Claimed Scores 2017
  13783 claimed scores
V8.41 by G4CLA

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29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
21/12/17 70MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 50MHz Trophy

(121 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 GJ8P IN89 858 956,036 1114 293 280,118,548 WP2B 6538 400 2x7+2x6+2x5 Great WX, reasonable conditions and good fun. Thanks to the many stations who called us. G4CLA G4XUM G4BVY G0HFX
Overseas 2 J42T KN00 764 1,201,858 1573 218 262,005,044 GM8IEM 2727 500 8el DK7ZB  
Overseas 3 Z3A KN11 698 1,073,268 1538 235 252,217,980 CT3KN 3569 300 26 el  
O 4 G8T IN79 625 823,832 1318 253 208,429,496 PJ2LS 7115 400 7el 7el 2x3el Some equipment problems got us off to a slow start and only patchy ES for the first few hours too. WX was fabulous - best in 10 years!
SO 5 GM4ZUK/P IO86 568 828,272 1458 234 193,815,648 5B4AIF 3591 400 7 element Yagi Great WX and Es over the weekend. Got a soaking at packup time from the heavy rain.
O 6 GM2T IO85 540 747,768 1385 234 174,977,712 4Z1KM 3895 400 5 ele @55 feet Scorching hot conditions in GM. 6m was pretty good too. MM0CCC GM0RLZ MM0GPZ.
SF 7 GM3POI IO88 387 695,215 1796 202 140,433,430 PV8ADI 7961 400 7el JK  
SO 8 G8XVJ/P IO93 580 614,012 1059 207 127,100,484 5B4AIF 3374 400 2 x m2 7 El jvlM2  
O 9 G8W IO90 527 563,216 1069 211 118,838,576 9K2GS 4702 400 1 x 5 ele Hot. Thanks from all at Vecta :)
Overseas 10 EE5M IM98 357 580,009 1625 164 95,121,476 UA6MT 3385 300 Yagui 5EL  
O 11 YT1Z KN13 329 461,693 1403 168 77,564,424 GM3POI 2390 100 5 el. Yagi    
Overseas 12 YO4FZX KN45 292 455,719 1561 167 76,105,073 GM3POI 2583 50 5 EL CUBICAL QUAD  
O 13 G5FS/P IO82 431 422,230 980 179 75,579,170 5B4AAB 3379 400 1 x 5 Ele. Innovot LFA Good Contest + Good conditions + WX- Thank-you to all the stations we worked. Also nice to see M0VXX who visited site on Saturday evening.
SO 14 G8N IO92 268 298,025 1112 145 43,213,625 5B4AAB 3267 270 8 Ele LFA  
6S 15 G1XOW IO93 225 289,139 1285 133 38,455,487 5B4AAB 3299 400 7 ELE LONG BOOM    
O 16 M0SNB JO01 250 256,183 1025 138 35,353,254 5B4AAB 3161 400 5ele yagi Really enjoyed operation. SpE was good!
6O 17 G4ZAP/P JO02 220 253,456 1152 136 34,470,016 PJ4NX 7493 400 7 ELE Nice day for a contest. Wall to wall sunshine & Dx. 1st Es 10mins from start. 105Loc,32DXCC = 137 mult? Aerial too hot to touch/assemble!
6O 18 M9A IO80 191 266,449 1395 129 34,371,921 P43A 7319 400 5-ele Lots of Sporadic-E.
SF 19 G3MEH IO91 239 256,054 1071 134 34,311,236 5B4AAB 3223 250 2 x 5el Vargarda 6hrs Sat., 6 1/2 Sun. Chaotic at times but enjoyable.
O 20 M5BFL IO91 230 250,959 1091 122 30,616,998 UT2QT 2626 100 5 Element Yagi    
SF 21 GW4ZAR IO83 190 243,924 1284 124 30,246,576 UT3GX 2678 100 3 ele OWL Good fun ... only started to just give a few points away and got hooked .. 73
O 22 M0MDG/P IO91 260 214,319 824 128 27,432,832 5B4AIF 3247 100 5 Element Great fun had by all! Weather was great and conditions even better! Thanks to all 73's
SF 23 F1FPL JN09 176 223,639 1271 117 26,165,763 5B4AAB 3014 200 5 elements DK7ZB  
Overseas 24 TM1W IN88 139 242,939 1748 96 23,322,144 UW2M 3062 100 6 fixed NW 6 fixed NE    
O 25 G3WKS/P JO01 184 199,247 1083 116 23,112,652 5B4AIF 3141 400 7 ele Yagi Generally good conditions over the weekend, though deep and rapid QSB at times.
