to south of France, and surprisingly good activity. Good to be out portable for this one. 73 David & Pete  
SF 5 G7RAU IN79 54 23,227 430 F6DRO 898 50 16 el I0JXX yagi tropo into G was poor today. A few EA and S. F stations at start. Many thanks for the QSOs all, 73
SF 6 G4ODA IO92 107 23,066 216 DH3NAN 834 400 2x2x28el M2 Smaller system lower down this year. Not in duct to Sth but F/DL contest for 1st 2 hrs helped. Last hr painfully slow. Prefer earlier start  
O 7 2E0VCC/P IO70 60 19,519 325 F5ICN 895 50 2 X 15 ELEMENT QSB, no internet at start later okay, wet & windy, tropo briefly to the south mid contest, thanks to everyone, 73 Darrell  
O 8 G1KAR/P JO00 78 17,956 230 DH3NAN 771 75 21 Element 70cms Yagi Quite windy WX, New coax worked great nice to hear the stations from the continent.
SF 9 G4NBS JO02 102 17,704 174 DH3NAN 808 400 23ele Not in duct, only close F wkd. East not v productive but Gd signals. Gremlins present but new Ae seems to have improved RX. No EI/GI/GM??
SF 10 G4ZTR JO01 86 17,141 199 DH3NAN 745 400 18 el DL6WU Not done this contest for years. Decent activity, avg condx, no GM and just one GW. Fun with h/b aerial finished a few days ago.  
SF 11 G0XDI IO91 101 16,758 166 DL8DAU 692 400 23ele/11ele Dual Antenna Started well but slowed down, No GMs in log this time! conditions flat but some good QSOs made, thanks to all.  
SF 12 G4KUX IO94 50 14,740 295 G7RAU 567 400 2x21 Cond better than expected  
SF 13 G4RRA IO80 53 14,535 274 G4KUX 452 300 20 A part time points giving away entry this year.Conditions were apalling although I did hear F5ICN working someone else.  
O 14 M0ICK/P IO83 61 14,484 237 F6DKW 631 50 16 ele First 2.5hrs only, mixed conditions better at the start, wind gusting 40Mph  
O 15 G3PYE/P JO02 87 14,325 165 DH3NAN 796 300 21-ele Tonna    
SF 16 G8DOH IO92 100 14,317 143 DF2VJ 668 400 2x18ele Much the same as 2023: disappointing conditions, almost identical p/QSO, and DF2VJ best DX.  
O 17 G0HEL/P IO81 74 14,132 191 F5ICN 911 25 16 ele double quad expected antenna to end up in 91 sq due to the wind. Deep qsb and KST laptop kept locking up.more gremlins for 2024.tnx all. Alan  
SF 18 G4LPP JO02 58 13,430 232 DH3NAN 727 350 24ele LFA yagi Deep QSB, mixed conditions. Thanks for the QSOs, 73, Phil  
O 19 G8CUL IO91 90 13,162 146 PA1BVM 461 100 21 element Good activity for a weekend Contest Conditions nothing special. Harwell ARS.  
O 20 M0NVS/P IO91 90 13,018 145 F5ICN 959 75 2 X 19 Ele Tonna Tropo to South France, not many meeps answered & slow going. Qsb on some. Very windy. Prefer 3hr with 10AM start. 73 Phil
O 21 G1PPA/P IO93 78 12,908 165 F1MKG 529 10 25 ele iojxx good to be back out noisy pulsing noises to the south and qsb thanks for repeats steve  
SF 22 G4AFF JO02 71 12,806 180 DH3NAN 758 250 22ele and 12ele    
O 23 G4CWH/P IO92 81 12,212 151 DL8DAU 666 400 2-over-2-over-2-over-2 19-ele    
SF 24 GW8ASD IO83 56 12,031 215 PA1BVM 600 70 28 ele M2 Flat conditions, poor to South West and no GI/GM or IO84 activity heard.  
SF 25 G0ODQ IO91 93 12,021 129 GD8EXI 365 400 21 Ele M squared Poor conditions but well supported for a weekend contest Thanks all for qso's
O 26 G0EAK/P IO93 70 11,760 168 F1MKG 534 50 20 Ele LFA    
SF 27 G6UW JO02 68 11,101 163 DL8LR/P 589 400W 23 ele Yagi Lots of QSB on the weaker stations  
SF 28 G1DFL IO91 78 10,920 140 PA1BVM 439 120 2 x 19Y Tonna Missed start as usual - 10am to 1pm would be better next year!! Conditions poor with drizzly rain set-up on patio! Thanks for QSO's.
