Claimed Scores 2023
  13230 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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24/06/24 50MHz Trophy
03/01/24 144MHz Xmas Contest
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26/12/23 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 432MHz UKAC

12 Dec (128 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G4CLA IO92 146 28,383 194 16500 44,883 OZ7KJ 797 400 4x28+4x16 Low UK activity, but some nice DX QSOs.
AO 2 GD8EXI IO74 98 33,458 341 10000 43,458 ON4KBE 732 400 38 ele M2 Band appear very empty on the display and I struggled to find stations, but thankfully they were better at finding me.
AO 3 G4ODA IO92 108 23,642 219 16500 40,142 OZ7KJ 719 400 3x28el M2 Better than WX indicated although some qsb. Not a bad end to 432 ukac season.  
AR 4 G3XDY JO02 84 20,741 247 17000 37,741 DH3NAN 726 100 28 ele M2 Yagi Better conditions and activity than expected. Thanks for all the QSOs in 2023.  
AR 5 GM3SEK IO74 70 23,440 335 10500 33,940 F1MKG 766 100 23el YU7EF Thanks for all the QSOs in 2023. Season's greetings and see you in '24.  
AR 6 GM4JTJ IO86 54 23,895 442 9000 32,895 OZ3Z 769 100 21 ele yagi Wet!.Reasonable conditions despite the wx. Good activity.
AR 7 G7LRQ IO91 93 17,283 186 15000 32,283 DK0MM 671 100 20 ele LFA Difficult at time, with QSB and multipath distortion but fun. Thanks for patience when needed. Seasons Greetings.  
AO 8 G0XDI IO91 93 15,924 171 13500 29,424 DK0MM 682 400 23ele/11ele Dual Antenna What an odd night, Conditions awful with deep QSB, many stations a struggle to complete, but best PPQ and Mults for a long time! Thanks all  
AO 9 M0GHZ IO81 76 15,347 202 13000 28,347 DF2VJ 690 400 23 Ele DK7ZB Flat conditions. Tnx for QSOs Seasons Greetings David & Pete  
AR 10 G4ZTR JO01 55 11,724 213 10500 22,224 DK0MM 596 100 14 el DL6WU A poor evening, best forgotten .....  
AL 11 G6UAJ/P IO91 76 11,914 157 9500 21,414 GM3SEK 403 10 18 ele LFA damp and windy. low activity, low number of /P stations tonight.  
AR 12 G4HWA IO92 79 11,337 144 10000 21,337 DF2VJ 640 100 19 ele Vargada Average Conditions a lot of QSB on signals Thanks for all the Contacts and Seasons Greetings to you all .73 Bernie  
AR 13 G4FEV IO92 60 9,797 163 11000 20,797 DK0MM 700 80 18 el Yagi Some good distance contacts but few medium distance stations. 73 all  
AR 14 G4BRK IO91 75 10,769 144 10000 20,769 GM4JTJ 562 100 21 el Great UK activity, but Geminids meteor shower made it hard to find PA/DL QSOs (I failed).  
AO 15 G3MEH IO91 67 9,090 136 11000 20,090 DK0MM 689 300 21el M Squared  
AR 16 G0ODQ IO91 75 9,776 130 10000 19,776 GM4JTJ 557 100 21 Ele M squared Poor conditions tonight .Thanks for all the qso's in 2023 and merry xmas to all
AL 17 G0EAK/P IO93 56 9,317 166 10000 19,317 F1MKG 534 10 20 Ele LFA Poor condx with wicked qsb and a number of regulars missing.  
AR 18 2E0VCC/P IO70 42 11,749 280 7500 19,249 G4KUX 478 50 15 element    
AO 19 G4AFF JO02 53 10,377 196 8500 18,877 DK0MM 628 250 22ele 12ele    
AO 20 F1MKG JN08 47 13,129 279 5500 18,629 GM3SEK 766 200 2 X 18 EL YU7EF Deep and slow QSB, hence missed contacts and probably errors, thanks for the QSOs 73
AO 21 EI8KN IO62 31 13,055 421 5500 18,555 G4LPP 602 250 23 elements Deep QSB was a challenge.  
AO 22 G4LPP JO02 45 9,448 210 9000 18,448 OZ3Z 616 400 24ele LFA yagi Hard going into the country but good to the East. Thanks for the QSOs, 73 Phil  
AR 23 G3SED IO90 54 10,681 198 7500 18,181 GM4JTJ 645 50 23 element Could only operate the last hour or so. Conditions very variable with lots of deep QSB.  
