Claimed Scores 2016
  11857 claimed scores
V8.41 by G4CLA

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29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
20/12/16 1.3GHz UKAC
13/12/16 432MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 432MHz UKAC

13 Dec (167 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G4CLA IO92 179 31,411 175 50 1,570,550 DF9IC 801 400 4x28 Conditions up and down. Tnx for QSOs see you in 2017!
AO 2 GI6ATZ IO74 99 32,525 329 35 1,138,375 F8BRK 697 400 2 *28 Ele M2  
AO 3 G4ODA IO92 126 24,974 198 44 1,098,856 DL3YCW 600 400 2+1x28el M2 Just playing with ideas today. Seasons greetings and tnx for all QSOs in '16,and in particular to VHFCC for all work on adj etc.  
AO 4 G3XDY JO02 89 23,377 263 47 1,098,719 SK7MW 861 300 28 el M2 Yagi Good activity, thanks for all the QSOs, see you in 2017
AO 5 GI4SNA IO64 92 30,339 330 34 1,031,526 G3XDY 554 300 4X30 Ele Yagi G4CQM  
AO 6 G4ZTR JO01 88 20,867 237 40 834,680 DF9IC 646 200 2 x 18 ele G4CQM Christened my new transverter kit, which was finished a couple of hours earlier. Will be applying for the "worked all 93 square award"!  
AO 7 F8BRK IN99 92 34,288 373 24 822,912 GI6ATZ 698 400 4 x 21 elements Poor condx with deep qsb.Sorry to those I missed. 73 Gerard Harwell ARS
AR 8 G4NBS JO02 90 17,093 190 42 717,906 DF9IC 713 100 24ele Busy band, hard to find somewhere to run! Maybe my new Aerial but seemed good to me. 10 Eu Mults! Tnx for all QSO in 2016
AR 9 G7LRQ IO91 105 17,312 165 39 675,168 DL0FTZ 665 100 18 ele LFA Thanks for the contacts and repeats, higher than normal noise level and intermittent pre-amp. Season Greetings.
AO 10 GD8EXI IO74 87 24,395 280 27 658,665 F8BRK 625 400 38 ele M2 Poor conditions with lots of stations right on the noise floor here. Sorry to those I missed
AO 11 M0GHZ IO81 89 16,543 186 37 612,091 DL6YBF 652 400 23 ele DK7ZB Was going ok until a knock at the door regarding TVI when beaming east! TV distribution amplifier to be sorted.  
AR 12 M1MHZ IO92 85 15,396 181 39 600,444 DF9IC 759 100 28 ele Poor condx. Only 1 GM in my log. ODX via AS - TX problem lost me 15+mins Thx DL0FTZ for waiting. Thx Pts in 2016, last for me for 2016  
AR 13 G4RQI IO93 88 13,767 156 40 550,680 OZ9KY 751 100 10ele I thought conditions were poor tonight
AR 14 G8PNN/P IO95 64 16,085 251 33 530,805 PA5Y 653 100 27 ELE DUAL QUAD WX dense fog, light drizzle. Thanks Conrad always a good signal. Band conditions not too good. 73 Gordon
AR 15 GM4JTJ IO86 46 16,073 349 32 514,336 M0WYB 594 100 21ele yagi difficult conditions but an enjoyable evening **TWCG**
AR 16 G0ODQ IO91 86 14,010 163 35 490,350 GM4JTJ 557 100 21 Ele M squared Conditions good to start with and then deteriorated and activity average.
AL 17 M0GAV/P IO93 106 12,800 121 33 422,400 F8BRK 465 10 16 ELE LFA Good finish to the year! thanks for all the points!
AR 18 G3VCA IO93 88 11,178 127 36 402,408 PA5Y 493 75 20ELhb yagi Strange conditions - a lack of squares for me tonight - lots of Phase distortion and QSB
AO 19 G3MEH IO91 73 12,224 167 30 366,720 DL0FTZ 684 250 2 x 21 el M2 Poor conditions and low activity with only 10 UK squares worked. Merry Xmas and HNY, all.
