Claimed Scores 2017
  13783 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

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29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
21/12/17 70MHz UKAC
21/12/17 70MHz FMAC
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Claimed scores for 70MHz Cumulatives

13 Aug (39 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G4BWP JO02 71 15,612 220 EI9E 576 150 7ele PowAbeam  
SF 2 G4ASR IO81 67 14,338 214 S51DI 1488 150 2 x 7-element Despite working EI9E, GD0TEP, GM4DIJ, GM4JJJ, GM4NFC, GU6EFB, GU8FBO and OZ2OE & S51DI (SSB MS) G4BWP beats me on points/km. Well done Fred
O 3 M0WCO/P JO00 60 13,139 219 EI9E 589 160 4 ele    
O 4 EI9E IO61 27 12,427 460 M0WCO/P 589 200 5ele Thanks for the QSOs - Pete G4CLA.
O 5 G4SJH/P IO91 58 11,175 193 GM4NFC 530 160 5Y Condx OK, thanks for all the QSO's.
O 6 G0EHV/P IO84 43 10,745 250 G3WCB/P 508 160 5 Element Band conditions and activity reasonable. Always enjoy cumulatives but can we go back to morning sessions only please!
SF 7 G3NPI IO92 47 7,525 160 EI9E 480 150 6 OVER 6 LFA Good condx at times then deep QSB. Many thanks for an enjoyable contest.
O 8 G1PPA/P IO93 35 7,302 209 EI9E 542 160 3 ele lfa great weather went to /p site early had a play on 2 before contest pity about the low activity but enjoyable thanks for the points
SF 9 GW8ASD IO83 29 5,425 187 EI9E 354 40 7 ele Average conditions, with deep QSB. Worked pretty well everything I heard. Nice to get a new # from EI9E. :-)
O 10 G3WCB/P IO80 19 5,177 272 G0EHV/P 508 25 Moxon Flat condx, but some good distances worked with my modest set up. Some regulars missing. Tks QSOs. 73, Dave G3WCB/P
SF 11 M0SAT IO91 31 4,747 153 EI9E 523 160 4 ele Innovantenna Missed 1st 30 mins. Reasonable spread but flat condx. Guess sunshine kept a lot away?
SF 12 G4BRK IO91 25 4,593 184 GM4VVX 735 150 6 el Worked all I heard  
O 13 G4RFR IO90 21 4,048 193 G0EHV/P 450 150 12 ele Yagi    
SF 14 GU6EFB IN89 12 4,030 336 G8SFI/P 551 160 5 Ele Beam Just on for a short time activity seemed low. Thanks to all for points
SF 15 G4GFI IO91 27 3,991 148 EI9E 540 40 4 ele LFA Average tropo condx, low activity, nothing worked in last half hour.
SF 16 G4FKK IO91 26 3,453 133 G0EHV/P 406 120 5 element LFA Nice signals from UpNorthfordshire :)  
SF 17 G8LZE IO91 22 3,060 139 G0EHV/P 372 20 5 ele DL6WU Dipped in and out around other things.
SF 18 G8FUO IO91 20 2,950 148 EI9E 508 50 5EL PowAbeam Average condx. Wkd what I can hear,but can't hear enough. Tks for EI9E as last contact. 73 Richard
SF 19 G0CER IO82 15 2,881 192 EI9E 381 30 4 ELE LFA  
SF 20 G3OVH IO92 20 2,661 133 GM4NFC 372 100 6 Ele NBS Activity low and band average.
SF 21 G4VFL IO84 9 2,538 282 M0WCO/P 474 25 5 ele G4CQM last hour
SF 22 GM4VVX IO78 4 2,484 621 G3YDY 769 80 6 ele yagi Very poor tropo, and no activity in N.Scotland. Contest too short to make much via meteor scatter
SF 23 G8EOP IO93 9 1,687 187 M0WCO/P 335 40 Tri-band vertical Thanks all for points i only had 45 minuets radio time on Sunday. 73 Mel 807ARO please call at our club stand at Newark Friday & Saturday
SF 24 GM4JJJ IO86 7 1,638 234 G4BWP 489 160 5 ele HB Dual Band Yagi Only a token entry as had only last 15 minutes to operate.  
SF 25 GM4DIJ IO85 9 1,535 171 G4ASR 441 80 6ele Not much heard to South. Band full of birdies and burbles.
SF 26 G3PHO IO93 8 1,355 169 M0WCO/P 289 40 4 el yagi Only had last 15 minutes available so this is a token entry :-) It obviously was a very quiet contest judging by the low serial numbers rcvd
SF 27 G4PDF IO93 7 1,207 172 M0WCO/P 268 40 5 Ele Powabeam    
SF 28 G0CDA IO83 7 1,184 169 G4SJH/P 274 15 Dipole 1st hr only giving pts away very quiet and lots of QRN.  
SF 29 G8HGN JO01 9 1,152 128 G8SFI/P 320 10 4 ele OWL Noisy to WNW&NW.Heard at least as many as worked,but couldn't attract their attention.Handraulic mast rotation,10M from shack. Not ideal.
O 30 G4BEE/P IO84 5 1,025 205 G4SJH/P 337 10 H/B Moxon First 4m contacts ... ever ! Thanks all, better prep next time.  
O 31 M0WAF/P IO70 3 961 320 G1LSB 467 120 50/70 Moxon VERY lonely down here ! Heard JO02 team?? calling all through contest and no takers.
SF 32 M1CJE IO91 7 803 115 G4BWP 186 50 Inov 3 3  
SF 33 G4JED JO01 8 687 86 G4ASR 235 10 4 ele Yagi First 40mins only, thx to those that beamed to JO01.
SF 34 M0HFY IO81 4 687 172 G8SFI/P 289 10 Dipole  
SF 35 M6JIJ IO93 3 467 156 G4ASR 184 10 Single ele dipole On for the last hour, x3 distant contacts worked for the first 20 mins s&p. No other stations heard inc 93!QRM caused issues with JO02 qso.
SF 36 G7ICV JO01 3 202 67 G4BWP 107 25 Moxon fixed loft Short blast  
SF 37 G8EEM/A IO93 2 192 96 G0EHV/P 131 50 Log periodic  
SF 38 GM7GDE IO75 5 145 29 GM4JJJ 57 20 3-ele    
SF 39 G1YBB IO82 2 23 12 G4ASR 18 4 6m inverted Vee on tuner contest too short to go out portable so tuner on my 6m inverted v. hrd G3NPI but couldn't raise him. Hoped for some portables in range.

25 Jun (24 scores)

28 May (32 scores)

12 Mar (39 scores)

26 Feb (50 scores)

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