Claimed Scores 2013
  9614 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
17/12/13 1.3GHz UKAC
10/12/13 432MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 432MHz UKAC

10 Dec (114 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G4CLA IO92 146 27,315 187 20 546,300 SK7MW 986 400 4x28 Nice to finish the year with some enhanced conditions, although very patchy here.
AO 2 GI4SNA IO64 66 22,243 337 18 400,374 F8BRK 712 300 4X30 Ele Yagi  
AO 3 GD8EXI IO74 90 26,554 295 15 398,310 F1DRR 740 400 38 ele M2 Some signals slightly up, but with difficult QSB. Not on next week, the boom broke on the 23cms Yagi. Merry Christmas.
AR 4 M0BUL/P IO82 105 20,750 198 19 394,250 DG1KJG 706 60 19 ele tonna Great UK activity, no super tropo for me this week but great to hear the band busy! Merry Xmas and happy new year, see you in Jan 73es Craig
AO 5 M0GHZ IO81 96 18,680 195 20 373,600 OZ1DLD/P 895 400W 23 ele DK7ZB Condx not as good as expected from Hepburn, lots of QSB  
AR 6 M1DDD/P IO93 114 18,829 165 18 338,922 DG1KJG 676 90 10 ele LFA Great activity again and a nice night out too. Limited GM stations worked. Missed some regulars. Thanks for all the points, Cheers NIck *TTCG*
AR 7 M1MHZ IO92 91 17,885 197 18 321,930 SK7MW 900 100 28 ele A great evening of activity, thanks for all QSOs and a Happy Christmas & HNY all. SPALDING & DARS
AR 8 G7RAU IO90 77 18,342 238 16 293,472 SK7MW 1090 35 16 el I0JXX yagi Good tropo at times for once :). Tnx all qsos.
AR 9 GW4BVE/P IO82 83 13,715 165 19 260,585 DG1KJG 729 50 9 ele Tonna **TWCG** Reasonable conditions and for once there was little QSB. Merry Christmas and HNY.
AO 10 G3MEH IO91 96 19,785 206 13 257,205 SK7MW 986 250 2 x 21 el Some very strong signals from mainland Europe at times, but deep QSB on northern UK stations.
AR 11 G3PYE/P JO02 80 13,850 173 17 235,450 OZ1DLD/P 713 50 21-ele Tonna  
AR 12 G4NBS JO02 77 13,694 178 17 232,798 OZ9KY 760 100 21ele Seasons Greetings all. Didn't seem to happen here. Strong signals from Eu but not many in log? Much QSB, lots IO93&JO01 but where was IO91..
AR 13 GM4JR IO85 56 15,218 272 15 228,270 F8BRK 688 100 21 ele Tonna  
AR 14 MM0GPZ/P IO85 53 16,901 319 13 219,713 F8BRK 736 70 28 ele M2 Good fun. Very slow next to 2m. F8BRK big signal in S. Scotland. See you next year.
AR 15 G8PNN/P IO95 64 17,990 281 12 215,880 DG1KIG 781 80W 27 ELE DUAL QUAD Some good distances made, but no IO91 or 75 squares tonight. Thanks for all QSO's
AR 16 G0GQT JO01 65 14,339 221 14 200,746 SK7MW 939 100 17 ele Some nice condx to end the year. Thanks to all for the points this year. Merry xmas & happy new year. 73's Mark.
AR 17 G5MW/P JO01 64 16,267 254 12 195,204 SK7MW 942 35W 39 Ele Tonna  
AL 18 G0HEL/P IO81 72 12,524 174 14 175,336 SK7MW 1104 10watt 30element Amazing.No EI,GI,GD,GM hrd/wkd.Tropo duct east.Best way to end year GU,PA,PD,ON,OZ.SK.Seasons greetings.73's Alan 23cms ukac next.  
AR 19 M0MDY IO93 67 10,666 159 16 170,656 PA0FEI 500 35 10 ELEMENT BEAM Good night thanks for all the points & to all the /p stations in the cold weather Seasons Greetings
AL 20 G4ODA IO92 58 11,210 193 15 168,150 SK7MW 906 10w 28el M2 Good to end the year with nice conditions, shame more of Eu doesn't beam this way. Down on mults as beaming East a lot.  
