Claimed Scores 2017
  13783 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

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29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
21/12/17 70MHz UKAC
21/12/17 70MHz FMAC
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Claimed scores for 70MHz UKAC

21 Dec (93 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G4BWP JO02 106 23,066 218 24000 47,066 OK1DIG 960 150 7ele PowAbeam  
AR 2 G4CLA IO92 89 15,953 179 24000 39,953 OK1DIG 1075 40 7ele Thanks for all the QSOs, see you all in 2018.
AO 3 GI4SNA IO64 64 21,368 334 17500 38,868 PA5Y 854 130 8 Ele yagi G4CQM  
AO 4 G4ASR IO81 95 17,680 186 19000 36,680 OK1DIG 1190 150 7-ELEMENT YAGI Reasonable conditions, no noise & some good DX inc OK1DIG via SSB MS. Seasons greetings. CU all in 2018 73 David >> HEREFORD ARS <<
AO 5 G3TCU/P IO91 83 17,038 205 18000 35,038 GM4AFF 628 160 6 ele DK7ZB Average Condx & activity. Noise to West. MX & HNY all.
AO 6 GM4AFF IO86 45 16,748 372 17500 34,248 PA5Y 782 160 8ele homebrew    
AO 7 GW4BVE IO82 40 11,661 292 21500 33,161 SP9HWY 1557 160 HB KSC 9ele dualband  
AL 8 G1YBB/P IO82 88 15,675 178 16000 31,675 PA5Y 609 4 6 ele thanks to all for all the points on all bands this year! Much appreciated & hope to get you all again in 2018!! Season's greetings, Steve
AR 9 PA5Y JO21 29 16,259 561 15000 31,259 GM8IEM 1024 40 11 ele Dual bander Conditions seemed fair, MS good also. Frustratingly slow, great to work GM4AFF on CW. Merry Xmas and HNY
AR 10 G4ODA IO92 61 11,147 183 18500 29,647 GM4AFF 468 40 6el yagi New QRN to South so only loud sigs heard between SE and SW. Seasons greetings and HNY to all.  
AR 11 G8PNN/P IO95 49 11,718 239 15500 27,218 PA5Y 653 40 4 ELE HB Unusual for this location lots of noise to the SE. Deep QSB at times WX good. Thanks for all QSO's. Merry Xmas. 73 Gordon
AR 12 G3VCA IO93 68 9,873 145 17000 26,873 PA3ECU 496 40 duel band beam Deep QSB maybe many mistakes tonight - lost a few. Terrible QRN over 90 degrees - Chinese Christmas lights maybe - humbug lol
AR 13 G0EHV/P IO84 48 10,560 220 15500 26,060 PA5Y 632 40 5 Element yagi Poor conditions and lowish activity. In the clouds tonight - wet. Thanks QSO's in past year. CU next year, 73 Eddie
AO 14 G0VVE IO91 72 13,290 185 12500 25,790 GM4AFF 625 110 9Y Struggle tonight. Thanks to those who persevered. Happy Christmas
AR 15 G7LRQ/P IO91 86 13,408 156 12000 25,408 GI4SNA 472 40 6 Ele Thanks for all the contacts this year and Merry Xmas.
AL 16 2E0DXK/P IO93 62 8,467 137 16500 24,967 PA5Y 531 4 4 el M0ZMF Delta Beam Thanks to all for points to Worksop ARS. Seasons Greetings to all. See you in 2018!
AL 17 G0EAK/P IO93 55 7,824 142 16500 24,324 GM4AFF 392 4 3 Ele Innov Quad Radio now sorted. Spent more time S & P than usual but it paid off with 17 squares.Seasons Greetings tnx to all for the points over the year  
AR 18 GW8ASD IO83 51 8,776 172 15000 23,776 GM4AFF 415 40 7 ele Flat band and noisy.
AO 19 G3TCT IO81 47 10,378 221 13000 23,378 GM4AFF 631 160 6ele DK7ZB Better than expected, easier than 23cm! MX all
AR 20 G4YHF IO92 40 7,623 191 14000 21,623 GM4AFF 452 40 6el DK7ZB Thanks for contacts. See you next year hopefully! Festive Greetings to you all. Jools  
