Claimed Scores 2015
  11145 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/15 70MHz UKAC
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
15/12/15 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for Christmas Cumulatives 144 MHz

29th Dec (59 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G0BNC IO91 8 878 110 6 5,268 F8BRK 301 50 JAYBEAM 10XY    
SF 2 G0BBB IO91 70 70 1 30 2,100 GM4JJJ 546 400 17ele M2 Again no ON,DL or io90. HNY to all.
SF 3 G4DBN IO93 55 55 1 28 1,540 F1BHL/P 528 300 9 ele LFA Tactics slightly less rubbish today. Nil from ON/PA/DL despite good beacons. Condx to GM/Cornwall/S Wales v good, JO00/01/02 v bad
SF 4 G4ZTR JO01 47 47 1 24 1,128 GM4JJJ 538 200w 9 el G4CQM Rubbish conditions, 5 x GM and 3 x GD but not many in-between.  
O 5 G8NEY IO81 42 42 1 23 966 GM4JJJ 521 100 17 ele    
SF 6 G4JQN IO81 46 46 1 21 966 GM6JNJ 505 100 PowAbeam 144NX11 Good fun again- thanks for the contacts. HNY to all - see you 2016. 73, Jerry
SF 7 G3SQQ IO93 45 45 1 21 945 F1BHL/P 461 100 9 Element LFA Quiet at start, a good variety of stations today, GM Stations turned out again, Many thanks and happy new year to all.
SF 8 G4ASR IO81 41 41 1 23 943 PE1EWR 451 400 17-element Yagi Token effort filling in between 6m and 4m QSOs. Thanks to everyone for all the points. Happy New Year 2016
O 9 F8BRK IN99 44 44 1 21 924 GI4SNA 712 200 2 x 10 ele Thanks to all for the points. See you all in 2016. Happy new year
SF 10 GM4JJJ IO86 44 44 1 20 880 G6RC 592 400 10 ele WAXX10S Oddly less activity but more crowded together and adjacent channel QRM. Lost a couple to QSB today. Enjoyable. HNY.  
O 11 G6RC IO91 42 42 1 20 840 GM4JJJ 592 400W 5WL M2  
SF 12 G4NBS JO02 35 35 1 22 770 GM4JJJ 484 200 12ele Very high local noise this afternoon to NW and SE! Several repeats needed, not helped by QSB... HNY to all.
SF 13 M0ICR IO91 38 38 1 20 760 GM4JJJ 534 25 9 Ele Tonna Conditions seemed good on 2m today. Certainly better than yesterday for me. Thanks for all the pts. HNY all. 73 Carl /P on 4 tonight  
SF 14 GD8EXI IO74 41 41 1 18 738 G1KAR/P 506 400 18 ele M2 Normal conditions, hearing a few French stations but not on their own frequency.
O 15 G3PIA/P IO91 38 38 1 19 722 GM4JJJ 518 200 17 element Hard going. Thanks for the QSOs. Happy New Year!  
SF 16 GM4PPT IO75 34 34 1 20 680 G4ZTR 524 400 2x 12 ele M2 Last was best! lost time in qsy's to 432.Condx best this Xmas. Great Fun. HNY to all. See you all in 2016.
SF 17 G8BGV JO01 33 33 1 20 660 GM6JNJ 543 100 7 ELE DK7ZB Thanks for the points in this my only entry in Christmas contests. Callsign seemed to confuse a few. 73 see you 2016 Paul AKA G3YDY
SF 18 G8DTF IO83 34 34 1 18 612 F8BRK 503 100 9 ele Not as good today - lots of QSB
SF 19 GM4JR IO85 34 34 1 18 612 G4DFA 473 250 12 ele M2 Lower activity. WX appalling. QSOs between customer calls cramped style.
O 20 M1EYP/P IO83 31 31 1 19 589 F8BRK 460 5w SOTAbeams SB5 - 5Y From SOTA summit The Cloud G/SP-015.
SF 21 GM6JNJ IO75 30 30 1 19 570 G6RC 575 400 12ele M2 Better conditions today, thanks to all for the points HNY.
SF 22 GW8ASD IO83 27 27 1 19 513 PE1EWR 482 100 12 ele Yagi Not too bad, considering it's a four band juggle. :-)
SF 23 G4YPC IO91 31 31 1 15 465 G4DBN 270 400 9ele Yagi Flat. No GM or GD heard today
SF 24 G8ZRE IO83 24 24 1 18 432 F1BHL/P 492 100w 8XY ELEMENT YAGI Best day on any band.Not sure about F1BHL//P locator today.
