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  6616 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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26/07/24 70MHz Trophy
26/07/24 SHF UKAC 5.7 GHz
26/07/24 SHF UKAC 10 GHz
26/07/24 SHF UKAC 3.4 GHz
25/07/24 70MHz UKAC
25/07/24 SHF UKAC 2.3 GHz
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Claimed scores for 70MHz UKAC

18 Jul (88 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G4ASR IO81 102 23,148 227 13000 36,148 OH6DX 2097 150 50/70 Yagi Was tracking the Sp-E to SP and then up popped the OH's. Also OH0AZX Aaland Islands. 11 DXCC. Using a 50/70MHz beam thing with 1.8:1 vswr!
AR 2 G4CLA IO92 115 21,058 183 13500 34,558 OH6DX 1974 50 7ele Nice Es, good activity.
AO 3 G4FZN/P IO94 99 23,210 234 10500 33,710 G7RAU 546 160 7 element The Eastern European broadcast interference was very strong, but couldn't find any amateur stations from there. Thanks for the QSOS.
AR 4 MW0LKX/P IO82 95 19,882 209 11500 31,382 OH6DX 2065 40 6ele PowaBeam Couple of good ones into Finland, radio cutting out due to low voltage. Thankyou for all QSO's 73 Wayne
AO 5 GI4SNA IO64 62 21,522 347 8500 30,022 G3XDY 554 120 8 Ele Yagi G4CQM    
AL 6 GW1YBB/P IO81 100 19,146 191 10500 29,646 OH6DX 2108 10 6 ele homebrew huge wideband QRM either side,maybe EU? QSB and otherwose poor really. thx all for calls,Steve  
AR 7 G7LRQ/P IO91 97 17,391 179 11500 28,891 OH8DJ 1980 50 6 element Dualb Reasonable activity to start but quiet at end, thanks for points.  
AR 8 2E0VCC/P IO70 73 19,774 271 8500 28,274 G0UUU/P 479 50 5 ele Steady Start, Plenty Of activity, Nothing Outside Of UK Heard, Very Hot On Hill, Many Thanks To All, 73 Darrell  
AO 9 GM4JTJ IO86 40 18,227 456 7500 25,727 OH0AZX 1403 150 6 ele homebrew At Times very heavy east european qrm, better later. Tnx fer all the tries.
AR 10 G3TBK/P IO93 96 15,316 160 9500 24,816 G7RAU 468 50 6 el Average condx. Flat calm so tower at max height - 3 ft more than usual! No MGM nor chatroom.  
AR 11 G8SEI IO92 84 13,814 164 11000 24,814 OH8DJ 1963 50 7 ele HB cqm design Decent conditions to start. then noise and qsb but not too bad. I know i missed some. thanks to all for test 73 jeff  
AR 12 G4ODA IO92 76 12,891 170 11000 23,891 DL6BF 509 50 7el yagi Agn Es went before start. Lots of noise. Hard work.  
AO 13 G4BRK IO91 66 12,073 183 11000 23,073 OH6DX 2049 150 5 el Just one OH, called off back of beam. Much better than usual, but many low power stations very weak against high noise level.  
AR 14 G0ODQ IO91 84 12,053 143 10500 22,553 GM4JTJ 557 50 4 ele of dual  
AO 15 G3TCT IO81 63 11,600 184 10000 21,600 GM4CXM 550 160 6 ele Much better condx and good activity  
AO 16 G4LPP JO02 55 12,607 229 8000 20,607 G7RAU 562 160 4 ele yagi Average condx here ES cloud overhead so no DX. Thanks for QSOs 73, Phil  
AL 17 G0EAK/P IO93 58 9,881 170 9000 18,881 G7RAU 480 10 6 Ele LFA Average condx and no sign of the Es from Scandinavia which stations further south experienced.  
