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  13552 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

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Claimed scores for 70MHz Christmas Contest

(31 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G4ASR IO81 43 9,688 225 28 271,264 DL6BF 706 150 7el @ 80ft 8 DXCC, DL, EI, G, GD, GI, GM (5), GW, PA (2), PE1EWR, PA2J (535km), 20 locators. Conditions not too bad. Seasons Greetings to everyone ...
AO 2 G4ODA IO92 34 7,064 208 25 176,600 DL6BF 509 160 short 4el yagi Happy with that given small ant. Noise early but less later when wind picked up. All SSB/CW.  
AO 3 G3SED IO90 26 5,017 193 15 75,255 GM4CXM 597 100 Dual 6 Element (YU1CF) Poor conditions and low activity - very hard work from the South Coast! Missed several GM on JT6M - heard but not worked  
AO 4 G3TCU IO91 21 3,247 155 14 45,458 GM4CXM 584 160 6 ele DK7ZB Severe QSB and mostly weak sigs. Tks QSOs & HNY
AR 5 GW8ASD IO83 20 3,285 164 13 42,705 GM4CXM 332 40 7ele Yagi Dire conditions, lots of noise.  
AR 6 GM4PPT IO75 11 2,299 209 12 27,588 G4ODA 410 50 11ele DUAL 6/4 Better activity than yesterday, still a bit of a struggle! Hoping for more activity on 144 tomorrow. Thanks to all for points.Still FUN!
AO 7 G4LPP JO02 11 2,255 205 11 24,805 DL6BF 397 160 4 ele beam Conditions fell off a cliff after 1st half hour. Thanks for qsos and for those who tried but couldn't proceed. HNY, 73 Phil  
AO 8 GM4DIJ IO85 8 1,907 238 10 19,070 G4ASR 441 100 6 el yagi Bit late getting on.  
AR 9 G8REQ IO83 10 1,391 139 12 16,692 GM4CXM 299 30 Dipole Limited time and only a Dipole, Tnx. for QSOs, Seasons Greetings...73  
AR 10 G8FMC IO91 18 1,684 94 9 15,156 GW8ASD 193 50 4 ele of dual-band Lots of noise that even the DNR on the DX10 could not cope with! ran out of workable stns so quit early.  
AR 11 G8LYB IO92 18 1,465 81 10 14,650 G1KAR/P 209 50 Innovantenna 9el 50/70MHZ horrible... lots of noise.  
AR 12 G0NZI IO92 21 1,454 69 10 14,540 G3SED 182 40 2 element Moxon Wow that was torture! Sorry to those I missed / couldn't complete thanks to those who persevered through these absolute dire conditions!
AR 13 G4EPA IO92 19 1,555 82 9 13,995 G3SED 163 50 4 ele Jbeam Conditions very poor. Ran out of people to work so finished  
AO 14 G4AFF JO02 9 1,312 146 6 7,872 G4ASR 276 160 Dual band 4/6 13ele My sequencer failed after 25 mins. There's always something!  
AR 15 G3OVH IO92 11 919 84 8 7,352 G3SED 195 50 6 ele homebrew Loads of QSB and weak sigs  
AR 16 G6GEI IO92 12 1,040 87 7 7,280 G4ASR 155 50 5 Ele Powabeam Happy new year everyone 73  
AR 17 G8GYX IO91 12 1,194 100 6 7,164 G4ASR 204 20 3 Ele beam very poor!! low activity and rubbish conditions ran out of workable stations after 1 hour gave up after 1.5 hrs - Tom  
AR 18 G1KAR/P JO00 7 805 115 7 5,635 G4ASR 266 50 3 Element 4m Yagi Wet & Windy, Flat RF Conditions
AR 19 M0IEP IO91 11 994 90 5 4,970 G4ODA 166 50 6 Element Yagi    
AO 20 EI8KN IO62 3 1,209 403 4 4,836 G3TCU 473 50 6 elements Poor conditions. Slightly higher activity.  
AL 21 G4NMD IO91 9 805 89 6 4,830 G4ASR 189 10 cobweb Variable propagation. Now to sort out a better antenna  
AR 22 PE1EWR JO11 3 828 276 5 4,140 G4ASR 451 50 4-4EPS6/4 Not much activity, like yesterday...
AL 23 G4VPD IO92 6 771 128 5 3,855 GM4CXM 427 10 5 LFA just search n pounce very low activity again  
AR 24 G4ILI IO81 5 464 93 4 1,856 G8GYX 148 40 4 ele DUAL Aerials down due to winds. Only came on to give a few points away. Dire conditions dipped in & out whilst playing in garage.73 Grant HNY  
AL 25 G1MZD IO92 7 406 58 4 1,624 G4ASR 143 10 5 ele G4CQM Worked all i could hear with antenna at 2m, finished early as noise level increased. tnx. Dave HNY  
AR 26 G4KQY JO02 3 338 113 3 1,014 G4ASR 293 50 4 ele yagi prttey flat, testing new 5 ele aerial....happy new year all...  
AR 27 G1SCT IO92 2 241 120 3 723 G4ASR 233 50 3 Ele yagi    
AL 28 G0VDZ IO91 4 151 38 3 453 G3SED 81 10 dipole    
AL 29 G8TZJ IO84 1 78 78 2 156 G8REQ 78 10 Dipole    
AL 30 2E0VKH JO01 2 14 7 2 28 G6UBM 13 10 1/2 Wave Dipole. Not good limited power and aerial, could only hear a local station. But saying that good testing, when I try portable in the new year.  
AL 31 M7DQO IO92 1 8 8 2 16 G4ODA 8 10 Loop    

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