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V8.44 by G4CLA

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16/02/25 50MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 432MHz UKAC

11 Feb (151 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G4CLA IO92 178 32,652 183 19500 52,152 OZ7KJ 797 400 4x28 4x16 Average conditions, thanks for the QSOs.  
AO 2 GD8EXI IO74 114 37,302 327 10500 47,802 F1MKG 716 400 38 ele M2 Lots of QSB and sometimes difficult with normally easy stations.
AO 3 G4ODA IO92 130 26,624 205 18000 44,624 OZ3Z 711 400 2x2x28 el M2 Not great but better than anticipated  
AR 4 F1BHL/P IN99 86 27,503 320 8000 35,503 G8PNN 657 100 31 ele LFA Average conditions with deep QSB. Good activity. No wind, no rain but a bit cold 1 degC during packing. 73 Jacques Harwell ARS.
AO 5 G4ZTR JO01 90 18,658 207 12500 31,158 EI3KD 623 400 2 x 18el h/b Started well but got slower and slower - condx seemed average generally but poor to east  
AO 6 M0GHZ IO81 96 16,929 176 13500 30,429 GM4JTJ 580 400 23 Ele DK7ZB Very poor conditions at start but picked up later. Thanks for the QSOs. 73 David & Pete  
AO 7 G4AFF JO02 74 16,670 225 13000 29,670 EI3KD 628 250 22ele and 12ele    
AR 8 G4FZN/P IO94 80 19,135 239 10500 29,635 F1MKG 633 75 21 ele Tonna Cold east wind. Deep QSB, conditions average. I never receive very well on 432MHz due to radar interference. Sri if I didn't copy you. 73.
AR 9 2E0VCC/P IO70 71 20,289 286 9000 29,289 G4KUX 478 75 15 ele Much QSB, Rotator Issue, Conditions Improved As Evening Went On, Freezing cold On Hill, Thanks To all, 73 Darrell  
AR 10 GM4JTJ IO86 52 21,044 405 7000 28,044 G4LDR 620 100 21 ele yagi Conditions deteriorated rapidly after 2100. Thanks to those who persevered.Where have all the GMs gone?
AR 11 G8CUL IO91 84 14,626 174 13000 27,626 DK0MM 724 100 21 element Seemingly odd conditions, missed with some regulars, good non-UK activity! Harwell ARS.  
AR 12 G4NBS JO02 86 14,533 169 11500 26,033 GM4JTJ 519 100 23ele More QSB than useable planes? Poor start with little response to CQ but got busy toward the end.
AO 13 G0XDI IO91 94 13,501 144 12000 25,501 DK0MM 681 400 12ele Dual Conditions flat with deep QSB! Activity seemed a little down. Nice to be back on 70cms from new QTH. Thanks to all for the QSOs  
AR 14 G4HWA IO92 81 11,928 147 12500 24,428 GM4JTJ 507 100 19 ele Vargada Poor conditions deep qsb at times thanks for all the contacts 73 Berni  
AR 15 G4BRK IO91 77 12,176 158 12000 24,176 DK0MM 737 100 21 el Busy from the start, then a slow patch, then very busy at the end. Poor condx to S and W, otherwise normal.  
AR 16 G0ODQ IO91 88 12,593 143 11500 24,093 GM4JTJ 557 100 21 Ele M squared    
AR 17 M0SAT IO91 69 10,180 148 13000 23,180 GM4JTJ 574 100 18 ele LFA Thanks to all who answered meeps & all /P. Points to DRRG.  
AR 18 GM3SEK IO74 51 14,608 286 8500 23,108 G8LBS 475 100 23el YU7EF Sore throat and brain fog, had to finish early.  
AR 19 G4FEV IO92 79 11,591 147 11500 23,091 GM4JTJ 504 80 18 el Yagi OK for flatish conditions.  
AO 20 G8SEI IO92 76 11,266 148 11500 22,766 PA0WMX 532 400 2 x 24 ele flat and normal QSB and multipath .. thanks all 73 jeff  
AO 21 F1MKG JN08 64 15,932 249 5500 21,432 GD8EXI 716 200 2 X 19 EL DK7ZB Lots of QSB, weak signals but good activity seen from my side, sorry for the missed contacts, 73 Jacky
AR 22 G8PNN IO95 51 12,968 254 8000 20,968 F1BHL/P 657 100 14 ELE YU1CF Home QTH instead of /p tonight, prob not as many QSO's poss as /p but less effort req, Thanks for all contacts. 73 Gordon. NFCG  
AL 23 G0EAK/P IO93 63 10,247 163 10500 20,747 F1MKG 534 10 20 Ele LFA A bit of a struggle tonight with deep QSB. Thanks for the repeats. Wx wet but no wind so not too cold.  
