Claimed Scores 2024
  6616 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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26/07/24 70MHz Trophy
26/07/24 SHF UKAC 5.7 GHz
26/07/24 SHF UKAC 10 GHz
26/07/24 SHF UKAC 3.4 GHz
25/07/24 70MHz UKAC
25/07/24 SHF UKAC 2.3 GHz
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Claimed scores for 50MHz UKAC

11 Jul (100 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G4ASR IO81 104 26,916 259 15500 42,416 IZ8DSX 1807 400 6-el DL6WU 31 squares & 12 DXCC inc. 5xGM, 2xON, 3xF, EI,GI,GU,PE. IQ5MS, IZ8DSX( I thought he was long SSB MS), SM5CUI, SM5EPO & YL2AO. Good MS!
AO 2 GI4SNA IO64 83 29,878 360 10500 40,378 G4LPP 537 300 7 Ele Yagi G4CQM    
AR 3 G4CLA IO92 126 24,114 191 14000 38,114 IZ8DSX 1748 100 6ele Good activity tonight and a surprise Es QSO.  
AL 4 GW1YBB/P IO81 105 20,210 192 12500 32,710 ON5CD 542 10 6 ele homebrew no magic on this band tonight! But wideband man made QRN all night instead.Also a strong CW CQ station for ages on QRG. thanks all,Steve  
AR 5 MW0LKX/P IO82 93 16,926 182 11500 28,426 ON5CD 554 80 Vine Eagle 6M6 Rained on setup, rained on tear down, soon be summer!!! Heavy QSB with all, really tough going, Thanks for all QSO's 73 Wayne
AR 6 G3TBK/P IO93 87 13,898 160 10500 24,398 EI8KN 465 100 6 el Average in most directions but poor to south.  
AR 7 G7LRQ/P IO91 102 14,508 142 9500 24,008 GM4JTJ 552 100 5 element    
AR 8 G4ODA IO92 66 11,178 169 11000 22,178 GM4JTJ 458 100 5el M2 Hearing better than being heard. Es to OH/SM gone by start  
AR 9 G0CNN/P IO94 65 14,036 216 8000 22,036 2E0VCC/P 446 100 Innovantennas 5 Ele OP-DES Standard fare, but not lightening-offed like just before 70cm start, so bonus! Thanks for all the calls.
AR 10 GW6UAJ/P IO81 69 11,795 171 9000 20,795 PE1EWR 462 90 5 ele flat band, dry, but overcast  
AR 11 G8SEI IO92 55 10,296 187 10000 20,296 YL2AO 1588 100 6 ele g4cqm horrible noise , rain and pulses 73 all thanks for having a bash , jeff  
AO 12 GW0RHC IO71 56 11,946 213 8000 19,946 G4LPP 420 100 7 ELE    
AR 13 2E0VCC/P IO70 45 11,524 256 8000 19,524 GM4DIJ/P 470 75 4 ele Struggled Tonight, North Very Challenging, QSB Long, Dry Set Up, Rain Arrived Later, Thank You All, 73 Darrell  
AO 14 G3SED IO90 61 11,168 183 7000 18,168 GM4JTJ 645 100 7 element yagi Only operated for part of contest to enable IO90 square.  
AO 15 G3TCT IO81 54 9,083 168 8500 17,583 GI4SNA 444 800 5ele M2 Mediocre conditions  
AL 16 G0EAK/P IO93 56 8,987 160 8500 17,487 2E0VCC/P 389 10 5 ele Powabeam Very average condx and deep slow qsb. Thanks for all the repeats.  
AR 17 GW8ASD IO83 50 8,269 165 8500 16,769 GM4JTJ 400 100 5ele Yagi Flat conditions, usual noise problems.  
AR 18 M0GHZ IO81 51 7,654 150 8500 16,154 GI4SNA 429 100 5 ele Conditions seemed quite flat tonght  
AR 19 G3MEH IO91 69 7,906 115 8000 15,906 GI4SNA 474 100 PA5070-7-3  
AO 20 G4LPP JO02 43 8,880 207 7000 15,880 GI4SNA 537 400 3ele beam Bad condx. Thanks for QSOs. 73, Phil  
AL 21 M0LLW/P IO93 57 9,011 158 6500 15,511 2E0VCC/P 392 10 9 ele m0zmf delta beam steady night but good to be back again, thanks to all those that called me , hope to be out on 4 mtrs Andrea  
