Claimed Scores 2024
  10194 claimed scores
V8.42 by G4CLA

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08:38 144MHz UKAC
06/12/24 144MHz FT8 AC (2 hours)
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05/12/24 144MHz FT8 AC (4 hours)
29/11/24 SHF UKAC 10 GHz
28/11/24 70MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 50MHz UKAC

14 Nov (98 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G4FZN/P IO94 124 30,231 244 12500 42,731 G7RAU 546 350 6 element A very enjoyable contest. The band noise was very low and conditions were good and stable. Thanks for the QSOs.
AO 2 GI4SNA IO64 84 30,810 367 10000 40,810 F1CBC 690 300 7 Ele Yagi G4CQM    
AO 3 G4ASR IO81 105 25,523 243 14500 40,023 OH0AZX 1717 400 6-el DL6WU Yagi 29 Squares, 15 DXCC inc. YL2AO (1705 km), IZ0DHC (1552 km), S51DI(1488 km), OV3T (935 km). Noise floor low, tropo good to the east.
AL 4 GW1YBB/P IO81 117 24,512 210 13500 38,012 OV3T 947 10 6 ele homebrew quite good conditions & great flying start. Dried up after 90 mins,I quit at 10:15 as dead.Thanks all,Steve  
AR 5 G0CNN/P IO94 94 22,866 243 10000 32,866 F1CBC 548 100 Innovantennas 5 Ele OP-DES Good conditions with a band full of very strong signals. Cold, dry & still. Thanks for all the calls! Unassisted.
AR 6 GW6UAJ/P IO81 110 20,421 186 12000 32,421 PA1BVM 592 100 5 ele sirio clear still night, super low band noise...except for the usual QRM to the East.  
AR 7 G7LRQ/P IO91 107 16,938 158 13000 29,938 GM4JTJ 552 100 5 ele    
AR 8 G3TBK/P IO93 112 18,591 166 11000 29,591 EI3JE 518 100 6 el Good at start especially to West, average later. Unassisted. Clear, cold night.  
AR 9 2E0VCC/P IO70 64 17,798 278 8500 26,298 G4LPP 476 100 4 ele Flying start, Conditions To North Strong Signals, QSB Popped Up Out Of The Blue At Times, Slower After 2200. Thanks To All 73 Darrell  
AR 10 G8SEI IO92 76 15,193 200 10500 25,693 IZ0DHC 1522 100 6 ele g4cqm odd conditions but thankful for every point on this noisy band 73 jeff  
AR 11 G4ODA IO92 74 13,206 178 11500 24,706 EI8KN 490 100 5el M2 Good signals and low noise for a change.  
AR 12 G3YDY JO01 40 13,824 346 9500 23,324 YL2AO 1512 100 2 ele LFA    
AO 13 G3TCT IO81 58 11,338 195 10500 21,838 GI4SNA 444 800 5ele M2 Conditions fair to good  
AR 14 G0ODQ IO91 78 11,053 142 10500 21,553 GM4JTJ 557 100 3 ele of dual    
AR 15 G0SKA IO91 74 10,281 139 10500 20,781 GI4SNA 472 100 6 ele Powabeam  
AR 16 G8CUL IO91 59 10,188 173 10000 20,188 IZ0DHC 1432 100 11 element interlaced Another noisy evening! Thanks all. Harwell ARS.  
AR 17 GD8EXI IO74 52 14,399 277 5500 19,899 M5BFL 452 90 8 ele G4CQM Was still 135kms from home as this contest started, so lost the first hour. Conditions appear good at my start, then faded.
AO 18 M5BFL JO02 56 11,383 203 8500 19,883 GI4SNA 550 400 8EL LFA    
AR 19 G3MEH IO91 85 11,188 132 8500 19,688 GI4OSF 491 100 PA5070-7-3  
AR 20 G4CLA IO92 67 10,122 151 9500 19,622 EI3JE 465 100 6ele It was going well, great conditions then after 45mins the antenna went O/C :-(  
