Claimed Scores 2019
  13031 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
29/12/19 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
19/12/19 70MHz UKAC
17/12/19 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 70MHz Cumulatives

11 Aug (25 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 GM4AFF IO86 25 10,202 408 G3TCT 631 160 13ele dual-bander Pretty miserable conditions and poor activity, but thanks for the points!  
AO 2 MM0CEZ IO75 28 9,720 347 G4SJH/P 564 160 2 X 5 ELE POWABEAMS Conditions up and down. Expecting a couple of ubns. Thanks to all for the shouts.  
AO 3 G4BWP JO02 47 8,122 173 EI9E 576 130 7ele PowAbeam    
AR 4 G4FZN/P IO94 38 7,550 199 EI9E 516 40 8 ele Sutton Bank busy today. Arrived to find M0DTS/P on site, but he was there for the Amateur Television activity day. Phew! Thanks for QSOs.
AO 5 G4SJH/P IO91 38 7,288 192 GM4AFF 628 160 5Y Average condx but thanks for all the QSO's. 73
AO 6 G3NPI IO92 39 5,460 140 GM4AFF 537 70 6 OVER 6 LFA Not many stations on at the start. Seems to be Rugby was more attractive... Condx seemed good but not enough stations on.  
AO 7 G3TCT IO81 18 4,214 234 GM4AFF 631 160 6ele Only on for last 80mins. Severe t-storm and rain static at times. Mast at low height. Tnx for qsos  
AR 8 GW8ASD IO83 21 4,204 200 GM4AFF 415 40 7ele Yagi    
AO 9 G3VGG IO82 36 3,976 110 MM0CEZ 415 160 Dualband 6/4 Yagi 5/6ele Thankyou all who called me today shame the band was flat for the last one. 73 All.
AL 10 G1PPA/P IO93 21 3,678 175 GM4AFF 398 4 5 ele powerbeam 1st time portable on 4 this year tough with 4w. hearing people i could not work thanks mm0cez for patience thanks to all for points  
AR 11 G8LZE IO91 24 3,662 153 GM4AFF 588 20 5 ele DL6WU Only one ststion worked in last hour. So close with MM0CEZ.  
AR 12 G4GFI IO91 21 3,569 170 GM4AFF 624 40 4ele LFA No Es, average tropo,low level of activity.  
AR 13 G0LGS/P IO81 29 3,538 122 MM0CEZ 455 40 5 Ele Powabeam    
AO 14 G3MEH IO91 26 2,865 110 EI9E 504 160 2 x 5el HB Poor conditions, low activity. Just on for first hour.
AO 15 G3OVH IO92 21 2,778 132 EI9E 465 100 6 Ele NBS Low activity, but condx good  
AR 16 G8FMC IO91 22 2,702 123 GM4AFF 547 35 4el Moxon-Yagi Still windy so mast part up. Got 2 GM's though, so quite pleased. Heavy QSB, but noise less than evenings!  
AR 17 2E0MDJ IO81 15 2,684 179 GM4AFF 543 40 3Ele LFA-Q Good Signals from North and Good Signal from  
AR 18 G5UM IO92 20 2,591 130 GM4AFF 457 100 quad    
AL 19 M7DON/P IO93 21 2,447 117 MM0CEZ 345 4 5 Element Yagi Flat conditions at times today and low activity on the band. Had a good day out /p for this short contest. Best 73s to all.
AR 20 G7WHI/P IO92 18 1,996 111 GM4AFF 477 40 Dipole  
AR 21 G3WRA IO82 12 1,945 162 MM0CEZ 431 40 5 Ele Powabeam Worked all i Heard quiet from home 73s all Stuart Hereford ARS  
AO 22 GM4DIJ IO85 7 798 114 GW8ASD 321 80 6 ele Noise from static rain. Poor conditions and activity.  
AR 23 G1KAR/P JO00 3 472 157 G3VGG 235 40 3 Ele Yagi Just playing for 30 minutes after military vehicle show.  
AL 24 G4VPD IO92 5 456 91 G4BWP 159 4 5EL LFA JUST LAST 25MINS  
AL 25 M6OPV/P IO94 2 67 34 M5ERN 38 10 Magmount    

23 Jun (25 scores)

26 May (27 scores)

10 Mar (29 scores)

24 Feb (42 scores)

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