Claimed Scores 2024
  6616 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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26/07/24 70MHz Trophy
26/07/24 SHF UKAC 5.7 GHz
26/07/24 SHF UKAC 10 GHz
26/07/24 SHF UKAC 3.4 GHz
25/07/24 70MHz UKAC
25/07/24 SHF UKAC 2.3 GHz
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Claimed scores for 432MHz FT8 AC (2 hours)

10 Jul (13 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AR 1 G7LRQ IO91 45 16,510 367 12000 28,510 DF4IAE 741 100 20 ele Activity low, maybe due to football? But some good distance worked, thanks for QSO  
AR 2 G3YDY JO01 39 11,500 295 10000 21,500 DF4IAE 608 100 16 ele    
AR 3 G8SEI IO92 35 11,851 339 9000 20,851 DJ2KP 677 100 23 ele With footy being on it was always going to be an uphill slog. To all that came and made the time tnks, 73 Jeff  
AR 4 G4ZTR JO01 37 11,083 300 9500 20,583 GM0HBK 771 100 20 el DL6WU Poor conditions, lots of QSB and low activity. Some outstandingly deaf stations out there ... really frustrating.  
AR 5 2E0JPO IO91 26 7,107 273 8500 15,607 DJ2KP 693 50 DUAL PA144-432-19-3-2C    
AR 6 G0JDL JO02 27 7,409 274 5500 12,909 DJ2KP 542 60 Antennas-Amplifiers 8-ele Lower activity than usual tonight, I guess because of football. Conditions average but failed to work OZ and GM stations that were active.  
AR 7 G0BIX JO01 18 4,028 224 6000 10,028 GD0TEP 522 50 12 Ele Yagi by Dual    
AR 8 G4TNX IO93 16 4,918 307 5000 9,918 DJ2KP 678 50 18 ele beam    
AO 9 GM0ICF IO75 11 4,275 389 3500 7,775 G4ZTR 596 250 4x9 ele yagi    
AR 10 G4OED IO91 12 2,107 176 4000 6,107 EI3KD 554 75 X-Quad    
AR 11 G0ISX IO93 12 2,452 204 3500 5,952 G6HIE 361 25 14 ELE very quiet not many stations on.  
AR 12 G3WZK IO91 11 1,274 116 2000 3,274 G4KUX 334 50 5 ele yagi    
AR 13 2E1FMS IO82 2 348 174 500 848 G0ISX 174 50 23ele beam    

12 Jun (24 scores)

8 May (23 scores)

10 Apr (26 scores)

13 Mar (28 scores)

14 Feb (24 scores)

10 Jan (26 scores)

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