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V8.41 by G4CLA

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21/10/24 70MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 50MHz UKAC

10 Oct (92 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 GM3WOJ IO77 88 65,893 749 21500 87,393 SP9HWY 1718 600 6ele Unusually good auroral condx which lasted for the whole event. Thanks for the QSOs! 73 Chris GM3WOJ
AR 2 GM4JTJ IO86 64 32,650 510 12000 44,650 SK0CT 1251 100 5el yagi HB Auroral conditions all evening, noise levels reasonable.
AO 3 GI4SNA IO64 77 29,281 380 12500 41,781 OZ1BEF 980 300 7 Ele Yagi G4CQM    
AR 4 G4CLA IO92 105 26,778 255 14000 40,778 SM0KAK 1415 100 6ele Great aurora conditions for most of the contest.  
AO 5 G4ASR IO81 101 27,675 274 13000 40,675 SK0CT 1554 400 6-el DL6WU Great Aurora. 10 DXCC inc.15xGM & 5xOZ. Started on CW and then moved to SSB. Noise floor very low. Tropo was abysmal. Nice visuals later
AL 6 GW1YBB/P IO81 103 26,605 258 13500 40,105 OZ7CQ 974 10 6 ele homebrew AU made it varied. No CW crazyiness for me, all SSB. thanks for all QSOs,Steve  
AR 7 G3TBK/P IO93 85 24,466 288 13000 37,466 YL2GD 1804 100 6 el Aurora good at start, soon faded. Then high noise and qsb. No chat-room nor mgm.  
AR 8 MW0LKX/P IO82 97 22,212 229 12000 34,212 OZ1JMN 932 80 Vine Eagle 6M6 Great bit of aurora on the radio and visually, frozen guys on tear down. Thanks for all QSO's 73 Wayne
AO 9 G3TCT IO81 56 19,216 343 13000 32,216 SM5EPO 1580 800 5ele M2 Great AU but hard to work some on cw with lots of time spent trying!  
AO 10 G4LPP JO02 47 17,178 365 11000 28,178 YL2GD 1693 400 3ele beam Nice Aurora throughout. Thanks for the QSOs. 73, Phil  
AR 11 G7LRQ/P IO91 99 16,811 170 10500 27,311 OV3T 824 100 5 elementi Conditions difficult at time with aurora and high noise.  
AO 12 GM4DIJ/P IO74 45 15,805 351 11000 26,805 SK6EI 1209 250 5 element spent too long watching the Au rather than working it. I could do with being a better op too.  
AO 13 G4BRK IO91 44 14,565 331 10500 25,065 SM5EPO 1477 400 4 el Strong aurora earlier but weakened at the start - looks like it improved again later. Nice to see so much CW.  
AR 14 G4ODA IO92 54 13,837 256 11000 24,837 SM4AXY 1180 100 5el M2 I guess bits of that were fun but hard to bk pile ups at times. Do wish on Au CW stations would spread out a little.  
AR 15 G0CNN/P IO94 57 13,474 236 10500 23,974 OZ1BEF 736 100 Innovantennas 5 Ele OP-DES Lovely aurora. Which way to point or do you watch?! Never seen so many cars passing by... Thanks for all the calls! Unassisted.
AR 16 GW6UAJ/P IO81 62 12,220 197 9000 21,220 GM3WOJ 675 100 5 ele site poor to the north, so struggled in the Au pile ups. poor tropo. cold still night.  
AR 17 G3XDY JO02 38 10,396 274 9000 19,396 SM4AXY 1174 100 3 ele LFA Yagi Nice aurora, shame about all the noise which makes receive so difficult.  
AR 18 GD8EXI IO74 37 10,368 280 9000 19,368 PC0A 796 90 8 ele G4CQM Working local stations by aurora was strange but at least I got some GMs in spite of my SSW facing hillside QTH.