O 29 2E0IGD/P IO93 66 10,416 158 F8BEC 522 50 14 ele    
SF 30 M0HOM IO93 53 9,933 187 G7RAU 512 25 18EL    
SF 31 G3MEH IO91 69 9,739 141 DF2VJ 599 200 2 x 21el M Squared Windy so mast at reduced height. Thanks to Phil M0NVS for the loan of his 21 ele M2. Thanks for your patience with intermittent linear fault
SF 32 G3SQQ IO93 62 9,635 155 F1MKG 513 30 19EL LFA Missed last hour but really enjoyable weekend contest, many thanks to all.  
SF 33 G4RGK IO91 77 9,234 120 GD8EXI 379 380 21el Mad rush to get home from MK for the start, antenna needs to be higher than 6m its currently at. Thanks all for qsos.  
SF 34 G8REQ IO83 42 8,337 198 G1KAR/P 374 70 19 Ele Tonna Steady session with time for a coffee halfway through. small aerial at 10m due to 45mph gusts. Tnx. to all...73.  
SF 35 G5TO IO93 51 8,066 158 F8BEC 518 70 18 EL YAGI Poor conditions although a few French stations gave some much needed points. Last hour improved as S & SE ops turned ants inland!  
SF 36 G8DVK IO91 61 8,036 132 F6DKW 399 100 21 element    
SF 37 M0UHF IO91 60 7,913 132 F1MKG 364 50 15E BEAM    
SF 38 G4YPC IO91 58 7,868 136 GD8EXI 419 100 2X 21ele Tonna Mults would be great in all the AFS tests. Start time and length ok with me. Should have beamed S more...TU all. Points to Guildford  
O 39 MD0MAN/P IO74 26 7,675 295 G4ZTR 436 75 19 ele Tonna Struggled with the wind, but a fun contest, thanks to all in the log
SF 40 G4EFT IO91 52 7,499 144 GD8EXI 422 75 16 ele LFA Conditions not too bad, but multipath made copy a bit tricky. QSB wasn't too bad either. Nice level of activity. Tnx for QSO's. 73 Phil  
SF 41 G4HWA IO92 58 7,172 124 DF2VJ 640 100 19 ele Vargada Flat conditions qsb on some signals only popped on for an hour and enjoyed every minute thanks for all the contacts Bernie  
SF 42 G3TDH IO83 40 7,058 176 F8BEC 556 70 9 Ele. Not too bad from here, but the only non-uk contact will probably be a ubn victim! I live in hope! 73 all  
SF 43 G1HLT IO93 50 6,918 138 2E0VCC/P 357 75 19el Tonna Pro Very flat, steady going.  
SF 44 G4NTY IO83 35 6,690 191 G1KAR/P 360 75 11 element  
SF 45 G0JJG JO02 41 6,630 162 G7RAU 501 150 2 x 8 ele Could only do two hours, fair conditions and good activity.  
SF 46 G4ILI IO81 49 6,621 135 G4KUX 307 75 14 ele 70cm yagi by A Ave conds. No GM on KST or heard. Some QSB. Was not in the duct! GD activity TNX KST! Liked the earlier start. TNX ALL fr QSOs..Grant-HARS  
O 47 2E0YDG/P IO93 37 6,578 178 G4RRA 404 20 11 element yagi    
O 48 G4ERO JO02 48 6,118 127 GD8EXI 383 400 88ELMBM    
SF 49 2E0VPX IO92 47 6,099 130 GU3TUX 386 50 20 element LFALN Lots of activity today. Conditions OK. First entry for Heckington & District Radio Group! 73  
SF 50 G4CSD IO91 43 5,765 134 GD8EXI 397 60 15 ele    
O 51 G1YOY/P IO81 29 5,434 187 G4KUX 375 75 15 ele DK7ZB A very windy morning on the Mendip Hills. Plenty of very deep QSB too which made for some challenging conditions.  
SF 52 G8FMC IO91 52 5,405 104 F1MKG 383 80 18 ele Tonna Quite hard work with heavy QSB. Mast slightly lowered because of wind.  
SF 53 G4BRK IO91 48 5,339 111 GD8EXI 354 100 21 el Conditions seemed average, only managed 90 mins on due to schedule conflicts.  
SF 54 G0GJV IO91 48 5,185 108 GD8EXI 397 100 16 ele Dual    
SF 55 G1SCT IO92 39 4,999 128 F1MKG 464 75 MBM48    
SF 56 G8ZRE IO83 26 4,507 173 G4ZTR 290 20 15 Element Yagi Average no IO82/84/94/95 or GM/GI stations heard.Tks all for points.Dave G8ZRE.
