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V8.44 by G4CLA

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16/02/25 50MHz UKAC
16/02/25 432MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 50MHz UKAC

13 Feb (92 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AR 1 G4CLA IO92 115 20,051 174 12500 32,551 YL2AO 1573 100 6ele Flat conditions, thanks for the QSOs  
AR 2 G4FZN/P IO94 96 22,006 229 10500 32,506 SK0CT 1308 100 6 element Much better wx than a month ago! Thanks for the QSOs.  
AR 3 G8SEI IO92 80 15,223 190 10500 25,723 IZ0DHC 1522 100 6 ele G4CQM surprise with the conditions changing :) 73 Jeff  
AR 4 GM4JTJ IO86 19 13,398 705 9500 22,898 IZ0DHC 1893 100 5el yagi HB Propogation normal but good MS conditions. Still hard work from up here in the North
AR 5 G0ODQ IO91 87 11,586 133 10500 22,086 EI3KD 499 100 3 ele of dual Noise levels down for a change Conditions reasonable Thanks all for qso's
AR 6 GD8EXI IO74 49 12,704 259 8500 21,204 M5BFL 452 100 8 ele G4CQM Better than last month with only 10 stations on the got away list.
AR 7 G4ODA IO92 82 12,070 147 8500 20,570 EI3KD 557 100 5el M2 Good activity but low points per QSO  
AR 8 2E0VCC/P IO70 47 13,204 281 6500 19,704 G4LPP 476 100 4 ele Difficult Night, QSB Crazy, Some Loud, Some A Struggle, But Very Cold Too ! Thanks To All, 73 Darrell  
AO 9 M5BFL JO02 70 12,582 180 7000 19,582 GI4SNA 550 300 8EL    
AL 10 G0EAK/P IO93 70 10,963 157 8500 19,463 EI3KD 519 10 5 ele Powabeam Average condx but good activity albeit some qsb caused problems at times. QSO and square count both up on last month. Wx cold/dry no wind  
AR 11 G0CNN/P IO94 71 13,951 196 5500 19,451 2E0VCC/P 446 100 Innovantennas 5 Ele OP-DES Low on squares. New coax on its way. Thanks for the calls! Unassisted.
AL 12 G6HPR/P IO92 90 10,987 122 8000 18,987 EI8KN 433 10 3ele home brew Good activity tonight and conditions much improved from the start of contest.Thanks for all calls and meeps. 73 Al  
AO 13 G4AFF JO02 67 11,950 178 6500 18,450 YL2AO 1435 500 Steppir mod 4ele 1st time using modified Steppir. Quite surprised with the result.  
AR 14 G8IQL/P IO90 60 8,961 149 8500 17,461 GD8EXI 431 100 3 el Innov Average condx. Thank you for the QSOs  
AR 15 G4HWA IO92 82 9,619 117 7500 17,119 GI4SNA 426 100 6 ele Dual Poor conditions very noisy SW to NW thanks for all the contacts 73 Bernie  
AR 16 G3MEH IO91 70 8,871 127 8000 16,871 GD8EXI 377 100 PA5070-7-3  
AR 17 G8CUL IO91 67 8,465 126 8000 16,465 GM4JTJ 568 100 11 element interlaced Conditions poor, noise even worse! Thanks all, Harwell ARS.  
AO 18 G4LPP JO02 55 9,710 177 6500 16,210 2E0VCC/P 476 500 3ele of dual beam Poor condx tonight. Thanks for the QSOs. 73, Phil  
AR 19 G5ROC IO93 75 10,496 140 5500 15,996 GI4SNA 336 100 4 EL Yagi    
AO 20 GW0RHC IO71 42 8,432 201 7000 15,432 G4FZN/P 362 990 7 ELE High Noise after 2030 Mny tks to those who persevered sry to those that I could not resolved 73 Ken  
AR 21 G0SKA IO91 70 8,121 116 7000 15,121 G0CNN/P 307 100 6 ele Powabeam terrible QSB and very flat band. FTDX10 malfunctioned so had to swap to IC7300 at the last moment. Thanks for all QSOs
AL 22 G3SQQ IO93 65 8,359 129 6500 14,859 GI4SNA 355 10 6EL (OF Dual Band) Copnditions reasonable, noise to south started after about half way through, did decrease later.  
