Claimed Scores 2011
  7946 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
27/12/11 SHF UKAC 10 GHz
27/12/11 SHF UKAC 3.4 GHz
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Claimed scores for Christmas Cumulatives 144 MHz

29th Dec (30 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G0BBB IO91 60 60 1 24 1,440 DD0PX 605 400 17 ele    
O 2 G8NVI/P IO91 45 45 1 23 1,035 DG9YIH 593 180 12 element What a way to spend our 32nd Wedding Anniversary! Happy New Year and thanks for all the contacts  
O 3 2E0VXX/P IO82 47 47 1 19 893 DG9YIH 670 50 4 ele  
O 4 G8HQW/P IO94 36 36 1 18 648 ON4ATA 510 350 9 ele The blizzard at the end made it all feel very Christmassy! Season's Greetings to all. Conditions flat but not much QSB.
O 5 G5MW/P JO01 46 46 1 14 644 GM3PMB 563 100 17-ele Thanks and HNY all! Another site today... seems better to the NW.
O 6 G8NEY IO81 26 26 1 18 468 DG9YIH 658 100 17 ele Better condx and activity today  
SF 7 M0SAT IO91 33 33 1 14 462 G8HQW/P 328 100 9 ele Tonna Thanks for all those who took the trouble. HNY
SF 8 M0WAF IO92 19 19 1 18 342 DG9YIH 512 100 5EL Tonna Thanks all for Points !! Merry Christmas
SF 9 G8HGN JO01 24 24 1 14 336 DL8DAU 622 50 2x15ele CueDee flat band, less activity. HNY2012 to all.
O 10 G0MJW/P IO83 27 27 1 11 297 M0LNE 326 100 Yagi Well - Not bad from IO83 as there are fewer country multipliers available. HNY All.  
SF 11 G1SWH IO83 20 19 1 13 247 G3ZVW 316 300w 12ell no dx today every day no dx ho ho ho }: all the very best hi hi good 1
SF 12 G3ZVW IO80 19 19 1 11 209 G8HQW/P 413 400 13-ele No DX today :-(  
SF 13 GW8ASD IO83 16 16 1 11 176 G5MW/P 305 100W 12ele M2  
SF 14 G7DWY IO93 21 21 1 8 168 G3ZVW 338 100 6 ele Jaybeam Mast broke last night, so lost the 11ele. Managed to get a 6 ele up in time! HNY everyone. See you in 2012!
SF 15 G4JED JO01 17 17 1 9 153 G0MJW/P 321 50 9 ele Yagi  
O 16 G0LGS IO81 16 16 1 9 144 G8HQW/P 283 100 8 Ele PowaBeam    
SF 17 M0LNE JO01 13 13 1 9 117 G0MJW/P 326 100 2 x 17 ele  
SF 18 PE1EWR JO11 12 12 1 9 108 2E0VXX/P 430 80 10 el. Parabeam Jaybeam  
SF 19 G8LZE IO91 14 14 1 6 84 G8HQW/P 331 24 9 element Thanks to all for contacts in 2011, see you again in 2012.
SF 20 G4RYV IO91 13 13 1 6 78 2E0VXX/P 167 10W 9 ele Tonna Less noisey here today. Happy new year to all.
SF 21 G8TZJ IO84 9 9 1 8 72 G3ZVW 362 50 7 el Yagi  
SF 22 M0XDF IO91 13 13 1 5 65 2E0VXX/P 165 50 Halo Thanks for the points
SF 23 G8ONK IO83 9 9 1 7 63 G5MW/P 351 25 12 ele DL6WU Thanks for all points and HNY to all
SF 24 M0ICK IO83 8 8 1 6 48 G5MW/P 316 50w 6 Ele DK7ZB Blowing a hooley, antenna at gutter level, have a good new year
SF 25 M6OXO IO83 9 9 1 5 45 G8HQW/P 143 1.0w 12 ELEMENT ZL SPECIAL Howling winds during contest. Thanks for the points over the year, H.N.YEAR to all 73s
SF 26 G1SMI IO83 7 7 1 6 42 G3ZVW 307 90 17 ELE  
SF 27 G0CDA IO83 6 6 1 6 36 G3ZVW 294 25 11Y Cushcraft    
SF 28 G4LDR IO91 6 6 1 5 30 G8HQW/P 372 100 W 9 element yagi  
SF 29 2E0TXT IO83 6 6 1 3 18 M6OXO 57 50w Watson Collinear  
SF 30 M6XJP IO83 2 2 1 2 4 G0MJW/P 34 10W 5 ele in loft All the best for 2012 to all. Thanks for the points thro'2011

28th Dec (30 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G0BBB IO91 64 64 1 30 1,920 DF0WD 635 400 17 ele    
SF 2 G0XDI IO91 42 42 1 23 966 DK1FG 858 400 9 ele DK7ZB Good ODX but conditions flat. Thx to all for the QSOs in 2011. HNY :)
O 3 2E0VXX/P IO82 42 42 1 18 756 DF0WD 749 50 4 ele 2/70  
O 4 G8NVI/P IO91 44 44 1 17 748 DJ2TX 622 180 12 element Little continental activity today  
O 5 G5MW/P JO01 42 42 1 16 672 G1SWH 334 100 17-ele Trying a different location today. Not entirely convinced, but let's see how it goes...