AR 24 G0SKA IO91 61 7,743 127 10000 17,743 GM4JTJ 563 90 19 ele yağı deep QSB and quite noisy. Thanks for all QSOs and hope you all have a Happy Christmas. 73 Charlie
AR 25 G0CDA IO83 53 8,694 164 9000 17,694 F1MKG 573 40 21 ele F9FT Very deep QSB and noise to SW.Overall a not bad night considering. Helps to have reliable AP feed now. Tks for all pts in 23.Merry Christmas  
AO 26 G8DOH IO92 67 8,559 128 9000 17,559 DF2VJ 668 65 2x18ele Some tropo. but considerable QSB  
AR 27 MW0LKX/P IO82 55 8,531 155 8500 17,031 GM4JTJ 465 30 15 Ele Diamond Foggy and wet, Not my usual parked up position and so surrounded by trees. Merry Christmas all 73 Wayne
AO 28 GM4BYF IO85 28 9,218 329 7500 16,718 G3SED 571 100 21ele Conditions mainly poor. CW saved the day. Hard going. Many tnx to all.  
AR 29 G8DVK IO91 56 7,782 139 8500 16,282 GM4JTJ 572 100 21 element    
AR 30 M0NVS IO91 43 6,681 155 9500 16,181 GM3SEK 427 100 18 Ele Lfa Seemed good towards N/NW but poor W. Seasons Greetings & thanks for Qso's. 73 Phil
AR 31 G0CNN/P IO94 44 9,417 214 6500 15,917 G6HIE 410 90 Innovantennas 18 Ele LFA-Ultra Thick fog & soaking drizzle. Hard going. Long gaps. Low activity on band & QSB. Heard a few Fs. Tnx for all calls. Merry Christmas All!
AR 32 GW8ASD IO83 53 8,748 165 6500 15,248 F5RZC 435 75 28 ele Yagi Odd conditions and low activity.  
AL 33 G3SQQ IO93 53 7,224 136 8000 15,224 F1MKG 513 10 19EL LFA I think due to very wet and damp atmosphere, conditions poor with QSB, but occasional rise for some contacts.  
AR 34 G8SEI IO92 53 7,208 136 8000 15,208 GM4JTJ 455 100 23 ele qsb night thanks everyone 73  
AR 35 2E0OUT IO81 43 6,170 143 9000 15,170 GM4JTJ 562 50 23 ell duel poor night lots qsb  
AR 36 G4GFI IO91 56 7,626 136 7000 14,626 GM4JTJ 613 100 19ele Tonna Poor tropo but good level of activity.  
AR 37 G4NBS JO02 43 6,617 154 8000 14,617 GM4JTJ 519 100 23ele Token entry to make up the 8th of the year. Tried something new and lost the preamp. Tnx for all QSO in 2023 - 73, Mry XMAS & HNY to all
AR 38 G8REQ IO83 46 6,884 150 7500 14,384 F5RZC 459 70 21 Ele Tonna Bit slow after first hour, lots of regulars missing and multi path distortion to the SE. Seasons Greetings and Tnx....73.  
AR 39 G4NTY IO83 48 7,217 150 7000 14,217 2E0VCC/P 350 75 23 ele Yagi  
AR 40 G3YDY JO01 42 6,540 156 7500 14,040 OV3T 737 100 16 ele    
AR 41 F4VRB IN98 28 9,484 339 4500 13,984 M1MHZ 456 100 21 element Difficult conditions and a poor Aerial match tonight. Harwell ARS.  
AO 42 G4YTL IO92 31 5,384 174 8500 13,884 GM4JTJ 520 400 4x 22ele    
AR 43 G1HLT IO93 40 5,535 138 8000 13,535 GM4JTJ 399 75 19el Tonna Pro Much crackle and pop to go with big QSB. Tnx all tries and repeats.  
AL 44 G0NZI/P IO92 41 5,382 131 8000 13,382 F4VRB 413 10 11 element DL6WU Very hard going typical for this time of year thanks for all the QSO's!
AR 45 G4EPA IO92 46 5,714 124 7500 13,214 GM4JTJ 486 75 19 element Hard going tonight.  
AO 46 GW0RHC IO71 29 6,673 230 6500 13,173 F1MKG 488 400 2x23 ELE    
AR 47 G3TDH IO83 40 5,891 147 7000 12,891 F5RZC 408 70 15 Ele. Many thanks to all for QSOs. 73 and seasonal greetings!  
AR 48 M0UHF IO91 47 5,369 114 7500 12,869 EI8KN 416 50 15E BEAM    
AR 49 M1MLM/P IO93 57 6,452 113 6000 12,452 GM4JTJ 391 75 15 ele yagi    
AO 50 GM4PPT IO75 19 5,831 307 5500 11,331 G3XDY 529 250 28ele M2 Slow 1st hour, better 2nd hour, overall normal poor conditions for me. See you all on the Xmas events. HNY to all.