SF 57 G6GVI IO83 22 4,035 183 G4ZTR 289 15 12-ele Mast at reduced height in windy conditions. Band particularly busy between 11am & noon.  
SF 58 G1MZD IO92 40 3,986 100 GD8EXI 343 20 15 ele G4CQM Quite poor conditions but good activity, thanks to those that heard me on relativly low power. Dave  
O 59 G0NZI/P IO92 30 3,906 130 G7RAU 381 10 11 element DL6WU Only on for the last hour but worth going portable thanks for all the meeps and QSO'S!
SF 60 G4EPA IO92 32 3,606 113 GD8EXI 308 75 19 element Missed the first couple of hours. Contest starts too early.  
SF 61 PE1OBL JO21 11 3,462 315 G8CUL 386 25 6 el. quad tnx all  
SF 62 GW4MBS IO71 15 3,452 230 G1PPA/P 284 300 15-el Powabeam Just on for 65mins so many other things to do. Pleasant event with some nice peaks at times.
SF 63 G0PQF JO01 30 3,442 115 GD8EXI 409 75 19 el Conditions not great, but an enjoyable few hours giving away points.  
SF 64 G0BIX JO01 22 3,240 147 GD8EXI 468 100 12 ele Yagi by Dual    
SF 65 G4XYW IO91 31 3,140 101 GD8EXI 404 75 17el LFA    
SF 66 G0FEH IO92 27 3,022 112 GD8EXI 291 25 13 ele  
SF 67 G3ZPB IO91 27 2,923 108 GD8EXI 438 100 12 ele    
SF 68 M0TAV IO92 23 2,550 111 GD8EXI 281 10 8 element high swr so lo score  
SF 69 M6XAK IO93 20 2,524 126 GD8EXI 263 10 11 El LFA    
SF 70 G3SRC IO91 27 2,368 88 GD8EXI 431 50 17 ele    
SF 71 G3OVH IO92 21 2,366 113 GD8EXI 284 30 16 ele yagi Good condx, but dx a little too far away for me.  
SF 72 G4JED JO01 22 2,289 104 F4HOG 216 50 21 ele Yagi Deep QSB at start.  
SF 73 M7DQO IO92 20 2,187 109 F8BEC 409 10 15 element yagi    
SF 74 G0GLG IO91 22 1,973 90 GD8EXI 352 50 8 element Yagi Found it very hard going doing search and pounce, but thank you for all who replied to my call.  
SF 75 2E0VKH JO01 15 1,918 128 GD8EXI 469 50 A430S10R    
O 76 G0OIW/P IO91 26 1,887 73 GD8EXI 390 20 19 ele Tonna At rather poorer QTH (IO91PN), only 90m asl not the usual 232m.  
SF 77 PE1EWR JO11 6 1,816 303 G8NEY/P 404 60 2*21 el F9FT Could only make it for the last half hour, sri!
SF 78 G8VPE JO02 13 1,791 138 G8NEY/P 294 15 19Y F9FT Hard work with low power but a 19ele yagi helped a lot. Propagation conditions seemed to improve in final 30 minutes.  
SF 79 G3WCB IO80 5 1,552 310 G3XDY 387 70 7 ele beam Just dipped in for an hour. Pleasantly surprised by condx and activity. Tks for QSOs. Pts to Drowned Rats. 73 Dave G3WCB  
SF 80 G0JRY IO91 19 1,372 72 GD8EXI 344 75 tonna 9e  
SF 81 2E0DXK IO93 11 1,042 95 GD8EXI 236 25 V2000 Vertical    
SF 82 2E0TJX IO93 11 938 85 G8CUL 205 10 2m/70cm dualbander Yagi  
SF 83 G4FFY JO01 6 499 83 G8NEY/P 184 70 Diamond V2000 Colinear Only only for a short time due to other commitments. Seemed quiet and some QSB. Thanks for the QSO's with my vertical setup. 73
SF 84 GD0TFG IO74 3 266 89 GW4MBS 245 20 15 ele yagi Too windy for a hilltop, poor location at home QTH
SF 85 G4DYC JO02 7 233 33 G4NBS 83 75 Vertical Colinear    
SF 86 M7RWK IO92 5 198 40 G8DOH 59 10 Diamond X30 Vertical First contest, first use of Minos. With thanks.
SF 87 G3MGQ JO01 4 197 49 G8NEY/P 184 40 Triband Colinear    
SF 88 M7FFP IO92 5 105 21 G4PDF 38 10 Homebrew Dipole Very first contest and really enjoyed it.

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