Claimed Scores 2014
  9981 claimed scores
V8.41 by G4CLA

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30/12/14 70MHz UKAC
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
16/12/14 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 432MHz UKAC

9 Dec (113 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 GI6ATZ IO74 65 22,157 341 12 265,884 G4RUL/P 587 400 2*28 Merry Xmas to all.
AO 2 M0GHZ IO81 87 15,428 177 14 215,992 DG1KJG 655 400W 23 ele DK7ZB Poor condx with slow qsb tonight. Seasons Greatings David & Pete  
AO 3 GD8EXI IO74 67 19,140 286 10 191,400 F8BRK 625 400 38 ele M2 Extra noise from power lines and difficulty turning beam because of high wind. Cold front to SE caused usual skip effect.
AO 4 G0XDI IO91 89 14,277 160 13 185,601 DG1KJG 543 400 2X 17 ELE LFA Poor conditions and activity down, antennas not at full height due to winds. Thanks to all for the QSOs :)
AO 5 G8OHM IO92 80 12,108 151 15 181,620 DJ6OK 610 400 24 ele LFA Tower down due to gusts, very busy for 1st 45mins, then much slower. Merry Christmas and HNY to all from SBRS.
AR 6 M1MHZ IO92 75 11,568 154 15 173,520 DG1KJG 549 100 28 ele Condx Poor~3+ mults missing,hard work! Band died and only a few localish stn available. Thx ALL for Pts/QSO 2014 HC&HNY CU2015
AR 7 G3PYE/P JO02 81 10,659 132 14 149,226 GI6ATZ 479 60W 21-ele Hard going tonight, and high winds making it a little unpleasant too. Thanks all for the QSOs this year!
AX 8 G4ZTR JO01 57 11,981 210 12 143,772 DF9IC 646 200w 2 x 16el JXX I thought my score was bad, until I saw the others ! Very interested to see what M7 does for the operating strategy.  
AR 9 G4NBS JO02 70 11,145 159 12 133,740 DL8DAU 667 100 21ele Pts/Q says it all! Apologies to any I couldn't hear - high band noise and wicked QSB. Not best way to end year, but thanks for all the QSO's
AR 10 G7LRQ IO91 72 9,781 136 13 127,153 GI6ATZ 480 100w 19 ele LFA Thanks for the points, a real struggle with QSB and high noise. But fun.
AO 11 G3MEH IO91 80 10,779 135 11 118,569 DL8DAU 699 250 2 x 21 el M2 Windy so mast at reduced height. Average condx, deep QSB. Sri to those I missed. Also worked 7 non UK squares.
AX 12 G4RUL/P JO00 50 9,490 190 11 104,390 GI6ATZ 587 70 21 ele Yagi Mad weather, but reasonable activity, some strong signals in 1st hour. Thanks for qsos in 2014. Back /P in JO00 when WX allows in 2015.
AO 13 G0ODQ IO91 53 7,908 149 12 94,896 GM4CXM 519 200 2 x 21 ele m2  
AR 14 G3YDY JO01 45 7,593 169 12 91,116 GI6ATZ 524 100 13 ele LFA  
AR 15 G3VCA IO93 61 6,799 111 13 88,387 GM4CXM 389 35w 29el yagi  
AL 16 G4HGI IO83 62 7,674 124 11 84,414 F8BRK 504 10 21 ele tonna Thanks to all for the points especially the portables 73 & Seasons Greetings
AR 17 G4BVE/P IO82 60 8,398 140 10 83,980 PE1EWR 469 50 9 ele *TWCG* Very windy on the hill. Activity seemed low. Rapid and deep QSB.
AR 18 G3UVR IO83 64 7,600 119 11 83,600 G4ZTR 311 30w 6ele yagi Lots of QSB tonight. Only one GM heard none worked. thanks for all the points.
AR 19 G4JLG IO83 58 7,257 125 11 79,827 F8BRK 501 65W 88el. Multibeam Slightly above average with good activity.