AR 23 G0CDA IO83 49 7,142 146 7500 14,642 EI3KD 421 50 3 ele Vine yagi Deep QSB took some signals below my permanent noise level. Maybe some UBN's on marginal ones. That's 50mhz!  
AL 24 G7LII/P IO92 70 7,913 113 6000 13,913 GD8EXI 318 10 3 Element LFA Enjoyed getting to know some of you pre-contest. New antenna a significant improvement over the dipole. Thx John G4CZB for making it.  
AR 25 G8FMC IO91 58 6,231 107 7500 13,731 GD8EXI 352 100 3 ele of dual-band Low noise for the first hr then bad!cond poor.  
AR 26 G3YDY JO01 36 7,651 213 5500 13,151 SM5EPO 1388 100 2 ele LFA Bit of a disaster for the first 2 hours. Excellent last 30 mins.  
AR 27 G4YPC IO91 47 5,594 119 7500 13,094 GD8EXI 419 100 6 ele Yagi Respect to EXI:lost in QSB.7or8 mins later sigs came back up and he was still sending my info!!! MANY TNKS Richard. VERY noisy tonight.  
AR 28 G0NZI/P IO92 44 5,101 116 7500 12,601 GI4SNA 372 60 2 element telescopic yagi Only on for 90 mins but not bad given the conditions. Thanks for the QSO's!
AR 29 F4HRD JO00 38 7,945 209 4500 12,445 MW0LKX/P 388 80 YAGI 4 ELEMENTS  
AL 30 G0FEH/P IO93 43 5,804 135 6000 11,804 2E0VCC/P 350 10 Moxon Reasonable conditions, bitterly cold during break-down. Thanks for the QSOs
AR 31 G8ZRE IO83 45 6,059 135 5500 11,559 M5BFL 305 100 3 Element Yagi Better than Jan 11 QRA`s,Good to work SNA 1st time in 25.Increase in number of QSO`s.Tks all for points,Dave G8ZRE
AR 32 G4KQY JO02 38 5,433 143 6000 11,433 MW0LKX/P 294 100 5 ele yagi not bad. tnks for all the contacts 73  
AR 33 G4BP IO94 37 6,389 173 5000 11,389 GI4SNA 342 100 5 Element Yagi Average conditions with high night time noise level from direction of town.  
AR 34 G8REQ IO83 45 6,294 140 5000 11,294 M5BFL 326 100 H/B 3 Ele DK7ZB Very variable Cdx. but much better than last month. Tnx. to all..73.  
AL 35 G4GFI IO91 46 5,686 124 5500 11,186 G4FZN/P 332 10 5 ele Tonna Condx far better than last month but high noise level is always a challenge on this band.  
AR 36 G3TKF IO81 31 5,126 165 6000 11,126 G0CNN/P 336 50 Dipole n/s Very heavy noise on the band tonight ... poor conditions and no GMs which is unusual!  
AR 37 2E0VPX IO92 41 5,332 130 5500 10,832 GI4SNA 415 100 4 element yagi Flat and noisy to the SW but otherwise not bad tonight. 73 Andy  
AO 38 M1ABK IO92 40 5,007 125 5500 10,507 GI4SNA 419 400 5 Element LFA Not too bad this time, slow start but picked up at the end a little - Thanks for all the contacts - Chris  
AR 39 G4NTY IO83 40 5,443 136 5000 10,443 2E0VCC/P 350 100 HB9CV Noisy
AR 40 G4PFZ JO02 38 5,430 143 5000 10,430 MW0LKX/P 300 100 6 ele beam struggled with some weak stations and no great distances but about average for this band with flat conditions  
AR 41 G3TDH IO83 28 3,875 138 6500 10,375 2E0VCC/P 341 100 2 Ele Diamond Another battle with local noise, but not a bad session. Thanks for QSOs and 73 to all fellow strugglers!  