AR 51 MW0OMB IO81 24 4,654 194 6000 10,654 F1MKG 441 90 18 LFA Poor cdx with deep QSB and activity down.Thnks for all the points this year.73 to All  
AR 52 G0FVI IO93 34 4,887 144 5500 10,387 GM4JTJ 406 75 29 ele yagi Just giving points away from rf hole home qth! Happy Christmas all!
AL 53 2E0IGD/P IO93 38 4,750 125 5500 10,250 GM4JTJ 381 10 14 ele Thick fog, heavy QSB and static. A good test!! Thanks to all for the contacts during 2023. See you all soon, 73, Gary  
AL 54 G8FMC IO91 37 3,631 98 6500 10,131 GM3SEK 392 10 18 ele Tonna Dire cond, but did OK in the end I think? Seasons greetings to all.  
AR 55 F1CBC JN09 30 5,894 196 4000 9,894 GD8EXI 601 20 9 els yagi Poor conditions, deep QSB and Noise. Sorry for uncessul tries. Thanks for QSO ..Philippe...Merry Christmas & HNY  
AL 56 G0HEL/P IO81 21 3,310 158 6500 9,810 GM4JTJ 599 10 16ele double quad very poor band conditions! Seasons Greetings to all and tnx fer point in 2023. Alan TDARC  
AR 57 G3SGC JO02 29 5,236 181 4500 9,736 OZ3Z 611 100 25 element Strange conditions, struggled to work stations I would have normally worked? Tks for QSOs 73 Graham  
AR 58 G8GYX IO91 42 4,405 105 5000 9,405 GD8EXI 434 75 19ele tonna vy slow start picked up later merry xmas to all - Tom  
AL 59 G0FEH/P IO93 39 4,155 107 5000 9,155 F5RZC 371 10 10 ele yagi Deep fading at times, but thanks all for persevering when it got tough.  
AR 60 M0IEP IO91 34 3,646 107 5500 9,146 GM3SEK 389 50 15 element Yagi    
AO 61 M0TXE IO82 21 3,233 154 5500 8,733 GM4JTJ 441 200 22 ele yagi    
AR 62 G3WGN IO80 19 4,211 222 4500 8,711 GD8EXI 419 100 DUAL PA144-432-17-2A 11el Quiet night. Even nearby squares IO81 and IO90 nothing heard. Merry Christmas all!  
AR 63 G0JRY IO91 30 3,073 102 5500 8,573 GM3SEK 386 75 tonna 9e  
AR 64 G0UUU/P IO94 19 4,352 229 4000 8,352 G4RRA 445 20 18 ele Hard going. Probably my last contest of the year, so thanks for the QSOs in 2023. Merry Christmas & HNY.  
AR 65 2E0VPX IO92 27 3,334 123 4500 7,834 2E0VCC/P 387 50 20 element LFALN Poor conditions with heavy QSB made simple contacts more difficult! Merry Xmas all :)  
AO 66 G4LDR IO91 24 3,299 137 4500 7,799 GM4JTJ 620 400 21 Element Yagi No JO00,JO01,JO02 tonight.  
AR 67 G4JLG IO83 30 3,602 120 4000 7,602 G4ZTR 281 65 23 el WIMO Exceptionally poor performance - QRM from local stations didn't help.
AR 68 G4ILI IO81 28 2,984 107 4500 7,484 GM4JTJ 529 75 14 ele yagi No/P due to back injury. Dire conditions QSB & lack of activity. TNX EVERYONE fr QSO during the Yr.Merry Xmas Grant hate being stuck at home  
AO 69 G4YPC IO91 27 2,328 86 5000 7,328 G4RRA 241 60 21ele Tonna Flat & very high SWR. 100% humidity so probably damp got in somewhere.Tnks 4 QSOs 2023. 73. Points to Guildford DRS  
AR 70 G0JSB IO83 17 2,322 137 5000 7,322 GM4JTJ 364 50 10ELE YAGI IN ATTIC Fairlt flat with deep QSB. Thanks all.  
AR 71 G4XYW IO91 33 2,787 84 4500 7,287 GD8EXI 404 75 17el LFA    
AR 72 G8TZJ IO84 18 2,848 158 4000 6,848 G0XDI 301 75 15el XY Yagi    
AO 73 G8AIM IO92 15 2,209 147 4500 6,709 GM3SEK 331 150 21 ele tonna    
AR 74 G8ZRE IO83 25 2,563 103 4000 6,563 G4AFF 266 20 15 Element Yagi Poor 19 QSO`s 1st hour,then 6 in last 90 mins. Tks all for points in 23 Seasons Greetings.Tks VHFCC for all your good work.Dave G8ZRE.
