Claimed Scores 2015
  11145 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

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29/12/15 70MHz UKAC
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
15/12/15 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 70MHz UKAC

29 Dec (94 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G4FZN/P IO94 99 18,354 185 25 458,850 ON7EQ 458 160 5 ele Severe QSB. Wind was picking up - glad we put guy ropes on at start! Happy New Year & Thanks for all QSO during 2015. Chris & Pauline.
AO 2 G4BWP JO02 105 16,792 160 24 403,008 2E1IIP 334 150 7ele PowAbeam  
AO 3 M1DDD/P IO93 107 13,021 122 27 351,567 ON7EQ 420 160 6 ele Activity lower than usual. 1 x GM, no GI/GD. Only 1 in 81. Great fun all the same and still survived the gale force winds ! HNY. Nick *TTCG*
AO 4 G3TCU/P IO91 87 13,219 152 22 290,818 G4FZN/P 337 160 6 ele DK7ZB V. poor condx particularly to the W. Nothing outside G & GW hrd. Tnx fer QSOs & HNY to all.
AO 5 M1CJN/P IO93 73 11,301 155 24 271,224 G4WEY 366 120 6 ele Thanks for the points .
AR 6 G4ODA IO92 74 10,367 140 23 238,441 ON7EQ 295 40W 6el Hard going with high noise to N and S. HNY to all.  
AR 7 G7LRQ/P IO91 90 10,649 118 22 234,278 G4FZN/P 268 40 5 Ele A real struggle and low activity, I guess the weather stopped lots. Thanks for the points this year. HNY to all.
AL 8 M0TWC/P IO82 71 10,150 143 22 223,300 G0BRC 257 4 4 ele DK7ZB Good fun for first 90 mins, then it was hard work! Good to be /P rather than eating chocolate on the sofa!! 73 Craig and Matt TWCG  
AR 9 M1MHZ IO92 67 9,400 140 23 216,200 ON7EQ 303 40 4 ele Thx all for points tonight & tho 2015. Tough times tonight with no internet/phone & hearing troubles too [no headphones]. 73 & HNY  
AR 10 G4HGT/P IO93 75 10,490 140 18 188,820 G0BRC 331 40 5 First time in AR, condx were Frank-ly shocking. No-one N of me, no GM, GD, GI. Mast nearly blew away at the end!! 73 and HNY John
AO 11 G3MEH IO91 78 8,361 107 21 175,581 G4FZN/P 277 160 2 x 5 el HB Poor conditions, reasonable activity. Best wishes to all for the New Year.
AL 12 G4CLA IO92 63 6,892 109 22 151,624 G0PEB/P 209 3 7ele Hard going with 3w! Thanks for all the QSOs HNY.
AL 13 M0RKX/P IO92 57 6,787 119 22 149,314 G4FZN/P 250 4W 4 ELE DK7ZB Happy New Year from the Travelling Wave CG
AR 14 G3VCA IO93 61 6,484 106 21 136,164 ON7EQ 373 40 5 el HB yagi Nothing to the North - Deep QSB - a few wide signals - HNY to all - I must implant io93MG now, not io93RF - lol
AR 15 M0MDY IO93 66 7,092 107 18 127,656 G6UBM 260 40 BEAM wild and windy tower at bottom, poor conditions and some missing in action thanks for the points happy new year
AO 16 G3NPI IO92 54 5,707 106 22 125,554 G4FZN/P 247 150 6 el LFA  
AR 17 G4YHF IO92 47 5,681 121 22 124,982 GW0GEI 292 25 7el About as good as it gets with a 30' scaffold pole :-) This band is so much more fun than 6m. Points to my local radio club. Happy New Year!  
AO 18 G3TCT IO81 35 6,158 176 20 123,160 G4FZN/P 361 160 6ele DK7ZB Mast lowered, high noise level, poor condx. HNY all.
AL 19 M0ICR/P IO91 53 5,908 111 20 118,160 G4FZN/P 285 4 4 Ele Yagi Flat condx and few stn? Tnx to Gene M0ZRG for help tonight with the mast. Tnx for all pts in 2015. Vy 73 Carl @ The Rats. HNY!
AO 20 GW4RWR IO83 49 6,550 134 16 104,800 G3TCU/P 291 160 7el DK7ZB QRV till 2200. Band was full between .135 and .283 - a rare thing. Normally I'm too tired/busy to join in on Tue evenings. HNY to you all.
