Claimed Scores 2023
  13232 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

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Claimed scores for 432MHz Christmas Contest

(46 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G4AFF JO02 43 8,321 194 20 166,420 EI8KN 562 250 22ele and 12ele Difficult condx to the west. Tnx for all the QSOs this year!  
AO 2 G0XDI IO91 58 8,193 141 20 163,860 MM0CEZ 518 400 23ele/11ele Dual Antenna Conditions generally poor with deep QSB. Nice activity but many usual's missing so low mults. Thanks to all and HNY.  
AO 3 G4ODA IO92 37 6,573 178 23 151,179 EI8KN 490 400 28el M2 Check log only, nice to have time just to tune band at slow pace. Gt to work Clive GW4MBS on CW on each band.No calling CQ HNY all  
AO 4 G4NBS JO02 45 7,381 164 20 147,620 EI8KN 500 250 23ele Bit more of a serious effort today. More QSO despite quiet waterfall and no GD/GI/GW? QSB and odd beam headings. Tnx QSO's HNY ALL
AL 5 G6HPR/P IO92 46 5,646 123 15 84,690 GM0HBK 591 10 20ele home brew Better weather but still very wet,good conditions to the North but activity lower than 144mhz. Thanks to all who worked me,HNY to all 73 AL.  
AR 6 G0CDA IO83 29 4,944 170 15 74,160 EI8KN 352 40 21 ele F9FT Better than 144 with less noise, activity not too bad from here. Tks all.HNY  
AO 7 G4LDR IO91 24 4,277 178 16 68,432 EI8KN 410 400 21 Element Yagi Better score than on 6 and 2m. HNY.  
AR 8 G3YDY JO01 29 4,355 150 15 65,325 EI8KN 534 100 16 ele    
AO 9 MM0CEZ IO75 15 4,875 325 12 58,500 G0XDI 518 400 2 x 18 Ele Poor cndx, finished early.  
AR 10 GM4PPT IO75 14 4,029 288 12 48,348 G0XDI 491 100 28ele M2 Dire! Loads of qsb today, tried for ages with G8XVJ & 2E0NEY for zilch! Ta to all who tried. Happy New Year in 2024.
AO 11 G3MEH IO91 39 3,690 95 13 47,970 F6DKW 390 300 21el M Squared Thanks for all the QSOs in 2023 and I look forward to more in 2024. HNY all, 73.
AR 12 2E0NEY IO81 25 3,989 160 12 47,868 EI8KN 360 50 23 ele Dk7ZB One to forget. Awful condx with deep qsb and low activity. 73
AR 13 G4EPA IO92 32 3,344 104 14 46,816 EI8KN 420 75 19 element Hard work but good fun.  
AR 14 M0NVS IO91 28 3,477 124 13 45,201 EI8KN 471 100 18 Ele Lfa First time on over Xmas hols. QSB but seemed reasonable activity & slightly up to N/W or good A/P. Happy New Year to all .73 Phil
AR 15 G1KAR/P JO00 27 3,416 127 12 40,992 F6DKW 258 75 19 Element 70cm Yagi Very Flat RF with lots of QSB. Very windoy so mast at half height. Tnx all who persevered.
AO 16 EI8KN IO62 13 5,775 444 7 40,425 G4AFF 562 200 PA144-432-34-6-2CBGP Hard-going but good fun. HNY to all. See you in 2024.  
AR 17 G8GYX IO91 31 3,213 104 9 28,917 G8XVJ 335 75 19ele tonna HNY to all Tom  
AR 18 G4NTY IO83 19 2,841 150 10 28,410 MM0CEZ 281 75 11 element Not very good
AO 19 G4LPP JO02 18 3,042 169 9 27,378 G8REQ 319 350 24ele LFA yagi Poor conditions and low antenna at start due to high winds. Happy New Year, 73, Phil  
AR 20 G3TBK IO93 23 2,595 113 10 25,950 GM4PPT 367 100 21 el Poor condx but 70cms always difficult from my home QTH. Deep QSB and high QRM. No interest in chat-room limits results on this band.  
AR 21 M0BAO/P IO80 16 3,170 198 8 25,360 G4AFF 294 35 19 Element Tonna Slow going, finished 40 minutes early.  
