Claimed Scores 2019
  13031 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

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29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
19/12/19 70MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 50MHz Trophy

(82 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Overseas 1 Z3A KN11 497 780,724 1571 208 162,390,592 D4Z 5239 500 2x5,2x5,1x6,1x4 by YU7EF    
MO 2 G8T JO01 436 395,676 908 180 71,221,680 EA8BPX IN IL18 2934 400 7el + 2 x 3el Patchy Es and hard work but at least it didn't rain!  
SO 3 GM4ZUK/P IO86 309 416,010 1346 164 68,225,640 SV3PML 2958 400 7 ele Yagi Saturday was a struggle. Sunday was much better but heavy rain brought static rain which made copying weak signals impossible. Very wet WX.  
SF 4 G4ASR IO81 301 309,176 1027 164 50,704,864 TA7OM 3311 400 6-el DL6WU Brilliant. So much DX on CW. Shed loads. Wound the key to 30wpm and it was like shelling peas. If you don't use CW then you're missing out.  
Overseas 5 TM1W IN88 237 288,279 1216 166 47,854,314 FG8OJ 6270 120 3 x 6 elts    
SF 6 G8X IO80 230 276,691 1203 143 39,566,813 US4MWP 3029 400 7ele @16m Plenty of Es kept it all interesting, but no real DX worked. A shame that when it got quiet, folks reverted to chatroom-derived QSOs.
MO 7 GM2T IO85 227 276,636 1219 140 38,729,040 EA8AQV 3247 400w 7 ele Unfortunately we had a loud buzzing noise 120-210 deg which made weak signals difficult. Sorry if we never heard you. MM0GPZ MM0CCC  
SF 8 G4R IO90 181 212,474 1174 127 26,984,198 R6KA 2839 400W 6-el  
SF 9 MM0C IO75 161 200,975 1248 110 22,107,250 R6KA 2996 400 8 Ele Yagi Terrible on Saturday. Sunday lots better, E's to eastern EU then to the south. Inter G not Good, tnx to all who called.  
Overseas 10 Z31NA KN01 126 173,864 1380 101 17,560,264 G8XVJ/P 2190 50W Hex beam    
MO 11 M0RDK/P IO91 200 164,461 822 103 16,939,483 UX2QL 2676 200 2 x 5element tonna    
6O 12 G5TO/P IO93 174 155,705 895 108 16,816,140 TA7OM 3237 400 5ELE Powabeam Great E's WX Mixed Bag! Overall very Enjoyable :)  
MO 13 G4ALE/P IO90 148 137,299 928 94 12,906,106 TA7OM 3139 100 3 ele LFA YAGI    
MO 14 G3WKS/P JO01 134 123,839 924 93 11,517,027 R6KA 2675 250 7 ele Yagi Some reasonable openings to Balkans and Spain, in spite of heavy rain.  
SF 15 G3MEH IO91 160 125,214 783 85 10,643,190 TA7OM 3149 250 2 x 5el Vargarda Should have set the alarm clock earlier on Sunday.
6S 16 G3Z IO82 103 115,260 1119 89 10,258,140 TA7OM 3292 400 5 ele yagi 6 hours continuous Es  
6S 17 G3Z (G3UKV IO82 102 115,007 1128 88 10,120,616 TA7OM 3291 400 5 ele yagi 6 hours continuous Es !  
SF 18 G4HGI IO83 103 110,360 1071 87 9,601,320 R6KA 2890 25 4 ele Should have got up earlier on Sunday ! CW qso's a refreshing change :-) Thanks to all  
MO 19 M0SNB JO01 139 108,693 782 79 8,586,747 SV2JAO 2086 400 6e beam Limited operating time, good to see some SPe around.  
SF 20 G8ZRE IO83 91 103,694 1139 79 8,191,826 UT7E IN KN78 2679 100 3 ELEMENT YAGI Great contest DX from Ukraine to Spain. Must be my best ever contest score on 50Mhz. Thanks all for points. Dave G8ZRE
Overseas 21 PE1EWR JO11 77 97,708 1269 77 7,523,516 EA8/DM8MM/P 3089 85 4-4EPS6/4    
6S 22 M0BEW IO82 139 98,822 711 74 7,312,828 UW8SM 1949 400 KSC 5EL LFA Qrv Sunday am only. 3.5 hours. Some good Es to enjoy. Many common mults missing. Thanks all.  
SF 23 M0IEP IO91 92 97,946 1065 74 7,248,004 UY1HY 2425 100 5 elemet yagi    
6S 24 M7Z JO02 130 95,737 736 68 6,510,116 Z36W 2013 400 8 ele  
6S 25 GW8ASD IO83 70 78,744 1125 76 5,984,544 Z3A 2303 100 5ele Yagi Poor from the point of UK contacts but ES from many directions. Unfortunately lost TA7OM! But did get one new # in France.  