AR 21 GW8ASD IO83 61 9,852 162 16 157,632 ON4POO 571 75 28ele M2 Out of the zone yet again! IO83 in a black hole! Thanks for all the points through the year.
AR 22 G8AXZ/P IO93 68 10,378 153 15 155,670 ON4POO 490 40 21 Element Tonna Quite a good level of activity and conditions seemed reasonable. Spoilt only by a dodgy intermittent patch lead that took a bit of finding.
AL 23 G0PEB/P IO90 62 12,400 200 12 148,800 G6CQC 470 10w Multi element X yagi ** TWCG ** Merry Christmas & HNY everyone.
AR 24 G8MCA JO01 64 10,395 162 14 145,530 OZ1DLD/P 766 100 10 Element LFA Conditions well up, best score ever! First use of XV432. I have the frequency stability sorted but there is still issues when driving a PA!
AR 25 M0VXX/P IO82 71 11,443 161 12 137,316 ON4KBE 516 100 18 Ele LFA Huge QSB, THX all for the QSOS
AR 26 G8HGN JO01 49 11,012 225 12 132,144 OZ1DLD/P 735 50W 24 ele LFA Condx up on norm' & wkd more UK mult's than morm, but I suspect so did everyone else. Tnx to all. Merry Xmas & HNY2014.
AR 27 G3ZVW IO80 41 8,587 209 14 120,218 GM6JTJ 654 75 19 ele Bah! Humbug!! No Continental DX workable from the South West. Merry Xmas all.  
AR 28 M0GVG/P IO83 62 7,498 121 16 119,968 F8BRK 468 75 22LFA Condx seemed good - strong sigs from GM, could actually hear F8BRK, which is only an occasional occurance. That said, activity was poor with contact numbers well down on usual, ironically number of mults is slightly better than usual.
AR 29 M0XBF JO01 51 9,138 179 13 118,794 GI4SNA 551 40 19ele yagi  
AL 30 G6WRW/P IO82 62 9,118 147 13 118,534 PA0EMO 556 10 18el Parabeam **TWCG** Merry Christmas to everyone
AL 31 G0BRC JO01 53 9,847 186 12 118,164 GI6ATZ 555 10 15 Ele Yagi Another record performance, not the usual team but worked. Conditions very good in patches, Thanks to our QSOs for the points for BR&TS, 73
AO 32 G4AFJ IO92 45 5,916 131 19 112,404 F8BRK 384 50 18 el YAGI  
AR 33 G4NDM/P IO92 64 8,403 131 13 109,239 DG1KJG 599 100 18ele powabeam Good conditions tonight. Best DX so far. Seasons Greetings.
AX 34 GM4JTJ IO86 21 8,517 406 12 102,204 G3ZVW 654 150 21ele Yagi  
AR 35 M0CES/P IO93 41 8,027 196 12 96,324 SK7MW 921 35W 19 ele Tonna Wow 2 Swedes. 35w IC7100
AR 36 G3VCA IO93 56 6,687 119 14 93,618 F8BRK 445 70w 29elyagi  
AR 37 G7LRQ IO91 56 7,785 139 12 93,420 DG1KJG 531 100 18ele LFA  
AO 38 M0LNE JO01 45 8,248 183 11 90,728 SK7MY 937 50 2 x 29ele Both had the lurgy....but another great night....points to MARTS
AL 39 G8OVZ/P JO01 47 7,309 156 12 87,708 GI6ATZ 487 10W 14 ele h/b DK7ZB *TWCG* Thanks to all
AR 40 G4NTY IO83 56 6,236 111 14 87,304 F8BRK 501 75w 21 ele Yagi  
AR 41 G4JLG IO83 54 6,385 118 13 83,005 F8BRK 501 65w 88el. Multibeam Quite Good conditions, but missed IO70 and IO90. Too many very strong signals in IO83.