AR 22 G8REQ IO83 16 2,741 171 8 21,928 G4LPP 319 70 19 Ele Tonna Lost 50 mins at beginning with poor SWR, dropped mast to replace dodgy connector at aerial. Tnx. to all and a HNY..73.  
AL 23 G0XBU IO83 16 1,884 118 10 18,840 MM0CEZ 313 10 18el LFA Only managed an Hour. Not got the patience for 70cm. Too much QSB. Sometimes waterfall completely empty. Tedius! HNY all  
AR 24 G0SKA IO91 23 1,844 80 9 16,596 G0CDA 221 90 18 ele tonna Very poor and deep QSB. Only part time effort
AR 25 G0GJV IO91 22 1,802 82 9 16,218 G0CDA 246 100 16 ele Dual    
AO 26 PE1EWR JO11 10 2,656 266 6 15,936 G4LDR 362 45 2*21 el F9FT  
AR 27 G0NZI IO92 20 1,769 88 9 15,921 G1KAR/P 233 30 11 element DL6WU Poor conditions again pity I couldn't get out portable. Many thanks for the QSO's catch you all in the new year!
AR 28 G8TZJ IO84 10 1,988 199 8 15,904 GM0HBK 394 75 15el XY Yagi    
AL 29 G4GFI IO91 21 1,691 81 8 13,528 M1DDD/P 241 10 19ele Tonna Antenna at reduced height because of strong wind, poor condx and low level of activity.  
AR 30 G0BIX JO01 11 1,289 117 7 9,023 G8XVJ 316 100 12 Ele Yagi by Dual Happy New Year to all. Thanks for the past QSOs. Terry  
AL 31 G8ZRE IO83 11 1,320 120 6 7,920 G4AFF 266 10 15 Element Yagi LP as I could hear nothing before start. Only G worked.Stns missed SKA/CDA,Tks all that made the effort.HNY.Dave G8ZRE
AR 32 G0PQF JO01 12 1,088 91 7 7,616 M1DDD/P 201 75 19 el Not as good as 2m yesterday, but still enjoyable. HNY to all.  
AR 33 G4CCC IO91 17 1,055 62 7 7,385 M0BAO/P 160 75 28ele    
AL 34 G0OIW/P IO91 20 1,472 74 5 7,360 EI8KN 434 10 19 ele Tonna Not as wet and windy as earlier this week, but even colder!  
AL 35 G0GGU IO92 12 971 81 7 6,797 G1KDR/P 193 10 10 ele Yagi    
AR 36 G6AAQ/P IO92 16 1,007 63 5 5,035 G4AFF 158 40 15 element powabeam just a bit of fun for today hny to all and we will catch up with you all next year  
AL 37 M0TAV IO92 13 959 74 5 4,795 G3YDY 161 10 21 element very high swr very poor conditions, festive salutations to all  
AL 38 G3OVH IO92 12 757 63 5 3,785 2E0NEY 151 10 16 ele yagi Low activity and poor sigs  
AR 39 G0FEH IO92 15 726 48 5 3,630 M1DDD/P 108 25 13 ele Terrible conditions. Thanks to all who worked me. Best 73 to all. Cheers, Dave
AR 40 G4EFT IO91 11 681 62 4 2,724 M1DDD/P 237 75 WiMo Big Wheel Conditions slightly better than yesterday but QSB just as bad. Late start and not many stations left on. Tnx for QSO's. HNy 73 Phil  
AL 41 G0HXR IO92 9 526 58 5 2,630 G0XDI 131 6 Dual Antennas 6/11 ele yagi    
AR 42 G1MZD IO92 9 442 49 4 1,768 G8GYX 96 20 Duel Band Colinear 1 1/2 hrs was enough for me with the Colinear and electric fence noise. Tnx. Dave HNY  
AR 43 G4PFZ JO02 6 381 64 4 1,524 G3YDY 121 50 11 ele yagi Rig working again at end!! 73 and HNY to all  
AO 44 GW4MBS IO71 2 417 208 3 1,251 G4ODA 282 300 15-el Powabeam CW only just my 30min effort. Tks to G4ODA whom I worked on CW for all 4 Xmas events, was far stronger on 70cm than the other bands.
AR 45 G1JJA IO92 4 220 55 3 660 G6HPR/P 76 25 15 ele LFA hard work with my portable mast but good for a first time entry on 70cm  
AR 46 M0TVZ IO92 4 185 46 2 370 G6HPR/P 69 50 Diamond V2000 Colinear Fairly horrendous, Heavy QRM, low activity seen on vertical, hope I made no errors. Thanks for points HNY 73 Ron  

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