SF 6 G8HGN JO01 33 33 1 20 660 DK1FG 789 50 2x15ele CueDee Where were all the guys in the NW. Spent 20 mins calling in that direction and no contacts.
SF 7 G8DOH IO92 33 33 1 15 495 DJ2TX 625 180W 8/8 Yagis Unstable condx. Little heard from the North.
SF 8 G3ZVW IO80 25 25 1 14 350 GM3PMB 526 400 13-ELE    
O 9 G8NEY IO81 25 25 1 13 325 DL6YBF 652 100 17 ele Very slow compared to yesterday  
SF 10 M0SAT IO91 23 23 1 13 299 PE1EWR 272 100 9 ele Tonna Thannks to all for QSOs. Only 50 mins.
SF 11 M0WAF IO92 19 19 1 15 285 DF2VJ 616 100 9 El Tonna Thanks all for Points !! Merry Christmas
O 12 G0MJW/P IO83 28 28 1 9 252 G3ZVW 317 100 Yagi Astonishingly bad. Nobody in JOxx at all, No GMs. no GWs, no GIs no continentals. I must have upset the contest gods.  
SF 13 G7DWY IO93 18 18 1 10 180 G3ZVW 338 100 11 ele G4CQM No GI's or GW's today. Not as active as yesterday.
SF 14 G1SWH IO83 19 19 1 8 152 G5MW/P 334 300w 5ell  
SF 15 G8LZE IO91 17 17 1 7 119 G0MJW/P 261 24 9 element  
SF 16 PE1EWR JO11 10 10 1 11 110 2E0VXX/P 430 80 10 el. Parabeam Jaybeam  
SF 17 G4JED JO01 15 15 1 7 105 2E0VXX/P 230 50 9 ele Yagi  
O 18 G0LGS IO81 17 17 1 6 102 M0MCV 157 100 8 Ele PowaBeam    
SF 19 G4LDR IO91 12 12 1 8 96 G0RRC 213 100 W 9 element yagi  
SF 20 G1SMI IO83 10 10 1 6 60 G0XDI 251 90 17 ELE  
SF 21 G0CDA IO83 10 10 1 6 60 G3ZVW 294 25 11Y Cushcraft    
SF 22 G8TZJ IO84 9 9 1 6 54 G3ZVW 362 50 7el Yagi  
SF 23 G4RYV IO91 11 10 1 5 50 2E0VXX/P 167 10W 9 ele Tonna sorry to g0mjw/p lost you in qsb.
SF 24 M0XDF IO91 12 12 1 4 48 G5MW/P 88 50 Halo cond. not as good as yesterday
SF 25 M0ICK IO83 7 7 1 4 28 G3ZVW 308 50w 6 ele DK7ZB giving away pts in last 1/2 hour I091 well populated
SF 26 M6OXO IO83 7 7 1 4 28 G3ZVW 288 1.0w jbeam 9 element high winds had to keep mast down to 3meters thanks for the points WILL BE ON 144.165 TOMORROW 73s
SF 27 GW3TKH IO81 4 4 1 4 16 G5MW/P 262 45W 8 element Yagi    
SF 28 G8ONK IO83 3 3 1 3 9 G7DWY 72 25 12 ele DL6WU High winds, low antenna
SF 29 M6XJP IO83 4 4 1 2 8 G0MJW/P 34 10W 5 ele in loft tnx for the QSOs.
SF 30 G4AQB IO83 7 7 1 1 7 G0BBB 262 5 Dual band 432/144mhz Conditions were very poor, but it was fun trying to operate 4 bands at once!