AL 20 G0HEL/P IO81 55 7,761 141 10 77,610 G3YOA 298 10w 19 ele Tonna Guyed mast for first time.Gusty wind made me seasick. Wicked qsb,low mults.Tnx all for points 73's Alan TDARC  
AL 21 G4ODA IO92 38 5,533 146 14 77,462 GM4CXM 447 10W 28el Down on mults and QSOs, poor conditions and low activity no doubt as result of WX  
AL 22 G3TBK/P IO93 61 6,431 105 12 77,172 GI6ATZ 388 10 21 ele Fair at start, went downhill - like the wx. Not much heard from the South.
AR 23 G4RQI IO93 43 6,420 149 11 70,620 F8BRK 506 50W 21ele Tonna F8BRK super signal tonight
AR 24 G4NTY IO83 51 6,385 125 11 70,235 F8BRK 501 75w 21 ele Yagi  
AR 25 M0WYB IO81 41 6,389 156 10 63,890 ON7WP 500 100 21 ele Tonna Lost an hour due to a fault! Anyway a half hearted effort. Tnx to all I did manage - Merry XMas, Russ, TDARC
AR 26 GW8ASD IO83 49 6,359 130 10 63,590 F8BRK 470 70 28ele M2 Truly awful conditions. One to forget!
AR 27 G8YMW/P IO93 45 5,565 124 11 61,215 GI6ATZ 342 75 21 ele Nothing heard from GM,Happy Xmas all, points to RAF Waddington
AR 28 G4VFL/P IO84 31 6,110 197 10 61,100 G3YDY 385 70 19 Element Wx: Windy and Dry for contest. Rain before and after. Radio fair to south, No GMs.
AR 29 G3YOA JO02 27 5,495 204 11 60,445 GI6ATZ 513 50w 18 ele LFA Thanks for points to Bittern Dx Group
AR 30 G8REQ IO83 43 5,357 125 11 58,927 G3YDY 306 50W 19 Ele Wx poor,ant lower than normal,Cdx fair,hrd F8BRK not wkd,Tnx to all..73..
AR 31 G8BUN IO93 40 5,184 130 10 51,840 G4RUL/P 354 100w 21 element yagi  
AR 32 G4GFI IO91 34 4,428 130 11 48,708 GD8EXI 434 100 19 ele Tonna  
AR 33 G4APJ IO83 38 5,148 135 9 46,332 G4GFI 296 25 19ele Not many multipliers, nor stations audible - terrible QSB on most signals. Nothing heard to the north.
AL 34 G3SQQ IO93 51 4,927 97 9 44,343 F8BRK 437 10 19 Element LFA Conditions not good but improved antenna gave many contacts, once more many thanks for nice comments and points.
AO 35 G0JJG JO02 23 4,806 209 8 38,448 GI6ATZ 520 200 17 ele Tnx for all contacts in 2014 - struggled with QSB tonight. 73.
AR 36 G3UBX IO82 31 3,691 119 10 36,910 GI6ATZ 326 35 Tonna 21 Conditions didn't seem too bad, little QSB and reasonable signals, but there were many stations missing. Heard JO00, IO85, IO75 but no QSOs.
AR 37 G4YUP/P IO91 36 3,978 110 9 35,802 G8YMW/P 279 35 AAA 15 el Yagi Wet (testing my new wet gear!), cold and very windy, plus QSB
AL 38 G0HGH IO92 29 3,151 109 11 34,661 GI6ATZ 426 10 19 ele beam broke in wind and had no idea what direction it was pointing. tnx fer all points. Seasons greetings
AR 39 GM4PPT IO75 13 4,287 330 8 34,296 G0JJG 507 400 19ele Tonna Poor conditions with lots of noise, too many long gaps between qso's! Thanks to all who beamed north. 73 & Seasons Greetings
AR 40 G8ZRE IO83 33 3,749 114 9 33,741 G3YDY IN JO01 281 20 15 ELEMENT YAGI QRN 1st 90mins,good number of mults on 20w.Worked G4WLC/P off back of beam pointing at GM.