AR 21 G8CUL IO91 53 5,792 109 18 104,256 G4FZN/P 292 40W 6 element Hard work after 4 days of Xmas Cumulatives! HNY all. Thanks for the QSOs, Harwell ARS.  
AO 22 G3UVR IO83 55 6,338 115 16 101,408 G3TCU/P 291 150w 4 ele Jaybeam High QRN from neighbours garden light tonight restricted what I could hear. Sorry to those who called under my local noise level. 73 HNY all
AR 23 2E0VPX IO91 49 4,833 99 20 96,660 G4FZN/P 263 30 5 element vine Flat conditions. 73 to all I have worked in 2015 and Happy New Year to everyone.
AO 24 M0EMM IO82 52 5,813 112 16 93,008 G3TCU/P 209 150W 6 EL YAGI  
AR 25 G0PEB/P IO90 26 4,731 182 19 89,889 G4FZN/P 404 20w 3 el LFA ** TWCG ** Dry but breezy on IoW, Thanks for QSO's, Blwyddyn Newydd Dda (HNY) 73 de Rob G0PEB
AR 26 GW4BVE IO82 40 4,953 124 18 89,154 G4BWP 247 30 KSC 4 4 dualband **TWCG** That was hard work. Band very noisy. HNY everyone.
AL 27 G0EAK/P IO93 54 4,876 90 18 87,768 GW0GEI 260 4 3 El Quad A new 3 ele quad for this contest but difficult to judge the improvement with difficult band conditions and seemingly low levels of activity  
AL 28 M0SAT IO91 47 4,387 93 20 87,740 G4FZN/P 293 4 5 ele innovantenna No amp, voice keyer got RF in, real mess & real struggle. Poor condx. V. little to West & no GI, GD, GM due storm? HNY
AR 29 GW8ASD IO83 44 5,414 123 16 86,624 G3TCU/P 266 40 7 ele Yagi Tough going, noisy,poor conditions. Very quiet to North, ON7EQ heard but lost, low squares count. HNY to all.
AL 30 G8LZE IO91 43 4,165 97 20 83,300 G4FZN/P 297 4 5 element Thanks for all the contacts in 2015 and here's to even more in 2016!
AR 31 G3SQQ IO93 54 4,935 91 16 78,960 G0PEB/P 278 40 5 element of (dual band) First attempt on 4Mtrs, No great multipliers, but usual friendly contacts, many thanks to all.
AO 32 G4FKK IO91 40 4,666 117 16 74,656 G4FZN/P 328 100 HB 3 element LFA Condx seemed average: nothing heard North of Yorkshire. HNY all.  
AR 33 G4NDM/P IO92 43 4,100 95 18 73,800 G0PEB/P 247 40 5 ele LFA Windy & Clear. Low activity.Packed up at 22:00. HNY.
AR 34 G4YUP/P IO91 36 4,587 127 16 73,392 G4FZN/P 357 35 Alton AA 5el Yagi Dire conditions, QSB and high wind.  
AR 35 G8BUN IO93 47 4,438 94 16 71,008 G3TCT 296 40w 6 element yagi  
AR 36 G3PHO IO93 46 4,278 93 16 68,448 G4YUP/P 251 40 4 el @10m Conditions very variable. Marked lack of GM, GD and GI... probably due to latest storm! Many thanks to all for the FB QSOs this year.
AR 37 G0HGH IO92 31 3,821 123 17 64,957 ON7EQ 295 30 4 ele High QRN and deep QSB. Tnx fer all points in 2015, 73
AL 38 G0BRC JO01 25 4,029 161 16 64,464 G4FZN/P 346 4 4 ele QSB to the West but a good evening.
AR 39 G8REQ IO83 39 3,864 99 16 61,824 G3TCU/P 295 30W 4 Ele Jaybeam A fair evening although plenty of QSB and high noise levels, amazed at the No of /Ps out. Tnx to all 73 and HNY.
AO 40 G4RQI IO93 40 3,605 90 16 57,680 G3TCU/P 283 160 4ele Dual Band Yagi Some wide signals on the band ! - usual S3 noise floor in some directions...