AR 19 G8CUL IO91 63 9,703 154 9000 18,703 IQ5MS 1186 100 11 element interlaced Lots of AU reflections on both CW and SSB. Only one digimode QSO though. Harwell ARS.  
AR 20 G0SKA IO91 68 9,071 133 9000 18,071 OV3T 839 100 6 ele Powabeam Great aurora but tropo was poor and hard work.Pity my CW not up to contests!. Thanks for all QSOs
AR 21 2E0OUT IO81 37 9,379 253 7500 16,879 SA5ACR 1415 100 13ell duel still no rotator fixed north stillo Arora made some new squares 73 all  
AL 22 G6HPR/P IO92 68 8,280 122 7500 15,780 PC0A 528 10 3 ele home brew    
AO 23 M1ABK IO92 33 7,611 231 8000 15,611 OV3T 720 400 5 Element LFA Some nice Auroral contacts made it interesting - high noise level accompanied it which made it more challenging Thanks for the contacts  
AR 24 M0GHZ IO81 37 7,103 192 8500 15,603 GM3WOJ 715 100 5 ele Some good auroral contacts but time consuming. Poor later on in the evening but low noise. 73 David & Pete  
AR 25 G0ODQ IO91 59 7,934 134 7500 15,434 GM4VVX 733 100 3 ele of dual  
AR 26 GW8ASD IO83 39 7,705 198 7500 15,205 OZ1JMN 895 100 5ele Yagi Poor tropo and, seemingly, on the edge of aurora.  
AR 27 F4HRD JO00 34 9,717 286 5000 14,717 GM4VVX 883 80 YAGI 4 ELEMENTS  
AR 28 G8SEI IO92 48 7,242 151 7000 14,242 IQ5MS 1277 100 6 ele g4cqm noise plus aurora made it sooo much fun .. thanks everyone 73  
AO 29 G5ROC IO93 46 7,338 160 6000 13,338 GM4VVX 568 100 4 EL BEAM    
AR 30 G3MEH IO91 60 6,257 104 7000 13,257 GI4SNA 474 100 PA5070-7-3  
AR 31 GW4ZAR IO83 32 5,720 179 7500 13,220 GM3WOJ 509 100 3ele OWL That was different! I suspect a few UBNs though. Thanks for the contacts, reflected or otherwise .. 73 .. Dave  
AR 32 GM3TAL IO86 20 7,087 354 6000 13,087 G4ELJ 554 50 MOXON AURORA 30 DEG BEAM HEADING  
AR 33 G3YDY JO01 35 6,632 189 6000 12,632 IQ5MS 1108 100 2 Ele    
AR 34 G8FMC IO91 42 5,498 131 7000 12,498 GM3WOJ 682 100 3 ele of dual-band Worked some regulars via AR! Did get 2 x GM though which is rare from here.  
AR 35 G8ZRE IO83 41 5,944 145 6000 11,944 GM3WOJ 516 100 3 Element Yagi Good AU into GM.Missed a couple of stns to S/E.IO93 worked at 2101 for 1st time.Tks all for points .Dave G8ZRE.
AR 36 G3SGC JO02 23 5,657 246 6000 11,657 GI4SNA 542 50 7 ele Difficult tonight, expect UBNs. Thanks for all QSOs Graham  
AR 37 G8REQ IO83 36 5,401 150 6000 11,401 GM3WOJ 496 100 H/B 3 Ele DK7ZB Interesting session with the AU, but noise levels higher and knowing where to point ant. 73..  
AR 38 G4YPC IO91 41 5,363 131 6000 11,363 GM4JTJ 608 90 6 ele Yagi Great Aurora but new noise source nearby to NNW making this band even more difficult. Tnks QSOs/tries. 73. Points to Guildford DRS  
AR 39 GM4PPT IO75 19 5,825 307 5500 11,325 PC0A 822 80 5ele Tonna  
AL 40 G0FEH/P IO92 35 4,656 133 6000 10,656 GM4VVX 681 10 Moxon Hard work tonight, had to try CW in desparation! Sorry folks on the receiving end!! Tnx for the qsos, cheers, Dave