AR 42 2E0BMO IO83 50 6,336 127 13 82,368 F8BRK 517 50 14 LFA Cdx quite good but activity tailed off after 22:00.Nevertheless 2nd best score this yr.Seasons greetings to all.
AO 43 M0JZT IO92 59 7,401 125 11 81,411 PA0EMO 517 200 24 ele  
AL 44 G0HGH IO92 31 5,502 177 14 77,028 SK7MW 906 10 14 ele m0pxy special deep qsb with glimpses of dx heard. Only 1 worked So many tech problems to finish the year!
AR 45 M0WYB/P IO81 46 6,749 147 11 74,239 OZ1DLD/P 917 50w 21ele Tonna Hard work as usual but a little dx around. Tnx - TDARC
AR 46 G4YUP/P IO91 38 6,122 161 12 73,464 GI6ATZ 486 35 9 el Tonna    
AO 47 G0JJG JO02 36 7,342 204 10 73,420 OZ9KY 713 200 17 ele Rotator froze at 280 degrees half way through... Seasons Greetings and thanks for QSOs in 2013
AR 48 M0COP/P IO82 55 7,154 130 10 71,540 F8BRK 416 45 10 EL BEAM  
AR 49 G3UVR IO83 56 5,375 96 12 64,500 G3ZVW 283 30w 6ele yagi Activity seemed lower tonight but another great UKAC contest. 73 to all
AR 50 G4RQI IO93 32 4,929 154 13 64,077 G0PEB/P 348 50 7ele  
AR 51 G8REQ IO83 50 5,740 115 11 63,140 F8BRK 502 50W 21 Ele Good contest, with plenty of rapid QSB, apart from F8BRK nothing Hrd from outside of UK..Many Tnx...73
AR 53 G8EOP IO93 25 5,048 202 12 60,576 F6APE 708 75 28 el Beam Thanks all for points see you all next year 73 Mel
AR 54 G8YMW/P IO93 33 4,530 137 13 58,890 GI4SNA 351 75 21 ele No DX for me, Deep QSB
AR 55 G3RCW IO93 33 4,363 132 13 56,719 GM4JTJ 382 75 10 ele Yagi First time for Worksop ARS in AFS. Looking forward to more VHF contesting in 2014. Seasons Greetings  
AR 56 G0TAR JO01 35 6,132 175 9 55,188 GI6ATZ 552 20W 9 eleTonna  
AR 57 G4VFL/P IO84 36 6,079 169 9 54,711 F8BRK 604 70 19 Element Wx: Cloud & Calm but the forecast rain did not arrive. Rx PI7CIS and worked F8BRK but didn't hear IO91 or JO02. Interesting evening.
AL 58 G0WTD IO83 38 4,289 113 12 51,468 F8BRK 519 10W 19 ELE YAGI Thanks to all for your points for 2013. Happy xmass & New year.
AL 59 G1MZD IO92 33 4,514 137 11 49,654 MM0GPZ/P 427 10w 19 ele vargarda Qsb was a real problem, but pleased with score with 10w. Seasons Greetings tnx. MKARS
AL 60 G8HXE/P IO83 51 4,690 92 10 46,900 G0PEB/P 346 10 18 el Parabeam **TWCG**  
AL 61 M6SRZ IO83 40 4,304 108 10 43,040 F8BRK 519 10 20 ele lfa terrible qsb, not a bad night. thanks to all who beamed north!!! .. 73 and merry xmas
AR 62 G8BUN IO93 26 4,304 166 10 43,040 F6APE 708 70w 22 elememt yagi  
AR 63 G3TDH IO83 31 3,846 124 11 42,306 F8BRK 478 75W 9 Ele Slow going, but some good tropo if a bit up and down with QSB
AR 64 G7APD IO92 30 4,167 139 10 41,670 ON4POO 428 75W 19ele Cushcraft Late getting started
AL 65 M0HAZ JO03 24 4,015 167 10 40,150 F8BRK 437 10 15 ele yagi Thanks all QSOs no mega DX here. Thx all QSOs & Points in 2013 - Happy Christmas & HNY - SPALDING & DARS
AR 66 G0RQL IO70 17 4,394 258 9 39,546 G3ZEZ 390 50w 19ele Hard going again from IO70.Thanks all that beamed this way and thanks for the contest.73 Don.