AR 22 G0SKA IO91 61 7,089 116 8000 15,089 GI4SNA 472 100 6 ele Powabeam pretty flat with QSB.
AL 23 G6HPR/P IO92 69 8,367 121 6500 14,867 GI4SNA 398 10 3ele Good night and a nice quiet band for me, thanks for all the calls and meeps. 73 AL  
AO 24 GM4DIJ/P IO74 28 7,829 280 7000 14,829 G3YOA 471 250 5 element Condx fair, but a lot of noise .Forgot cw key adapter :(  
AR 25 G3WAG/P IO82 56 7,428 133 7000 14,428 GI4SNA 352 100 4 Element DK7ZB Flat conditions,nice weather again. Thanks for all the contacts. 73 Derek  
AR 26 G4NBS JO02 58 7,806 135 6500 14,306 GI4SNA 478 100 5ele Not as good as June! Less noise than usual in some directions so signals seemed better but QSB a problem. CW helps cut through the QRN :-)
AR 27 G4YPC IO91 51 6,980 137 7000 13,980 GI4SNA 513 100 6 ele Yagi 2nd best 6m 2024. Enjoyable evening through the noise. 73 all. Points to Guildford  
AR 28 G8ZRE IO83 36 7,017 195 6000 13,017 2E0OUT 184 100 15 Element Yagi QSB,TKS DIJ/P IO74 & LPP for JO02 last 4 mins.Good 1st hour 24 QSO`s 12 in last 90mins. Tks all for points. Dave G8ZRE
AR 29 G3YDY JO01 23 7,503 326 5500 13,003 SP8SN 1517 100 2 ele LFA    
AR 30 G8GYX IO91 49 6,396 131 6000 12,396 GI4SNA 530 100 3 ele HB noisy band and qrm from neighbours Lan feed and a strong station splattering up to +- 50k points to cats  
AR 31 G3YOA JO02 23 5,950 259 6000 11,950 GI4SNA 523 100 6 ele G4CQM Noisy conditions , Thanks for points to Bittern Dx Group  
AR 32 G8FMC IO91 48 5,068 106 6500 11,568 GI4SNA 448 100 3 ele of dual-band Poor cond. Noise not too bad at start, but got much worse as time went on & darkness fell!  
AR 33 F4HRD JO00 27 7,021 260 4000 11,021 GW4SHF 411 80 YAGI 4 ELEMENTS  
AR 34 G1HLT IO93 35 4,299 123 6500 10,799 GI4SNA 353 100 3 el Lots of noise. Near miss with IZ8DSX at 2044, several other failures. Tnx all for tries and repeats. Ears in recovery!  
AL 35 G8OVZ/P JO01 30 4,454 148 6000 10,454 GI4SNA 500 10 4 ele yagi    
AL 36 G4GFI IO91 31 4,165 134 6000 10,165 GI4SNA 530 10 5 ele Tonna No Es normal tropo but low s2 noise (usually s9). Neighbour must have gone on hols!  
AR 37 G4PFZ JO02 33 5,148 156 5000 10,148 GI4SNA 527 100 5 ele beam all dried up an hour from the end so finished early. 73 all  
AL 38 M1EYP/P IO83 35 4,478 128 5500 9,978 2E0VCC/P 325 5 SOTAbeams SB6 (Moxon) SOTA activation from The Cloud G/SP-015. Poor conditions resulting in early QRT.  
AO 39 M0WLF IO81 36 5,426 151 4500 9,926 GI4SNA 416 400 7 ELE    
AO 40 M1ABK IO92 35 4,228 121 5500 9,728 GI4SNA 419 400 5 Element LFA Pretty Flat this time from this QTH, thanks for the contacts - Chris  
AR 41 G0UUU/P IO94 20 4,661 233 5000 9,661 G3SED 371 100 3 ele A difficult evening. Thanks for the QSOs. 73, Phil.  
AR 42 G8REQ IO83 28 3,554 127 6000 9,554 GM4CXM 299 70 Dipole Only had dipole rigged again so a noisy and average score. Tnx for your patience..73.  
AR 43 MW0OMB IO81 26 3,945 152 5500 9,445 G0CNN/P 325 45 3 LFA Cdx not so great and a noisy band, gets a bit tiresome by the end. Needed repeats on some QSOs due to noise & QSB but o'all not too bad. 73  
AR 44 G3TKF IO81 30 3,436 115 6000 9,436 GI4SNA 423 80 Dipole n/s Pretty awful condx for me - managed to cut the lawn and watch the tennis though - early finish I'm afraid . Thanks for the QSOs to all !  