AO 24 G3MEH IO91 76 9,704 128 11000 20,704 DK0MM 689 300 21el M Squared  
AL 25 G0HEL/P IO81 61 10,111 166 10500 20,611 GM4JTJ 599 10 Short 16 ele double quad difficult in some directions high noise and deep qsb. good to be out /p tnx all Alan TDARC  
AO 26 G4KUX IO94 34 9,984 294 10500 20,484 SM6CEN 916 400 2x21 Average cond.  
AL 27 G6HPR/P IO92 86 10,682 124 9500 20,182 EI3KD 499 10 20ele home brew Late start tonight,good activity with QSB. Thanks for calls and meeps.73 Al.  
AR 28 G4YPC IO91 54 8,202 152 11000 19,202 GM3SEK 462 100 21ele Tonna Ave conditions. Good activity. Pleased with claimed score. Points to Guildford. Tnks & 73  
AL 29 G8IQL/P IO90 62 9,136 147 10000 19,136 GD8EXI 431 10 JBeam MBM48 Some usually easy grids were hard and vice versa. Thanks for the QSOs  
AR 30 G8DVK IO91 66 9,512 144 9500 19,012 GM4JTJ 572 100 21 Elemet    
AR 31 GW8ASD IO83 60 9,921 165 9000 18,921 F1BHL/P 444 70 28 ele Yagi Very unstable, flat at best, conditions.  
AR 32 G1DFL/P IO91 82 8,882 108 9500 18,382 PA0WMX 486 75 19Y Late start in the drizzle. Thanks for QSO's.
AL 33 G0WUS IO92 66 8,650 131 9500 18,150 EI3KD 488 10 28 ele QSB
AL 34 G3SQQ IO93 66 8,940 135 9000 17,940 PA0WMX 526 10 19EL LFA Rotator doing overtime this contest, Sorry Brian GM4DIJ not making Airplane on time.  
AR 35 G0CNN/P IO94 65 12,341 190 5000 17,341 F1MKG 660 80 Innovantennas 18 Ele LFA-Ultra If I only smoked and had a Hamlet handy. Pitiful square count. Dire. Weather put the boot in too. One to forget...
AR 36 G8REQ IO83 60 9,819 164 7000 16,819 F5RZC 459 70 19 Ele Tonna Busy session although missed some regular squares, a few new c/signs wkd. Tnx..73.  
AL 37 G8OVZ/P IO92 51 7,669 150 9000 16,669 GM4JTJ 540 10 21 ele Tonna    
AR 38 G1HLT IO93 49 7,603 155 9000 16,603 F1MKG 517 70 19 el Tonna Pro As February goes not bad but not stable. Some struggles and some easier than normal. QSB deep and slow at times.
AO 39 G8DOH IO92 68 8,465 124 8000 16,465 PA0WMX 523 65 2 x 18ele 90 mins. operation. Poor condx. Deep QSB.  
AR 40 M1MLM/P IO93 82 9,736 119 6500 16,236 EI3KD 444 75 15 ele yagi    
AR 41 2E0OUT IO81 50 7,300 146 8500 15,800 GM4JTJ 562 100 23ell duel thx all 73 De James  
AR 42 G3TDH IO83 44 7,163 163 8500 15,663 F1BHL/P 456 70 15 Ele. Immense QSB, but signals stronger than usual at times, so luck played a role in this one. Thanks for QSOs and 73 to all- Reg  
AL 43 G0FEH/P IO92 56 6,827 122 8500 15,327 GM4JTJ 507 10 16 ele yagi Lovely and quiet tonight. Thanks for all of the QSOs, and thanks for those who tried to work me but didnt manage to complete. 73's Dave
AR 44 G8GYX IO91 61 7,789 128 7500 15,289 GD8EXI 434 75 19ele tonna points to CATS thanks tom  
AR 45 G3YDY JO01 44 7,653 174 7500 15,153 DK0MM 615 100 16 ele    
AO 46 PA0WMX JO21 24 11,869 495 3000 14,869 MW0LKX/P 635 400 2x23el Hunting & QRV ON4KST  
AR 47 G4EPA IO92 56 6,117 109 8500 14,617 GM4JTJ 486 75 19 element Quite a few people struggling to hear me tonight.  
