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  1377 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

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16/02/25 50MHz UKAC
16/02/25 432MHz UKAC
15/02/25 432MHz FMAC
13/02/25 432MHz FT8 AC (4 hours)
13/02/25 432MHz FT8 AC (2 hours)
11/02/25 144MHz FT8 AC (2 hours)
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Claimed scores for 432MHz FT8 AC (2 hours)

12 Feb (24 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G4ZTR JO01 40 12,096 302 10000 22,096 OV3T 763 100 2 x 18el h/b Difficult conditions, but better than January.  
AR 2 G3YDY JO01 42 11,454 273 10000 21,454 OV3T 763 100 16 ele That was astruggle. Low activity in UK and EU  
AR 3 G8SEI IO92 36 9,820 273 10000 19,820 OV3T 783 100 23 ele very poor turn out and a slow 2hrs  
AO 4 MM0CEZ IO75 35 12,759 365 7000 19,759 G6HIE 686 400 2 x 18 Ele A bit of a struggle tonight. A/S assisted as usual, a few missing from the log. Thanks for the Calls  
AR 5 G0BIX JO01 28 5,693 203 7500 13,193 MM0CEZ 596 75 12 Ele Yagi by Dual    
AR 6 G0JDL JO02 25 7,060 282 6000 13,060 DJ2KP 542 75 Dual 8-ele Dire conditions and low activity. Very hard to complete QSOs at times.  
AR 7 G4TNX IO93 21 6,050 288 6000 12,050 DJ2KP 678 40 18 ele Beam When I remembered to plug the aerial things improved greatly after 5mins of nothing. Band was up and down but managed to pick a few.  
AO 8 G0JJG JO02 19 4,675 246 6500 11,175 DJ2KP 542 200 2 x 8 ele Only QRV first 50 minutes due to clash with CC series.  
AR 9 G4HGI IO83 24 5,660 236 5500 11,160 F1NQP 609 90 25JXX70 not great condx tnx to all 73  
AL 10 M7HCT IO92 15 4,315 288 6000 10,315 DJ2KP 677 10 Diamond Yagi  
AR 11 2E0JPO IO91 18 3,440 191 5500 8,940 MM0CEZ 518 75 DUAL PA144-432-19-3-2C station shared with G8IXK  
AO 12 EI8KN IO62 13 4,939 380 3000 7,939 G4ZTR 559 200 23 elements    
AR 13 G0ISX IO93 16 2,783 174 4000 6,783 G6HIE 361 25 14 ELE    
AO 14 2E1DJN IO82 13 2,245 173 4500 6,745 MM0CEZ 359 50 14 ELE YAGI    
AL 15 G8IXK IO91 8 2,155 269 4000 6,155 MM0CEZ 518 10 DUAL PA144-432-19-3-2C station shared with 2E0JPO  
AR 16 G3WZK IO91 16 2,053 128 2500 4,553 MM0CEZ 518 50 DUAL BAND 5/9 ELE YAGI    
AR 17 G7WIR JO01 11 1,252 114 2500 3,752 MW0PJE 296 50 WiMo 2m Big Wheel Another tough evening. Bands just seem to be poor lately.  
AL 18 MW0PJE IO82 8 983 123 2500 3,483 G7WIR 296 10 GP3 Clone    
AR 19 G0CNN IO94 6 841 140 1500 2,341 G8SEI 223 50 Diamond X-300 Colinear First hour.
AO 20 GM7GAX IO86 3 535 178 1500 2,035 MI0IHH 256 10 colinear    
AL 21 G5STE IO82 5 398 80 1500 1,898 G8SEI 136 10 verticle colinear    
AL 22 M0PYU IO93 4 324 81 1500 1,824 M7HCT 112 10 Diamond SE-300 co-linear    
AR 23 G7ICV JO01 4 289 72 1000 1,289 M0IEP 139 20 Dual antenna yagi    
AL 24 M0BGR JO01 2 189 94 1000 1,189 G3WZK 139 3 10 el Yagi    

8 Jan (22 scores)

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