AR 42 MW0OMB IO81 24 4,539 189 5500 10,039 M5BFL 344 45 3 LFA Higher noise level tonight and lots of QSB. OK 1st 15 mins but slow after that. Just 1 stn. in last 1/2 hr. Thanks 73  
AL 43 G0WUS IO92 46 4,520 98 5500 10,020 GM4CXM 427 10 5 ele  
AL 44 G1MZD IO92 41 4,325 105 5500 9,825 G0CNN/P 265 10 4ele G4CQM Quite a struggle as usual noisey but improved later. tnx. Dave  
AR 45 G1HLT IO93 46 4,770 104 5000 9,770 GI4SNA 353 100 3 el Sirio Nice early all directions, fell away later. Missing 3/4 squares I should have worked.
AR 46 G4FEV IO92 45 4,732 105 5000 9,732 F4HRD 225 100 4ele yagi Received 59 from many stations I could hardly hear due to noise. Sri if I couldn't copy U.  
AO 47 M0FXX IO91 34 3,118 92 6000 9,118 2E0VCC/P 269 800 4 4 element 6m 4m Very high local noise level from N through SE. S9 at times!! Thanks for your patience.  
AL 48 G0GDA JO01 28 4,025 144 5000 9,025 GW0RHC 347 10 Hex Noisy, Gd fun, Just did an hour  
AL 49 G1DFL IO91 37 3,519 95 5500 9,019 G4FZN/P 307 7 Moxon Some nice contacts on just a few watts from the vintage brown MuTek Transverter, 73! :)
AR 50 G4PIQ JO02 24 3,390 141 5500 8,890 MW0LKX/P 297 40 160m Dipole Thought band seemed pretty good tonight for a bit of wet string.  
AR 51 2E0OUT IO81 26 3,360 129 5500 8,860 G4FZN/P 299 100 13ell duel poor night. thax all 73 De James  
AR 52 G4EPA IO92 42 3,846 92 5000 8,846 GW0RHC 235 100 3 element Horrible noise. Hard work but ok.  
AL 53 2E0SBM IO92 42 3,711 88 5000 8,711 G0CNN/P 205 10 6 M SQUARELO good fun tonight thanks to all who worked me  
AR 54 G7WIR JO01 33 4,128 125 4500 8,628 G4FZN/P 328 100 Cobwebb Pretty good in the end after a slow start.  
AR 55 G6VGG IO82 28 3,021 108 5500 8,521 G4FZN/P 221 100 Yagi    
AO 56 G8CLY IO91 27 3,095 115 5000 8,095 G4FZN/P 276 500 3ele    
AR 57 G3OVH IO92 31 2,954 95 5000 7,954 GD8EXI 284 100 5ele Tonna Flat condx. Log failure due to windows update :-)  
AL 58 M0TAV/P IO92 31 2,804 90 5000 7,804 GD8EXI 280 10 4 ele late start really poor conditions  
AL 59 2E0TXQ IO92 36 2,989 83 4500 7,489 G4LPP 187 10 3 Ele interlaced with 4 on 4    
AR 60 M0IAM IO91 27 2,952 109 4500 7,452 2E0VCC/P 276 100 4 ele DK7ZB Condx seemed to get worse as the evening progressed.Tnx for the repeats.  
AR 61 EI8KN IO62 10 3,287 329 4000 7,287 G0ODQ 437 100 5 elements Poor conditions plus a pulsing type noise (5 secs on, 5 secs off) making it difficult to hear weak signals.  
AR 62 G4SSW IO92 28 2,786 100 4500 7,286 G0CNN/P 227 50 2 ele moxan    
AR 63 G0GJV IO91 30 2,744 91 4500 7,244 G5ROC 200 100 3 ele LFA    
AR 64 M0JWU IO91 27 3,350 124 3500 6,850 G4FZN/P 333 100 4 ele PA    
AR 65 G0JSB IO83 21 2,236 106 4500 6,736 GM4DIJ 283 100 MOXON first time with new rig, happy bunny.  