AR 48 G4GFI IO91 59 7,003 119 7500 14,503 GM3SEK 475 100 19ele Tonna Condx seemed poor but good level of activity.  
AR 49 G4NTY IO83 51 7,418 145 6500 13,918 F1BHL/P 478 75 23 ele Yagi Odd conditions plus deep QSB.
AR 50 G4RQI IO93 39 6,789 174 7000 13,789 F1BHL/P 489 100 10 ELE 1st contest of the year for me, tnx QSO's  
AR 51 G3WGN IO80 29 6,787 234 7000 13,787 GD8EXI 419 100 16el Dual Noisy and deep QSB. Many usually strong stations at or below my noise level - and I'm in a quiet QTH!  
AO 52 MM0CEZ IO75 23 7,723 336 6000 13,723 G4ZTR 542 400 2 x 18 Ele Poor cndx. gave up early after hearing the same stations over and over. tnx for the calls maybe better next time.  
AO 53 G0WZV JO01 38 6,690 176 7000 13,690 DK0MM 595 400 2 x 14ele    
AR 54 M0NVS IO91 40 5,687 142 8000 13,687 GM3SEK 427 100 18 Ele Lfa Hard going tonight with QSB in the mix. Very difficult West tonight. Thanks for attempts & Qso's. 73 Phil
AO 55 G4RGK IO91 57 6,558 115 7000 13,558 MM0CEZ 517 300 5 el Had a hour break in the middle  
AR 56 2E0VPX IO92 38 6,006 158 7500 13,506 F1BHL/P 405 75 20 element LFALN Not great conditions. Heavy QSB. But still fun! 73 H&DRG  
AR 57 G8FMC IO91 44 5,411 123 8000 13,411 GM3SEK 392 90 16 ele Powabeam Average to poor tonight. did OK on squares though.  
AR 58 G4KCT IO93 21 5,142 245 8000 13,142 F1MKG 599 100 23 ele Not been on for ages , tuning round giving points away in the qsb .  
AR 59 MW0OMB IO81 32 5,482 171 7000 12,482 F1MKG 441 90 18 LFA Dry & cold, slow & steady with QSB. Poor to the N. No 93/94 sq. heard. Good QSOs in last 1/2 hr to S/SE/E.  
AR 60 G8XVJ IO83 35 5,541 158 6500 12,041 F1MKG 582 90 21el    
AL 61 2E0TXQ IO92 41 4,407 107 7500 11,907 F1BHL/P 364 10 21 ele    
AO 62 GM4BYF IO85 21 5,883 280 6000 11,883 G8DVK 499 400 21ele Big problems on RX. Couldn't display waterfall and controls reversed. So sorry for difficulties. Now sorted accidently in satellite mode  
AL 63 G7WHI/P IO80 33 5,632 171 6000 11,632 G4AFF 317 10 4 Element Yagi Some very deep QSB, thanks for patience and for the QSOs  
AL 64 G7LII/P IO92 60 5,498 92 6000 11,498 F1BHL/P 322 10 16 Ele I0JXX    
AR 65 G4ILI IO81 51 5,910 116 5500 11,410 GM4JTJ 529 80 14 ele yagi Not too shabby from a hole in the ground. Average conds. GD activity but missed continentals. TNX ALL fr QSOs 73 Grant Hereford ARS  
AL 66 M0ICK IO83 28 4,300 154 7000 11,300 F1BHL/P 481 10 18 LFA Dire cdx up in 83, QSB, noise, murphy turned up, one to forget  
AR 67 G4CSD IO91 43 4,898 114 6000 10,898 GD8EXI 397 60 15 ele    
AR 68 G4JLG IO83 39 5,032 129 5500 10,532 2E0VCC/P 350 65 23 el WIMO Average conditions. Missed a few stations I should have been able to work
AR 69 F4HRD JO00 25 6,341 254 4000 10,341 GD8EXI 569 70 18 ELE YAGI  
AL 70 M1DST IO91 35 4,144 118 6000 10,144 GD8EXI 341 10 15E    
AR 71 G8ZRE IO83 40 4,768 119 5000 9,768 F1BHL/P 453 50 15 Elenent Yagi Fair more QSO`s than Jan same number of QRA`s.Good to. work F1BHL/P. Tks all for points. Dave G8ZRE.