27th Dec (32 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G0BBB IO91 85 85 1 41 3,485 DG0DRF 1073 400 17 ele    
O 2 2E0VXX/P IO82 68 68 1 35 2,380 OK1TEH 1206 50 4 ele duel band 2/70 Worked EA2TO/1 Great afternoon
SF 3 G0XDI IO91 47 47 1 33 1,551 DK3WG 1033 400 9ele DK7ZB Nice conditions for a change :) Great fun. Thanks to all for the QSOs :)
O 4 G8NEY IO81 49 49 1 26 1,274 DL3DXX 1112 100 17 ele Great fun and great condx!  
SF 5 G8HGN JO01 43 43 1 29 1,247 DG0DRF 991 50 2x15ele CueDee Bulk of time spent on 144 with DX to East. Although when I beamed inland it seemed quiet.
O 6 G8NVI/P IO91 48 48 1 25 1,200 DG0DRF 1112 180 12 element Good continental activity  
O 7 G4FZN/P IO84 39 39 1 27 1,053 EA2TO/1 1252 300 9 ele Seasons Greetings to all. Surprisingly low UK activity.
SF 8 M0WAF IO92 31 31 1 25 775 DK8VK 847 100 9 El Tonna Thanks all for Points !! Merry Christmas
O 9 G5MW/P JO01 32 32 1 21 672 DK8VK 784 80watt 13ele beam  
SF 10 G3ZVW IO80 36 36 1 17 612 DL3DXX 1172 400 13-ELE Excellent conditions today  
SF 11 G7DWY IO93 25 25 1 19 475 EA2TO/1 1184 100 11 ele G4CQM Lots of QSB. Nearly fell off my chair when called by EA2TO!
O 12 G0MJW/P IO83 31 31 1 15 465 F8BRK 511 100 Yagi Thanks all. Strangely conditions were excellent to the South East but not many heard. I take it conditions were good to the East again.  
SF 13 GW8ASD IO83 21 21 1 18 378 DK8VK 1043 100W 12ele M2 Good to see some tropo today.
O 14 2E0TXT/P IO83 22 22 1 14 308 F8BRK 510 50w Moxon Rectangle Homebrew Seasons greetings , thanks for the points.
SF 15 GM4JR IO85 18 18 1 15 270 F8BRK 688 300 12 ele M2 Better activity today. Thanks for the points
SF 16 G4JED JO01 17 17 1 12 204 DK8VK 807 50 9 ele Yagi  
SF 17 M0LNE JO01 14 14 1 14 196 GI6ATZ 557 100W 2 x 17 ele  
SF 18 G1SWH IO83 15 15 1 11 165 G3ZVW 316 400w 12ell hard werk 4 bands ho ho ho
SF 19 PE1EWR JO11 14 14 1 11 154 GI6ATZ 714 80 10 el. Parabeam Jaybeam  
O 20 G0LGS IO81 12 12 1 12 144 EI4DQ 412 100 8 Ele PowaBeam    
SF 21 G8LZE IO91 13 13 1 8 104 G4FZN/P 324 24 9 element  
SF 22 G8TZJ IO84 11 10 1 10 100 G3ZVW 362 50 7 el Yagi  
O 23 EA2TO/1 IN83 10 10 1 10 100 G4FZN/P 1252 100 1x10el dk7zb    
SF 24 GM4PPT IO75 10 10 1 8 80 G0BBB 510 250 2x 12 ele Not many stns. heard today in my 40 min stint, hear you all tomorrow again!
SF 25 G8ONK IO83 11 11 1 7 77 G3ZVW 329 25 12 ele DL6WU Poor conditions until last 10 mins
O 26 2E0DGW/P IO93 11 11 1 6 66 G4KUX 126 50W Watson Multiranger-200 Late on Parade, not active until 1520 due to delays getting to location, only using a vertical as well! Roll on UKAC 2012!  
SF 27 M0XDF IO91 13 13 1 5 65 2E0VXX/P 165 50 Halo Good cond, but poor ant here
SF 28 G1SMI IO83 9 9 1 7 63 G3ZVW 307 90 17 ELE  
SF 29 M6OXO IO83 7 7 1 9 63 G0BBB 269 1.0w DIPOLE HOME BREW very noisey & quiet on stations here 73s to all ,catch you tomorrow
SF 30 G4LDR IO91 6 6 1 6 36 G4JED 129 100 W 9 element yagi  
SF 31 M6XJP IO83 5 5 1 4 20 GI6ATZ 217 10W 5 ele in loft Season's greetings to all. Tks for the QSOs de Chris
SF 32 GM4DIJ IO85 3 3 1 4 12 GM4PPT 92 50 9 ele heard G4FZN/P,G4KUX,GM4JR,G1SWH and someone in IO80

26th Dec (32 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G8NVI/P IO91 45 45 1 25 1,125 DF0WD 673 180 12 element Lots of activity.  