AL 45 G1MZD/P IO92 30 3,308 110 6000 9,308 2E0VCC/P 297 10 4 ele G4CQM Very noisey to NE and deep QSB did not help, some UBN's quite possible. tnx. Dave  
AR 46 EI8KN IO62 14 4,611 329 4500 9,111 G3TBK/P 465 100 5 elements 75 minutes only.  
AL 47 G8IQL IO90 25 3,108 124 6000 9,108 G4LPP 267 10 3 el Poor conditions worsened with time. Thanks to GW4SHF and G4LPP for their patience with my CW  
AR 48 M0NVS IO91 28 3,256 116 5500 8,756 GI4SNA 485 100 5 Ele Tonna Nice WX had time to put up the 5 ele which gave a few more qso's than usual, no SpE heard-( 73 Phil
AR 49 M0UHF IO91 26 3,701 142 5000 8,701 GI4SNA 451 50 5070OWA9    
AR 50 G3OVH IO92 31 3,184 103 5500 8,684 GI4SNA 382 100 5ELE tonna Noisy band. More Welsh station tonight.  
AL 51 G0FEH/P IO92 33 3,645 110 5000 8,645 GI4SNA 408 10 Moxon A real struggle tonight. Thanks to all for taking the time to pick me out of the noise!
AL 52 M7DQO IO92 31 3,611 116 5000 8,611 GI4SNA 443 10 4 element yagi    
AR 53 M0HOM IO93 15 3,111 207 5000 8,111 GI4SNA 368 50 5el LFA Yagi    
AR 54 G4EPA IO92 30 3,060 102 5000 8,060 GI4SNA 405 100 3 element Awful night, terrible noise, flat band.  
AR 55 G0GJV IO91 31 2,901 94 5000 7,901 GW0RHC 243 100 3 ele LFA    
AL 56 G3SQQ IO93 33 3,379 102 4500 7,879 GI4SNA 355 10 6EL (OF Dual Band) Dreadful noise south after 30min, apologies to all usual south stations.  
AR 57 GW4ZAR IO83 26 3,164 122 4500 7,664 G7LRQ/P 241 100 3 ele OWL Thanks for contacts .. Just the first 90 minutes as local interference, QSB and band conditions got the upper hand .. 73 .. Dave  
AR 58 2E0OUT IO81 21 3,003 143 4500 7,503 GI4SNA 417 100 13ell duel poor night. late on. and only on for 1 Hr very poor cond. sorry to stations i normally work. 73 de James  
AR 59 G4CSD/P IO91 28 3,498 125 4000 7,498 M0LLW/P 238 60 3-ele    
AR 60 F1CBC JN09 18 4,473 248 3000 7,473 MW0LKX/P 393 80 5 els Yagi Very bad conditions, Noise, QRM and QSB... Thanks for QSO.73 Philippe..  
AR 61 GM4PPT IO75 11 2,962 269 4500 7,462 GW1YBB/P 399 80 5ele Tonna Omly on for the last hour.
AR 62 G4KQY JO02 20 3,461 173 4000 7,461 GI4SNA 522 100 5 ele yagi all sigs weak this evening. 73 all  
AL 63 G0NZI/P IO92 20 2,412 121 5000 7,412 GI4SNA 363 10 2 element telescopic yagi Absolute dire conditions! Took a big risk on 10W! Thanks for all the QSO's!
AR 64 G4FEV IO92 26 2,721 105 4500 7,221 GW0RHC 269 100 4ele yagi    
AR 65 G8TZJ IO84 13 2,280 175 4500 6,780 GM4CXM 236 100 Dipole    
AR 66 G0JSB IO83 18 2,080 116 4500 6,580 G7LRQ/P 253 100 Indoor dipole    
AR 67 G6VGG IO82 27 2,818 104 3500 6,318 GI4SNA 362 70 Yagi    
AL 68 G0GDA JO01 13 2,196 169 3500 5,696 GW4SHF 313 10 Bit of wire on a Hex Beam Weak Sigs, Just did a hour  
AR 69 G4SSW IO92 18 1,995 111 3500 5,495 GI4SNA 397 50 2 ele moxon LOCAL QRM (WHENT TRACKING LAST 20MIN ) TKS FER POINTS  
AR 70 2E0VPX IO92 16 1,953 122 3500 5,453 GI4SNA 415 100 4 element yagi Terrible conditions here S9+ of noise in several directions. Abandoned with 30mins to go. :(  
AR 71 PE1EWR JO11 10 3,355 336 2000 5,355 GW1YBB/P 463 65 4-4EPS6/4  
AL 72 M0WBG IO83 14 1,458 104 3500 4,958 GI4SNA 229 10 3 Ele Yagi    
