Claimed Scores 2013
  9614 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
17/12/13 1.3GHz UKAC
10/12/13 432MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for Christmas Cumulatives 144 MHz

29th Dec (30 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G7RAU IO90 61 61 1 32 1,952 GM8FFX 708 400 12el M2 tnx qsos, HNY!
O 2 G8NVI IO91 41 41 1 27 1,107 DF2VJ 630 150W 17 element Lots more activity and better conditions today. What a way to spend your 34th Wedding Anniversary! Thanks Mike. Happy New Year to everyone!  
O 3 G8NEY IO81 37 37 1 27 999 DF2VJ 690 400 17 ele Condx and activity up today, best day so far  
SF 4 G3TBK IO93 33 33 1 21 693 F8BRK 423 150 9Y Slightly more activity today  
O 5 G0MJW/A IO83 30 30 1 19 570 F8BRK 511 25 Yagi Happy New Year. Conditions were up but there were few signals from the SE. Nice to work IO72  
SF 6 GM4JR IO85 30 30 1 19 570 G7RAU 505 250 12 ele M2 Bit Better today! Could not raise G0TAR (good sig all contest). Awful wideband QRM from a SOTA station. Good fun tho. HNY to all!
SF 7 GW8ASD IO83 26 26 1 20 520 F8BRK 470 100 12 ele M2  
SF 8 M0ICR IO91 33 33 1 15 495 GD8EXI 399 10W 6 Ele OWL Thanks for the points. Seasons greetings to all. Looking forward to more activity and some new antennas in 2015. 73 Carl
O 9 G3XBF/P JO01 28 28 1 17 476 GI4SNA 523 100 10ele yagi Thanks. HNY!
SF 10 G7LRQ IO91 27 27 1 16 432 GM4PPT 497 100w 9 Ele LFA Back on 2m with a new antenna, Looking forward to the UKAC. HNY everyone.
O 11 G4VFL/P IO84 27 27 1 16 432 G7RAU 444 160 9 element Tonna Wx: Rain showers, Couldn't work middle England !
SF 12 G8DTF IO83 22 22 1 18 396 F8BRK 503 25 9ele Better activity today. Very noisy in some directions
SF 13 GM4PPT IO75 26 26 1 15 390 G7RAU 565 400 12ele M sq My best result this xmas, thanks to all and have a Happy New Year in 2014 See you all in Jan UKAC.
SF 14 GM6JNJ IO75 21 21 1 15 315 G0JJG 520 250W 12 Element M2 Late start today but great fun... Happy New Year to all.
SF 15 G8ZRE IO83 20 20 1 15 300 G7RAU IN IO90 295 50W 8 XY Element Yagi Noise but best band today for mults.
SF 16 G0GJV IO91 21 21 1 12 252 PE1EWR 301 120 9 ele  
SF 17 2E0BMO IO83 19 19 1 13 247 G7RAU 334 50 7Y Condx avg. and hard going to the north. Similar QSO number to the previous day.Thnks for the pts and CU in 2014.
SF 18 G8CLY IO91 17 17 1 14 238 GI4SNA 488 400 9 el    
SF 19 GW0IRW IO72 14 14 1 15 210 F8BRK 422 160 9ele M2 + LNA Best conditions of the four sessions but activity seemed the lowest? Intermittent S8 noise SE>NE caused problems throughout. CU in 2014! Nx
SF 20 G8TZJ IO84 14 14 1 13 182 G7RAU 380 50W 7 el Yagi    
SF 21 G0TAR JO01 20 20 1 8 160 GW8ASD 310 80W 6 ele vagarda S7 of noise at times. Had trouble completing qso with G4JZM? Also missed GM. Thanks fer points.73 de Brian
SF 22 G4JED JO01 14 14 1 10 140 ON8JV 254 50 9 ele Yagi  
SF 23 G1MZD IO92 12 12 1 8 96 F8BRK 319 50w h/b Halo A little better today, but low activity. tnx. Dave HNY.
SF 24 G8LZE IO91 11 11 1 8 88 G4VFL/P 381 24 9 element  
SF 25 G4RYV IO91 10 10 1 8 80 G4VFL/P 394 10 9ele Tonna Conditions better today, would like more activity. 73 HNY
SF 26 GM4IGS IO75 7 7 1 6 42 G4VFL/P 135 50 9 Ele Yagi @15' Conditions & activity seemed better today. 73's & HNY to all.
SF 27 M0BTZ IO90 9 8 1 5 40 G0FKY 149 150W 9ele F9FT fixed North in Loftspace SOF here. QRV 4 bands, 4 single- band rigs, 4 seperate fist Mic's & 3 Paddle keys, 1 Op badly in need of a beer!:-) Avg condx.Tnx Q's
SF 28 G4LDR IO91 6 6 1 6 36 F8BRK 232 100W 9 element yagi Fault developed in antenna feeder resulting in high VSWR and hence low output power, and loss of DC power to pre-amp.