AR 21 G3XDY JO02 52 10,374 200 9000 19,374 GI4SNA 554 100 3 el LFA Yagi Lower noise levels than usual, good signals to 350km but AS poor beyond.  
AO 22 GW0RHC IO71 52 11,441 220 7000 18,441 G4LPP 420 400 7 ELE    
AL 23 G6HPR/P IO92 79 10,370 131 8000 18,370 GI4OSF 413 10 3ele home brew very good conditions tonight and good fun too, thanks for calls and meeps,see you on 23cm. 73 Al.  
AO 24 G4LPP JO02 47 9,962 212 7000 16,962 GI4SNA 537 500 3ele of dual beam Condx pretty average here. Thanks for QSOs, 73, Phil  
AO 25 G4BRK IO91 38 9,449 249 7500 16,949 YL2AO 1625 400 4 el Late start. MS condx not bad, otherwise mixed with some strong signals and some not there at all.  
AR 26 M0GHZ IO81 57 8,142 143 8500 16,642 GI4SNA 429 100 5 ele Good start but noisy for last hour  
AR 27 G8GYX IO91 65 9,573 147 7000 16,573 GI4SNA 530 100 3 ele HB fairly busy evening but little from Europe or Scotland Points to CATS - tks Tom  
AR 28 G3TKF IO81 52 8,107 156 8000 16,107 GM4CXM 524 50 Dipole n/s QRM QRN QSB and just about everything else ... thanks for the contacts all!  
AR 29 G8IQL IO90 51 8,001 157 7500 15,501 GI4SNA 518 100 3el innovantennas dual band Mixed conditions, good to the north, poor to the west. Thanks all. Points to Guildford.  
AR 30 G8FMC IO91 66 7,998 121 7500 15,498 GI4SNA 448 100 3 ele of dual-band Noise lower than usual, particularly at the start? Some sigs up, others a struggle! Best score of the year bar Sp-E  
AR 31 G4YPC IO91 56 7,324 131 8000 15,324 GI4SNA 513 90 6 ele Yagi Reasonable tropo. Tnks QSOs. Points to Guildford. 73  
AL 32 M1EYP/P IO83 57 8,017 141 7000 15,017 EI8KN 366 5 SOTAbeams SB6 - Moxon SOTA activation from The Cloud G/SP-015.  
AR 33 GW8ASD IO83 47 7,992 170 7000 14,992 GM4JTJ 400 100 5ele Yagi    
AR 34 G8REQ IO83 54 8,441 156 6500 14,941 GM4JTJ 368 100 H/B 3 Ele DK7ZB Busy first hour, then downhill, noise level lower but still bad to the SW. Tnx for repeats etc..73.  
AO 35 G5ROC IO93 52 7,920 152 7000 14,920 GI4SNA 384 100 4 EL BEAM    
AL 36 G0FEH/P IO93 56 8,151 146 6500 14,651 2E0VCC/P 350 10 Moxon Band was quiet, nothing heard from GM.
AL 37 G3SQQ IO93 60 8,364 139 6000 14,364 GI4OSF 367 10 6EL (OF Dual Band) Band seamed poor here, but unbelievably noise was low all contest.  
AR 38 G8ZRE IO83 50 6,810 136 6500 13,310 2E0VCC/P 303 100 3 Element Yagi Fair conds.Missed IO86/JO01. Plenty of activity.Tks all for points.Dave G8ZRE.
AR 39 F4HRD JO00 35 8,277 236 4500 12,777 G4FZN/P 420 80 YAGI 4 ELEMENTS  
AO 40 G7HAH IO93 35 6,129 175 6500 12,629 2E0VCC/P 407 500 DB5070-11    
AR 41 G4EPA IO92 50 5,973 119 6500 12,473 GI4SNA 405 100 3 element Noisy horrible band from here but quite good activity.  
AR 42 F1CBC JN09 29 7,328 253 5000 12,328 GI4SNA 690 80 5 els Yagi Average conditions with Aurora, QSB, QRM, big Noise beamed North by time,73 Philippe.  
AR 43 M0UHF IO91 48 5,799 121 6500 12,299 GI4SNA 451 50 5070OWA9    
AR 44 G3OVH IO92 50 6,203 124 6000 12,203 GI4SNA 382 100 5 ele Tonna Strong signals and not too noisy for a change.  