AR 20 GW8ASD IO83 69 10,580 153 34 359,720 PE1EWR 482 70 28 ele Yagi A reasonable evening but struggled to find some squares.
AO 21 PA5Y JO21 22 16,035 729 22 352,770 G4RRA 680 400 26 ele DJ9BV Interesting contest, always a mixed bag on 70cms. It is my favourite band of all that I enter, thanks QSOs
AR 22 G3UVR IO83 83 10,992 132 29 318,768 PA5Y 633 60 9ele yagi Another great contest. 73 and thanks for all the calls
AR 23 M0OMB IO83 65 8,790 135 33 290,070 F8BRK 517 70 18 LFA Pretty wet here but cdx seemed good. Lots of activity as well. Tnks for the pts this yr and the Seasons Greetings.
AR 24 G4BRK IO91 49 8,476 173 33 279,708 GM4JTJ 562 100 21 el Condx normal, nothing special.  
AO 25 G0JJG JO02 53 10,550 199 26 274,300 GI4SNA 531 200 18 ele G4CQM Flat as shrove Tuesday.
AL 26 G0PEB/P IO90 53 9,701 183 28 271,628 GI4SNA 545 10 Multi element X yagi ** TWCG ** Stayed the whole session, since i'm on leave :-) enjoyable evening from IO90. Tnx fer Q's. Merry Xmas & HNY. 73 Rob
AL 27 G3TBK/P IO93 76 8,992 118 28 251,776 PA5Y 459 10 21Y Variable conditions, like the wx! KST free zone.  
AR 28 G4NTY IO83 63 8,555 136 29 248,095 F8BRK 501 65 21 ele Yagi  
AL 29 2E0DXK/P IO93 76 8,803 116 27 237,681 F1BHL/P 440 10 13 el LFA Thanks to all for points to Worksop ARS. Seasons Greetings to all. Looking forward(ish) to 2017.
AR 30 M0BUL IO82 49 8,084 165 29 234,436 GM4JTJ 487 75 10 ELE LFA Not too bad, terrible weather. Nice activity, albeit a lot of MS flying over our heads. 73 Craig
AR 31 M0SAT IO91 50 6,893 138 33 227,469 DL6YBF 523 50 18 ele LFA Some slow QSB. Poor condx to South. Tnx to all who tried & failed. Merry Xmas & HNY.
AR 32 G4FEV IO92 61 8,337 137 27 225,099 GI4SNA 443 35 18 el Yagi  
AR 33 G8REQ IO83 61 7,557 124 27 204,039 F8BRK 502 50 21 Ele Busy to start with and a good run of DX midway and near the end. Tnx. to all and Seasons Greeting 73.
AR 34 M0WYB IO81 44 7,191 163 27 194,157 DL6YBF 671 100 21ele Tonna Very average and usual early finish. Tnx to all and Merry Xmas if i don't catch you later! 73 Russ TDARC
AR 35 G4CQR IO91 44 8,362 190 23 192,326 GI6ATZ 510 80 19 ELE  
AR 36 G4JLG IO83 58 7,598 131 25 189,950 F8BRK 501 65 88el. Multibeam Conditions reasonable good considering the miserable WX. Hard to work much to the North from this location
AR 37 G8FUO IO91 61 7,364 121 25 184,100 G8PNN/P 427 100 18EL CQM PowAbeam    
AL 38 G0HEL/P IO81 61 7,748 127 23 178,204 GI4SNA 447 10 Anjo Double Quad windy, noisy band difficult evening wasted 45 mins trying to work G8PNN/P tnx all for points.73's Alan TDARC.Merry Xmas see you on 23 cms  
AL 39 M0HOM/P IO94 42 6,058 144 28 169,624 F8BRK 561 10 29 ele Tonna  
AR 40 G4DBN IO93 64 7,626 119 22 167,772 PA5Y 507 50 18ele Powabeam lost 35 minutes owing to a wire falling off a relay in the PA. Was fine until I jiggled it. BIG bang, smoke etc. Fixed now
AR 41 G4LDR IO91 42 6,678 159 25 166,950 GI4SNA 482 70 21 element yagi Lots of activity, good to work GI4SNA tonight. Thanks for all the contacts. Seasons greetings.