AL 72 G0CDA IO83 33 4,191 127 5500 9,691 EI3KD 421 4 21 ele F9FT FT817 back up IC910 in for repair. Challenging QSB, patience needed with low power pleased with what I could work. Tks for all who heard me.  
AL 73 G1MZD IO92 40 3,546 89 6000 9,546 GD8EXI 343 10 15ele G4CQM Poor coditions with qsb, towards the end no electric fence noise ! perhaps iv'e killed it with RF. tnx. Dave  
AL 74 2E0SBM/P IO92 43 4,033 94 5500 9,533 GM4JTJ 455 10 15 element beam Good fun tonight thanks to all who worked me  
AR 75 M0IAM IO91 36 3,533 98 6000 9,533 GD8EXI 426 75 18 ele LFA Flat with weak signals and deep QSB. Thanks for the repeats and your patience.  
AL 76 G0NZI/P IO92 38 3,631 96 5500 9,131 EI3KD 459 7 11 element DL6WU Poor conditions most signals very weak. Thanks for the QSO's.
AO 77 M0TXE IO82 31 4,066 131 5000 9,066 F5RZC 398 200 22ele    
AR 78 M0XAC IO81 38 3,898 103 5000 8,898 GD8EXI 301 75 14 Element Dual Band    
AR 79 G1YOY/P IO81 30 3,367 112 5500 8,867 G4FZN/P 321 75 15 ele DK7ZB Seemed pretty quiet tonight, a bit of QSB and, for me, some good DX. Thank you everyone who made contact. 73  
AR 80 F1CBC JN09 25 4,755 190 4000 8,755 GD8EXI 601 20 9 els yagi Poor conditions, slow deep QSB.Tnx for QSO .73 Philippe.  
AL 81 M5JFS IO90 23 3,003 131 5000 8,003 G1ZAR/P 281 5W DiamondA430S15R Good fun! Improved my best DX and worked across the Channel for the first time on 70cm SSB. Now thinking what next to improve my /P station.  
AR 82 GM4DIJ IO85 13 2,966 228 5000 7,966 G4AFF 513 100 21 ele Poor condx planes and cw needed
AR 83 G6VGG IO82 30 3,380 113 4500 7,880 F1BHL/P 343 75 Yagi    
AL 84 GW0GEI IO72 15 3,324 222 4500 7,824 G4AFF 354 7 18 ele powabeam Poor condx but managed more than usual with 7w to 18ele powabeam  
AR 85 G0GJV IO91 33 2,512 76 5000 7,512 F1BHL/P 232 100 9 ele dual    
AR 86 G3YCR IO91 31 2,771 89 4500 7,271 GD8EXI 438 50 15 ele Diamond Hard going and a fading voice after a bad cold, so gave up early!  
AL 87 M6XAK IO93 23 2,820 123 4000 6,820 GD8EXI 263 10 11 El LFA    
AR 88 2E0TGU IO91 26 2,713 104 4000 6,713 GD8EXI 366 50 15 ele Powerbeam    
AR 89 G4SSW IO92 29 2,474 85 4000 6,474 F1BHL/P 337 40 7 ele dual flat condx still fun 73 all  
AL 90 G0BNC IO91 30 2,449 82 4000 6,449 F1BHL/P 279 10 QUAGI Lots of rapid QSB. lots entered callsign then disappeared. but at least the home brew qagi worked on it's 1st outing  
AR 91 G0SWC IO91 26 1,933 74 4500 6,433 GD8EXI 426 100 7 Ele Yagi Good condx this evening. Points to GDRS  
AO 92 GW0RHC IO71 13 2,426 187 4000 6,426 G8LBS 377 400 2 x 24 ELE lost G4 just before Start and amp after 27 minutes  
AL 93 G4HZG/P IO93 39 3,790 97 2500 6,290 G3YCR 224 10 18 ele Yagi    
AR 94 M7LHE IO92 16 1,895 118 4000 5,895 GD8EXI 331 25 Tonna 18 ele Yagi Difficult conditions with fading signals and QRM. Thanks for your patience! 73
AR 95 G7WIR JO01 23 2,272 99 3500 5,772 MW0LKX/P 254 75 WiMo 2m Big Wheel Very much like having a tooth pulled out. Painful at times lol.  