AL 45 G4GFI IO91 44 5,679 129 6500 12,179 G0CNN/P 359 10 5 ele Tonna Usual noisy band but some nice tropo and good level of activity.  
AL 46 G1MZD IO92 43 5,432 126 6500 11,932 GI4SNA 439 10 4 ele G4CQM Although quite noisey suprised what i could hear and especialy those that heard me.tnx. Dave  
AR 47 EI8KN IO62 18 6,575 365 5000 11,575 G4ODA 490 100 5 elements Poor to average conditions. Thanks for the Qs.  
AR 48 G1HLT IO93 44 5,327 121 6000 11,327 GM4JTJ 399 100 3 el Mash up really Local noise harsh and pulsing.Many loud UK but a few way down.Very little from the North.
AR 49 G3YOA JO02 20 5,084 254 5500 10,584 GI4SNA 523 100 6 ele G4CQM Thanks for points to Bittern Dx Group. Band died at 10.00  
AR 50 G0CDA IO83 32 4,418 138 6000 10,418 GM4CXM 309 50 3 ele Vine yagi Part time effort due to other commitments Some loud signals and noise low until last 1/2hr.  
AR 51 G3TDH IO83 30 4,204 140 6000 10,204 GM4JTJ 367 100 2 Ele Diamond Good tropo generally, especially to south west, but high noise level as usual!  
AL 52 G0NZI/P IO92 35 4,322 123 5500 9,822 GI4SNA 372 10 2 element telescopic yagi Average night for this time of year on low power. Thanks for the QSO's!
AR 53 G6VGG IO82 30 4,114 137 5500 9,614 GI4SNA 362 75 Yagi    
AR 54 M0HPI/P IO91 39 4,572 117 4500 9,072 G0CNN/P 349 100 3 ele yagi    
AR 55 M0IAM IO91 33 4,506 137 4500 9,006 GI4SNA 520 100 4 ele DK7ZB Enjoyable. Noise was down from the usual S6 to S1-2. Thanks for the contacts and points for Guildford & DRS.  
AO 56 M1ABK IO92 32 3,979 124 5000 8,979 GI4SNA 419 400 5 Element LFA Average to poor condx, local noise high to the south - as ever enjoyable ! - 73 Chris  
AR 57 PE1EWR JO11 18 5,871 326 3000 8,871 GW1YBB/P 463 80 4-4EPS6/4 Heavy QRN W~NW. Weak signals except JOo2
AR 58 G0PQF JO01 31 3,821 123 5000 8,821 G4FZN/P 279 100 HB9CV The noise that I have had on 6m for months has finally gone. I can now hear the weaker stations.  
AR 59 G3YKI IO82 28 3,681 131 5000 8,681 GI4SNA 321 50 Dipole    
AR 60 G0GJV IO91 38 4,035 106 4500 8,535 G0CNN/P 334 100 3 ele LFA    
AR 61 G4SSW IO92 28 3,416 122 5000 8,416 GI4SNA 397 50 2 ele moxan qrm 3/4 compass cleared last half hour was brill 73 all  
AR 62 2E0VPX IO92 32 4,322 135 4000 8,322 GI4SNA 415 100 4 element Vine Lots of noise to the SW as usual. 73 Andy  
AR 63 G7WIR JO01 33 4,676 142 3500 8,176 G0CNN/P 358 100 Cobwebb The cobwebb kept up a good fight in the end. Reasonable for this band.  
AR 64 M0XAC IO81 19 2,889 152 5000 7,889 GI4SNA 392 100 3 ele dual band    
AR 65 G4DZL IO92 30 3,318 111 4500 7,818 GI4SNA 369 50 Moxon  
AR 66 2E0MDJ IO81 18 2,510 139 5000 7,510 GI4SNA 392 100 4 Ele LFA    
AR 67 G4CSD IO91 25 2,900 116 4500 7,400 G4FZN/P 330 80 3 ele    
AR 68 G5MW JO01 27 3,398 126 4000 7,398 G4FZN/P 341 29 dipole Worked lots of very weak signals - thanks for patience!  
AR 69 G8KQH IO91 27 3,066 114 4000 7,066 G0CNN/P 347 100 HB9CV    
AR 70 G4JED JO01 23 3,272 142 3500 6,772 G4FZN/P 347 100 4 ele Yagi    