AR 42 M0COP/P IO82 61 7,236 119 23 166,428 F8BRK 416 50 18 EL Rain and fog, poor to north.
AR 43 G3YDY JO01 41 6,343 155 26 164,918 GI4SNA 536 100 16 ele DK7ZB  
AR 44 G3UBX IO82 41 5,662 138 29 164,198 GM4JTJ 455 60 Tonna 21 Activity seemed a bit low, but there were plenty of multipliers around.
AL 45 G0EAK/P IO93 68 6,200 91 26 161,200 GM4JTJ 382 10 20 Ele Innov LFA    
AR 46 G1PPA IO93 52 6,943 134 23 159,689 F8BRK 466 70 15 ele beam thanks for points
AL 47 M0RKX/P IO92 61 6,810 112 23 156,630 GI4SNA 393 10 11 ele LFA **TWCG** Thanks for all the QSO's from the Travelling Wave CG - The Friendly Contest Group
AR 48 G4GFI IO91 32 6,249 195 25 156,225 GI4SNA 530 100 19 ele Tonna Average condx and moderate level of activity.
AL 49 G6DOD/P IO90 41 6,156 150 25 153,900 GD8EXI 456 10 18e Yagi Hard work, nasty QSB. That's me done for UKAC 2016 though, thanks all QSOs, MC&HNY :)
AL 50 M0BUX IO82 46 6,077 132 25 151,925 GI4SNA 381 10 19 ele yagi    
AR 51 G1HLT IO93 58 5,949 103 25 148,725 F8BRK 442 40 19 el TONNA Generally poor conditions, busy in 93 but struggled to find other squares. Many stations in the south and east beaming at Europe.
AR 52 G0GQT JO01 50 7,784 156 19 147,896 GI6ATZ 549 100 17 ELE Tnx to all for the points this year. merry xmas & happy new year. See you all in 2017. Best 73s. Mark.
AR 53 G4YUP/P IO91 43 6,396 149 23 147,108 GD8EXI 417 70 Alton AA 19 el Yagi Poor conditions, QSB  
AR 54 F1BHL/P IN99 26 9,118 351 16 145,888 G8EOP 487 50 21 ele DK7ZB Token entry to test new antenna. The antenna seems good but the conditions seemed poor. Merry Xmas and HNY.
AR 55 G4APJ IO83 41 5,957 145 23 137,011 F8BRK 512 50 19ele Severe QSB to start, ever present QRN. Nothing heard from GM again.
AL 56 M6KTP/P IO93 64 6,287 98 21 132,027 F1BHL/P 446 10 13 El    
AL 57 G3SQQ IO93 54 5,475 101 23 125,925 PA5Y 504 10 19ELEMENT LFA Conditions variable but good at times, many thanks to all for patience good wishes and points.
AR 58 G8YMW/P IO93 58 5,939 102 21 124,719 F8BRK 481 75 21 element Thanks for the contacts over the year. Merry Xmas and HNY folks
AL 59 G8LZE IO91 34 4,487 132 25 112,175 GI6ATZ 482 10 18 ele. DK7ZB  
AR 60 G3WCB/P IO80 29 6,991 241 16 111,856 G3XDY 387 50 h/b 12 ele DK7ZB Conx a bit up, steady QSO rate, dried up after 21-30. No JO00,01 or 03 hrd. Tnx for QSOs during 2016. 2017? - who knows? 73 Dave G3WCB/P
AR 61 G8ONK IO83 36 4,772 133 23 109,756 F8BRK 536 50 19 ele Thanks for all points throughout year, very poor conditions tonight.
AL 62 GW4ZAR IO83 39 4,356 112 24 104,544 GM4JTJ 382 5 16 ele I0JXX Seasons Greetings to all and thanks to GM4JTJ for my DX plus the patience of others when working my "peashooter" output .. 73 .. Dave
AL 63 G8DMU/P IO94 40 6,442 161 16 103,072 G4GFI 355 10 29 ele A great evening, if a little cold, wet etc. Thanks for all the contacts
AL 64 M6KMB IO93 45 4,639 103 21 97,419 F8BRK 506 10 21 element yagi  
AR 65 M1CNK IO90 28 4,379 156 19 83,201 GD8EXI 415 100 12 ele LFA Good activity levels - nice to end the year with plenty of stations  
AL 66 G3RCW IO93 44 3,961 90 21 83,181 F8BRK 459 10 15 Ele LFA Yagi    
AR 67 G3TDH IO83 41 4,175 102 19 79,325 F8BRK 478 75 9 Ele A fair night for tropo, but fewer portables than usual. WX hardly attractive!