AR 75 G0GJV IO91 31 2,447 79 4000 6,447 F5RZC 214 100 16 ele Dual    
AO 76 PE1EWR JO11 19 4,102 216 2000 6,102 G8SEI 370 50 2*21 el F9FT Disappointing results tonight. Not much QRM, just no conditions,not making 400 km. Tks Jeff SEI for coming close...
AR 77 M0IAM IO91 26 2,507 96 3500 6,007 GD8EXI 426 75 18 ele LFA Some usual squares missing. Thanks to those that I did work. 73 & Seasons greetings.  
AR 78 G3UKV IO82 20 1,941 97 4000 5,941 GD8EXI 210 70 15 ele yagi  
AR 79 G4OED IO91 21 1,922 92 4000 5,922 GD8EXI 344 75 X-QUAD    
AR 80 G0PQF JO01 20 1,908 95 4000 5,908 GD8EXI 409 75 19 el Poor conditions and several regulars missing. No portables worked.  
AL 81 G0BNC IO91 20 1,847 92 4000 5,847 GM3SEK 381 10 12 ELE LFA Terrible conditions, didn't think conditions could have been worse than last week,Wrong  
AL 82 G1MZD IO92 31 2,171 70 3500 5,671 GD8EXI 343 10 15 ele G4CQM Absolutly dreadful many squares and regulars missing. Seasons Greetings Dave  
AR 83 G0BIX JO01 22 2,011 91 3500 5,511 M0GHZ 192 100 12 Ele Yagi by Dual    
AR 84 GM4DIJ IO85 10 1,975 198 3500 5,475 G4CLA 408 75 21ele Hard going with no plane feed.  
AR 85 G0WZV JO01 15 1,870 125 3500 5,370 GD8EXI 447 75 8ele    
AL 86 G3YKI IO82 24 2,550 106 2500 5,050 GM3SEK 278 10 18 ele Yagi    
AL 87 G6TVB IO92 29 1,916 66 3000 4,916 MW0LKX/P 155 10 Wimo dual band    
AO 88 GW4MBS IO71 10 1,878 188 3000 4,878 G4ODA 282 300 15-el Powabeam Gave up early, deep QSB, band totally dead at times & too cold in shack (barn)
AR 89 G0MHZ IO91 23 1,857 81 3000 4,857 GD8EXI 366 70 7 ele ZL    
AL 90 G7WHI/P JO01 14 1,793 128 3000 4,793 DK0MM 566 5 4 Ele Yagi    
AR 91 G4SSW IO92 19 1,770 93 3000 4,770 GD8EXI 300 40 11ele duel BAND    
AL 92 G0GGU IO92 22 1,668 76 3000 4,668 GD8EXI 323 10 10 ele Yagi    
AR 93 G4SJH IO91 25 1,909 76 2500 4,409 G0FVI 205 100 9Y Nice to have the time to participate! Tnx for all the QSO's. 73 and Happy Xmas!
AR 94 G7WIR JO01 24 1,777 74 2500 4,277 G4ODA 154 75 Big Wheel Hard going tonight. A lot of /P stations appeared to be missing. Probably due to the poor weather. Don't blame them.  
AL 95 G5MAT/P IO92 17 1,277 75 2500 3,777 GD8EXI 275 10 8 ele Yagi Tough conditions but fun all the same. I couldn't hear much DX tonight but at least it was dry and mild weather.  
AL 96 G6HPR IO92 14 1,248 89 2500 3,748 GM3SEK 323 10 20 ele home brew A night to forget for me. 73 all.  
AL 97 G0GDA JO01 17 1,031 61 2500 3,531 G4CLA 179 10 Dual Whit Stick Very Poor, Just did an hour  
AR 98 G6GDI IO91 23 1,357 59 2000 3,357 GD8EXI 370 50 19 EL TONNA Many thx for the qsos  
AL 99 M6XAK IO93 15 1,041 69 2000 3,041 G0XDI 183 10 11 ele lfa    
AL 100 M7RMF IO91 14 972 69 2000 2,972 GD8EXI 366 10 7 ele ZL Special    
AL 101 G6GVI IO83 12 928 77 2000 2,928 G4KQH 179 10 12-ele Also called F5RZC, G0XDI & G7LRQ  
AR 102 G4EFT IO91 24 1,408 59 1500 2,908 M1MHZ 183 75 WiMo Big Wheel Gonditions were poor, but there were some decent long haul contacts. The QSB was a killer this time around. Tnx forn QSO's. 73 Phil  
AR 103 G7ICV JO01 11 766 70 2000 2,766 G4HWA 139 50 Dual antenna yagi An hour qrv. Flat conditions  
AL 104 G0TAR JO01 12 745 62 2000 2,745 G4KQH 150 10 10 ele beam Poor night deep QSB sorry missed GD8 but could not complete.Thanks points Hpyxmas 73 de Brian.  