AR 96 G0JSB IO83 15 1,770 118 4000 5,770 GM4JTJ 364 100 10ele Attic    
AR 97 G8GRS IO81 23 2,691 117 3000 5,691 G4AFF 280 75 8ele S and P only, calling raised nothing.Missed a couple of sq I could hear.73 to all in log.  
AL 98 M0RSD IO82 24 2,166 90 3500 5,666 GM0SEK 290 10 13 ELE YAGA    
AL 99 G5IIA IO92 28 1,956 70 3500 5,456 F5RZC 270 10 10 ele    
AR 100 G8KQH IO91 24 1,911 80 3500 5,411 G4FZN/P 323 20 10 element DL6WU    
AL 101 M0KSE IO83 18 1,873 104 3500 5,373 G8ZZK 312 10 15E PowAbeam Thanks for the QSOs QSB at times conditions seemed to improve later in the contest as I was finishing
AR 102 G4KQY JO02 21 2,324 111 3000 5,324 GD8EXI 425 80 11 ele yagi hard work tonight. Tnks all for QSO's  
AR 103 M0JWU IO91 34 2,190 64 3000 5,190 G4FZN/P 333 50 11 ele    
AO 104 GM4TOE IO87 7 2,184 312 3000 5,184 G4CLA 581 250 EAntenna 432LFA23 Odd condx. Please, please point North early in the contest. Planes disappear after 9pm  
AR 105 G4AWP IO94 13 1,509 116 3500 5,009 GM4JTJ 307 100 12 element yagi Old valve linear. PTT failed half way through contest. Coax too long so Rx rather 'deaf, next 70cm UKAC plan to operate closer to antenna.  
AR 106 G8IXK IO91 16 1,471 92 3500 4,971 GD8EXI 376 75 DUAL PA144-432-19-3-2C Short session testing Minos 2.7.1  
AL 107 G4PGJ IO92 20 1,697 85 3000 4,697 GD8EXI 250 10 7 ele    
AR 108 G0MHZ IO91 22 1,697 77 3000 4,697 F1BHL/P 274 70 7 ele ZL    
AL 109 M0WBG IO83 15 1,505 100 3000 4,505 G4ODA 213 10 15 Element Powerbeam    
AR 110 M5LMG IO82 17 1,491 88 3000 4,491 GD8EXI 203 40 4 ele yagi    
AR 111 G0BIX JO01 17 1,957 115 2500 4,457 GD8EXI 468 100 12 Ele Yagi by Dual    
AR 112 MW0DX IO71 8 1,376 172 3000 4,376 G4NBS 334 50 20ele difficult keeping my eyes open with so little to hear in the Wild West so decided that cocktails were a better bet. terrible  
AL 113 M7DQO/P IO92 11 1,175 107 3000 4,175 F1BHL/P 379 10 15 ele yagi    
AL 114 G3OVH IO92 24 1,583 66 2500 4,083 GD8EXI 284 10 16 ele HB Flat, QSB, difficult QRP  
AR 115 G0JDL JO02 14 1,523 109 2500 4,023 M1MLM/P 252 75 Dual 8-ele Awful. Hard to imagine that conditions could be any worse than this.  
AR 116 G4OED IO91 18 1,457 81 2500 3,957 GD8EXI 344 75 X-QUAD    
AL 117 G0JPI IO92 14 1,428 102 2500 3,928 G1YBB/P 207 10 Dual Antennas 6/11 ele yagi  
AL 118 G6TVBV IO92 22 1,289 59 2500 3,789 MW0LKX/P 155 10 Wima dual band    
AL 119 G5MAT IO92 19 1,197 63 2500 3,697 GD8EXI 282 10 big wheel    
AR 120 G7ICV JO01 13 1,065 82 2500 3,565 F1BHL/P 240 50 Dual antenna yagi Not best conditions though managed a few distance contacts.thx all  
AR 121 G4YUP IO90 12 1,519 127 2000 3,519 G4AFF 242 70 11 el Another dreadful evening. Worked all I could hear, oh, its only 7 contacts Thank you  
AR 122 G1VNB IO92 13 975 75 2500 3,475 GD8EXI 282 50 5 ele zl Could only do an hour tonight thanks for the contacts  
AR 123 G3WCB IO80 8 1,071 134 2000 3,071 G4CLA 290 70 7 ele yagi Condx fair-ish until 2100,then it all died. Tks for the QSOs, pts to Drowned Rats. 73, dave G3WCB  
AL 124 M7GHW/P IO83 24 1,067 44 2000 3,067 G1YBB/P 169 10 Halo    
AL 125 G0TAR JO01 11 1,064 97 2000 3,064 GD8EXI 468 10 11 ele beam Usual high noise deep QSB wrkd all I could hear.CU on 6m 73 de Brian  
AL 126 G4XTF IO82 9 747 83 2000 2,747 G4ODA 200 10 14 ELEMENT BEAM CLOSED EARLY TOO TIRED.  
