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  8720 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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Claimed scores for 70MHz AFS Contest

(48 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G7RAU IN79 53 21,573 407 12400 33,973 S51DI 1598 160 IC7300 6el 6m-4m G0KSC Tropo ok but last hour dead. No digi here, looks like I need to get set up on FSK441. Tnx QSOs  
SF 2 G4ASR IO81 68 14,142 208 13600 27,742 SP9HWY 1546 150 7-el DK7ZB Tropo ok as hearing LX0FOUR bcn at 672km. 7 DXCC on tropo G, GM, GU, GW, EI, ON, PA (663km) & an SP via meteors. 20 locators & 40 postcodes.
SF 3 G4BWP JO02 74 13,598 184 13200 26,798 SP9HWY 1313 160 7ele    
SF 4 G4ODA IO92 69 11,595 168 12600 24,195 EI8KN 490 160 6+7el M2 Unclear if bonus right. Used to be able to work GM PC 3 times but new rules don't say as far as I can see.  
O 5 G4CWH/P IO92 58 11,732 202 12400 24,132 OH4MVH 1981 160 2-over-2, 5-ele YU7EF    
O 6 G3TBK/P IO93 67 10,532 157 12200 22,732 G7RAU 468 150 6 el Fair, but very poor activity. No chatroom nor mgm.  
SF 7 G0ODQ IO91 55 6,708 122 11000 17,708 GM4CXM 519 160 4 ele of dual    
SF 8 G0SKA IO91 53 6,069 115 10600 16,669 EI8KN 449 140 7 ele yagi pretty flat and typical lowish activity
O 9 G0EAK/P IO93 46 7,510 163 8400 15,910 G7RAU 480 40 6 ele LFA Reasonable condx but poor activity. Wx wet and windy  
SF 10 G4LPP JO02 40 7,882 197 8000 15,882 G7RAU 562 160 4 ele of dual Disappointing lack of tropo here. Activity reasonable. Thanks for the QSOs 73, Phil  
SF 11 G4RGK IO91 48 5,441 113 10000 15,441 EI8KN 445 80 5 el No Es had to rely on local qsos, trying different setup using an FT920+TVTR made operating more enjoyable.  
SF 12 G4BRK IO91 44 5,564 126 9600 15,164 GM4CXM 517 150 5 el Last hour very quiet. More CW would have helped as many weak signals. Reflector had fallen off the yagi so down a little in gain.  
SF 13 G3TKF IO81 33 5,697 173 8400 14,097 GM4CXM 524 50 Dipole (Fixed) Good conditions but missed the start of the contest ... Thanks for the contacts  
SF 14 GW8ASD IO83 33 6,449 195 7600 14,049 G7RAU 375 40 8 eleYagi Issues with Minos not providing bonus info so had to re-enter manually after an update. Just two stations in the last hour!  
SF 15 M0UHF IO91 40 4,671 117 9000 13,671 EI8KN 416 50 5070OWA9    
O 16 M7DQO/P JO03 37 5,921 160 7000 12,921 G7RAU 519 25 7 element yagi    
SF 17 EI8KN IO62 19 8,244 434 4600 12,844 G4BWP 528 50 6 element Dual    
O 18 G3CNO IO90 40 5,224 131 7400 12,624 G7RAU 311 75 4 ele beam    
SF 19 G8FMC IO91 38 4,068 107 8200 12,268 EI8KN 440 150 4ele of Dual-band Massive QSB & static crashes! not too bad otherwise?  
O 20 G4HLX/P IO91 37 4,028 109 8200 12,228 G7RAU 318 15 4 ele Dual  
SF 21 G3MEH IO91 38 3,806 100 8400 12,206 G7RAU 379 160 PA5070-7-3  
SF 22 G3WJG IO91 38 4,091 108 7600 11,691 EI8KN 467 45 5ele LFA Flat condx but good to west  
SF 23 G3PHO IO93 33 4,836 147 6400 11,236 G7RAU 449 50 4 el dual band yagi Poor conditions and activity up here in the North. No GM, GI, EI or anyone north of the 93 squares.  
