Claimed Scores 2023
  13230 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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24/06/24 50MHz Trophy
03/01/24 144MHz Xmas Contest
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Claimed scores for 70MHz UKAC

21 Dec (58 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AR 1 G4CLA IO92 73 11,431 157 10000 21,431 DL6BF 582 50 7ele Thanks for the QSOs.
AO 2 G4ASR IO81 63 11,927 189 9500 21,427 DL6BF 706 150 7-el DK9ZB The worst conditions & activity this year. 7 dxcc & 19 squares. 4xGM (CXM, DIJ,JTJ,VVX) DL6BF, ON5CD, PE1EWR, EI3JE, EI8KN. Happy Xmas :)
AO 3 GM4JTJ IO86 13 7,671 590 5000 12,671 OH4MS 1710 150 6 ele homebrew High band noise made ssb hard work. Tnx to all and see you in 2024.
AR 4 G0ODQ IO91 48 5,294 110 5500 10,794 GM4CXM 519 50 4 ele of dual Poor conditions and activity tonight Thanks all for the qso's and seasons greetings to all  
AR 5 G0SKA IO91 39 3,893 100 5000 8,893 EI8KN 449 40 7 ele Powabeam dire. V deep QSB and noisy with weak signals. A lot of the usual squares missing - activity low.
AO 6 G3TCT IO81 31 4,624 149 4000 8,624 EI8KN 344 160 6ele High winds, deep qsb, low activity understandable. Tnx to all for persevering  
AL 7 G6UAJ/P IO91 42 4,264 102 4000 8,264 EI8KN 386 10 5 ele strong north westerly gusts, low activity...antenna at half mast.  
AR 8 GW8ASD IO83 25 3,962 158 3500 7,462 GM4JTJ 400 40 7ele Yagi Poor conditions, low activity, high noise!  
AR 9 G4HWA IO92 39 3,420 88 4000 7,420 G8REQ 196 50 6 ele Dual Very Poor conditions very deep qsb at times a night to forget , Thanks for all the contacts 73 and season greetings Bernie G4HWA  
AR 10 G4NTY IO83 26 3,833 147 3500 7,333 EI3JE 418 50 5 Element Yagi Poor
AR 11 G8REQ IO83 19 2,400 126 3500 5,900 GM4JTJ 368 45 H/B 3 Ele DK7ZB Dire evening with QSB/local noise and 50mph wind so reduced ant size/ height. Tnx. to all lets hope for a good 2024. 73..MX  
AR 12 G0NZI/P IO92 32 2,845 89 3000 5,845 GM4CXM 423 40 2 element telesopic yagi Ouch ! Poor conditions and lots missing. Thanks for all the QSO's seasons greetings everyone!
AR 13 G3TKF IO81 24 1,815 76 3500 5,315 EI8KN 340 40 Fixed Dipole Heavy QSB and lots of noise - lost several QSOs due to noise . Thanks to those I did manage to work . Seasons greetings to all  
AR 14 G4YPC IO91 27 2,301 85 3000 5,301 G4ASR 183 40 4ele Jaybeam Worst claimed score on 4 in 2023.ODX only 183km!!! Tnks for all QSOs this year.Seasons greetings and 73. Points to Guildford DRS  
AR 15 G4YTL IO92 7 2,086 298 3000 5,086 GM4VVX 698 50 7ele  
AR 16 G4ODA IO92 13 2,235 172 2500 4,735 G3WGV 259 50 4el yagi Token effort with small ant/tower nested,S9 powerline arcs. Seasons greetings and wishes for peaceful es healthy new year. Mni tnx to VHFCC  
AR 17 G8SEI IO92 20 1,874 94 2500 4,374 GM4JTJ 455 50 5 ele HB oh what noise we had such fun fun seasons to all 73 jeff  
AR 18 G4EPA IO92 23 1,705 74 2500 4,205 G8REQ 175 100 4 Element Awful night. Low activity and poor conditions. Apologies to those that could hear me but I could no hear due to strong local noise.  
AR 19 EI8KN IO62 7 2,668 381 1500 4,168 G0SKA 449 50 6 elements Very windy. Low activity. First 90 minutes only. Merry Xmas & HNY to all.  
AL 20 G8FMC IO91 22 1,606 73 2500 4,106 GW8ASD 193 10 4 ele of dual-band Dire cond & activity. last QSO at 21.42. Gave up after another 35mins!  
AR 21 G8GYX IO91 19 1,579 83 2500 4,079 G4ASR 204 20 3 Ele beam Last minute re-assembly of the 4m station,15 mins late on, vy poor condx & lo activity. Thanks & xmas wishes to all - Tom  
AR 22 G8IQL IO90 21 1,489 71 2500 3,989 G4ASR 174 25 3 el innovantennas dual band v poor condx. Thx all for this year's QSOs, look forward to some more UKAC fun next year.  
AR 23 M0HPI/P IO91 20 1,413 71 2500 3,913 G4ASR 187 50 Dipole    
AR 24 G8LNR/P IO81 21 1,304 62 2500 3,804 G4YPC 125 50 6 ele OWL Festive salutations every one and HNY, tnks 4 QSO's see uall in 2024  
AR 25 G4KQY JO02 12 1,790 149 2000 3,790 G3TCT 315 40 6 ele yagi tnks all for contacts. sri the ones calling i couldnt hear.  