SF 26 G1B IO93 82 82,330 1004 71 5,845,430 Z3A 2187 100w 8 ele duel band 6/4 hard going with noise but patchy es is better than no es thanks for the points  
SF 27 M0OMB IO83 77 77,855 1011 73 5,683,415 UZ4E 2640 25 3 LFA Poor tropo & weak Es Sat. Sun. Es OK but not as hot here as in 2015 /17.  
SF 28 F1CBC JN09 69 77,699 1126 71 5,516,629 UZ4E 2479 80 5 els yagi Good Conditions and many stations. QRM from EMC !!! 73 at all Philippe  
6S 29 GM4AFF IO86 53 84,754 1599 60 5,085,240 SV2JAO 2529 400 13ele 4/6m dual bander Spectacular condx. Only part time entry - wish I had more time.  
6S 30 M1MHZ IO92 72 85,660 1190 59 5,053,940 UT7E 2498 25 6 ele Lots of fun in this contest! Hard work on the voice. SpE after 1st 2h20m & contd throughout. Chased from shack abt 1800 by v.local T.storm.
6S 31 G0LGS IO81 61 69,845 1145 65 4,539,925 TA7OM 3253 400 4 Ele LFA    
6S 32 G4GFI IO91 86 74,438 866 59 4,391,842 YP0A 2094 400 5 ele Tonna Usual wideband local QRM, generally weak Es and poor tropo. Low level of UK activity.  
6S 33 G4NBS JO02 73 72,160 988 56 4,040,960 YP0A 2099 100 5ele Nice Es Sat but not in shack full time. Sunday QRN to SE and time I was QRV only Dx was to EA for me. Not my best effort!  
6S 34 GM8IEM IO78 50 75,407 1508 51 3,845,757 EA8AQV 3439 400 6 el Vine Right on the fringe of the Es  
6S 35 G3PHO IO93 69 69,618 1009 53 3,689,754 Z3A 2219 200 4+4 el 50/70MHz Difficult to select the right time periods due to Es conditions but I think I might have it right this time. Lots of YO, YU, UT, SP, I etc.  
SF 36 G8ONK IO83 58 63,003 1086 56 3,528,168 Z3A 2330 25 9 ele G0KSC Dualband Very enjoyable. Poor Tropo but good E's  
SF 37 G0OOG IO91 68 62,544 920 51 3,189,744 R6KA 2733 23 3 el OWL Yagi WX lousy but really enjoyed the contest.  
6S 38 G8CUL IO91 81 63,883 789 47 3,002,501 YP0A 2168 200 6 element Slow start but enlivened by some good SpE. Sadly, only managed a few hours due to Grandchildren and our uWRT on the Sunday!  
6O 39 G1KAR/P JO00 89 60,235 677 48 2,891,280 Z3A 1988 400 5 Element Custom Very enjoyable contest with Es for sufficient time to make things interesting. Thanks to all stations we worked.  
SF 40 G0CDA IO83 49 52,425 1070 55 2,883,375 UZ4E 2624 5 3 ele Vine yagi Limited E'S Sat.Glad I was up early Sun Gd Fun on LP.Curtailed at 11utc by Fathers Day event.  
6S 41 G8LZE IO91 57 51,220 899 51 2,612,220 Z3A 2076 25 6 ele DK7ZB Rapidly changing Es for part of Sunday morning - started contest exchanges with one station and finished it with another!  
6S 42 M0BUL IO82 45 53,702 1193 48 2,577,696 YT5R 2083 400 Dipole in garage Giving points away, as I have visitors,then doing a bit of S&P around 3.5 - 4hrs or so, Sat eve, Sun morn. I should of put the beam up!  
6O 43 G3MDG/P IO91 80 56,568 707 41 2,319,288 LZ2T 2098 400 5 ELE TONNA Cdars club entry. Nice Es in afternoon. Wx showers but mainly sunny. Thx for qso's. 73
6S 45 G3SQQ IO93 53 43,063 813 48 2,067,024 UT7E 2569 45 6EL (OF Dual Band) Operated a couple of hours Saturday, glad started early Sunday, no queue's.  
6S 46 G0JCC IO82 37 43,767 1183 43 1,881,981 UZ4E 2665 100 Inverted V    
6S 47 G0ODQ IO91 70 41,993 600 44 1,847,692 LZ2T 2125 90 3 ele of dual Interesting conditions with sporadic E enhancing the score.
6S 48 M7DON IO93 45 42,279 940 40 1,691,160 Z3A 2193 10 4/5 9 Ele Dualband 4/6M Yagi WOW! E's at their finest this weeekend. Enjoyed the contest so much. Thanks to all that I worked.Very best 73's
6O 49 M0YDB/P JO03 36 44,796 1244 35 1,567,860 Z3A 2136 100 5 ele    
6O 50 G0HRS/P JO01 47 41,500 883 37 1,535,500 YT5W 2880 400 6 Element Create CL6DX    
6S 51 G3LKD IO93 37 37,573 1015 39 1,465,347 YT5R 2006 400 5 Elelement LFA    
SF 52 G8NVX IO93 37 33,468 905 39 1,305,252 YT0Z 1877 90 Sotabeam SB6 That was a most pleasant weekends work from home, faith restored to VHF contests and weekends. Thanks all for the points..  