AO 21 MM0CEZ IO75 25 7,051 282 14500 21,551 G3TCU/P 564 160 HB DB 11 5 ELEMENTS ON 4 Conditions pretty poor, but picked up a bit to the end. Tnx to G0CER and all the others who persevered I hope I got it right.
AR 22 G3UVR IO83 61 8,895 146 12500 21,395 GM4AFF 388 40 4 ele Jaybeam Very noisy as usual. Lost some time due to equipment failure. 73
AO 23 G3MXH JO02 59 11,293 191 10000 21,293 GI4SNA 530 150 7 el Powabeam High level noise SE to Nth. Slow going. Thanks to the /p stations for turning out.
AR 24 G8REQ IO83 45 6,791 151 14500 21,291 GM4AFF 383 40 4 Ele Jaybeam Slow start but picked up later. Usual local noise and some QSB, Tnx to all contacts, Seasons Greetings to all...73.
AR 25 G0ODQ IO91 50 7,670 153 11000 18,670 GM4AFF 569 40 4 ele of dual Conditions were difficult with a very noisy band, activity was reasonable.
AO 26 G3MEH IO91 60 8,619 144 9000 17,619 PA5Y 443 160 2 x 5el HB Poor conditions, low activity and band noisy. Merry Xmas and HNY, all.
AR 27 G0HEL/P IO81 64 9,593 150 8000 17,593 G6CQC 395 35 8 Element Yagi wet very windy poor band deep qsb many missing, hrd GM4AFF 5:5 not wkd. Happy Xmas all tnx fr points in KST or MGM 73's Alan TDARC
AO 28 G3ZIG JO02 50 10,307 206 7000 17,307 GI4SNA 508 120 4el Yagi Much QSB enjoyed taking part in a 70 mhz contest again.
AR 29 G0CER IO82 32 4,685 146 12500 17,185 GM4AFF 432 25 4 ele lfa  
AR 30 G8EEM/P IO84 24 4,219 176 12500 16,719 G3TCU/P 357 40 6 ele Low cloud & very wet. Had antenna fault, only operated about an hour.
AO 31 G8KPD/P IO85 20 4,528 226 12000 16,528 PA5Y 657 100 4 Elem Yagi Thanks to all contacts. Flat calm and mild WX perfect for portable. Best wishes to all.
AL 32 M0OMB IO83 38 5,728 151 10500 16,228 GM4AFF 353 4 6 Y Despite fog & drizzle for most of day condx better than expected. Merry Xmas and thanks for all the pts this year.
AR 33 G8CUL IO91 48 6,718 140 9500 16,218 PA5Y 484 40 6 element Noise, noise, noise! 4m system needs some improvement here! Thanks to all for the QSOs. Harwell ARS.  
AL 34 G8DMU/P IO94 37 5,543 150 10500 16,043 PA5Y 578 4 3 ele  
AO 35 G3NPI IO92 51 6,855 134 9000 15,855 PA5Y 467 150 6EL LFA Conditions poor to North. OK East/West
AL 36 G4DBN IO93 32 4,845 151 10500 15,345 GI4SNA 348 4 Powabeam 5-ele Heard so many I could not work, time to go a bit more QRO I think!
AO 37 GM4DIJ IO85 16 3,643 228 11500 15,143 G4BWP 472 80 6ele Good to SW and SE. Band noise already high increased near end.
AR 38 GW4ZAR IO83 45 6,557 146 8500 15,057 G3MXH 297 40 4 ele OWL Seasons Greetings to all and let's see what 2018 brings us .. 73 .. Dave
AR 39 G8ONK IO83 32 5,250 164 9500 14,750 GM4AFF 341 25 9 ele G0KSC Dualband Lots of QSB as usual, thanks for all QSOs all year.
AR 40 G3TDH IO83 30 4,087 136 10500 14,587 GM4AFF 381 25 3 Ele Yagi Not at all a bad night to finish the year's UKAC with. Merry Xmas to all- QSO again next year!
AR 41 G4OAR/A IO82 15 2,730 182 11500 14,230 GM4AFF 432 40 5 ele Enjoyable contest. Thanks to everyone for patience and points in 2017. Seasons Greets. 73,
AR 42 G1FFH IO93 26 3,460 133 10500 13,960 GI4SNA 322 35 26 ELE LOOP BEAM >>>>>> 807 ARO <<<<<< Congrats to all winners in this years UKAC.Now Certificate Mayhem. Now where did I put them ink cartridges. 73's all