AR 18 GW8ASD IO83 59 9,873 167 9000 18,873 GM4JTJ 400 40 8ele Yagi AS usual, noise was an issue. I sometimes think raising the mast makes things worse!  
AR 19 G8IQL/P IO90 64 9,624 150 9000 18,624 GI4SNA 518 25 3 el Reasonable conditions though failed with one or two regulars. Thanks all, points to Guildford &DRS.  
AL 20 G7WHI/P IO92 73 9,965 137 8000 17,965 OH8DJ 1942 10 Dipole Thanks for the QSOs  
AR 21 G0SKA IO91 61 8,244 135 9000 17,244 GM4JTJ 563 50 7 ele Powabeam average with QSB. Thanks for all QSOs. Tough going with further stations.
AR 22 G0HIK/P IO84 50 10,709 214 6500 17,209 2E0VCC/P 403 50 7 ele  
AR 23 G3WAG/P IO82 60 8,276 138 8500 16,776 EI2FG 366 50 5 Element DK7ZB First hour was very active, but slowed down after then, even conditions worsened. Nice to see many /P stations again. Thanks for the contac  
AR 24 M0GHZ IO81 54 7,771 144 8000 15,771 GI4SNA 429 50 5 ele Repaired the yagi and had the best night this year, but maybe it was condtions? Thanks for QSOs  
AR 25 G8REQ IO83 45 8,655 192 7000 15,655 OH6DX 1998 50 H/B 3 Ele DK7ZB Busy for the 1st hour then tailed off, great to be called by OH6DX, Tnx. for all QSOs..73.  
AR 26 G3MEH IO91 55 7,130 130 8500 15,630 GI4SNA 474 50 PA5070-7-3  
AR 27 G4FEV IO92 46 6,400 139 9000 15,400 GM4JTJ 504 30 5ele yagi Surprisingly good considering the noise level. Thanks for the calls.  
AR 28 G4HWA IO92 55 6,709 122 8000 14,709 GM4JTJ 507 50 6ele dual aerial Flat conditions very noisy from SW to NW , not my favorite Band thanks for all the contacts 73 Bernie  
AR 29 EI8KN IO62 24 9,072 378 5500 14,572 G4ODA 490 50 6 elements Low band noise, again, made a positive difference.  
AL 30 MW0OMB IO81 37 6,328 171 8000 14,328 GI4SNA 375 10 6 Ele PwrAbeam Cdx good but some difficult QSOs too.Seemed to be suffering some intm. ant.connex prob.on ant.direction. Not sourced yet.  
AR 31 G0NZI/P IO92 53 6,230 118 7500 13,730 GM4JTJ 450 30 2 element Moxon Quite an enjoyable night tonight thanks for all the QSO's !
AL 32 G3SQQ IO93 51 6,666 131 6500 13,166 G7RAU 445 10 5 EL ( of dual band) Noise level south after 1hour, but good in some directions, thanks for patience of southern stations.  
AL 33 G4GFI IO91 39 6,090 156 7000 13,090 G7RAU 383 10 4 ele LFA Normal tropo no Es but good level of activity.  
AL 34 M0LLW/P IO93 50 7,431 149 5500 12,931 2E0VCC/P 392 10 8 ele m0zmf delta beam quiet night for us but a nice evening thanks to all that called, hopefully see you on 6 mtrs .Andrea  
AR 35 G4NTY IO83 39 6,269 161 6500 12,769 G7RAU 440 50 5 Element Yagi Rather noisy band tonight.
AR 36 M0UHF IO91 42 5,122 122 7500 12,622 G7RAU 332 50 5070OWA9    
AO 37 G4ILI IO81 43 5,236 122 7000 12,236 GI4SNA 392 160 4 element YAGI Average conds here. Not a wiff of any of the DX, but just kept plugging away.TNX ALL fr contacts, really appreciated. Grant Hereford ARS  
AL 38 G8OVZ/P JO01 44 5,836 133 6000 11,836 2E0VCC/P 343 10 4 ele yagi    