SF 29 F1VNR JO10 7 7 1 5 35 G8NEY 305 100 4 ele homebrew LFA Just on to give a few F mults to those who beamed this way and didnt have a deaf receiver!
SF 30 G0LGS IO81 2 2 1 3 6 G7RAU 143 50W 8 Ele Only on for last 20 minutes  

28th Dec (35 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G7RAU IO90 51 51 1 29 1,479 GM8FFX 708 400 12el M2 tnx qsos, good luck all in 2014!
O 2 G8NVI IO91 42 42 1 24 1,008 GM8FFX 610 150W 17 element More activity today, conditions not much to write about though.  
SF 3 G8DOH IO92 40 40 1 21 840 GM4PPT 426 400W 2x8ele Yagi Poor conditions.
O 4 G8NEY IO81 34 34 1 22 748 GM8FFX 626 400 17 ele Much better condx and activity, tnx for points and new ones, 73  
SF 5 G4ZTR JO01 32 32 1 20 640 GI4SNA 542 100w 12 ele Thank goodness there was more activity today, albeit a very slow start.  
O 6 G0MJW/A IO83 29 29 1 17 493 G7RAU 330 25 Yagi Low activity from South but great to hear JO02! Also a distinct lack of locals. I wonder if everyone knows they can re-work people each day?  
SF 7 G3TBK IO93 26 26 1 17 442 GI4SNA 393 150 9Y    
O 8 G3XBF/P JO01 26 26 1 17 442 PD4HDB 449 70 10ele yagi  
SF 9 G4YHF IO92 22 22 1 20 440 GI4SNA 433 400 9el Fun. Missing the point maybe but difficult to run more than one band per day, both physically and mentally, with a single feed, 30' mast.
SF 10 GM4PPT IO75 24 24 1 16 384 G7RAU 565 400 12ele M sq Conditions seemed up on yesterday but activity still low, Thanks to all, see you tomorrow !
SF 11 M0ICR IO91 31 31 1 11 341 ON5AEN 305 10W 6 Ele OWL Thanks for the points. Seasons greetings to all. Looking forward to more activity and some new antennas in 2015. 73 Carl
SF 12 G8ZRE IO83 21 21 1 14 294 G7RAU IN IO90 295 50W 8XY Element Yagi Good number of mults & QSO`s today
SF 13 GM6JNJ IO75 19 19 1 13 247 G3TBK 570 250W 12 Element M2 Again good fun, Many thanks to all.
SF 14 2E0BMO IO83 19 19 1 13 247 G7RAU 334 50 7Y Condx abt. avg. with some QSB. Happy New Year to all.
SF 15 GW8ASD IO83 20 20 1 12 240 GM8FFX 449 100 12 ele M2  
SF 16 G0TAR JO01 17 17 1 13 221 GI4SNA 565 80W 6 ele vagarda Much DX, rising QNH helped later on.HPNY and tnx fer points. Brian
SF 17 GW0IRW IO72 14 14 1 12 168 G4ZTR IN JO01 338 160w 9ele M2 + LNA Missed GD8EXI & G0JJG in QSB but otherwise worked all I heard. Conditions seemed up a bit on yesterday, Tnx fer beaming IO72 :O) Nigel
SF 18 G0GJV IO91 18 18 1 9 162 PE1EWR 301 125 9 ele  
SF 19 G8CLY IO91 17 17 1 9 153 GD8EXI 391 400 9 el    
SF 20 G8DTF IO83 16 16 1 9 144 G7RAU 321 25 9ele Not too bad - Happy Christmas
SF 21 G8LZE IO91 16 16 1 9 144 G0MJW/A 261 24 9 element  
SF 22 G0KSC JO01 14 14 1 9 126 GW8ASD 298 100w 9el OWL-GT Yagi  
SF 23 G4JED JO01 15 15 1 8 120 GD8EXI 461 50 9 ele Yagi  
SF 24 G8ONK IO83 12 12 1 8 96 G0XDI 280 25 12 ele DL6WU Deep QSB, thanks for all points
SF 25 G4RYV IO91 12 12 1 7 84 G0MJW/A 275 10 9ele Tonna Band very noisey, with QSB. A happy New Year to all stns. 73
SF 26 GM4JR IO85 11 11 1 7 77 G4DGK 473 250 12 ele M2 Dire! Still no one on 4m! Only on for an hour. Got times wrong - oops.