AR 105 G4YUP IO90 11 1,218 111 1500 2,718 M1MHZ 232 70 11 el yagi Absolutly dreadful many squares and regulars missing  
AR 106 G4FFY JO01 8 710 89 2000 2,710 G4CLA 174 70 Dual 144-432 5-8 Elements Y Quiet evening but experienced deep QSB making QSO completion difficult. Thanks for the contacts with my limited setup. Season Greetings. 73
AR 107 G6WQN JO02 17 1,069 63 1500 2,569 G8SEI 186 25 18 EL Yagi    
AR 108 G3ZWR IO94 4 502 126 2000 2,502 G4CLA 279 35 19 ele Tonna I LOVE XMAS TREES ME??? sorry if I missed anyone real struggle to work G4CLA ??Sorry Peter 73 TO ALL AND HAPPY HOGMANAY Norman
AL 109 G3OVH IO92 17 934 55 1500 2,434 GW8ASD 132 10 10 ele home brew yagi Bad QSB on all non local signals. Gave up after I had worked all I could hear.  
AL 110 G8VPE JO02 14 786 56 1500 2,286 G4GFI 195 10 19Y F9FT Conditions FLAT with some QSB. No EU activity heard here.  
AR 111 G0JDL JO02 7 749 107 1500 2,249 G6UAJ/P 249 75 Antenna-Amplifiers 8-ele Grim. Gave up and went back to 2m MS.  
AR 112 M0RJL IO90 5 231 46 2000 2,231 G6UAJ/P 85 50 Diamond 15 ele yagi    
AR 113 2E0KYX IO82 4 330 82 1500 1,830 M1MLM/P 106 50 4 eliment beam    
AR 114 G4AJA IO91 7 203 29 1500 1,703 G0ODQ 53 20 X50 dual band colinear    
AL 115 2E0JWJ IO81 5 197 39 1500 1,697 G8DOH 96 10 Watson 2000 Triband Vert Many thanks for the contacts over the year,Merry Xmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year,73 Dennis.
AR 116 G0LGS IO81 3 120 40 1500 1,620 M0BUL 67 50 Watson W300    
AO 117 M0WEO IO90 3 63 21 1500 1,563 G4LDR 37 40 Comet Tri-band vertical Quiet evening - worked all stations that I heard!  
AR 118 G3WCB IO80 5 562 112 1000 1,562 G7LRQ 272 50 7 ele beam Activity low. Condx pretty flat but picked up after 10 pm. Pts to Drowned Rats. Tks for the QSOs, and HNY! 73, Dave G3WCB  
AL 119 G0JPI IO92 8 438 55 1000 1,438 2E0IGD/P 96 6 Dual Antennas 6/11 ele Yagi  
AR 120 G4PFZ JO02 11 364 33 1000 1,364 M1MHZ 100 50 11 ele beam Rotator stopped working just before contest so stuck beaming SE! Merry Xmas all  
AR 121 G4DYC JO02 12 357 30 1000 1,357 M1MHZ 84 75 Colinear Vertical Merry Christmas & a Happy 2024 73, Mike  
AL 122 M0IIB IO92 7 200 29 1000 1,200 G4CLA 55 10 Diamond X-200 Vertical Mild and damp. Band very quiet at our QTH this evening, with some QSB fading.Many thanks for the 7 QSOs! 73 Trevor  
AL 123 M0WBG IO83 3 137 46 1000 1,137 GD8EXI 131 10 15 Element Powerbeam High SWR problem so early exit Happy Xmas  
AR 124 G0NGI IO91 9 162 18 500 662 G0SKA 44 30 HB9CV Points guildford drs  
AR 125 2E0GYI IO93 1 48 48 500 548 G1HLT 48 30 3 element yagi Poor conditions  
AL 126 G3MGQ JO01 2 36 18 500 536 G0GDA 35 10 Triband Colinear    
AR 127 G0FVH IO80 2 21 10 500 521 M0WEO 15 50 Indoor beam    
AR 128 2E0MDJ IO81 1 1 1 500 501 G4ILI 1 50 Watson W300    

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