AL 68 G3YKI IO92 26 3,647 140 21 76,587 F8BRK 345 5 18 ele    
AR 69 G4DFA IO91 43 5,529 129 13 71,877 GD8EXI 434 90 19 ele Tonna Seemed a bit of a struggle this evening lot of weak sigs & QSB I missed a few. Points to CATS Happy Xmas to all - Tom
AR 70 G8BUN IO93 34 3,241 95 22 71,302 G4WEY 326 100 21 element yagi  
AL 71 G4AGE IO93 44 3,847 87 17 65,399 F8BRK 452 10 21ele  
AL 72 M6XAK IO93 38 3,435 90 19 65,265 F8BRK 458 10 11 ele lfa  
AR 73 G4WEY IO90 23 3,623 158 18 65,214 GD8EXI 415 75 10 ele Yagi  
AR 74 G8ZRE IO83 37 3,761 102 17 63,937 F8BRK 478 20 15 ELEMENT YAGI Bad QSB missed IO94/80 not sure if QSO with F8BRK was succesfull. HNY & Xmas to all stns Dave G8ZRE
AR 75 G8EEM/P IO94 19 3,516 185 18 63,288 GI6ATZ 351 75 19 ele  
AR 76 GM4BYF IO85 14 3,096 221 20 61,920 G0ODQ 487 100 21 element yagi Mostly grubbing around in the noise but some occasional highlights. F8BRK was a gotaway. Mni tnx to all who tried.
AO 77 GM4PPT IO75 14 3,797 271 16 60,752 G0EAK/P 416 140 28 ele M2 Poor conditions,very noisy again. Late on so took it easy, sorry to those I missed. Merry Xmas & Happy New Year to all, see you in January
AR 78 F4VRB IN98 12 3,741 312 16 59,856 G4CLA 410 40 21 element Conditions very poor tonight. Couldn't even work GD8EXI! HC and HNY to everyone. Thanks for the QSOs all year. Harwell ARS.  
AL 79 G3ZUD IO92 31 3,490 113 17 59,330 F8BRK 408 8 19 ele F9FT Happy Xmas and have a good new year
AR 80 G8EOP IO93 42 4,226 101 14 59,164 PA5Y 552 75 28el m2 beam Thanks all for the points for ORO contest group 2016 lookingforward to 2017 HXM & HNY to you all Mel
AR 81 G8GNI IO91 27 3,749 139 15 56,235 GI6ATZ 422 75 20el LFA Hard work from my RF pit! Good fun as usual. Tnx for the points. Seasons Greetings.
AR 82 GW4BVE IO82 32 3,505 110 16 56,080 G8PNN/P 293 50 14 ele ** TWCG ** Have a great Christmas and New Year everyone.
AL 83 G8HXE/P IO83 36 2,983 83 18 53,694 GI4SNA 251 10 18 el parabeam *TWCG* Fog caused change of location again to much inferior site. Late on due traffic/WX. QRT 30 min early - ran out of stations. Poor night  
AL 84 G3PHO IO93 33 3,571 108 15 53,565 F8BRK 458 10 18 el yagi Rubbish conditions for me...never heard any IO8# station... first time ever! Not taking UKACs too seriously in 2017
AR 85 G0LGS IO81 19 2,923 154 18 52,614 GI4SNA 392 50 14 Ele    
AR 86 G8KPD/P IO85 14 3,073 220 16 49,168 M0GHZ 422 100 Double Quad  
AR 87 G4LBH IO90 20 2,522 126 19 47,918 GD8EXI 415 70 19 Ele Tonna    
AR 88 2E0VPW IO91 29 3,304 114 13 42,952 F8BRK 289 50 8 element Yagi  
AR 89 G0SKA IO91 31 2,300 74 17 39,100 F8BRK 260 20 15 ele yagi Thanks for everyone's patience with my signal!