AL 41 G3SQQ IO93 40 5,274 132 5000 10,274 GM4JTJ 403 10 6EL (OF Dual Band) Noise started a little later, so lost some southern stations.  
AR 42 G8IQL IO90 33 4,202 127 6000 10,202 GM4JTJ 638 100 3el innovantennas dual band Fun evenings - tks for the QSOs esp GM4JTJ. Pts to Guildford & DRS  
AR 43 G4CSD/P IO91 29 4,540 157 5500 10,040 PC0A 562 80 3-ele    
AR 44 G4EPA IO92 38 4,345 114 5500 9,845 GM3WOJ 632 100 3 element    
AL 45 G0NZI/P IO92 25 3,503 140 5500 9,003 GM3WOJ 607 10 Hentenna Interesting conditions and some visual aurora too! Thanks for all the QSO's!
AR 46 G1HLT IO93 26 3,419 132 5500 8,919 GM4JTJ 399 100 3 el Some nice AU contacts should have spent more time doing that. Band very spiky and noisy.
AR 47 G3YOA JO02 16 4,330 271 4500 8,830 GM3WOJ 648 100 6 ele G4CQM Noisy night, Thanks for points to Bittern Dx Group  
AL 48 G1MZD IO92 29 3,511 121 5000 8,511 GM3WOJ 668 10 4 ele G4CQM Interesting night hard going to be heard into the Aurora but some success. tnx. Dave  
AL 49 M0SLO/P IO92 27 3,483 129 5000 8,483 GM4VVX 645 10 6m Moxon Same as a normal 6m contest - with a few nice aurora QSOs bolted on! Thanks stations in Scotland and the Netherlands!  
AL 50 G4GFI IO91 30 3,345 112 5000 8,345 GM4JTJ 613 10 5 ele Tonna A challenging night with high noise & QRM and attempting aurora contacts with QRP.  
AR 51 M0UHF IO91 30 3,720 124 4500 8,220 GM4VVX 736 50 5070OWA9    
AR 52 PE1EWR JO11 13 4,247 327 3000 7,247 GM4VVX 887 80 4-4EPS/4 Surprised by Au, head 2 more GM’s but couldn’t raise them, pity! Thanks to those that tried but couldn’t complete.
AR 53 G3OVH IO92 27 2,712 100 4500 7,212 GM4JTJ 453 100 5 ele Tonna Aurora and pileups  
AR 54 G4EFT IO91 35 3,561 102 3500 7,061 GM4VVX 790 100 WiMo Big Wheel Interesting evening condition wise with the appearance of Aurora. Tnx for QSO's. 73 Phil  
AR 55 G3YKI IO82 23 2,449 106 4500 6,949 GI4SNA 321 50 Dipole    
AO 56 G6AD IO92 25 2,934 117 4000 6,934 GM4JTJ 469 300 Hexbeam Interesting Aurora to the north. Battled with the usual high noise floor at the home QTH. Early finish.  
AR 57 M0TZM IO82 13 2,382 183 4500 6,882 GM3WOJ 571 50 5 element yagi    
AL 58 M0WBG IO83 15 1,975 132 4500 6,475 GM4JTJ 364 10 3 Ele Yagi    
AR 59 F1CBC JN09 17 3,651 215 2500 6,151 GM4JTJ 803 80 5 els Yagi Strange conditions with Aurora, QSB, QRM, big Noise beamed North,73 Philippe.  
AO 60 G4ILI IO81 11 3,080 280 3000 6,080 GM3WOJ 666 400 4 element Only on for a hour or so. Lots of GM A but little else here. High band noise. 73 & TNX Grant Hereford ARS  
AR 61 G4DZL IO92 18 2,036 113 4000 6,036 GM3WOJ 585 50 moxon  
AL 62 G8OVZ/P IO92 22 2,438 111 3500 5,938 MW0LKX/P 216 10 4 ele yagi Good to hear & see Aurora, but an awful night for radio  
AR 63 G4YUP IO90 13 2,386 184 3500 5,886 GM4JTJ 641 100 dipole    
AR 64 G0JSB IO83 13 1,657 127 4000 5,657 GM4JTJ 364 100 DIPOLE ATTIC    
AR 65 G3TDH IO83 14 1,647 118 4000 5,647 GI4SNA 288 100 Dipole in loft Better than expected with loft dipole, but could not raise any AU CW stations! Thanks for being patient and for QSOs, 73-Reg  