AR 66 G8KQH IO91 23 2,194 95 4500 6,694 2E0VCC/P 286 100 HB9CV    
AR 67 G4DZL IO92 30 2,683 89 4000 6,683 M5BFL 191 50 Moxon  
AR 68 M0XAC IO81 17 2,176 128 4500 6,676 G4FZN/P 273 100 3 ele dual band    
AR 69 G4CSD IO91 24 2,660 111 4000 6,660 2E0VCC/P 244 80 3 ele    
AR 70 G5MW JO01 20 2,614 131 3500 6,114 M0LKX/P 281 40 dipole Some QSB on a few signals, but a fair night for me. Thanks for the contacts...  
AR 71 G0TAR JO01 20 2,571 129 3500 6,071 G4FZN/P 341 50 3 ele beam Hvy QSB, good sigs lost through noise. Tnx points 73 de Brian  
AO 72 GM4DIJ IO85 8 1,717 215 3500 5,217 G4CLA 408 250 5ele bit noisy - low antenna  
AR 73 G0BNC IO91 24 1,695 71 3500 5,195 G4AFF 187 50 FOLDED DIPOLE Flat conditions, but may be my Jaybeam folded dipole.Messed my log up, but hopefully the GW station get his points after correction comments  
AR 74 M0UHF IO91 32 2,114 66 3000 5,114 G5ROC 172 50 5070OWA9    
AR 75 M0NVS IO91 17 1,473 87 3500 4,973 MW0LKX/P 201 100 3 ELE DUAL G0KSC YAGI in and out of the shack casual effort. lower noise level than usual but still a struggle. 73 Phil
AL 76 M0WBG IO83 13 1,398 108 3500 4,898 GI4SNA 229 10 3 Ele Yagi    
AL 77 G5IIA IO92 15 1,074 72 3000 4,074 G4FZN/P 219 10 Dipole    
AL 78 G0LDP IO92 15 1,002 67 3000 4,002 G4FZN/P 196 10 wire diapole in loft Fairly good not much background noise Thanks for all the QSO's
AR 79 G8DMN IO81 6 820 137 3000 3,820 M5BFL 309 90 Yagi 3 ele    
AL 80 G4AWP IO94 7 868 124 2500 3,368 M5BFL 246 10 5ele Beam 2 days constructiong new beam, band nearly unusuable due to man made QRM / QRN  
AR 81 M0TVZ IO92 8 614 77 2500 3,114 M0RDX 102 50 Diamond V2000 Colinear Quite noisy on band and a couple of regulars missing. Worked first hour then seemed to go quiet on bandscope. Thanks for the points, 73, Ron  
AR 82 G7ICV JO01 9 900 100 2000 2,900 G4CLA 174 50 Moxon 50/70 by eantenna Fair conditions.1st hour only s&p  
AR 83 G0MHZ IO91 13 771 59 2000 2,771 G5ROC 160 80 Rotating 1/2 wave dipole    
AR 84 G8FRS IO91 9 680 76 2000 2,680 GW0RHC 163 100 Dipole    
AR 85 G0BIX JO01 8 619 77 2000 2,619 G4ASR 252 50 88ft EFLW    
AR 86 G4DYC JO02 16 1,106 69 1500 2,606 G4FZN/P 231 90 HB9CV,2el. indoor/fixed Hvy local noise/timebases etc.Tnx Q's 73 Mike  
AL 87 M6XAK IO93 6 539 90 2000 2,539 MW0LKX/P 173 10 Halo    
AR 88 M7LHE IO92 9 862 96 1500 2,362 G4ASR 213 25 6M Moxon antenna Very noisy with a lot of QRM and QRH. Home built Moxon antenna performed reasonably well. 73  
AR 89 G3ZWR IO94 6 503 84 1500 2,003 G5ROC 200 45 3ele dual band noise and qsb. thanks for points and patience. 73 all Norman NFCG  
AR 90 G8VPE JO02 10 423 42 1000 1,423 G4ODA 119 90 PA5070-7-3B Horrendous noise level at this QTH tonight.  
AR 91 G6TXB JO01 3 146 49 1000 1,146 M5BFL 132 80 Fixed dipole in attic    
AR 92 M0HPI IO91 3 29 10 500 529 G8KQH 11 20 Quarterwave groundplane    

9 Jan (84 scores)

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