AO 90 G4KIY IO92 15 2,255 150 17 38,335 F8BRK 371 50 2x21 el yagi Last 45 mins only.Poor conditions.  
AL 91 G1MZD IO92 26 3,336 128 11 36,696 GI6ATZ 427 10 14 ele G4CQM QSB a real problem but thanks to those that heard me. Seasons Greetings
AL 92 M0PXM IO91 23 2,400 104 15 36,000 G4RQI 265 10 21el Severe QSB, but plenty of activity. Thanks to all for the points over the year. Happy holiday, speak to you all again next year.
AR 93 G0GJV IO91 32 2,698 84 13 35,074 F8BRK 250 100 16 ele  
AL 94 G0GDA JO01 26 2,722 105 12 32,664 GD8EXI 473 10 Beam Poor conditions with the usual Qsb, Thanks for the points and Merry Christmas to all ... see you in the New year
AL 95 G0TAR JO01 18 2,264 126 14 31,696 GD8EXI 468 10 9 Slow... where were all the IO8xxx stations?
AR 96 F1CBC JN09 10 2,820 282 10 28,200 G4RQI 469 20 21 els Very deep QSB and weak signals. 73, Merry Chrismas and HNY. See you on 2017 73 Philippe....
AR 97 M0KJR IO81 14 1,879 134 15 28,185 GI4SNA 440 45 19 el thanks Dave for the log keeping sorry to the ones we missed lot of qsb to night see you all 2017 73s
AR 98 G0CZR JO02 19 2,699 142 10 26,990 GI6ATZ 481 35 12 el yagi Poor conditions, deep QSB. Thanks to everyone taking part. Merry Christmas.
AR 99 G1MHU IO93 25 1,880 75 14 26,320 GI4SNA 316 75 15 element yagi  
AL 100 M0NKE/P IO92 17 1,988 117 13 25,844 GI4SNA 375 10 19 Ele Yagi **NDARC** Thank you to everyone I've worked over the last 12 months. Fingers crossed for next year.  
AL 101 G0BFJ/P IO93 25 1,806 72 14 25,284 GI4SNA 301 10 19el Beam  
AR 102 G0CER IO82 19 1,764 93 14 24,696 G8FUO 205 25 12 ele  
AL 103 M0JAV IO93 29 1,946 67 12 23,352 GI6ATZ 340 10 13 element InnovLFA  
AL 104 G8XYJ IO82 14 1,456 104 16 23,296 GI4SNA 324 10 10 ele DK7ZB Hard Work! 73 all Matt TWCG  
AL 105 M0WBG IO83 24 1,870 78 12 22,440 GI6ATZ 217 10 19 ELE TONNA  
AR 106 G4VFL/P IO84 16 2,234 140 10 22,340 G0ODQ 327 70 19 Element Wx: I was in the mist, steady rain. Rx was a bit deaf so I struggled to hear anyone.
AL 107 G8NVX/P IO93 30 1,853 62 12 22,236 G4ZTR 212 10 9 Ele Beam Pretty good night for me but not heard anyone out side "England".. Thanks all for the points, have a good Xmas and see you in the New Year..
AR 108 G3YSX IO91 22 1,969 90 11 21,659 F8BRK 228 100 21el Tonna  
AR 109 G1KAW IO91 19 1,943 102 11 21,373 M0GAV/P 235 25 24ele Yagi Average. Guildford & DRS  
AR 110 G0JRY IO91 19 1,849 97 11 20,339 F8BRK 304 10 tonna 9e VSWR very high so kept power down to 10w and found most stations could not hear me.
AO 111 GM8IEM IO78 5 1,711 342 10 17,110 GI6ATZ 428 400 28 el Only active for the last hour of the contest. Thanks to all who attempted a QSO.
AR 112 GW4EVX IO83 22 1,601 73 10 16,010 GI6ATZ 230 30 7 Ele 2m Yagi Token entry using my 2m Yagi.