AO 43 GM8IEM IO78 8 5,343 668 8500 13,843 OK1DIG 1519 160 6 el Hard going tonight with few planes over the Highlands and poor MS towards Scandinavia. Tnx all for the QSOs. Merry Xmas and a HNY.
AR 44 G1HLT IO93 30 3,357 112 10000 13,357 GM4AFF 410 40 3 el Deep QSB but no QRN to north. Tnx all calls.Seasons greetings to all see you in 2018. *807ARO
AR 45 G3SQQ IO93 45 4,620 103 8000 12,620 GI4SNA 355 40 5EL of dual band Would have helped if I had remembered to wind the tower up more than half way, all the best Xmas to all.
AR 46 G3WAG/P IO82 43 4,605 107 7500 12,105 GI4SNA 352 40 5 Element DK7ZB Conditions poor. Happy Christmas to you all! See you in 2018
AR 47 G8FMC IO91 36 4,175 116 7000 11,175 GI4SNA 448 40 4 el Moxon-Yagi Very fast QSB at first, seemed to steady later? Average effort to end the year, CU in 2018.  
AR 48 G3ZWR/P IO94 8 1,139 142 9500 10,639 G4ODA 259 70 3ele dual band innova antennas Bursts of White Noise?? From North to East Most of the Time?
AR 49 G4CLB IO92 34 3,624 107 7000 10,624 GM4AFF 477 20 Moxon Nasty QSB now and then. Tnx for repeats and Festive Greetings. CU in 2018
AR 50 G4VFL IO84 11 2,573 234 8000 10,573 G4BWP 359 25 5ele G4CQM QSB, Rx IO91 but didn't managed to work. Last Hour 6B1G2R Merry Christmas to everyone
AR 51 G3WCB/P IO80 27 7,168 265 3000 10,168 G0EAK/P 384 25 Moxon Flat condx. A struggle to find the bonus squares this time Didn't work my own square:-( Tks QSOs, pts to Drowned Rats. 73 & HNY Dave G3WCB/P
AR 52 G3PHO IO93 43 4,762 111 5000 9,762 GI4SNA 331 40 4 el dual band 50/70MHz yagi Rather poor. Lost two GMs in the QSB. Hrd nothing from IO94,95 and IO84. No Eu. Cant wait to get back to the old scoring system next year!
AR 53 G1PPA IO93 33 4,288 130 5000 9,288 G3TCT 284 35 3 ele beam more noise than normal and a few regulars missing happy xmas and new year to all
AR 54 G0BFJ IO93 27 2,954 109 5500 8,454 G14SNA 294 20 5el Beam  
AR 55 G4DFA IO91 29 3,786 131 4500 8,286 GW8ASD 275 30 HB9CV  
AR 56 G3WRA IO82 26 2,700 104 5500 8,200 G4BWP 255 40 5 Ele Powabeam Poor to the north E W better sorry if I missed local noises S7 73 Stuart Hereford ARS
AR 57 G0CDA IO83 20 2,355 118 5500 7,855 G3TCU/P 274 15 Dipole Merry Christmas 73!  
AO 58 G3OVH IO92 38 3,735 98 4000 7,735 G3WCB/P 305 100 6ELE NBS Plenty of activity, but DX hard to find
AO 59 GW4JQP/P IO81 21 4,099 195 3500 7,599 G3ZIG 357 50 HB9CV  
AR 60 GM8GAX IO86 5 517 103 7000 7,517 GI4SNA 230 25 m/b yagi, 5ele on 4m increasing local noise makes it more difficult each month. MX & HNY
AL 61 G8XYJ IO82 23 2,444 106 5000 7,444 G0EHV/P 273 4 4 ele OWL Innov Thanks to all that worked me this evening and over the year! 73 all Merry Xmas from Matt G8XYJ Hereford ARS  
AR 62 2E0OLG IO83 11 1,820 165 5500 7,320 GM4AFF 359 10 Create CLP5130-1N Merry Christmas and Happy new year to all. Thanks for the points over the year as a newbie.. Looking forward to next year.
AR 63 G5UM IO92 35 3,529 101 3500 7,029 G3TCT 208 50 quad beam  
AO 64 GW4RWR IO83 18 2,741 152 4000 6,741 G3MXH 311 160 7EL DK7ZB Happy New Year to you all.  
