Claimed Scores 2024
  6616 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
26/07/24 70MHz Trophy
26/07/24 SHF UKAC 5.7 GHz
26/07/24 SHF UKAC 10 GHz
26/07/24 SHF UKAC 3.4 GHz
25/07/24 70MHz UKAC
25/07/24 SHF UKAC 2.3 GHz
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Claimed scores for 432MHz Trophy

(55 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G3M JO01 146 57,647 395 OL3Z 932 400 4x24,4x28 Flat but fair weather. Thanks for QSOs  
SF 2 G3XDY JO02 109 36,854 338 DM3F 851 400 3 x 28el M2 Yagi Normal tropo conditions, some good aircraft scatter QSOs including random with OK2A. High VSWR in latter stages, ant fault  
SF 3 G5B IO92 95 25,552 269 DA0FF 741 400 2x28el m2 less metalwork in air this year. Cndts AV only. Good spread of contacts 'though  
O 4 M1W IO93 90 18,955 211 DA0FF 870 150 38 ele M2 Flat condx but still good fun, most of dx worked via AS which was also hit and miss , lots of the big DL stations out of range with 0 tropo  
SF 5 GD8EXI IO74 58 18,891 326 F6DKW 762 400 38 ele M2 Poor conditions and it appeared low UK activity. Most of the EU stations on KST out of range from here.
O 6 M1B IO82 75 17,898 239 DA0FF 921 75 19 ele homebrew Basic setup. Glorious wx,abysmal activity.Not even 1hr UKAC QSOs. Quit after 4 hours.1hr 11mins CQ/S&P/KST with NIL response. thx all,Steve  
O 7 G8NEY IO81 70 15,682 224 DK5QN 732 400 23 Ele DK7ZB    
SF 8 G4ASR IO81 60 13,603 227 DF0MU 701 65 23-el Gave up 20-minutes early! Dreadful activity. Points to Hereford HARS
O 9 GM4DIJ/P IO74 38 13,101 345 G3M 591 100 14ele h/b Flat conditions . Packed in early  
O 10 M0N IO91 59 12,638 214 DA0FF 746 75 2 X 19 Ele Tonna Great weather poor activity. We need 2M added to this to make it more fun! Thanks for the Qso's. 73 Phil
SF 11 G4LPP JO02 37 12,272 332 DF0YY 748 400 24ele LFA yagi Reasonable conditions and good activity with the IARU contest. Thanks for QSOs, 73, Phil  
SF 12 G4RGK IO91 49 11,790 241 DG4EW 871 380 21 el F9FT Flat, my 40 year old FT780 VFO seized up half way through, lost 30 mins fixing. CW was a great help to work DX stations.  
SF 13 M3C IO91 60 11,317 189 MM0C 565 400 19ele Tonna Flat condx with good level of activity for a weekend contest.  
SF 14 G3MEH IO91 55 10,822 197 DA0FF 752 300 21el M Squared Low UK activity. average conditions. Most EU stations on 2m. Gave up 45mins early.
O 15 G1PPA/P IO93 50 10,481 210 DA0FF 787 25 25 ele iojxx low uk activity terrible QSB 4 hours is enough portable thanks for all points steve  
O 16 GW6UAJ/P IO81 48 9,901 206 DF0MU 716 25 18 ele LFA Sunny, very little wind, flat with QSB and Multipath on many signal. Just the 1st 3 hours for me.  
SF 17 G0ODQ IO91 60 9,743 162 DF0MU 568 400 21 Ele M squared Poor conditions and activity just 4 hours operating Thanks all for the qso's  
SF 18 G3SQQ IO93 53 9,039 171 DA0FF 821 60 19EL LFA conditions OK Here, maybe because of using more than my usual 10watts.  
O 19 2E0VCC/P IO70 32 9,008 282 GM4DIJ/P 470 75 2 x 15 element Well What Can I Say ! However Thanks To Brian GM4DIJ/P my odx. And G0NZI Carl For Your Persistence. Thanks To All 73 Darrell  
SF 20 G7L IO91 41 8,873 216 DA0FF 734 400 20 ele LFA Part time effort giving away some points.  
SF 21 G0B IO82 41 7,920 193 PI4GN 655 75 21 ele Tried to get on as much as I can, probably around half the time.  
SF 22 G1HLT IO93 47 7,913 168 DF0MU 585 75 19el Tonna Pro Local /P stations helped to get this contest off to a bright start. Conditions though, offered little. tnx CC 6hrs is FB for this one.  