AL 41 2E0VPX IO91 33 3,351 102 10 33,510 GD8EXI 368 10 19 element Vargada Windy. So antennas at half mast. Very little to the north. 73 de MKARS
AL 42 M1EYP/P IO83 45 4,081 91 8 32,648 F8BRK 460 5w SB270 - 6Y Heard very little, low on mults as a result. Hideous wx on summit, extreme portable operating! Check out the video on http //
AL 43 G3ZUD IO92 26 2,957 114 11 32,527 GI6ATZ 367 8 19 ele F9FT Had to drop mast from 6m to 4m when gust turned antenna on rotator pole!Merry Xmas to all.
AR 44 G8EOP IO93 28 3,769 135 8 30,152 GI6ATZ 294 75 28 el beam Thanks all for points over 2014 M Xmas hpny to all 73 Mel
AR 45 M0COP/P IO82 36 3,594 100 8 28,752 G4ZTR 265 40 7 EL Very windy!!
AL 46 G1MZD IO92 26 2,848 110 9 25,632 GD8EXI 343 10w 14 ele G4CQM Poor conditions, a struggle as usual. Seasons Greetings Dave MKARS
AR 47 M0CGL JO03 30 3,125 104 8 25,000 GI6ATZ 420 20 20 Element LFA H/B Late on parade tonight. Thanks to all the /P stations and for the points. Also, a very happy Christmas to all...
AO 48 G8DOH IO92 29 3,123 108 8 24,984 F8BRK 325 130 2x18ele Yagi Only on for last hour. Poor conditions.
AR 49 M0CES/P JO03 31 2,923 94 8 23,384 G4RUL/P 274 35w 19 ele tonna band went quiet.wind howling. rain due so went home 2128z
AL 50 G5MW/P JO01 31 2,773 89 8 22,184 GD8EXI 468 10W 13 ele Very bad QSB. Even over very short distances. Thanks to G0NEY for his patience. A good night and fun. Merry Xmas and HNY. 73
AO 51 G4KIY IO92 22 2,742 125 8 21,936 GI6ATZ 437 50 2x21 el yagi Last 45 mins only.Ave conds.  
AR 52 G4NDM IO92 26 2,565 99 8 20,520 GI6ATZ 358 100 10ele Powabeam Poor band for me this year, Tnx to the /Ps who braved the weather.
AR 53 G7APD IO92 18 2,277 126 9 20,493 GI6ITZ 386 75W 19ele Cushcraft  
AL 54 G8PEF/P IO83 27 2,919 108 6 17,514 F8BRK 510 10W 19 el Tonna Wet & Windy! Odd propagation - nothing heard to N or GI/GD direction. Thanks to all for the pts & Merry xmas if I don't 'see' you on 23cm  
AL 55 G1SWH IO83 25 2,869 115 6 17,214 F8BRK 515 10w 20ell for bolton no 1 p/c
AR 56 G0EUN IO93 27 2,044 76 8 16,352 GI6ATZ 376 50w 3Ele Beam  
AR 57 G0TAR JO01 22 2,326 106 7 16,282 GD8EXI 468 20W 9 ele Tonna Much QSB and noise later. Good crowd on tonight. Thanks for points. 73 de Brian
AR 58 G0GJV IO91 30 2,015 67 6 12,090 F8BRK 250 100 16 ele  
AL 59 G8HXE/P IO83 32 1,940 61 6 11,640 M0GHZ 242 10 18 el parabeam **TWCG** I must be mad going out in that WX! QSB deep. Heard mults that didn't hear me. Bad night !  
AR 60 M0HGY IO83 21 1,402 67 7 9,814 G3PYE/P 198 20w Big Wheel  
AL 61 G4CRF IO91 16 1,377 86 6 8,262 F8BRK 309 10W 18 Element Yagi  
AL 62 G0BRC JO01 18 1,637 91 5 8,185 GD8EXI 471 10 15 ele beam Good fun, Deep QSB, New cable meant new/old Mic, AM508E worked very well and until my new keyer arrives will be the #1, Points to BRATS, WX!