SF 26 G4PDS IO80 131 197,499 1508 115 22,712,385 UW2M 2930 100 Dipole Great Es on Saturday - still going Sunday AM. Excellent !
6S 27 G4R IO90 137 214,459 1565 104 22,303,736 UT3IZ 2872 100W 6 ele  
SF 28 GM4VVX IO78 143 199,684 1396 111 22,164,924 SV1VN 3013 80 4 ele On fringe of spE on Sat. Frustrating Sun not to be able to add much to the score making only 16. total 17 hr QRV
SF 29 F1CBC JN09 138 192,597 1396 110 21,185,670 UW2M 2738 80 5 els yagi Good Activity an enjoyed ES !!! 73 Philippe
6O 30 G5T IO92 143 200,717 1404 105 21,075,285 5B4AIF 3249 400 2x 7ELE PXY Thanks all for the points !
SO 31 M0ICK/P IO83 155 188,480 1216 110 20,732,800 UR6F 2426 75 5 Ele DK7ZB 1hr Sat, early start Sun, great fun wx and conditions, mostly S&P difficult to hold a freq with 75w :-) Roll on field day
6O 32 M3P IO91 159 177,550 1117 109 19,352,950 R6KA 2785 200 6 element PC log now checked against (master) paper log. What an evening, very busy with a lot of SpE QSOs. Thanks to all. Harwell ARS.  
6O 33 G4FZN/P IO94 143 194,715 1362 97 18,887,355 YO4FZX 2326 100 4 ele Last 5hrs on Sunday. Only a few UK stations worked.
Overseas 34 Z31NA KN01 132 188,644 1429 96 18,109,824 G3XTT 2547 30 Heaxbeam  
SF 35 OF5ZA KP21 113 201,163 1780 85 17,098,855 IS0BSR 2586 90 1-el corner reflector The prolonged opening to a "confined area" provided a grateful case for the study of the nature of Es on VHF... Cheers/73, Zaba OH1ZAA  
SF 36 M8C IO91 139 168,639 1213 96 16,189,344 UW3M 2762 400 5 ele yagi @ 10m agl Good Es during most of the day-time hours.
SF 37 M0OMB IO83 126 151,534 1203 101 15,304,934 UW2M 2854 25 3 LFA Slow start & then wow, a mass of sigs.Sun a window to EA which improved the mults.S&P & slower Sun. Great Fun!
6S 38 GW8ASD IO83 113 154,738 1369 95 14,700,110 YO3APJ 2315 100 5ele Yagi Good fun but I might have picked the wrong 6hrs!
6O 39 G0EAK/P IO93 116 139,171 1200 103 14,334,613 UR6F 2308 10 4 ele M0ZMF Delta Beam    
SF 40 M0IEP IO91 116 149,486 1289 95 14,201,170 IK6CWQ 2882 25 5 ele yagi  
SF 41 G1PPA IO93 116 142,722 1230 95 13,558,590 UR6F 2303 80 3 ele beam poor uk conditions band very noisy good es but hectic when busy with 2 stations in same country calling cq but enjoable contest
6S 42 G4HGI IO83 106 145,320 1371 89 12,933,480 UW2M 2856 75 4 ele Didnt stay on long enough on Sat and started too early Sun but great all the same thanks to all for points  
SF 43 G0LGS IO81 111 137,697 1241 92 12,668,124 UW7LL 2533 400 4 Ele LFA    
SF 44 G8FUO IO91 114 130,111 1141 97 12,620,767 YT1R 3101 100 CQM PowAbeam 5EL Started giving pts but hooked by the E. Mostly S&P.Sat 8hr 80qso(E54/G26)53sq.Sun 4hr 34qso(E28/G6)21sq (23C) Great fun 73 Richard
6S 45 MM8Z IO75 98 150,526 1536 83 12,493,658 YR8Y 2442 400 SteppIR DB11 Yagi  
6S 46 G4NBS JO02 122 138,532 1136 88 12,190,816 SV2DSJ 2169 80 5ele 6hrs Sun. Interesting comparison to /P @G4ZAP on Sat. 66Loc, 22DXCC. Mostly had to S&P as CQ unproductive from home.