AR 39 G8FMC IO91 43 4,822 112 7000 11,822 G7RAU 374 50 4ele of Dual-band Noise peaked + 30dB to NE! Reasonable in spite of the noise.  
AR 40 G5UHF/P IO91 42 5,518 131 6000 11,518 EI8KN 412 50 5el PA New location creating more work for similar points. Too many strong signals here for weak signal work on a narrow band.  
AR 41 G8GYX IO91 39 5,957 153 5500 11,457 G7RAU 383 20 3 Ele beam conditions up a bit particularly to the SW nice to work G7RAU on 4m (1st time I think) Tks for the points to CATS - Tom  
AR 42 G4YPC IO91 36 4,589 127 6500 11,089 G7RAU 361 40 4ele Jaybeam Generally flat but poss up a bit to SW hence got IO70,IN79 & IN89.Thanks guys. No E here that I found. Points to Guildford. 73 all  
AL 43 G1MZD/P IO92 43 4,940 115 6000 10,940 G7RAU 385 10 5 ele G4CQM Packed in slightly early due to a shortage of volts, but pleased that so many heard me especialy Dave RAU tnx. Dave  
AR 44 G4KQY JO02 29 5,601 193 5000 10,601 GI4SNA 522 50 6 ele yagi hard work. tnks for contacts ...  
AL 45 G4YSS/P IO84 25 4,344 174 6000 10,344 2E0VCC/P 427 10 3-ele H/B Yagi SOTA G/NP-009, Buckden Pike Camp-over. Thanks for the QSOs. 73, John.  
AR 46 2E0VPX IO92 28 4,166 149 6000 10,166 G7RAU 477 50 5 element Gruelling contest with all the noise but some surprises towards the end. 73 Andy  
AR 47 2E0OUT IO81 30 4,104 137 6000 10,104 GM4JTJ 562 50 13ell duel thank you all 73 de James .  
AL 48 M7DQO IO92 36 5,028 140 5000 10,028 GI4SNA 443 10 4 element yagi    
AR 49 G0JSB IO83 26 3,431 132 6500 9,931 GM4JTJ 364 50 3 ele yagi in attic    
AL 50 G0UUU/P IO94 19 4,425 233 5500 9,925 2E0VCC/P 479 10 3 ele Seemed about average. Thanks for the QSOs. 73, Phil.  
AR 51 G4CSD IO91 32 3,673 115 5500 9,173 G4FZN/P 330 40 5 ele    
AR 52 G6VGG IO82 26 3,146 121 6000 9,146 GI4SNA 362 50 Yagi    
AR 53 GW4ZAR IO83 28 3,613 129 5500 9,113 GM4JTJ 382 50 4ele OWL Thanks for points .. stuck it 'til 2045 when noise and lack of signals won ..73 .. Dave  
AR 54 G1HLT IO93 29 3,276 113 5500 8,776 GM4JTJ 399 50 5 el Powabeam Conditions probably decent inter UK .No sporadic E. Usual, local noise pollution swamped nearly all SSE-SW  
AL 55 G4VFL IO84 14 3,511 251 5000 8,511 2E0VCC/P 431 10 5ele G4CQM    
AL 56 G0FEH/P IO92 32 3,345 105 5000 8,345 2E0VCC/P 272 10 4 ele yagi Spent 90 minutes fault finding - series capacitor disconnected from gamma match! Taped it back on as no soldering iron in kit.
AR 57 M0WBG IO83 20 2,641 132 5500 8,141 GM4JTJ 364 50 3 Ele Yagi    
AR 58 M0NVS IO91 25 3,059 122 5000 8,059 G7RAU 386 50 5 Ele Powabeam Difficult night plagued by noise. Thanks for qso's & attempts. 73 Phil
AL 59 G0WUS/P IO92 25 2,798 112 5000 7,798 EI2FG 482 10 6 ele Just testing new ant which worked great shame about the laptop tho!
AR 60 G7WIR JO01 23 2,948 128 4500 7,448 G4FZN/P 328 50 4m HALO Maintained my normal average for this band. Just had to wait for the beams to turn my way :-)  
AR 61 G0PQF JO01 26 3,213 124 4000 7,213 G4FZN/P 279 50 4 el Missed a few easy bonuses. No sign of Es here.  