6S 53 M0DDT IO91 53 34,010 642 38 1,292,380 SQ5JUP 1969 400 5ele    
6S 54 G8FMC IO91 48 33,231 692 35 1,163,085 E7TT 1774 100 2el Moxon Lots of Sp-E but poor UK! Did my 6hrs to enter WAB contest as well.  
SF 55 G8EOP IO93 22 32,007 1455 31 992,217 UT7E 2593 100 TriBand Vertical Points to Sheffield & DWS. 73 all Mel
6O 56 M0OSA/M IO93 27 27,836 1031 29 807,244 YR8D 2044 50 Komunica HF-Pro-1 Thanks for all the contacts. Heard 2 GMs but too weak for QSO - I did try.  
SF 57 2E0OUT IO81 25 24,324 973 28 681,072 IT9FXY 1911 50 5 ell yagi only did a few Hrs god fun 73 to all i worked De James  
SF 58 M0TAV IO92 23 23,681 1030 26 615,706 EA6SA 2849 10 5 element lfa only 3 contacts yesterday some E`S helped today  
6O 59 2E0PUT/P IO90 33 19,341 586 29 560,889 YR8D 1955 50 2 ele yagi    
6S 60 G3UVR IO83 26 18,874 726 27 509,598 IS0BSR/IM0 1819 70 2ele DK7ZB A small effort in between work Saturday afternoon, overnight sleep and wet garden Sunday.  
6S 61 G3OVH IO92 28 19,981 714 25 499,525 Z3A 2172 100 3 ele 50 ohm Great bit of Sporadic E in the middle.  
SF 62 2E0KYX IO82 11 34,494 3136 14 482,916 EA5SR 9615 50 GP 2500verticle  
6S 63 G0CER IO82 22 19,747 898 21 414,687 LZ9A 2163 80 5 ele Yagi Short entry in the time I had
6S 64 G0C IO82 22 19,747 898 21 414,687 LZ9A 2163 80 5 ele Yagi Short entry in the time I had. Also replacement entry (requested deletion) due to eronious entry on my none-SCC call. doh.
SF 65 G3TDH IO83 17 16,922 995 22 372,284 EA5SR 1627 100 1/4 wave vertical Amazing what you can work so easily on a simple antenna when conditions are right! Only on for a short time, but great fun.  
6S 66 G3WRA IO82 21 18,458 879 19 350,702 IF9/I2ADN 1960 100 squalo Fantastic condx wish I'd done more than about 2 hours great fun 73s all Stuart Hereford ARS  
6S 67 G0MCV IO92 25 15,087 603 23 347,001 Z3A 2171 100 vertical    
6O 68 G8LNR/A IO81 14 15,098 1078 22 332,156 E7TT 1844 100 4 ele    
6S 69 G6NUM IO93 15 17,265 1151 16 276,240 IS0BSR/IM0 1717 100 5ele windy with some heavy rain showers  
6S 70 2E0MDJ IO81 20 11,798 590 21 247,758 EA5SR 1467 50 5Ele Tonna    
6S 71 G8VPE JO02 11 15,024 1366 16 240,384 Z3A 2005 100 Wet spaghetti dipole    
6S 72 G3OMB JO01 11 12,530 1139 16 200,480 Z3A 1986 100 Vertical Periodic good conditions. Some Sporadic E at times, some awful QSB where S9 signals drops to nothing within seconds. Fun band to operate.  
6S 73 G2U IO91 14 9,434 674 13 122,642 Z3A 2132 100 Butternut HF9V    
6S 74 G0BWG IO93 5 5,794 1159 9 52,146 YR8D 2008 10 Watson W2000 Vertical    
SF 75 M3P IO91 18 3,367 187 15 50,505 GM4ZUK/P 600 100 6 element Token entry only due to family commitments. Thanks for the points. Harwell ARS  
6S 76 G1MZD IO92 10 5,001 500 9 45,009 EA5SR 1476 32 Inverted V G5RV Limited time with anniversary & fathers day hence G5RV, pleased to get a few EU.  
SF 77 GM4IGS IO75 4 5,367 1342 6 32,202 IZ4DPV 1728 50 Delta loop Lots of stations active via E's but only managed to work 4! See you on VHF NFD under GM3HAM/P 73's Mike  
6S 78 2E0SFI IO91 10 2,981 298 7 20,867 EA5SR 1428 30 RANDOM WIRE    
6S 79 M0AAG IO91 10 425 42 4 1,700 G1KAR/P 104 20 Half wave dipole    
6S 80 G1ZJP IO92 3 351 117 3 1,053 G8LZE 146 25 6 ele Checklog Only.  
6S 81 M0MFX IO91 6 273 46 3 819 G8T 72 50 1/2 wave dipole - aluminium rod, homebrew    
MO 82 F8KWW JN37 124 130,408 1052 1 130,408 EA8/DM8MM/P 3016 120 5 elem  

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