6S 47 GW2R IO82 122 136,059 1115 89 12,109,251 5B4AAB 3419 250 HB 9ele KSC dualband  
SF 48 G0OOG IO91 104 127,226 1223 86 10,941,436 R6KA 2733 24 3 el LFA Great weather 30C plus on the balcony - no wind. Band condx excellent - wide open for a change.
6S 49 G3PHO IO93 108 122,091 1130 83 10,133,553 LZ7J 2298 200 4 el yagi Poor cdx in first hour, then an explosion of East EU Es calling in layers 3 deep! Last three hours was 1900-2200 not a good choice!
SF 50 G8ONK IO83 87 115,056 1322 84 9,664,704 UR6F 2451 25 9 ele G0KSC Dualband Total of about 9 hrs spread over the 24. Thanks for all points.No wind and Es for a change.
SO 51 G4IJE/P JO00 81 104,321 1288 89 9,284,569 UW2M 2660 100 2 el HB9CV Casual activity from a holiday cottage near Battle. Great fun!
6S 52 M0GAV IO93 118 116,060 984 79 9,168,740 5B4AAB 3349 100 5 element great cond. none serious entry as too hot in shack for prolonged operations!!
6S 53 GM8IEM IO78 69 125,259 1815 71 8,893,389 TA1D 3043 400 6 el Vine  
SF 54 G0GDA JO01 107 129,067 1206 67 8,647,489 UW2M 2699 10 beam Popped in and out for a few hours. Good fun, very busy
6S 55 G8FMC IO91 83 104,748 1262 80 8,379,840 UW2M 2757 300 2 el Moxon Wow the 'MAGIC' band! 2hrs of DX before the first G & that was GM3POI in IO88! Still buzzing on Sunday, then ran out of my 6hrs!
6O 56 M4W IO91 118 105,985 898 77 8,160,845 UW2M 2828 400 8 ele Beam Great activity, but linear & other issues lost us 1.5 hours of operating time.
6O 57 G6RC IO91 84 108,033 1286 75 8,102,475 UW2M 2727 400 4ele SteppIR (GM3SEK) S&P only giving some points away so I thought I'd send in an entry.
6S 58 G4GFI IO91 82 107,812 1315 73 7,870,276 UW2M 2723 100 5 ele Tonna Good Es both days but no multihop hrd.
6S 59 G8HGN JO01 80 99,450 1243 74 7,359,300 SP8PAI 2183 100 6 ele LFA Band open across Europe for all my 5 hours on Sunday. No long DX heard. Just before I had to close heard GM4ZUK/p.
6S 60 G0ODQ IO91 84 98,247 1170 73 7,172,031 LZ7J 2205 100 3 Ele of dual band 6 hours Sunday morning. Sporadic E made for a busy 6 hours, most contacts by S&P.
6S 61 MM0ULL IO77 79 105,677 1338 66 6,974,682 EE6T 2083 100 4Element Yagi  
O 62 G1KAR/P JO00 81 95,092 1174 71 6,751,532 LZ7J 2087 375 5 element custom Short of operators bur weather too good not to camp and try an entry in the open section. Great DX with thanks to all stations.
6S 63 G6KWA JO02 73 94,724 1298 71 6,725,404 UT7EL 2490 80 50/70 EA 4 4 dual band yagi Bedlam and chaos, great fun, all the work on the AC contests is starting to pay off I coped quite well. QSB taking stations away for good.
6S 64 G8DOH IO92 110 83,594 760 73 6,102,362 EM3U 2216 400 4.3 dBd Log Periodic  
6O 65 M0BAO/P IO80 59 89,393 1515 68 6,078,724 UW2M 2926 100 4 ELEMENT    
6S 66 G4YHF IO92 60 85,436 1424 71 6,065,956 YO3APJ 2117 200 5el By the end of final session, shack temp =38C. QSO rate fell and concentration lapsed. On the plus side I lost 12lbs in weight :-)  
SF 67 G4DDL IO91 73 87,027 1192 69 6,004,863 UT3IZ 2775 100 ful wave Good conditions for this contest on both days
6S 68 G3WJG IO91 64 88,563 1384 63 5,579,469 UW2M 2740 25 Band 1 TV H aerial Excellent conditions as predicted. Many stations stronger than locals! Couldn't work adjacent squares in Uk so lost multipliers. Great Fun.