AR 71 G0JSB IO83 19 2,234 118 4500 6,734 G7LRQ/P 253 100 MOXON    
AR 72 M0NVS IO91 26 2,716 104 4000 6,716 GI4SNA 485 100 3 ELE DUAL G0KSC YAGI Better than usual but on late didn't help. thanks for Qso's. 73 Phil
AR 73 G0LGS IO81 20 2,685 134 4000 6,685 G0CNN/P 274 100 4 Ele LFA    
AR 74 G8VPE JO02 16 2,900 181 3500 6,400 GI4SNA 548 100 PA5070-7-3B Very high noise level to W and SW.  
AR 75 G8TZJ IO84 15 2,209 147 3500 5,709 GM4CXM 236 100 Dipole    
AL 76 G5IIA IO92 26 2,520 97 3000 5,520 G4FZN/P 219 10 Dipole    
AR 77 G4YUP IO90 19 2,414 127 3000 5,414 G4FZN/P 367 100 dipole    
AL 78 G0GDA JO01 22 2,888 131 2500 5,388 G4FZN/P 341 10 Hex Beam Just did an hour, not too many stations heard  
AL 79 M0WBG IO83 16 1,846 115 3500 5,346 2E0VCC/P 320 10 3 Ele Yagi    
AR 80 M0CGF IO91 14 1,974 141 3000 4,974 G4FZN/P 330 100 3 ele    
AR 81 G0MHZ IO91 22 1,864 85 3000 4,864 G4FZN/P 271 90 1/2 wave rotating dipole    
AR 82 G8LNR IO81 12 1,326 110 3500 4,826 G4FZN/P 288 100 tri band moxon token effort from home QTH under the SW Cotswold escarpment...  
AR 83 G4PDF IO93 10 1,587 159 3000 4,587 GW6UAJ/P 265 95 53ft EFW    
AR 84 2E0SBM IO92 14 1,399 100 3000 4,399 G0CNN/P 205 50 Sqarelo just a quick go from home tonight  
AR 85 G4DYC JO02 14 1,570 112 2500 4,070 GW1YBB/P 295 90 indoor 2el hb9cv fixed Tnx Q,s. Well done the /p stns.73 Mike  
AL 86 G0VOF IO83 7 845 121 3000 3,845 GW1YBB/P 209 5 Dipole Haven't been on for a long time. Only running 5 Watts, thanks for all QSO's. 73, Mark  
AR 87 G8FCQ IO92 14 1,253 90 2500 3,753 G0CNN/P 203 100 5 ele dual 50/70    
AR 88 G7ICV JO01 10 1,116 112 2500 3,616 G4FZN/P 341 100 Dual antenna yagi Fair conditions this evening.first hour qrv  
AR 89 G6GDI IO91 18 1,149 64 2000 3,149 GW6UAJ/P 167 80 CLP5130-1 LOG PERIODIC Many thx for the qsos  
AR 90 G1VNB IO92 11 624 57 2000 2,624 GW1YBB/P 129 100 moxon I GAVE IT AN HOUR TO MUCH NOISE AT MY QTH  
AR 91 GW4ZAR IO83 10 815 82 1500 2,315 G3TBK/P 174 100 Attic Loop Couldn't get the 6m yagi on my mast so used my HF attic loop. Just a 'see if it does' night .. 73 .. Dave  
AR 92 M0JWU IO91 9 610 68 1500 2,110 GW1YBB/P 199 100 long wire high local noise  
AR 93 G0BIX JO01 7 515 74 1500 2,015 GW6UAJ/P 257 40 88ft eflw    
AL 94 G8OMB IO92 8 420 52 1500 1,920 M0NKR 148 10 Offset dipole    
AR 95 G6TXB JO01 4 360 90 1000 1,360 G4FZN/P 341 80 Fixed dipole in attic    
AR 96 G3ZWR IO94 2 315 158 1000 1,315 G3TBK/P 228 45 3ele dual band 1.5hrs mostly Wipeout, with new noises. Sorry If I missed you. Thanks for Points. Norman NFCG
AR 97 G0JOS IO91 6 210 35 500 710 G8CUL 68 40 Long Wire    
AR 98 G1YOY IO81 4 135 34 500 635 G4ASR 61 100 OCFD A very poor evening for me from home. Hopefully, will be back on the hills soon. 73  

10 Oct (92 scores)

12 Sep (93 scores)

8 Aug (102 scores)

11 Jul (100 scores)

13 Jun (115 scores)

9 May (110 scores)

11 Apr (110 scores)

14 Mar (101 scores)

8 Feb (103 scores)

11 Jan (119 scores)

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