AL 63 G0PEB/P IO90 14 1,356 97 6 8,136 G3PYE/P 202 10w Multi element X yagi ** TWCG ** Awful ... very windy with rain. Surprised the antenna survived.
AR 64 G4WEY IO90 10 1,236 124 6 7,416 G4NTY 308 75 10 ele Yagi    
AR 65 G4LBH IO90 12 1,176 98 6 7,056 GD8EXI 415 70 10 Ele Yagi    
AO 66 M0LNE JO01 14 1,131 81 6 6,786 G4RQI 295 70 2 x 29 element Really bad qsb. Only an hour. Still good fun and points to the MARTS.
AR 67 G4DFA IO91 24 1,642 68 4 6,568 M0WYB 157 50 w 19 Ele Tonna still missed F8BRK couldn't complete the exchange 'cos of QSB
AL 68 M0HLO IO92 19 1,279 67 5 6,395 GI6ATZ 387 10 10el Diamond    
AR 69 G4JQN IO81 15 1,339 89 4 5,356 G4NTY 251 50 12E TONNA  
AL 70 G8XYJ IO82 11 877 80 6 5,262 GD8EXI 232 10 10 ele beam Token entry from Home only! WX looked horrendous for /P. 73 all MC and HNY TWCG  
AR 71 G0CER IO82 13 1,042 80 5 5,210 G3PYE/P 202 20 12 ele  
AR 72 G0KZT IO91 16 989 62 5 4,945 G4WLC/P 151 18 19 ele Tonna WX was appalling. Band very quiet. Well done to those who braved the elements! 73 es Merry Xmas de Andy
AL 73 GW4ZAR IO83 16 975 61 5 4,875 GD8EXI 143 5w 17 ele Thanks for the contacts and, in some cases, your patience. Tnx to GW3ATZ for antenna loan. Will have to be /P next. Seasons greetings to all
AL 74 M6IAQ/A IO93 14 1,152 82 4 4,608 GI6ATZ 340 10 10 el Yagi Difficult conditions tonight. Thanks to all /p operators. Seasons Greetings  
AL 75 M0ICR IO91 22 1,080 49 4 4,320 G8OHM 136 8W 9 Ele Tonna Absolutely rotten cndx here- largely down to S7-S9 local domestic QRM. I will be going /P for 70cm UKAC in 2015. *=*Merry Xmas*=* 73 Carl
AL 76 G3RCW IO93 16 1,046 65 4 4,184 G7LRQ 188 10 10 el Yagi Difficult conditions tonight. Thanks to all /p operators. Seasons Greetings from all at Worksop Amateur Radio Society.  
AR 77 G4WUA IO83 15 991 66 4 3,964 M1MHZ 227 35 WAT 11 ELL BEAM LFA-Q  
AL 78 G2XV JO02 7 811 116 4 3,244 F8BRK 330 35 6/10 ele dual band OK for the first few minutes then very high noise level. Savage QSB.  
AR 79 M1CNK IO90 10 774 77 4 3,096 F8BRK 212 100 8 over 8 slot beam Quiet but better than expected  
AR 80 G4OAR/A IO82 12 921 77 3 2,763 GI6ATZ 272 50w Tonna 9 ele. Poor Conditions .. thanks for the points.