AR 62 G4CLB IO92 27 2,245 83 4500 6,745 G0HIK/P 222 50 4 ele Disappointed not to hear any GM's. Enjoyable evening after a fairly prolonged absence from 4m.  
AR 63 G3OVH IO92 30 2,656 89 4000 6,656 GI4SNA 382 50 6 ele Thanks for the contacts  
AO 64 G4RGK IO91 30 2,323 77 4000 6,323 G4FZN/P 293 100 5 el Noise floor at S7 caused many repeats. 4m no fun from home these days. Gave up at 10pm  
AL 65 M0KSE IO83 21 2,619 125 3500 6,119 M0BAO/P 299 10 PowAbeam 5 El Thanks for all the QSOs, conditions seemed average and some QSB at this QTH.
AL 66 M0XAC IO81 16 1,795 112 4000 5,795 G4FZN/P 273 10 3 ele dual band    
AL 67 G4DZL IO92 22 1,791 81 4000 5,791 G4FZN/P 163 10 3 ele yagi  
AL 68 G0GGU IO92 22 1,747 79 4000 5,747 G4FZN/P 219 10 Dipole    
AR 69 G4YUP IO90 16 2,170 136 3000 5,170 G4FZN/P 367 50 Fixed Ceecom Moxon    
AR 70 G0VAX IO83 11 2,483 226 2000 4,483 OH6DX 1999 50 3 Ele Beam    
AR 71 G6GDI IO91 19 1,459 77 3000 4,459 G4FZN/P 271 50 CLP5130-1 LOG PEROIDIC Not such a dismal night (for me) tonight. Many thnks for the qsos.  
AL 72 G8TZJ IO84 8 1,410 176 3000 4,410 G4ASR 228 10 Dipole    
AL 73 G4JED JO01 10 1,339 134 3000 4,339 G4FZN/P 347 10 4 ele Yagi Just 30mins.  
AR 74 G8VPE JO02 10 1,172 117 2500 3,672 MW0LKZ/P 322 50 PA5070-7-3B 1st serious outing with a new dual band antenna - a definite improvement.  
AR 75 GM4IGS IO75 5 1,020 204 2500 3,520 G3TBK/P 387 40 6 ele yagi Missed out on opening to OH due to late start. Thanks for qso's and tries. First time on 4m for 2 years from home. 73
AL 76 M0TZM IO82 7 716 102 2500 3,216 G4FZN/P 187 10 3 ele beam    
AL 77 G0GDA JO01 6 1,201 200 2000 3,201 G4FZN/P 341 10 hex beam Very poor, had to resort to CW, Just did 30 mins  
AR 78 G0MHZ IO91 17 1,079 63 2000 3,079 G4FZN/P 271 45 Rotating 6m 1/2wave dipole via ATU    
AR 79 G8DMN IO81 6 523 87 2500 3,023 GW4SHF 177 50 Yagi 5 ele Band seemed to fade - or was it me?  
AR 80 G4DYC JO02 11 970 88 2000 2,970 G8SEI 175 50 vertical dipole Thanks for the patience-sigs vy weak at times.73-Mike  
AR 81 G3YDD IO82 8 708 88 2000 2,708 G4FZN/P 261 50 5 Ele Powabeam    
AR 82 G8FRS IO91 8 636 80 2000 2,636 2E0VCC/P 212 50 3 element yagi    
AR 83 G3ZWR IO94 3 441 147 1500 1,941 G3TBK/P 228 45 5 ele vine yagi testing portable equipment in garden new lipo battery and 5ele vine ant, noise levels are now untenable at home. sorry if I missed you, 73
AL 84 M0TAV IO92 9 413 46 1500 1,913 GW1YBB/P 121 10 4 element temp mast 4m high worked all I could hear  
AL 85 G7JJZ IO93 5 331 66 1500 1,831 G4FZN/P 108 10 Colinear    
AR 86 G0DJA IO93 5 269 54 1500 1,769 G4FZN/P 112 50 6 element Yagi/Uda Only on for a short time. Conditions seemed poor.  
AR 87 G0GRI IO90 2 181 90 1000 1,181 G4ASR 157 50 4MBA mini beam New QTHR!  
AR 88 M0HPI IO91 2 38 19 500 538 G4GFI 30 20 Vertical Groundplane    

20 Jun (91 scores)

16 May (80 scores)

18 Apr (89 scores)

21 Mar (88 scores)

15 Feb (92 scores)

18 Jan (76 scores)

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