AR 67 M0CGL JO03 31 3,806 123 10 38,060 GI4SNA 429 50 21 Element Tonna Great fun. Great to work all /p stations. Many thanks for all points for over 2013 for R.A.F.Waddington A.R.C. Happy Christmas...
AL 68 G8MIA IO92 28 3,686 132 10 36,860 F8BRK 412 10 19 ele Tonna Conditions were avergae but lots of rapid and deep QSB.  
AR 69 G3UBX IO82 32 3,987 125 9 35,883 F8BRK 395 45 Tonna 21 An enjoyable evening after a few months inactivity.
AR 70 M0KZC IO90 23 3,502 152 10 35,020 GD8EXI 404 75 19Y  
AR 71 G8ZRE IO83 37 3,521 95 9 31,689 F8BRK IN IN99 478 20W 15 Element Yagi Good contest for 20w wkd F8BRK in last 5 mins for extra pts. See you all on 26/12 Christmas Cumulatives. 3 bands 50/144/432.
AR 72 G0GJV IO91 29 3,822 132 8 30,576 PA0ANS 514 25 16 ele  
AR 73 M0UKD/P JO01 27 3,181 118 9 28,629 MM0GPZ/P 516 15 Homemade 10 element Yagi Operating outdoors, trying a new homemade 10 element Yagi. Some good DX. Heavy freezing fog. Good fun! Thanks to all, 73.  
AX 74 GU6EFB IN89 13 3,177 244 9 28,593 M1DDD/P 419 75 21 Element Beam Please look south GU & GJ stations Seasons greetings
AR 75 G4JQN IO81 28 2,661 95 9 23,949 F8BRK 268 50 21E Good fun despite poor conditions and a useless aerial. Nothing heard from GI, GD, GU, nor IoW tonight. 73 & Merry Xmas everyone, Jerry
AR 76 M0KJR IO81 27 2,296 85 8 18,368 F8BRK 272 20watt 21el tonna THANKS TO ALL MERRY CHRISTMAS 73s
AL 77 G3UFO IO83 23 2,171 94 8 17,368 GM4JTJ 368 10 7EL  
AR 78 G0CER IO82 19 2,166 114 8 17,328 MM0GPZ/P 298 20 12 yagi  
AR 79 G0JRY IO91 19 2,153 113 8 17,224 F8BRK 304 45w tonna 9e  
AL 80 2E0TXT/P IO83 24 2,254 94 7 15,778 G0HEL/P 261 10w 7 ele beam  
AL 81 M0NST IO83 23 1,933 84 8 15,464 GI4SNA 246 10 17 elel yagi new poles after winds new rotator spid rau vats improvement first test since remounting everything eqsls ent oout from main logbook  
AO 82 G4LBH IO90 20 2,116 106 7 14,812 F8BRK 213 250 10 Ele Yagi    
AR 83 G0LGS IO81 16 2,082 130 7 14,574 GI4SNA 392 50 14 Ele Powabeam    
AR 84 G4JED JO01 16 1,839 115 7 12,873 M0BUL/P 242 50 18 ele Yagi  
AL 85 M6GZE/P IO81 18 1,835 102 6 11,010 F8BRK 328 3w Full Wave Horizontal Loop Very good condx for first 45 mins then almost like an HF fade out til 2200. My 17X17cm loop worked pretty well with 3w. Merry Xmas, 73.
AL 86 M0AFJ IO92 11 1,343 122 8 10,744 G4VFL/P 301 10 13 ELE DL6WU  
AL 87 M0VDC IO93 17 1,525 90 7 10,675 GI6ATZ 376 10 yagi  
AR 88 M1CDL IO92 15 1,327 88 8 10,616 G7RAU 222 50 9 ele Thx all for QSOs tonight & throughout 2013. Happy Christmas & HNY. Points to SPALDING & DARS  
AL 89 G8LZE IO91 13 1,376 106 7 9,632 M0BUL/P 181 10 indoor 9 element Heard plenty, worked few. Monster QSB.