AR 127 M0RJL IO90 6 659 110 2000 2,659 G4ODA 260 50 Diamond 15 ele yagi    
AR 128 G3ZWR IO94 6 544 91 2000 2,544 G8SEI 265 35 35ele tonna high general noise and QSB, thanks for all points 73 NORMAN NFCG
AR 129 G4FFY JO01 7 492 70 2000 2,492 G4CLA 174 70 Diamond V2000 Colinear Experienced poor conditions tonight with signals weaker than usual. Also noted quite a bit of deep QSB. Thanks for the QSOs. 73
AR 130 G4AJA IO91 10 444 44 2000 2,444 G1YBB/P 103 20 X50N dual band colinear    
AL 131 M0IIB IO92 18 836 46 1500 2,336 G8ZZK 109 10 15 Element Yagi Calm, mild & murky. Steady activity across the frequency with some QSB. Thanks for the 18 QSOs! 73 Trevor  
AL 132 G8VPE JO02 11 803 73 1500 2,303 G8DOH 227 10 19Y F9FT Grim propagation conditions.  
AR 133 MD0MAN/P IO74 4 735 184 1500 2,235 G8SEI 262 75 21 ele Tonna Feeder / antenna issues with high SWR :( packed up and went home :(  
AR 134 M0MHW IO83 15 657 44 1500 2,157 G4CLA 133 75 Discone    
AL 135 G4DZL IO92 7 538 77 1500 2,038 GD8EXI 271 10 15 ele yagi It was 22:00 before I was home and put the beam up. Were most people using KST instead of listening for or sending CQ calls by that time?
AL 136 M0BGR JO01 9 520 58 1500 2,020 G4ODA 145 10 10 el Yagi Conditions disappointing. Lost a few in QSB. Tks points  
AR 137 M7HCT IO92 8 502 63 1500 2,002 M1MLM/P 130 25 Diamond Yagi  
AR 138 G0NGI IO91 10 421 42 1500 1,921 F1BHL/P 218 30 HB9CV    
AR 139 M0TNI IO92 8 363 45 1500 1,863 M1MLM/P 128 30 HLP-270    
AR 140 M0TVZ IO92 4 231 58 1500 1,731 G1YBB/P 93 50 Diamond V2000 Colinear Missing regulars and /Ps tonight, thanks for points, 73, Ron  
AR 141 M0HPI IO91 17 713 42 1000 1,713 G4ODA 171 20 11 ele yagi    
AL 142 G0LDP IO92 10 407 41 1000 1,407 G1YYB/P 113 10 Home made turnstyle Thanks for all ghe QSO’s
AR 143 G0FVH IO80 3 400 133 1000 1,400 M0WEO 147 50 Indoor beam    
AR 144 G5MW JO01 5 246 49 1000 1,246 G4CLA 174 19 8 ele On for a whole hour tonight :-) Most signals weak, although strong enough when they turned their beams, only to disappear without stopping.  
AR 145 G4DYC JO02 9 170 19 1000 1,170 G4ODA 80 75 Vertical Colinear    
AR 146 G8DMN IO81 3 132 44 1000 1,132 G3USE 59 50 Yagi 8 ele Time for a new aerial I think.  
AO 147 G4LEN IO81 4 132 33 1000 1,132 G4YBB/P 59 50 14element yagi    
AR 148 M0JQT JO01 5 126 25 1000 1,126 G0XDI 75 50 9 Ele Yagi    
AO 149 M0WEO IO90 3 66 22 1000 1,066 G7WHI/P 40 45 Comet vertical Very quiet - worked everyone I heard.  
AL 150 G4NMD IO91 8 248 31 500 748 G0ODQ 67 10 loop    
AL 151 G6TXB JO01 3 108 36 500 608 G4ZTR 69 10 Colinear    

14 Jan (148 scores)

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