AL 65 G3RCW IO93 15 1,664 111 5000 6,664 GI4SNA 349 4 3 Ele Innov Quad    
AR 66 G0SKA IO91 27 2,418 90 4000 6,418 M0MDY 202 40 9 ele dual band yagi poor propagation and noisy band to all points north. Sorry to those I could not hear.
AR 67 G4BEE/P IO83 19 2,272 120 4000 6,272 G0VVE 307 10 H/B Moxon Last minute decision to venture out to a local hump .. vicious QSB as is usual on 70MHz!  
AL 68 M0BUX IO82 22 2,262 103 4000 6,262 G3ZIG 229 4 5 Ele Yagi **TWCG**  
AR 69 G4WEY IO90 17 2,564 151 3500 6,064 G3VCA 287 40 4 ele Yagi  
AO 70 G4BRK IO91 18 2,007 112 4000 6,007 PA5Y 495 150 6 el Limited time with visitors, but only 1 station hrd N of IO92. MGM not successful either.  
AL 71 G4NZV IO82 21 2,424 115 3500 5,924 G3ZIG 229 4 5 Ele Yagi **TWCG**  
AR 72 G8EOP IO93 7 871 124 5000 5,871 G7LRQ/P 217 40 5 el beam  
AR 73 G0NRL JO01 23 2,830 123 3000 5,830 2E0DXK/P 260 10 HB9CV in loft (fixed > NW)    
AL 74 M6XAK IO93 23 2,232 97 3500 5,732 G0HEL/P 241 4 Halo    
AR 75 G4DZL IO92 21 1,979 94 3500 5,479 G3TCU/P 179 25 dipole in loft  
AR 76 2E0DKY IO93 15 1,964 131 3500 5,464 GI4SNA 394 30 4 element  
AR 77 G4JED JO01 18 1,890 105 3000 4,890 G1YBB/P 243 10 4 ele Yagi Conditions appeared promising, but high noise level and no great distance. Tnx all and best for Christmas and HNY.
AR 78 G4SEQ IO93 11 1,055 96 3500 4,555 GI4SNA 303 40 Innov 3/3 Very noisy on the band, probably Christmas lights. Very deep QSB. Thanks everyone for all the QSO's and points this year. Seasons Greetings!
AR 79 G1MZD IO92 16 1,407 88 3000 4,407 G3TCT 162 23 6/4 3/3ele Had to pack in early tests for tvi earlier were ok but not when it mattered.Hope everyone else had a good night.Seasons Greetings MKARS
AR 80 G6GEI IO92 21 1,658 79 2500 4,158 G3TCT 168 40 4 Element  
AR 81 M0TAZ JO01 15 1,287 86 2500 3,787 G4ASR 223 40 2e Seemed quite busy, worked everyone I could hear from home.
AR 82 G8CMU IO81 11 1,096 100 2500 3,596 G3MXH 242 15 Wire Dipole  
AR 83 G8BFF IO92 12 786 66 2500 3,286 G0VVE 157 10 homebrew tuneable dipole  
AL 84 G4VPD IO92 7 840 120 2000 2,840 G3YDY 178 4 5 LFA    
AO 85 G0WUS IO92 13 776 60 2000 2,776 G0VVE 156 50 dipole  
AL 86 M6JIJ IO93 10 578 58 2000 2,578 G4ASR 184 4 Single element Dipole Late start,Condx poor with hi QRM & QSB. Sorry I couldn't hear G4DBN (Neil)Merry Christmas everyone & hope to catch you all in the new year  
AR 87 M0IJS IO92 13 663 51 1500 2,163 G0VVE 134 40 Delta Loop in loft  
AR 88 G3IXZ IO82 10 611 61 1500 2,111 G4BWP 217 10 MOXON  
AO 89 G0TVM IO93 6 445 74 1500 1,945 GW4BVE 154 50 4m Dipole  
AR 90 G0ULH IO81 6 422 70 1500 1,922 G3VCA 179 40 4/6m beam  
AR 91 G4BCA IO81 7 409 58 1500 1,909 G7LRQ/P 115 14 Moxon loop  
AL 92 M0HFY IO81 5 230 46 1000 1,230 G0HEL/P 62 10 Dipole    
AL 93 G8NVX IO93 3 209 70 1000 1,209 G4BWP 172 4 1/2 wave Dipole Hard work and seem's not my best band..Yet, time will tell. Many thanks for the points and Merry Christmas everyone..

16 Nov (92 scores)

19 Oct (89 scores)

21 Sep (90 scores)

17 Aug (98 scores)

20 Jul (109 scores)

15 Jun (112 scores)

18 May (105 scores)

20 Apr (131 scores)

16 Mar (108 scores)

16 Feb (111 scores)

19 Jan (102 scores)

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