AR 73 G7LMJ IO90 17 1,823 107 2500 4,323 GW4SHF 267 100 5 Element Yagi Good start but no JO squares tonight? Finished early due to the noise. TNX everyone.  
AR 74 G0PQF/P JO02 12 1,268 106 3000 4,268 G4ASR 252 100 Dipole Heard more stations than I worked. Thanks for the QSO's.  
AR 75 M0TBQ IO82 11 1,116 101 3000 4,116 GI4SNA 313 100 MLP-62 Log Periodic qsb & noise gave up just after nine  
AR 76 G4YSS/P IO94 6 1,352 225 2500 3,852 GI4SNA 364 100 3 ele    
AL 77 M0XAC IO81 15 1,279 85 2500 3,779 G3TBK/P 173 10 3 ele dual band    
AR 78 G0MHZ IO91 17 1,203 71 2500 3,703 GW4SHF 199 90 Rotating 1/2wave dipole    
AR 79 G7ICV JO01 10 1,193 119 2500 3,693 GW1YBB/P 262 100 Moxon 50/70 by eantenna Last 55mins. Conditions picked up in the last 30mins  
AR 80 G5MW JO01 13 1,078 83 2500 3,578 G4ASR 252 19 5ele Fairly stable conditions. Many weak stations. Enjoyable - nice weather :-).  
AR 81 G8DMN IO81 8 1,054 132 2500 3,554 GI4SNA 443 90 Yagi 3 ele Just a short time on. Tnx to all.  
AR 82 G8KQH IO91 14 1,343 96 2000 3,343 M0LLW/P 229 100 HB9CV Luck was against me tonight! Thanks all for the QSOs de Owen, Guildford & DRS.  
AR 83 G4JED JO01 7 520 74 2500 3,020 G3TCT 199 100 4 ele Yagi Only on for last 20mins, general high QRN, S6 when beaming North  
AR 84 M0IAM IO91 10 913 91 2000 2,913 GW4SHF 249 100 4 ele DK7ZB Just on for the last 43 minutes of the contest.  
AL 85 G0GGU IO92 14 876 63 2000 2,876 GW1YBB/P 153 10 Dipole    
AR 86 2E0JPO IO91 9 699 78 2000 2,699 GW1YBB/P 183 100 Moonraker 6m 5 ele Yagi just on for the last hour  
AR 87 G4YUP IO90 7 597 85 2000 2,597 G4CLA 172 100 dipole Difficult to work the few I could hear due to very high noise  
AR 88 G0TAR JO01 9 571 63 2000 2,571 G6CLA 174 50 3 ele    
AR 89 GW8TVX IO71 4 456 114 2000 2,456 G4CLA 215 100 4EL Yagi Condx flat and noisy this side of the UK.  
AR 90 G6GDI IO91 11 505 46 1500 2,005 G4ASR 156 80 CLP5130-1 LOG PERIODIC Lots of QRM Many thx for the qsos  
AL 91 M0TAV IO92 8 439 55 1500 1,939 GW1YBB/P 122 10 4 element DUAL s9 - 60 noise stuck beaming east still s7 noise, hope to get well soon o go out/p  
AR 92 G6TXB JO01 8 370 46 1500 1,870 G4CLA 174 80 Dipole    
AR 93 G0BIX JO01 6 263 44 1500 1,763 G4CLA 174 50 Painterpole dipole    
AR 94 G8FRS IO91 7 494 71 1000 1,494 G4CLA 98 100 Dipole    
AR 95 G8VPE JO02 6 420 70 1000 1,420 G4CLA 193 100 Wire Dipole Very noisy with lots of static crashes. Hoping to swap my wire dipole for a 3el beam for next month's event.  
AR 96 GW4OKT IO83 4 329 82 1000 1,329 GI4SNA 247 100 V2000 VERTICAL    
AR 97 G3ZWR IO94 2 245 122 1000 1,245 G3TBK/P 228 45 3ele dual band 1.5 hrs noise new solar panels few doors away I suspect. sorry if I missed anyone. Thanks for points. I think my Home operations are limited  
AR 98 G1VNB IO92 5 178 36 1000 1,178 G3TBK/P 87 100 moxon GAVE UP TONIGHT S-8 OF NOISE AT MY QTH  
AR 99 M1AFQ JO02 4 146 36 1000 1,146 G4KQY 112 100 6M DIPOLE    
AR 100 M0HPI IO91 4 104 26 500 604 G3MEH 56 20 Vertical Groundplane    

13 Jun (115 scores)

9 May (110 scores)

11 Apr (110 scores)

14 Mar (101 scores)

8 Feb (103 scores)

11 Jan (119 scores)

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