SF 2 G0XDI IO91 38 38 1 22 836 DF0WD 619 400 9ele DK7ZB Poor conditions and low activity, Thanks to all for the QSOs :)
O 3 G5MW/P JO01 43 43 1 19 817 GI4SNA 566 100 17-ele  
O 4 G8NEY IO81 25 25 1 19 475 PA0PVW 555 100 17 ele Too far west for the dx today  
SF 5 M0WAF IO92 25 25 1 18 450 DF0WD 591 100 9 El Tonna Thanks all for Points !! Merry Christmas
SF 6 G7DWY IO93 22 22 1 14 308 G3ZVW 338 100w 11ele G4CQM  
SF 7 G3ZVW IO80 19 19 1 12 228 PA0PVW 622 400 13-ELE    
SF 8 M0SAT IO91 22 22 1 10 220 GW8ASD 241 100 8 ele Maspro Some QSB. Thanks to all for points
O 9 G0MJW/P IO83 19 19 1 11 209 G5MW/P 323 100 Yagi Thanks all. Please can more people in the South beam North tomorrow....  
O 10 2E0VXX/P IO82 17 17 1 12 204 G0RRC 247 50 6 ele dk7zb  
SF 11 GW8ASD IO83 17 17 1 12 204 G5MW/P 310 100W 12ele M2  
SF 12 G4BRK IO91 16 16 1 12 192 GM4AFF 574 50 9 el DK7ZB    
SF 13 G1SWH IO83 15 14 1 12 168 GM4AFF 353 400w 12ell all the very best
SF 14 G0GJV IO91 19 19 1 8 152 F1VNR 210 100 9 ele  
SF 15 G4JED JO01 15 15 1 10 150 PA0PVW 396 50 9 ele Yagi  
O 16 G0LGS IO81 13 13 1 9 117 G7DWY 205 100 8 Ele PowaBeam    
SF 17 G8LZE IO91 12 12 1 5 60 M0WAF 108 24 9 element  
SF 18 G8ONK IO83 8 8 1 7 56 GI4SNA 220 25 12 ele DL6WU Thanks for points, heard XDI and WAF but qsyd before contact
SF 19 GM4JR IO85 7 7 1 8 56 G0XDI 425 300 12 ele M2 Where was everyone? Fair CDX. Thanks for the points
SF 20 GM4PPT IO75 7 7 1 8 56 G5MW/P 562 250 2x 12 ele Only able to be on for 24 mins, had to rush away to visit xyl in hospital, will be same all week! Keep pointing North!
SF 21 G4RYV IO91 10 10 1 5 50 G0RRC 149 10W 9 ele Tonna Low activity, very noisey conditions. Seasons greetings.
SF 22 PE1EWR JO11 6 6 1 8 48 G8NEY 399 80 10 el. Parabeam Jaybeam  
SF 23 M0ICK IO83 7 7 1 6 42 G3ZVW 308 50w 7 ELE LFA homebrew very quiet
SF 24 G4LDR IO91 6 6 1 6 36 G0RRC 213 100 W 9 element yagi  
SF 25 G8TZJ IO84 5 5 1 6 30 G3ZVW 362 50 7 el Yagi    
SF 26 GW3TKH IO81 5 5 1 6 30 G5MW/P 261 45W 8 element Yagi    
SF 27 G4HHJ IO91 7 7 1 4 28 M0WAF 89 110 11 ele  
SF 28 G0CDA IO83 5 5 1 5 25 G8NVI/P 219 25 11Y Cushcraft    
SF 29 M0XDF IO91 4 4 1 3 12 G0RRC 140 50 Halo    
SF 30 G1SMI IO83 2 2 1 3 6 G8NVI 238 90 17 ELE  
SF 31 M6OXO IO83 2 2 1 2 4 G0MJW/P 53 1.2w 3 ELEMENT HOME BREW High winds to start 40-60mph died off stns in south point north please tomorrow 73s & Merry Christmas
SF 32 GM4DIJ IO85 1 1 1 2 2 GM0ELP 53 50 9 el yagi GM4JR and GM4GUF heard

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