AL 26 MW0OMB IO81 15 1,737 116 2000 3,737 G4NTY 229 10 6 Ele PwrAbeam Lower mast and low activity and poor conditions.  
AL 27 G4GFI IO91 16 1,158 72 2500 3,658 G4ASR 204 10 HB9CV in loft Poor condx and activity well down on normal. Merry Christmas & HNY.  
AR 28 G0JSB IO83 9 783 87 2500 3,283 GM4CXM 294 50 3 ele yagi in attic Poor conds with deep QSB. Thanks all for 2023 contacts. Happy Xmas and New Year.  
AL 29 G7WHI/P IO92 16 1,129 71 2000 3,129 G3TCT 188 10 Dipole Seasons greetings and thank you for all the QSO's this year. A wet wild windy night!  
AR 30 G3TMG IO90 13 1,127 87 2000 3,127 G4ASR 183 50 4 element Yagi    
AR 31 G0PQF JO01 11 1,122 102 2000 3,122 G4ASR 212 50 4 el Poor conditions and activity. Seasons greetings to all.  
AR 32 G3OVH IO92 16 1,076 67 2000 3,076 G3TCT 198 50 6ele homebrew Low activity. Bad QSB. Gave up early.  
AR 33 G7WIR JO01 13 1,026 79 2000 3,026 G4ASR 223 50 4m HALO It was poor and quite depressing at times. I felt like throwing the antenna off the roof and jumping off after it :-) Merry Xmas and HNY. 73  
AO 34 GM4DIJ IO85 4 1,009 252 2000 3,009 G4ASR 441 100 6 el yagi Poor night. High noise, many missing  
AR 35 G4NKT IO81 14 913 65 2000 2,913 G4CLA 144 50 5 ele LFA beam    
AR 36 M0GHZ IO81 11 740 67 1500 2,240 G4CLA 135 50 5 ele 1st hour only. Tower down due to wind and noise levels very high. Seasons greetings to all.See you next year! 73  
AO 37 GW4MBS IO71 5 736 147 1500 2,236 G4NTY 209 160 5-el Powabeam Grim condx & activity. Gave up after an hour, worked all I could hear. Even the two CWs were a struggle.
AR 38 G6GDI IO91 12 674 56 1500 2,174 G4ASR 156 50 CLP5130-1 LOG PEROIDIC Many thx for an enjoyable night. Not many contact - might get better next year. Happy Christmas.  
AR 39 G8VPE JO02 7 657 94 1500 2,157 G4ASR 321 45 3 El H/Brew Grim would not even to begin to describe conditions.  
AR 40 2E0MDJ IO81 10 577 58 1500 2,077 G4CLA 91 50 3 Ele LFA-Q    
AR 41 G8DMN IO81 7 573 82 1500 2,073 G4CLA 175 50 Yagi 5 ele Happy Christmas etc. GL for next year.  
AL 42 G0FEH IO92 12 514 43 1500 2,014 G4ASR 104 10 Dipole Ugh! Coax full of water.
AL 43 G4DZL IO92 8 479 60 1500 1,979 G4ASR 144 10 3 ele yagi  
AR 44 G0MHZ IO91 8 372 46 1500 1,872 G4ASR 150 45 1/2 wave 6m dipole via ATU    
AR 45 G8FRS IO91 6 328 55 1500 1,828 G3CLA 98 50 Halo    
AR 46 PE1EWR JO11 2 795 398 1000 1,795 G4ASR 451 40 4-4EPS6/4  
AR 47 2E0OUT IO81 5 220 44 1500 1,720 G4CLA 116 50 13 ell duel mast down. Happy Christmas 73 all  
AR 48 M0WBG IO83 6 266 44 1000 1,266 G4CLA 164 50 3 Ele Yagi Terrible conditions All the best for Xmas & New Year  
AO 49 G4LPP JO02 6 251 42 1000 1,251 G4ODA 113 160 Syrio 3/4 wave vert. Tower luffed due to storm so on 3/4 wave vertical. Awful! 73 and Seasons greetings. Phil  
AR 50 G4ILI IO81 3 206 69 1000 1,206 G4YPC 128 45 4 ele yagi Family arrived for Xmas. Merry Xmas everyone & TNX fr all the contacts in 23 - may see you in 2024.Happy New Year - Grant  
AR 51 G4YUP IO90 4 91 23 1000 1,091 G4CIZ 41 50 Cirio Vertical Dreadful conditions. Worked all I could hear. Hope things improve in 2024. Happy festive season and thaank you for the contacts,  
AR 52 G7LMJ IO90 2 83 42 1000 1,083 M0HPI/P 59 50 4 Element 4m Yagi Have a great holiday and New Year.  
AR 53 G0VAX IO83 5 116 23 500 616 G4NTY 57 50 3 Ele Beam  
AR 54 G4DYC JO02 4 100 25 500 600 G8VPE 40 50 Vertical Dipole Merry Christmas, Seasonal Greetings & HNY. 73 All-Mike  
AL 55 G8TZJ IO84 1 78 78 500 578 G8REQ 78 10 Dipole    
AR 56 G0BIX JO01 1 30 30 500 530 G7WIR 30 50 Buddipole dipole    
AL 57 G0EHG IO83 2 27 14 500 527 G4NTY 26 10 Dipole    
AL 58 M0KSE IO83 1 12 12 500 512 G4NTY 12 10 Homebrew 4m Moxon Couldn't raise mast due to high winds, then loss of power, followed by rotator issue. That was my 3 for the night - enough was enough! Seaso

16 Nov (81 scores)

19 Oct (74 scores)

21 Sep (82 scores)

17 Aug (97 scores)

20 Jul (102 scores)

15 Jun (101 scores)

18 May (104 scores)

20 Apr (101 scores)

16 Mar (100 scores)

16 Feb (103 scores)

19 Jan (88 scores)

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