AL 113 G3WJG IO91 21 1,311 62 12 15,732 G0AJJ 185 10 8ele modified TV Poor conditions with deep QSB. No time to fix amp or raise mast tonight. CU all on 2017 happy Xmas
AL 114 G0CDA IO83 20 1,540 77 10 15,400 GI6ATZ 255 3 15ele Cushcraft Junior Boomer Used my 144mhz antenna as not had chance to put 21y F9FT back up after overhaul of aerials/new mast.Therefore weird beam headings to locate  
AR 115 G4OAR/A IO82 17 1,277 75 12 15,324 GI4SNA 285 75 CQM18UC Evening started well but poor conditions helped it go downhill !! Tnx to all for the points 73,
AL 116 G0BRC JO01 21 1,804 86 8 14,432 G8XVJ/P 266 10 15 ele Hard going made an appearance 73 BRATS
AR 117 G0EUN IO93 21 1,584 75 9 14,256 F8BRK 442 50 Beam  
AL 118 G4BEE IO83 16 1,321 83 10 13,210 M0GHZ 252 10 9 ele Yagi Awful QSB and went very quiet after 930pm.  
AR 119 GM4TOE IO87 7 1,275 182 10 12,750 G8CYW 301 80 19el tonna Conditions died about 2100 when the wind got up
AR 120 G3USE IO80 9 1,415 157 8 11,320 M1MHZ 314 50 15 el *RSGB Contest Club* Cndx & wx up on Nov. No mast rotator glove needed! Mni tnx for QSOs. Seasons greetings & HNY. 73 de Steve.
AR 121 G2ANC IO83 18 1,076 60 10 10,760 G0ODQ 227 30 moxon rectangle  
AL 123 M1EYP IO83 16 1,023 64 10 10,230 GD8EXI 194 10 WiMO Big Wheel  
AL 124 G3SDY/P IO93 21 1,253 60 8 10,024 GI4SNA 301 10 Yagi  
AL 125 G4EHD IO93 15 1,236 82 8 9,888 G4ZTR 276 10 4 element yagi  
AR 126 G3ZWR IO94 6 730 122 12 8,760 M1MHZ 250 20 19 ELE Tonna  
AL 127 G0BNC IO91 14 1,452 104 6 8,712 F8BRK 301 10 19 ELE LFA Hard work with low power with a poor VHF location, and deep rapid QSB,but must have been worse for those working me, thanks to those who did  
AR 128 G4LHT IO91 16 1,155 72 7 8,085 F8BRK 261 70 8 ELE Vertical Very Slow, QSB was quick at times. Merry Christmas to one and all.
AR 129 GM4DIJ/A IO74 7 801 114 10 8,010 GM4JTJ 254 50 11 element QLY Poor conditions, No Gs worked.
AR 130 G7ICV JO01 11 847 77 8 6,776 G4CLA 174 50 15 element main activity over half hour.  
AR 131 G1FFH IO93 20 965 48 6 5,790 G0ODQ 211 50 21 ELE YAGI ***** OSSETT ARO ***** Thanks to all for points all year. Seasons Greetings from me to you. I hope its as much fun in 2017.
AR 132 M1CJE IO91 10 933 93 6 5,598 M1MHZ 202 35 3 element beam  
AL 133 M0SBT IO91 15 879 59 6 5,274 G4ODA 174 5 6 ele yagi 1st time on 70cms UKAC. Thanks to all who must have struggled to hear my flea power setup. 73 and have a happy xmas and NY
AL 134 M6XGS IO83 16 843 53 6 5,058 M0COP/P 109 10 five element on rotator  
AR 135 G4PDF IO93 17 1,247 73 4 4,988 G8XVJ/P 118 50 W2000 Vertical  
AL 136 M6JIJ/P IO93 16 797 50 6 4,782 GI6ATZ 326 10 18 ele Yagi Andy XAW kindly took us out/P again. Noise levels were higher than usual & missed out on IO83 & 94. But got 74 again. Merry Christmas.  
