Claimed Scores 2023
  13232 claimed scores
V8.41 by G4CLA

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Claimed scores for 432MHz FT8 AC (4 hours)

13 Dec (14 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G4NBS JO02 56 15,648 279 11500 27,148 EI3KD 693 150 23ele Thanks for all the QSO this year. Multiple reflections & Scatter = several lost QSO esp to South, no new EU worked in last 2 hours..
AL 2 PI4HQ JO21 39 10,781 276 8000 18,781 DF7RG 662 25 Cushcraft 19e    
AL 3 G7LII/P IO92 43 9,630 224 8500 18,130 OV3T 783 10 15 Element Yagi Happy Christmas & New Year everyone - thx for all the contacts  
AO 4 F4FET JO00 36 9,561 266 7000 16,561 MI0IHH 602 120 Yagi 14 from home, with 14elts yagi at balcon. center town.
AL 5 G4VPD IO92 35 7,856 224 8500 16,356 OV3T 783 10 long 17el LFA very hard going with loads of uncomplete qso's. some good dx burts at times cheers all  
AR 6 G0BIX JO01 44 8,494 193 7500 15,994 MM0CEZ 596 50 12 Ele Yagi by Dual    
AR 7 2E0DUE JO01 28 6,706 240 6500 13,206 MM0CEZ 596 50 powerbeam 24 ele Thanks for points Merry Christmas All  
AO 8 M0IEP IO91 28 5,523 197 7000 12,523 PA0RBL 559 50 15 element Yagi    
AR 9 F1NQP JN19 15 4,790 319 5000 9,790 DD1OP 536 50 25 elements YU1CF    
AR 10 G0GJV IO91 18 4,895 272 4500 9,395 PA2MRT 559 100 16 ele    
AR 11 G7WIR JO01 30 3,500 117 3000 6,500 PC100II 296 50 2m Big Wheel Slow going like the SSB contest the night before.  
AL 12 M7WFG IO81 8 2,161 270 3000 5,161 EI3KD 416 10 Yagi-D/B-19ele    
AR 13 G1NFT IO94 7 1,555 222 3000 4,555 G4ZTR 360 40 PA144-432-17-2A    
AR 14 G4EFT IO91 4 507 127 2000 2,507 F4FET 179 35 WiMo Big Wheel Lots of QSB made it for many retries. Just testing WSJTX to Minos logging. Worked perfectly. Tnx for QSO's. 73 Phil  

8 Nov (11 scores)

11 Oct (10 scores)

13 Sep (13 scores)

9 Aug (12 scores)

12 Jul (12 scores)

14 Jun (20 scores)

10 May (11 scores)

12 Apr (11 scores)

8 Mar (9 scores)

8 Feb (12 scores)

11 Jan (12 scores)

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