Claimed Scores 2022
  13552 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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Claimed scores for 50MHz Christmas Contest

(38 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AR 1 G0SKA IO91 37 4,646 126 17 78,982 GI4SNA 472 90 5 ele Sirio pretty flat and lowish activity. Tnx for all QSOs and happy New Year all.
AO 2 G4ODA IO92 26 4,436 171 17 75,412 GM4CXM 447 180 short 3el yagi Just testing new small HB PA. Poor cndts but nice CW Au QSO for best DX  
AR 3 GD8EXI IO74 17 5,025 296 12 60,300 G4LPP 440 100 8 ele G4CQM  
AO 4 G4AFF JO02 17 3,773 222 12 45,276 GM4VVX 690 400 Dual band 4/6 13ele    
AR 5 G8ZRE IO83 22 3,218 146 11 34,848 G4LPP 300 100 3 Element Yagi Rapid QSB IO93 not even heard.Tks all for points in 2022.HNY .Dave G8ZRE.
AR 6 G0CDA IO83 16 2,442 153 14 34,188 GM4CXM 309 50 3 ele Vine yagi Lots of noise and deep QSB with low activity. Tks all.Merry Christmas.  
AO 7 M0NPK IO91 25 2,795 112 12 33,540 GD8EXI 397 400 6el LFA Quad Bit quiet and conditions very patchy but thanks for all the QSO's. Cheers, NK  
AR 8 G8GYX IO91 24 3,021 126 10 30,210 GD8EXI 434 100 3 ELE HB beam lowish activity and noisy band  
AO 9 G6AD IO92 23 1,900 83 11 20,900 GD8EXI 282 100 HEX BEAM    
AO 10 G4LPP JO02 12 2,505 209 8 20,040 GD8EXI 440 400 3 ELE BEAM Awful conditions, deep qsb auroral sigs heard but not reciprocated. Thanks for QSOs. 73, MX / HNY. Phil  
AR 11 GW8ASD IO83 12 1,784 149 10 17,840 G4AFF 274 100 5ele Yagi Terrible conditions, local noise and low activity!  
AR 12 G8LYB IO92 22 1,874 85 9 16,866 GI4SNA 401 100 Innovantenna 9el 50/70MHZ    
AR 13 G0NZI/P IO92 22 1,769 80 9 15,921 GD8EXI 300 50 2 element telescopic Yagi Enjoyable afternoon out portable thanks for the QSO's!
AR 14 GM4PPT IO75 5 1,890 378 8 15,120 PE1EWR 688 80 11ele DUAL 6/4 Dreadful condx and wx. Nil wkd after 1439. Got PE1EWR at start though. Good Fun ,but Baltic in shack. See you all tomorrow on 4.
AR 15 M0IEP IO91 18 2,068 115 7 14,476 GI4SNA 432 100 5 Element Yagi    
AR 16 G3OVH IO92 16 1,697 106 8 13,576 GI4SNA 382 100 4 ele homebrew Flat and low activity  
AR 17 G4EPA IO92 18 1,396 78 8 11,168 GI4SNA 405 100 3 Ele Tonna Flat band and very noisy  
AR 18 G8FMC IO91 16 1,343 84 6 8,058 GD8EXI 352 100 3 ele of dual-band A bit quiet! not great cond. Did about 1.5 hrs.  
AO 19 G1KAR/P JO00 12 1,313 109 6 7,878 G4LPP 243 100 5 Element 6m Yagi Generator Breakdown caused an early finish.
AR 20 G3TKF IO81 7 891 127 7 6,237 GD8EXI 339 50 Dipole Awful , and very low activity ! HNY to all and thanks for the QSOs  
AR 21 2E0SBM IO92 17 1,060 62 5 5,300 M0NPK 130 50 6 m squalo good fun and thanks to all who worked me  
AR 22 G0GJV IO91 13 836 64 5 4,180 G4ODA 156 100 3 ele LFA    
AR 23 PE1EWR JO11 2 977 488 4 3,908 GM4PPT 688 80 4-4EPS6/4 Nice Surprise!
AR 24 G0LGS IO81 11 974 89 4 3,896 G4ODA 168 100 4 Ele LFA Hard work - Very noisy  
AL 25 M7DQO IO92 4 647 162 6 3,882 GI4SNA 443 10 Loop    
AO 26 G0VUH IO93 6 714 119 4 2,856 M0NPK 230 100 4 ELEMENT LFA YAGI    
AO 27 EI8KN IO62 2 548 274 4 2,192 GD8EXI 275 100 5 elements Dire conditions and very low activity. HNY.  
AL 28 G4VPD IO92 10 656 66 3 1,968 G8GYX 167 10 5 LFA just search n pounce very low activity and unusally high noise  
AR 29 G4JED JO01 6 327 54 4 1,308 G0SKA 87 100 4 ele Yagi Missed a couple but otherwise worked what I could hear.  
AR 30 G4ILI IO81 4 380 95 3 1,140 G8GYX 148 100 4 ele DUAL Aerials down due to winds. Just gave a few points away and to say season's greetings. Dire conditions and low activity? 73 Grant HNY  
AR 31 G4SSW IO92 9 311 35 3 933 G8GYX 138 40 2ele moxan    
AR 32 G0TAR JO01 3 196 65 4 784 G0SKA 100 50 3 ele beam High noise as usual, 3 qso's in 3/4 Hr. Gave up. HNY 73 de Brian  
AO 33 G4LDR IO91 3 233 78 3 699 G8GYX 102 100 5 Element Yagi Worked all I could hear!  
AR 34 2E0JPO IO91 2 168 84 3 504 G4ODA 100 50 Moonraker 6m 5 ele Yagi Only manged last 15 minutes today. Must try harder later in the week!  
AR 35 G1MZD IO92 3 127 42 2 254 M0NPK 70 50 G5RV Just about 1/2 hr on the G5RV very little heard but a low noise level.  
AR 36 G8TZJ IO84 1 73 73 2 146 G0CDA 73 100 Dipole    
AR 37 G4DYC JO02 2 45 22 2 90 G4LPP 37 90 HB9CV,2el. indoor/fixed 73 . Mike  
AL 38 2E0VKH JO01 1 13 13 2 26 G6UBM 13 6 V2000 Only station I could hear high local QRM.  

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