AR 90 G4TUP IO83 18 1,525 85 6 9,150 GI4SNA 222 25 dipole Found GMs way down on sig strength....  
AR 91 M0HGY IO83 23 1,456 63 5 7,280 GD8EXI 194 20w Big Wheel  
AL 92 M6MEQ IO83 11 1,074 98 6 6,444 MM0GPZ/P 231 10w 5 Element Yagi  
AR 93 G7UVW JO01 15 1,241 83 5 6,205 F8BRK 261 75W vertical colinear Points to BRES. Thanks for contacts this eve - just 70w to a colinear. Merry Xmas and HNY
AO 94 G8JUT IO81 12 1,031 86 5 5,155 M1MHZ 228 70 w 10el  
AR 95 M0BTZ IO90 11 942 86 5 4,710 F8BRK 215 50W 21ele F9FT in loft (Stealth) Patchy tropo, but poor antenna siting at my station (high SWR). Giving points away only. Seasons greetings and tnx to all /P stations.
AL 96 G2ANC IO83 20 953 48 4 3,812 G4CLA 147 10 10 eli  
AR 97 G7ROM IO83 13 1,220 94 3 3,660 F8BRK 511 20w 14 element  
AL 98 G4CFP IO83 22 876 40 4 3,504 GW4BVE/P 112 10 70cm Colinear I was unable to get the beam up so used the vertical mounted 70cm CX300
AO 99 G8CLY IO91 7 802 115 4 3,208 F8BRK 288 200 21 el Verulam Club Christams "do" so only on for last 10 minutes.  
AR 100 G0EUN IO93 16 801 50 4 3,204 M0JZT 123 100W Beam  
AL 101 M6NNX IO83 11 766 70 4 3,064 GI6ATZ 247 10 13-ele @ 5m, 116m ASL just 1 hour tonight. heard F8BRK but couldn't work past the pile-up :-(
AR 102 G4JGG IO91 7 600 86 5 3,000 G0PEB/P 157 25w 8 element  
AR 103 G4FKI IO92 10 690 69 4 2,760 G0PEB/P 166 25 7 ELE YAGI Merry Christmas to all..  
AR 104 M0RHS IO80 7 817 117 3 2,451 F8BRK 231 50W 23 ELE  
AL 105 G0PEK JO01 11 800 73 3 2,400 F8BRK 252 5w Diamond V2000 vertical  
AL 106 M6KNG IO93 10 425 42 4 1,700 G0AJJ 137 10W 5/8 Ele DB Yagi loft Hello is anybody out there?
AR 107 GJ7DNI IN89 4 751 188 2 1,502 F8BRK 260 100 21 el yagi good cond to the s-e
AR 108 G6MCX IO90 8 411 51 3 1,233 F8BRK 212 75 Tri band co linear  
AR 109 G4WUA IO83 8 419 52 2 838 GI6ATZ 217 50 11 ELL BEAM LFA-Q UNWELL SO HAD TO QUIT EARLY
AR 110 G7FBD IO81 12 333 28 2 666 G3ZVW 82 50 Vert. Co-linear    
AL 111 G7KSE IO84 2 309 154 2 618 GI4SNA 157 5w Sotabeam Full of cold...atchoooo!
AL 112 2E0JWJ IO81 13 221 17 2 442 M3BRV 56 10W Tri-Band Vertical Many thanks for the points to TDARC, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year de Dennis 73
AL 113 M0PFW JO01 2 101 50 2 202 G3MEH 91 10w x50 vertical  
AR 114 2E0MSI IO81 7 74 11 1 74 G0HEL/P 15 20W Dual Band Colinear Thought I'd try 70cm for a change. Points to TDARC de Mark  

12 Nov (116 scores)

8 Oct (122 scores)

10 Sep (125 scores)

13 Aug (139 scores)

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14 May (128 scores)

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