6S 69 9H1AE JM75 50 89,709 1794 57 5,113,413 G4DCJ 3236 50 VERTICAL  
6S 70 M0DDT IO91 63 72,364 1149 64 4,631,296 UW7LL 2473 400 5ele    
O 71 M0HSL/P IO80 63 69,649 1106 66 4,596,834 R6KA 2886 100 3-ele Yagi Our first 6m contest, a lot of fun with the conditions!  
6S 72 M1CJE IO91 57 74,706 1311 61 4,557,066 UW7LL 2519 100 Inov 3 3  
Overseas 73 SK6HD JO68 56 85,321 1524 51 4,351,371 5B4AIF 2949 100 40 m dipole  
SF 74 2E1SKY IO93 87 71,461 821 51 3,644,511 YO8ST 2117 10 6 Meter Beam  
SO 75 G0EUN IO93 48 65,105 1356 54 3,515,670 E7C 2951 50 Beam  
6S 76 G4PDF IO93 47 58,558 1246 53 3,103,574 LZ9A 2104 90 6/4m Moxon    
SF 77 G0PEK JO01 44 64,193 1459 44 2,824,492 SP8PAI 2170 40 3 ele yagi Nice to hear some good activity on 6 today
SF 78 G4LKD IO93 46 53,165 1156 53 2,817,745 LZ9A 2156 100 5 Element LFA  
6S 79 G4BRK IO91 50 59,978 1200 46 2,758,988 LZ7J 2230 50 dipole 3m up Just put up a dipole at 3m in the garden to join in the fun. Pleased with what was worked.  
6S 80 G0LRD JO02 42 62,504 1488 44 2,750,176 YR8Y 2070 100 V-2000 vertical Nice Es but deep QSB at times
6S 81 G2KF IO70 48 59,614 1242 43 2,548,438 NP4BM 6472 300 7 element Quad Vert  
6O 82 M0JCQ/P IO91 70 50,332 719 49 2,466,268 EM3U 2150 10 Moxon Nice bit of fun from a hilltop in the sun. Casual entry but some nice DX on SpE
6S 83 G4CIB IO81 42 46,576 1109 50 2,328,800 Z3A 2200 100 Dipole Excellent conditions. Enjoyable operating in the garden!
6O 84 M0TWC/P IO83 46 50,481 1097 45 2,271,645 Z3A 2296 30 3 el OWL *TWCG* Operated until the laptop ran out of power - must buy a spare battery or two. Extremely hot on the hill.  
SF 85 G8NVX IO93 38 48,627 1280 46 2,236,842 J42T 2223 80 Sotabeam SB6 Very good conditions, made a change to run higher power than my usual 5w. Thanks all for the fun and the points, cheers..
6S 86 M6JIJ IO93 41 51,709 1261 43 2,223,487 UR6F 2346 10 V-2000 Tri-Linear Great conditions, very enjoyable & lots of activity. Especially on the Saturday. Made more effort than previous. Tk for the points everyone.  
6S 87 G3OVH IO92 32 39,658 1239 43 1,705,294 R6KA 2787 100 2 ele Hexbeam Amazing SpE - I am new to 50MHz.
6S 88 M6OXO IO83 33 38,407 1164 43 1,651,501 IK7LMX 2120 4 SUPERMOXON Good day till VFO seized on the FT-817 was going to do the 6 hours straight took a couple of hours to get freed off. Tnx for the points 73  
6S 89 MM0RYR IO85 31 43,012 1387 37 1,591,444 YT5W 2067 70 dipole  
6S 90 M1KEY IO93 33 40,985 1242 35 1,434,475 Z3A 2222 100 6 ELEMENT INNOVANTENNA best ive seen the magic band thanks to all the stations ive worked
6S 91 GW0GEI IO72 30 38,696 1290 37 1,431,752 UR2Y 2135 95 7 ele powabeam Part time casual operation with beam fixed to SE at 3m agl  
SF 92 G7WHI IO92 33 37,498 1136 36 1,349,928 YR8Y 2154 100 Dipole  
6S 93 G0C IO82 27 34,738 1287 35 1,215,830 R6KA 2877 80 6 ele  
6S 94 M0LLW IO93 23 32,268 1403 37 1,193,916 UR6F 2313 20 3 El Delta Beam    
6S 95 G7TWC IO91 38 33,200 874 35 1,162,000 LZ7J 2152 100 Doublet Wet string worked, for a lot of fin.  