O 24 G4RFR IO90 29 4,667 161 6200 10,867 G4LPP 328 50 6 element beam    
SF 25 M0IEP IO91 33 3,624 110 6800 10,424 G7RAU 308 50 6Element yagi    
SF 26 G1MZD IO92 30 3,000 100 6600 9,600 G7RAU 382 10 5ele G4CQM Just on for a limited time, quite flat conditions, missed the end apple crumble was too hot ! tnx. Dave  
O 27 G0OIW/P IO91 31 2,702 87 6800 9,502 GW8ASD 212 20 Dipole No real DX but plenty of activity and postcodes worked. ☺:  
SF 28 M0NVS IO91 27 2,716 101 6400 9,116 EI8KN 471 50 5 Ele Powabeam That was slow. Thanks for all who made it and sorry to those that didn't. 73 Phil
SF 29 G8IQL IO90 26 3,515 135 5600 9,115 EI8KN 453 50 3 el Innovantennas Conditions flat esp to the north. Good fun though. Thanks for the QSOs and failed tries.  
SF 30 G0NZI IO92 26 2,773 107 6000 8,773 G7RAU 385 40 Moxon Bit of fun from home thanks for all the QSO's!
SF 31 G7WIR JO01 23 2,816 122 5400 8,216 G7RAU 408 50 4m HALO Busier than expected with some nice distance achieved. Thanks to all that could hear me. 73...  
SF 32 G3TDH IO83 16 2,524 158 5400 7,924 G7RAU 432 50 2 ele Very slow here. Activity low and QSB deep and slow was demanding on my limited antenna set-up! 73 and thanks to all for QSOs: Reg  
SF 33 G4EPA IO92 24 2,290 95 5000 7,290 G7RAU 389 50 4 element J Beam I missed the first 80 minutes. Contest started too early in the day.  
SF 34 G0PQF JO01 21 2,421 115 4800 7,221 G7RAU 428 100 4 el No DX worked but an enjoyable few hours.  
SF 35 G0FEH IO92 21 2,169 103 5000 7,169 G7RAU 365 10 3 ele yagi Special thanks to G3PHO for the 10 wpm CW contact, my first CW for 30+ years!!
SF 36 G3SJX IO91 18 2,032 113 4600 6,632 G7RAU 320 50 Dipole equivalent    
SF 37 G1SCT IO92 19 2,064 109 4400 6,464 G4ASR 219 50 3 Ele yagi Plagued with noise from the 11kV  
SF 38 G6KWA JO02 17 1,671 98 4400 6,071 G7RAU 439 35 2 ele tri-band (Rad-Com)    
SF 39 G0OQK IO91 20 1,649 82 4400 6,049 G7ARU 367 50 MOXON    
SF 40 G8VPE JO02 14 2,066 148 3200 5,266 G4ASR 321 50 PA5070-7-3B Quite lively to begin with, slightly enhanced tropo. Not much heard from EU. Tailed off towards the end as worked all could be heard.  
SF 41 G1JJA IO92 13 1,256 97 3400 4,656 G4BWP 165 160 3 ele    
SF 42 G4JED JO01 10 1,075 108 3000 4,075 G4ASR 235 10 4 ele Yagi    
O 43 G0DJA/P IO93 7 484 69 2000 2,484 G4BWP 159 10 5/8th wave vertical Only operated for about an hour and a half portable from Highoredish 10 Watts to 5/8th wave vertical  
SF 44 2E0RVX IO93 7 362 52 1800 2,162 G4ODA 111 100 Single element dipole The band generally poor. Plus local non-radio QRM. Also Win 10 PC decided to restart by its self! All fun. A few regulars on. 73
SF 45 G4DYC JO02 5 327 65 1600 1,927 G3TBK/P 115 50 Vertical Dipole Just a few Q,s , crutch assisted,after recent hip operation... 73 All-Mike  
SF 46 G0GRI IO90 2 179 90 800 979 G4HLX/P 96 50 4mba Called several (BWP ODA 8ASD) but not heard with lash up. 73
SF 47 G5DOC IO92 6 65 11 800 865 G4CWH/P 37 40 SQBM470 1st time contesting. Should've read the instructions & I'd have got more contacts. Has all the paperwork put me off doing it again. Yup.  
SF 48 G1YBB IO82 1 18 18 600 618 G4ASR 18 10 20/15/10 2 ele all I could call on lash up  

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