AO 137 G6HKS IO92 3 940 313 5 4,700 PA5Y 456 400 4x18ele powabeam awesome air scatter qso with Richard gd8exi at 100 az / 15 el tracking aircraft for 20 degrees befre losing Richards signal
AR 138 GW3TKH IO81 6 591 98 6 3,546 G0ODQ 157 100 6 element Yagi    
AR 139 G4NRG JO02 7 586 84 6 3,516 G4CLA 153 35 Vertical First hour only due to early qrl start tomorrow. Points to Norfolk Amateur Radio Club.
AR 140 G3YPE IO93 15 565 38 6 3,390 G3UVR 93 60 10 element yagi  
AL 141 M6XYS IO92 10 527 53 6 3,162 G7LRQ 113 10 x30 vertical collinear  
AL 142 M0KLK JO01 8 457 57 6 2,742 G4CLA 183 10 DK7ZB beam Dreadful conditions... Happy Christmas to all see you next year 73
AL 143 GD6ICR IO74 5 446 89 6 2,676 GM0USI 188 10 19 ele tonna AGM on late start
AR 144 M0HWO IO83 10 515 52 4 2,060 2E0RET/P 97 20 5 element beam  
AL 145 M6YTU IO90 3 470 157 4 1,880 G4OOA 200 5 VPA Systems 8 Element Yagi    
AR 146 GD4FKI/P IO74 2 374 187 4 1,496 G0ODQ 357 25 9ele Only on for last 15 minutes.  
AL 147 G6TXB JO01 8 321 40 4 1,284 G0JJG 98 10 Fixed yagi in attic  
AR 148 G8KQH IO91 7 321 46 4 1,284 G4CLA 134 20 12 e ZL Special Thanks for the points, Owen, Guildford &DRS
AL 149 M0/DJ0MDW IO92 6 308 51 4 1,232 G1HLT 112 2.5 colinear vertical  
AO 150 GM4JJJ IO86 2 269 134 4 1,076 GI6ATZ 244 400 18 ele PowaBeam Was only able to operate for a very short time, hopefully will be back to full strength next year. Merry Christmas to all.  
AL 151 G8OMB IO92 6 268 45 4 1,072 M0GAV/P 89 5 Tri band colinear  
AL 152 2E1SKY IO93 21 491 23 2 982 G8EVJ/P 59 10 X50 Vertical  
AR 153 G7ENA JO03 3 226 75 4 904 M0GAV/P 112 50 Collinear  
AL 154 M0JZH IO82 3 143 48 6 858 G8XVJ/P 65 10 CO-LINEAR just around for the last half hour with my colinear - did not expect much, was not disappointed!!  
AL 155 2E1EXP/A IO93 17 414 24 2 828 G8EVJ/P 59 10 X50 Vertical  
AR 156 G6DFM IO91 10 287 29 2 574 G0ODQ 63 25 co-linear  
AR 157 G4JED JO01 4 131 33 4 524 G3MEH 84 50 18 ele Yagi Last 15mins only, heard G4CLA but not worked.
AR 158 2E0VKH JO01 3 124 41 4 496 G7LRQ 73 50 TRI Band V2000 Colinear  
AR 159 G6MCX IO90 5 117 23 4 468 G6DOD/P 44 35 colinear 2m/70cm/23cm  
AL 160 M3RNX IO83 6 210 35 2 420 G3UVR 60 10 19 ele yagi  
AL 161 M0YDB IO93 6 194 32 2 388 G0BFJ/P 47 20 12ele  
AL 162 GD1MIP/P IO74 2 168 84 2 336 GI6ATZ 99 5 built in Merry Christmas..
AR 163 G0FVH IO80 5 144 29 2 288 G0PEB/P 61 20 Indoor BEAM Very poor, hardly heard anyone, thanks to all for the points.
AR 164 M0MUX IO91 5 106 21 2 212 G3MEH 31 20 HB9CV Token Entry waiting for the XYL to return home. HB9CV lashed together in the spare room and 20w.
AR 165 G4CLB IO91 5 55 11 2 110 G8FUO 16 30 Vertical Co-linear  
AL 166 G0ACK IO91 2 22 11 2 44 G7LRQ 14 10 Tri band vertical  
AL 167 M6IEB IO93 2 2 1 1 0   0 10 SIRIO 827  

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