SF 27 G1MZD IO92 11 11 1 6 66 G7RAU 152 50w h/b Halo A little better than previous days but still hard going. tnx. Dave
SF 28 G8TZJ IO84 8 8 1 7 56 G7RAU 380 50W 7 el Yagi    
SF 29 G0IIQ IO93 6 6 1 7 42 GM6JNJ 356 100 9 Element Beam    
SF 30 GM4IGS IO75 6 6 1 6 36 G4ZTR 538 50 9 Ele Yagi @15' Antenna too low. Heard & called G8NEY, G0XDI (on CW), G8NGI, G8DTF & GM4JR. Only QRV on 2m today. HYN.
SF 31 G0PEK JO01 6 6 1 4 24 G7RAU 151 5 5 ELE YAGI  
SF 32 F1VNR JO10 4 4 1 5 20 G8DOH 283 100 4 ele homebrew LFA Just on to give a few F mults to those who beamed this way and didnt have a deaf receiver!
SF 33 M0TAZ JO01 4 4 1 3 12 G0GJV 70 50 vertical Just a quick SnP using the vertical
SF 34 2E0TXT IO83 6 6 1 2 12 G8ZRE 57 50w coliner All the best for 2014
SF 35 M0BTZ IO90 3 3 1 4 12 G0MJW/A 300 150W 9ele F9FT fixed North in Loftspace SOF here. QRV 4 bands, 4 single- band rigs, 4 seperate fist Mic's & 3 Paddle keys, 1 Op badly in need of a beer!:-) Avg condx.Tnx Q's

27th Dec (26 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G7RAU IO90 40 40 1 27 1,080 GM8FFX 708 400 12el M2  
O 2 G8NVI IO91 28 28 1 19 532 GM4CXM 525 150W 17 element Put tower up once wind had died down about halfway through. Tnx for QSOs  
SF 3 G8DOH IO92 33 33 1 15 495 MM0GPZ 450 400W 2x8ele Yagi Generally poor conditions, QSB, but GMs quite strong.
SF 4 G3TBK IO93 26 26 1 15 390 F8BRK 423 150W 9Y Tower lowered due to winds so limited rotation as HF Beams hitting trees!  
O 5 G5MW/A JO01 25 25 1 15 375 GI4SNA 569 50w 5 Ele old Tonna Good fun points to MARTS. Thanks all for the points HNY to all
O 6 G8NEY IO81 21 21 1 17 357 GM4CXM 521 100 17 ele Hard work but good fun. Condx okay  
SF 7 G4ZTR JO01 19 19 1 17 323 GM6JNJ 537 100w 12 ele Even worse than Session 1. Blog at  
SF 8 M0ICR IO91 25 25 1 11 275 GD8EXI 399 10W 6 Ele OWL Thanks for the points. Seasons greetings to all. Looking forward to more activity and some new antennas in 2015. 73 Carl
SF 9 GM6JNJ IO75 18 18 1 15 270 G7RAU 582 250w 12 ElementM2 Good fun, thanks to all.
SF 10 G8ZRE IO83 17 17 1 14 238 F8BRK IN IN99 478 50W 8XY Element Yagi Surprise to be called by F8BRK for 2 extra mults. Using FT897 now instead of TR751E causing bad signal on 144Mhz.
SF 11 G0GJV IO91 18 18 1 13 234 GI4SNA 491 125 9 ele  
O 12 G0MJW/A IO83 18 18 1 11 198 F8BRK 511 25 Yagi I don't think I have ever before only managed 18 QSOs on 2m from this QTH in this contest. A work day for most I expect so hardly surprising  
SF 13 GW8ASD IO83 14 14 1 12 168 GM6JNJ 298 100 12 ele M2  
SF 14 GM4PPT IO75 12 12 1 9 108 G7RAU 565 400 12ele M sq Worst condx ever here,& low activity. Lost 22 mins at start replacing antenna feeder and shed roof felt! Thanks to all, see you tomorrow
SF 15 G8LZE IO91 11 11 1 7 77 G3TBK 158 24 9 element  
SF 16 G0TAR JO01 19 19 1 4 76 G8NEY 192 80W 6 ele vagarda Very wet, squally rain, lucky to get IO81. Tnx fer points, Brian
SF 17 GW0IRW IO72 7 7 1 9 63 G4ZTR IN JO01 338 160 9ele M2 + LNA Limited activity heard in IO72 and missed a few in QSB, Sri! 73 & Merry Christmas... N de IRW x
SF 18 G1MZD IO92 7 7 1 6 42 G7RAU 152 50w h/b Halo Conditions & activity seemed down today. tnx. Dave
SF 19 2E0BMO IO83 9 9 1 4 36 G3SMT 84 30 Tri-Band Vertical Just using vertical as unable to get beam up in windy condx. Thnks to all for the pts.