AR 41 M0GAV/P io93 42 3,553 85 16 56,848 G3TCU/P 244 20 3 Element Disaster with a capital D!! lets say what went right!!! struggled on and packed in 20 mins early! look forward to next year!
AR 42 G4NTY IO83 38 3,481 92 16 55,696 G3TCU/P 284 40w 6 ele Yagi  
AL 43 G8PEF/P IO83 32 3,296 103 16 52,736 G4BWP 247 4W H/B Super Moxon V windy-took ages to get ant up, so late start. Deep QSB & quiet band didn't do much for my score. HNY to all TNX fr all QSOs & pts in 2015  
AO 44 G3OVH IO92 39 3,508 90 14 49,112 G4FZN/P 177 150 6 ele NBS Poor condx. Lots of noise - S7 to the south lots of QSB at end of contest
AR 45 G8FMC IO91 35 2,981 85 16 47,696 G4FZN/P 256 40W 4el Moxon-Yagi Grim noise levels, both my usual local & far-field! 3 new multipliers in last 3 contacts, turned a mediocre score into something reasonable.  
AO 46 G4APJ IO83 29 2,638 91 16 42,208 G3TCU/P 294 75 5ele Yet again very high noise and deep QSB at times. Quite busy to start but numbers seemed to drop off for the last hour.
AL 47 G4EHD IO93 26 2,727 105 14 38,178 G3TCU/P 297 4w 4 element yagi    
AR 48 G3XXN/P IO93 37 2,672 72 14 37,408 G3TCU/P 246 40 3 El Yagi    
AR 49 G4JED JO01 22 2,481 113 14 34,734 G4HGT/P 329 10 4 ele Yagi  
AR 50 G8YMW/P IO93 28 2,161 77 14 30,254 G4ASR 218 40 wat 11 element dual band  
AR 51 G1PPA/A IO93 24 2,445 102 12 29,340 G3TCU/P 223 25 beam low antenna due to winds thanks for all the contacts and points in 2015 happy new year to all
AL 52 G4CRF IO91 24 2,238 93 13 29,094 ON7EQ 294 2.5W 5 element LFA  
AL 53 G0BFJ/P IO93 40 2,814 70 10 28,140 G3TCU/P 276 5 5 el beam  
AL 54 M6KTP/P IO93 32 2,330 73 12 27,960 M0ICR/P 203 4 Beam    
AR 55 G4CLB IO91 29 2,328 80 12 27,936 G4FZN/P 296 10 Moxon  
AR 56 G1MZD IO92 24 1,959 82 14 27,426 G4FZN/P 242 15w 5 ele G4CQM High noise level and rather low antenna made it difficult to copy. First 4m UKAC from home. tnx. HNY MKARS
AR 57 G1DFL IO91 28 1,938 69 14 27,132 M1DDD/P 214 40W 3Y Indoors Fixed West Nice end to the contesting year - enjoyable, friendly and fun. Thanks for all the QSO's and wishing you a HNY. Points to the Rats!
AR 58 G6GVI IO83 21 1,929 92 14 27,006 G4BWP 240 40 Moxon Rectangle Antenna at reduced height due to strong winds. High noise-level at home QTH.  
AL 59 G3RCW IO93 35 2,161 62 12 25,932 G3TCU/P 236 4 5 el LFA    
AR 60 G4WEY IO90 11 1,760 160 14 24,640 G4FZN/P 388 40 4ele Yagi  
AO 61 G8GNI IO91 23 2,039 89 12 24,468 M1CJN/P 234 100 5 ele Very enjoyable. Happy New Year
AR 62 G3TDH IO83 25 1,714 69 14 23,996 G4BWP 209 25W 3 Ele Awful tropo, low activity. Only part time possible, and equipment problems too. Better in 2016 I'm sure, so HNY to all!
AL 63 M0BUX IO82 16 1,647 103 14 23,058 G4BWP 180 4 5 Ele Yagi    
AX 64 GW0IRW IO72 9 1,888 210 12 22,656 G4BWP 308 35w 5/5 Duo Limited time on tonight, deep QSB and limited activity heard... 73s & HNY!
AO 65 G4SJH IO91 26 1,830 70 12 21,960 G4FZN/P 322 50 5Y Good luck in 2016!