AL 66 G0GDA JO01 17 2,495 147 3000 5,495 GM4JTJ 622 10 Hex Just did over the hour, great to work into 86. other sigs not very gd.  
AR 67 G6VGG IO82 18 1,884 105 3500 5,384 GI4SNA 362 75 Yagi    
AR 68 G4SSW IO92 17 1,875 110 3500 5,375 GM3WOJ 629 40 2 element Moxon Thanks for all the QSO's!  
AR 69 M0HPI/P IO91 29 2,366 82 2500 4,866 G5ROC 229 100 Horizontal dipole    
AR 70 G7FSD IO92 15 1,364 91 3500 4,864 GM4JTJ 465 100 Hexbeam hard work thanks to all who worked me  
AR 71 G7WIR JO01 21 2,177 104 2500 4,677 GW1YBB/P 233 100 Cobwebb Don't often do this contest and not too convinced by the Cobwebb's performance but I managed to keep myself amused for a while.  
AR 72 G8TZJ IO84 8 1,616 202 3000 4,616 GM3WOJ 426 100 Dipole    
AR 73 G4PFZ JO02 12 1,940 162 2500 4,440 GI4SNA 527 100 6 ele beam More work needed on the remote set-up!  
AR 74 G8KQH IO91 20 1,748 87 2500 4,248 GW1YBB/P 190 100 HB9CV    
AR 75 G8FCQ IO92 9 1,184 132 2500 3,684 GM4JTJ 459 100 5 ele dual 50/70    
AL 76 G4YSS/P IO84 8 1,242 155 2000 3,242 GW1YBB/P 254 5 Dipole for 20m SOTA G/NP-010 Pen-y-Ghent. Overnight summit camp. 5W to 20m Band Dipole token effort. Thanks for the QSOs. 73, John  
AR 77 G5MW JO01 15 1,163 78 2000 3,163 G4ASR 252 30 dipole Long QSB, occasional auroral sound. Puzzled by barely audible stations hearing me at 59... A better night :-)  
AL 78 G5IIA IO92 13 919 71 2000 2,919 GW6UAJ/P 161 10 Dipole    
AR 79 G4DYC JO02 8 609 76 2000 2,609 GW6UAJ/P 302 90 indoor 2el hb9cv fixed    
AR 80 G0PQF JO01 7 572 82 2000 2,572 G3TCT 208 100 HB9CV Just last 45 min or so. Noise level on this band is making it difficult to use.  
AL 81 M1EYP/P IO83 5 457 91 2000 2,457 GW1YBB/P 155 0.5 SOTAbeams SB5 - 5Y SOTA The Cloud G/SP-015. Cable failure meant no external battery. So just 5 QSOs on 0.5 watts and an early finish. Which meant I missed t  
AR 82 G0MHZ IO91 11 625 57 1500 2,125 GW1YBB/P 161 95 1/2 wave rotating dipole    
AR 83 2E0JPO IO91 7 370 53 1500 1,870 G3TBK/P 126 100 Moonraker 6m 5 ele Yagi    
AR 84 G6TXB JO01 4 228 57 1500 1,728 G3XDY 92 80 Fixed dipole in attic    
AR 85 G8FRS IO91 10 662 66 1000 1,662 G3MEH 92 100 Halo    
AR 86 G1VNB IO92 10 389 39 1000 1,389 G5ROC 156 100 moxon    
AR 87 G7ICV JO01 7 363 52 1000 1,363 G8CUL 125 50 Moxon 50/70 by eantenna    
AR 88 G8DMN IO81 3 281 94 1000 1,281 G4CLA 175 90 Yagi 3 ele Not on the air for long tonight. Interesting aurora.  
AR 89 M7CDF JO01 7 250 36 1000 1,250 G3MEH 79 25 Hex Beam    
AR 90 G0BIX JO01 3 180 60 1000 1,180 G3MEH 94 50 88ft EFLW What do you mean an 88ft eflw won't tune on 6m?!  
AL 91 G4NMD IO91 6 155 26 500 655 G7LRQ/P 76 10 HF Dipole Hampered by need for low power and poor antenna this evening.  
AL 92 G8OMB IO92 7 105 15 500 605 G6HPR/P 41 10 offset dipole    

12 Sep (93 scores)

8 Aug (102 scores)

11 Jul (100 scores)

13 Jun (115 scores)

9 May (110 scores)

11 Apr (110 scores)

14 Mar (101 scores)

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