SF 20 F1VNR JO10 6 6 1 5 30 G8NEY 305 100 4 ele homebrew LFA Just on to give a few F mults to those who beamed this way and didnt have a deaf receiver!
SF 21 G0LGS IO81 3 3 1 4 12 G7RAU 143 50W 8 Ele    
SF 22 M0UKD JO01 4 4 1 3 12 G7RAU 137 50 Vertical Seasons greetings to all!  
SF 23 G0GDU IO93 3 3 1 4 12 G7RAU 256 50 17-ele Tonna Tower lowered due to high winds so firing at trees in some directions. Much QSB  
SF 24 G0PEK JO01 3 3 1 3 9 G7RAV 151 5 5 ELE YAGI  
SF 25 G0KSC JO01 1 1 1 2 2 G0GJV 93 100 9el OWL-GT Yagi Very Quiet!
SF 26 G8ONK IO83 1 1 1 2 2 G0MJW/A 36 25 Co-linear To windy today, better tomorrow I hope

26th Dec (23 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G7RAU IO90 48 48 1 32 1,536 GM8FFX 708 400 12el M2 tnx qsos
O 2 G8NVI IO91 35 35 1 25 875 GM8FFX 610 150W 17 element Good path N-S, activity a bit down though. Merry Christmas!  
SF 3 G3TBK IO93 27 27 1 21 567 GI4SNA 393 150 9Y First time in the cumulatives, good fun, will try and get some antennas up for the other bands.  
O 4 G4VFL/P IO84 27 27 1 18 486 G7RAU 444 160 9 element Tonna Wx: Fair, little wind. It was nice to work GM with ease compared to the usual site.
O 5 G0MJW/A IO83 30 30 1 16 480 G7RAU 330 25 9 el Yagi Merry Christmas. Good conditions but maybe lower activity from South.  
SF 6 G4ZTR JO01 23 23 1 17 391 GM4CXM 561 100w 12 ele Very low activity. Didn't even work JO02, which is only 10km away !  
SF 7 M0ICR IO91 23 23 1 12 276 GD8EXI 399 10W 6 Ele OWL Thanks for the points. Seasons greetings to all. Looking forward to more activity and some new antennas in 2015. 73 Carl
O 8 G8NEY IO81 17 17 1 11 187 PE1EWR 399 100 17 ele very slow going. Seasons greetings de M0GHZ & 2E0NEY  
SF 9 GM4PPT IO75 15 15 1 12 180 G7RAU 565 250 12ele M sq Antenna feeder problem caused amp to reduce power, conditions poor and activity very low! Thanks to all for beaming north
SF 10 G8ZRE IO83 16 16 1 11 176 G4ZTR IN JO01 0 100W 8XY Element Yagi Poor wkd all I could hear. Volt problem at start causing FM ing on signal tnks G0MJW/A for reporting it to me most helpful.
SF 11 GW8ASD IO83 16 16 1 11 176 GM8FFX 449 100 12 ele M2  
SF 12 G8ONK IO83 12 12 1 10 120 G4ZTR 326 25 12 ele DL6WU Deep QSB, thanks for all points.
SF 13 GM6JNJ IO75 14 14 1 8 112 G7RAU 582 250 12Element M2 conditions poor here, sorry about the ones I missed . Seasons Greetings to all
SF 14 G8TZJ IO84 11 11 1 9 99 GM8FFX 341 50W 7 El Yagi  
O 15 M0TAZ/P JO01 11 11 1 9 99 GD8EXI 438 50 9e beam Low activity, only 1Hr alfresco in +2c. Nice to work EXI in GD land.
SF 16 G8LZE IO91 12 12 1 8 96 GW8ASD 239 24 9 element  
SF 17 G8CLY IO91 10 10 1 7 70 GW8ASD 233 400 9 el    
SF 18 M0NST IO83 10 10 1 6 60 G8NVI 243 50w 8 element innov yagi    
SF 19 G1MZD IO92 8 8 1 7 56 GW8ASD 184 50w h/b Halo Not a too serious entry with the Halo. Conditions quite stable and activity should be better tomorrow. Maybe on 6 tomorrow RSJ ant.loaded up.tnx Dave
SF 20 G4JED JO01 9 9 1 6 54 M0VXX/P 230 50 9 ele Yagi  
SF 21 G0LGS IO81 7 7 1 7 49 G4FLV/P 303 50 8 Ele Powabeam Slow going Today  
SF 22 F1VNR JO10 3 3 1 4 12 M0VXX/P 363 100 4 ele homebrew LFA Just on to give a few F mults to those who beamed this way and didnt have a deaf receiver!
SF 23 G0GDU IO93 3 3 1 4 12 G7RAU 256 50 17-ele Tonna Tower lowered due to high winds, Unable to complete exchange with 2 stations in JO01 despite many attempts.  

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