AR 66 G7APD IO92 18 1,747 97 12 20,964 G4FZN/P 204 25W 6ele Yagi  
AL 67 M6XAK IO93 22 1,600 73 12 19,200 G3TCU/P 234 4 Halo    
AL 68 2E0DKY IO93 23 1,739 76 10 17,390 G8CUL 188 04 3 element yagi  
AR 69 G0VOF IO83 14 1,393 100 12 16,716 G4BWP 254 30 Dipole Noise levels here much better than usual. Thanks for all QSO's & Happy New Year! 73, Mark
AR 70 G8EOP IO93 24 1,637 68 10 16,370 G3TCU/P 284 40 5 el beam thanks to all HNY good luck to you all in 2016 73 Mel
AR 71 G4LDR IO91 13 1,325 102 12 15,900 G3VCA 246 10 5 Element OWL  
AR 72 G8BFF IO92 15 1,190 79 12 14,280 G4FZN/P 186 10W homebrew tuneable dipole  
AR 73 G0EUN IO93 17 1,389 82 10 13,890 G3TCU/P 218 10w 3 ele H/B Beam  
AR 74 G3ORX IO81 10 1,301 130 10 13,010 G4BWP 208 15 Indoor 2 ele Very high noise level, could'nt hear many stns. At least I had a go. 73 to all and a Happy New Year
AR 75 M1KEY IO93 21 1,282 61 10 12,820 G7LRQ/P 196 40 5 ELEMENT YAGI INNOVANTENNA  
AR 76 G4OAR/A IO82 14 979 70 12 11,748 G4FZN/P 179 40w Home made Dipole Not the best contest, but thanks to everyone for the points and HNY.
AR 77 M0GXZ IO92 15 903 60 12 10,836 M1CJN/P 218 35 3 el Have a Happy New Year everyone
AR 78 G4FKI IO92 11 903 82 12 10,836 G4FZN/P 251 30 3ele Conditions average
AX 79 GM4VVX IO78 3 2,585 862 4 10,340 LN1V 894 80w 6 ele Howling Gale ! Very scary. NO TROPO at all. Closest 4 mtr op tonight 280km behind 4000' hills. Many TNX for all the QSOs in 2016
AL 80 M0PXM IO91 10 894 89 8 7,152 G4FZN/P 320 4W 3el LFA Nothing to the West. HNY all Thanks for all the contacts over the year. Speak to you next year.
AR 81 M0COP IO82 6 704 117 10 7,040 G4FZN/P 218 10W DELTA LOOP Too windy for /P
AR 82 G4RYV IO91 13 838 64 8 6,704 G4ODA 164 20W 5 Ele DK7ZB Homebrew Conditions generally poor with a high noise level and deep qsb at times. HNY to all G4RYV David
AR 83 M0NVS IO91 13 622 48 8 4,976 M0MDY 187 40W 3/3 DUAL YAGI struggled tonight with poor conditions and only on for last hour. heard more than could work. HNY to all and its been a fun year. 73 phil
AR 84 G4HYG IO83 17 780 46 6 4,680 M1CJN/P 119 35W Fan dipole Thanks for the contacts, points to Bolton Wireless Club. HNY!  
AL 85 G4LHT IO91 14 571 41 6 3,426 M0TWC/P 183 04 3 ELE  
AL 86 G4LBH IO90 5 417 83 8 3,336 G7LRQ/P 156 4 HB9CV  
AR 87 G4HFU IO91 15 551 37 6 3,306 G4BWP 100 20 Non-resonant vertical  
AL 88 G0NAJ IO83 8 533 67 6 3,198 M0TWC/P 135 4 Dipole  
AL 89 G1FFH IO93 16 531 33 4 2,124 G4FZN/P 71 8 WATT 3 ele yagi  
AL 91 M3RNX IO83 5 215 43 4 860 GW4BVE 114 4w HB9CV  
AL 92 G8FKH IO91 8 210 26 4 840 G3NPI 62 2 HB Moxon Only on for one hour - kit problems.To be improved for 2106 on this band.
AR 93 G3UFO IO83 3 95 32 4 380 M1DDD/P 89 6 2El Inovation Aerial Changeover relay failed at start impossible to carry on  
AR 94 G3YXZ/P IO91 3 46 15 2 92 M0PES 37 25 quarterwave vertical Mic. lead failed after 40 minutes ! Unable to repair.....Aargh !

29 Sep (100 scores)

30 Jun (95 scores)

31 Mar (88 scores)

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