SF 23 G4HWA IO92 43 7,829 182 DA0FF 782 100 19 ele Vargada Only on part time Flat Conditions with lift at times thanks for all the contacts 73 Bernie  
SF 24 MM0C IO75 19 7,477 394 G3M 635 400 2 x 18 Ele Poor conditions, gave up early due to boredom.  
SF 25 GM4BYF IO85 19 6,575 346 G3M 609 400 21ele Very low activity poor conditions. Hard going  
SF 26 G3PHO IO93 36 5,673 158 DF0MU 604 70 18 el yagi Poor UK activity and band conditions  
SF 27 F1CBC JN09 20 5,430 272 PI4GN 618 20 9 els yagi Average conditions, slow QSB, Wind and noise by time. Thanks for QSO ....Philippe  
SF 28 MW8P IO81 27 5,286 196 G4LPP 362 25 18 LFA QSO nos abt usual for this test, activity being quite low. Some QSB, but pts higher than last yr.  
SF 29 G4HGI IO83 28 5,085 182 G3M 380 18 25 ele i0jxx poor all round. too much KST trying to make things happen rather than calling cq  
SF 30 M7DQO IO92 33 5,043 153 DA0FF 734 10 40 element yagi    
O 31 G8IQL/P IO90 26 4,515 174 DF0MU 584 10 Jbeam MBM46 2 hours at the start. Conditions flatish. Thanks for QSOs. Point to Guildford DRS.  
SF 32 G4JLG IO83 24 4,259 177 G3M 367 65 23 el WIMO First weekend contest for a long time. Less QRM from local stations made it easier to work distant stations, but nothing exotic heard.
SF 33 M0IEP IO91 34 4,180 123 OR6T 466 50 15 element yagi    
SF 34 G0GJV IO91 31 4,143 134 DF0MU 561 100 16 ele Dual    
SF 35 M0UHF IO91 32 4,099 128 DF0MU 592 50 15 E    
SF 36 G4YPC IO91 19 3,763 198 DF0MU 547 100 2X 21ele Tonna 3 hours only, giving points away and working some DX. Flat & poor activity. 73.  
O 37 PE1EWR JO11 13 3,747 288 DA0FF 463 45 2*21el F9FT  
SF 38 G4AFF JO02 16 3,560 222 DA0FF 666 250 22ele and 12ele Only a few Q's, life got in the way.  
SF 39 G8FMC IO91 26 3,457 133 DF0MU 559 90 18 ele Tonna Painfully slow & most EU on 2m! Took some time off, so about 4hrs total.  
O 40 M0HOM/P IO93 21 3,426 163 DF0MU 547 35 16EL I0JXX a fish out, of the shack? a lot to sort for any more /P frolics! GL & 73 all  
O 41 G4AON/P IO93 21 3,333 159 G3M 335 75 19 ele Yagi Giving a few points away, packed up at 6pm  
SF 42 G4XYW IO91 20 3,086 154 DF0MU 563 75 17el LFA  
SF 43 G4K IO91 22 2,804 127 OR6T 470 75 X-QUAD    
SF 44 2E0OUT IO81 16 2,636 165 DF0MU 649 50 23ell duel only on for 45 min  
SF 45 G3OVH IO92 18 2,564 142 OR6T 462 30 16 ele home brew Flat condx, and loads of QSB. Part time.  
O 46 G0OIW/P IO91 26 1,913 74 M1W 183 10 6 ele yagi    
SF 47 M5ADF IO93 15 1,223 82 M1CRO/P 227 10 Dual 2/70 Slow deep QSB. Continentals heard not worked though.  
SF 48 G1MZD IO92 16 1,185 74 G3M 186 20 15 ele G4CQM Just on for limited periods, poor conditions and activity. tnx. Dave  
O 49 G6JUT/P IO92 9 1,017 113 GD8EXI 312 10 11ele Yagi    
SF 50 G1JJA IO92 9 965 107 GD8EXI 271 25 15 ele powabeam    
SF 51 G4LDR IO91 4 823 206 OR6T 456 400 21 Element Yagi    
O 52 G8LNR/P IO81 8 618 77 2E0VCC/P 198 50 26 ele Technical problems ment early bath.  
O 53 G3WRA IO82 3 244 81 G4JLG 126 75 15 Ele Only do the last hour dead quiet  
SF 54 M0XTY JO01 3 182 61 G3XDY 107 50 Diamond V2000    
SF 55 M0TVZ IO92 1 93 93 M1B 93 50 Diamond V2000 Colinear I had hoped for better things but a vertical at home unsuitable for this contest I think. Just gave a few points away.73  

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