6S 96 2E0DZN IO91 29 32,575 1123 34 1,107,550 UW7LL 2473 50 4 ELE  
6S 97 M6XAK IO93 30 29,135 971 34 990,590 YT5C 1747 10 Halo  
6S 98 G4Q JO01 24 30,180 1258 27 814,860 Z3A 2049 5 Western HF 10  
SF 99 GM0LIR IO85 23 29,879 1299 27 806,733 E7C 1986 100 20 LOOP IN THE LOFT  
6S 100 M0ZMF IO93 20 23,682 1184 28 663,096 LZ9A 2149 20 3 El Delta Beam    
SF 101 G0BWG IO93 18 22,229 1235 29 644,641 SP9KDA 2039 10 Watson W2000 Vertical  
6S 102 G6DFM IO91 21 21,977 1047 24 527,448 UW7LL 2417 100 End Fed  
6S 103 G7T IO92 21 21,909 1043 24 525,816 YO8ST 2112 400 5ele Yagi Just a quick 60 minutes on Sunday morning.
6O 104 G4DRS/P IO80 15 20,755 1384 24 498,120 UW2M 2886 50 Dipole What a fun contest! I think I'll do this one again...
6O 105 M0OSA/M IO93 17 25,089 1476 18 451,602 Z3A 2262 50 Outback 2000 Active 2 hours but all but 1 QSO in first hour. Glad to get Es opening to Eastern Europe. Heard 4 Italian stn's but couldn't work any hi  
6S 106 CT1AVR IN50 18 22,269 1237 19 423,111 G4FZN/P 1651 10 5 elem  
6S 107 G8VPE JO02 14 16,718 1194 23 384,514 UW4U 1976 100 wire dipole Everyone found some Es, some more than others.
6S 108 G1MZD IO92 16 17,720 1108 21 372,120 YU1VG 1849 65 Tri band colinear Only on for short periods Sunday with colinear but really Too hot for radio, WX to good to miss.
SF 109 G8EEM IO93 12 18,523 1544 20 370,460 UR6F 2327 300 6/5 dual band yagi  
6S 110 G0MCV IO92 14 14,960 1069 19 284,240 R6KA 2781 20 v2000  
6S 111 G0JOS IO91 17 13,221 778 18 237,978 UW3E/P 1883 100 long wre  
6S 112 PA9J JO33 11 12,780 1162 18 230,040 UR6F 1830 100 G5RV jr. dipole Thanks for organising! Great contest, bands were open and all worked with G5RV jr dipole antenne (no ant for 6m yet). 73 de PA9J  
6S 113 G8CRB JO02 12 13,311 1109 15 199,665 IZ8EPY 1945 100 Wire dipole in attic  
SF 114 M0GDX IO93 15 8,723 582 18 157,014 YT5C 1782 100 6m dipole  
6O 115 G0UUU/P IO94 10 11,417 1142 13 148,421 YT5W 1888 100 2 ele HB9CV Enjoyable couple of hours on a sunny afternoon. Some nice Es. Thanks for the QSOs.  
6S 116 2E0KVJ IO80 12 6,983 582 15 104,745 SQ9NIN 1582 50 3el ultrabeam  
6S 117 G4MAD IO92 8 6,584 823 11 72,424 EM3U 2213 100 Single element delta loop at 7m The kids had other ideas for father's day. But managed half an hour and found excellent SpE into Ukraine & Poland.  
6S 118 G7ICV JO01 7 6,170 881 10 61,700 UW3E/P 1827 50 Halo loop Brief entry.  
6S 119 EA1ITC IN70 5 6,554 1311 6 39,324 PA5WT 1441 5 Indoor Multiband Outback 1889 Nice working for one hour this 50MHz trophy.
6S 120 M6JPQ IO93 3 3,640 1213 6 21,840 SP9KDA 1355 10 Halo    
6S 121 G0WCZ IO90 3 435 145 4 1,740 G5FS/P 250 100 Off-centre fed dipole  

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