AL 81 G8CRB JO02 10 682 68 4 2,728 F8BRK 335 5W 8 ele DK7ZB  
AL 82 M3RNX IO83 16 884 55 3 2,652 GI6ATZ 251 10 19 ELE YAGI  
AR 83 2E0WBL IO83 11 709 64 3 2,127 GI6ATZ 219 50w 5 Element Yagi  
AR 84 G8JUT IO81 7 595 85 3 1,785 M1MHZ 228 60 10ele  
AR 85 G0VOF IO83 9 544 60 3 1,632 G4BVE/P 131 20 Diamond X-50 Too windy to put up lightweight mast & yagi so only used short vertical. Very difficult! Thanks for all QSO's. Merry Christmas & 73, Mark
AL 86 G0LGS IO81 7 401 57 4 1,604 G0XDI 112 5 14Ele Powabeam    
AR 87 G4JGG IO91 8 533 67 3 1,599 F8BRK 308 25w 8 element  
AL 88 G3XBM JO02 7 379 54 4 1,516 G8OHM 154 5W 5element    
AR 89 M0KJR IO81 15 480 32 3 1,440 G3VCA 242 20watt 19el  
AL 90 M0BUX IO82 9 437 49 3 1,311 G0HEL/P 84 10 Vertical Colinear X-30    
AL 91 G4WBO IO83 11 420 38 3 1,260 G4BVE/P 112 10 2m/70cm colinear  
AL 92 G8NVX/P IO93 9 603 67 2 1,206 GI6ATZ 302 5 9 Ele Yagi Almost abandoned due to excessive wind condx.Found a lower sheltered spot. Tnx for the points especially Gordon, GI6ATZ..
AL 93 M6SFQ IO93 11 397 36 3 1,191 2E0YZA/P 67 10 5 el yagi  
AR 94 GM4DIJ IO85 3 564 188 2 1,128 G8OHM 404 50 21ele Poor conditions. Low activity
AL 95 M0KLK JO01 8 277 35 3 831 G3MEH 107 10w Colinear Very windy miserable weather here, very noisy on the band with QSB, I gave up at 21:15. Thanks to all for the points, all good experience..
AL 96 G0GDA JO01 11 387 35 2 774 G3MEH 102 10w Watson 50 Vertical  
AR 97 M0KCA IO92 3 256 85 3 768 G4HGI 101 35W Colinear  
AL 98 G8LZE IO91 12 357 30 2 714 M0GHZ 123 10 colinear Mast down due to gale that never arrived - frustrating.
AL 99 M0WBG IO83 9 340 38 2 680 GD8EXI 131 10 7 Ele DK7ZB  
AR 100 G3YXZ IO91 13 324 25 2 648 G1DFL 38 25 3dB Vertical  
AL 101 M6GTG IO93 9 308 34 2 616 M1MHZ 49 10 7 Element ZL-Special  
AR 102 G4AUC IO91 6 253 42 2 506 G3PYE/P 112 50 8/8 slot fed  
AR 103 G4FKI IO92 6 247 41 2 494 G3PYE/P 50 25 Collinear Merry Christmas to all, hope to work you from G/GW/GM in 2015.  
AL 104 M0HLB JO01 8 230 29 2 460 G3MEH 99 10w 8el multiband yagi stopped early due to unfortunate accidental fall in garden altering yagi. Otherwise good evening average conditions, many thanks for points.
AL 105 2E0LKC IO83 16 418 26 1 418 G3UVR 62 10w gp6 vertical  
AL 106 M6KNI JO02 4 127 32 2 254 M1MHZ 29 5 9 ele yagi fixed  
AL 107 M3OUA IO83 7 235 34 1 235 G4JLG 58 10 gp9 good contest hope you all have a good xmass and see you all next year 73 good dx Lesley h sale
AL 108 M0PJA IO93 8 162 20 1 162 G3VCA 52 10 V2000    
AL 109 2E0JWJ IO81 8 141 18 1 141 G4WLC/P 66 10W Tri-Band Vertical Many thanks for points to TDARC, A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all 73 Dennis
AL 111 2E0MSI IO81 8 89 11 1 89 G0HEL/P 15 10W Colinear last comp of the year. Merry Christmas to everyone. Mark at TDARC  
AR 112 G0FVH IO80 3 77 26 1 77 G0PEB/P 61 20 INDOOR VERTICAL Very quiet, worked the only three stations I heard !!
AR 113 G0HAS IO81 8 67 8 1 67 G0WYB 18 50 vertical 73 and happy holidays de TDARC  

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