SF 25 G8HGN JO01 25 25 1 15 375 GD8EXI 444 50 11 ele LFA Busiest band, but low activity and poor condx. HNY 2016 & tnx to all.
SF 26 G8DOH IO92 25 25 1 15 375 GM3WOJ 661 400 2x8ele Again, good condx to N
SF 27 G8GNI IO91 21 21 1 17 357 GM4JJJ 487 100w 11 ele  
SF 28 G3YHF IO92 25 25 1 13 325 F8BRK 376 50 3 ele yagi lots QSB, but also lots of activity. great to hear GMs even if couldn't work many! thanks all
SF 29 G0GJV IO91 27 27 1 12 324 PE1EWR 301 200 9 ele  
O 30 F1BHL/P IN98 23 23 1 12 276 G8LZG 529 100 16 ele Tonna New location to avoid in the future. Strong electrical noise so impossible to beam on GW/GD/GI. Poor conditions. Hard going. HNY to all.
SF 31 G4WEY IO90 16 16 1 14 224 GD8EXI 415 100 10 ele Yagi  
O 32 G1KAR/P JO00 20 20 1 11 220 GD8EXI 506 28W 10 Ele Parabeam (J Beams)    
SF 33 G0MCV IO92 18 18 1 12 216 F8BRK 395 50 beam GREAT CONTEST
O 34 G7KSE/P IO84 16 16 1 13 208 G4ZTR 415 10w 3 ele sotabeam Breezy But better conditions
SF 35 G4BEE IO83 15 15 1 13 195 G4ZTR 301 20 5 ele yagi  
SF 36 G6NUM IO93 17 17 1 11 187 F8BRK 425 50 17-ele Tonna    
SF 37 G8TZJ IO84 14 14 1 13 182 G0BBB 320 50W 7 el Yagi    
SF 38 2W0JYN IO83 20 20 1 9 180 G4ZTR 292 50 3 ELE BEAM good contest and good conditions but a bit of qsb towards the end of contest lot more station worked today
SF 39 G8BYB IO92 15 15 1 12 180 GM4JJJ 418 20 9el Yagi A good bit of fun for an hour. HNY to all.  
O 40 GD0TFG/P IO74 13 13 1 13 169 F1BRK 625 50 9 ele Tonna nOT SO GOOD TODAY BUT STILL ok FROM 60m ASL!
SF 41 GW0IRW IO72 15 15 1 11 165 F8BRK 422 200w 9ele M2 + LNA HNY to you all! 73 Nigel de GW0IRW
SF 42 G4JED JO01 17 17 1 9 153 G4DBN 288 50 9 ele Yagi  
SF 43 GM3PMB IO75 12 12 1 12 144 G6RC 561 400 9 el LFA yagi  
SF 44 G0TAR JO01 14 14 1 10 140 GD8EXI 468 80W 6 ele vagarda Much better day less noise locally. Nice to work GD. Heard GM but could not wrk. Happy new year 73 de Brian
SF 45 G8VPE JO02 11 11 1 11 121 GD8EXI 451 100W 9ele Tonna HNY - See you in the UKACs and in 80mCCs next year.
SF 46 G4LDR IO91 11 11 1 11 121 G8DTF 275 400W 9 element LFA yagi  
O 47 G0LGS IO81 12 12 1 9 108 F8BRK 326 50 8 Ele    
SF 48 PE1EWR JO11 11 11 1 8 88 GW8ASD 482 70 10 el. Parabeam Jaybeam Some QSB, nice distances, slow on activity. HNY to all!
SF 49 G8LZE IO91 12 12 1 7 84 F8BRK 265 24 9 element HNY to all - see you in 2016.
SF 50 GD1MIP IO74 9 9 1 9 81 G4ZTR 442 400 10 ele Just 1 hour for this year
SF 51 M0HGY IO83 7 7 1 5 35 G0BBB 226 50w WiMO Big Wheel  
SF 52 GM4VVX IO78 5 5 1 5 25 GM4JR 333 400w 10 ele Worked ALL copied today but still not able to break that 5 QSO barrier. Very Best 73s Contesters & may 2016 be loaded with DX for you
O 53 G0GRI/M IO81 5 5 1 4 20 M0BAO/P 77 25 Dual bander Brief outing /m to local hill top. HNY.
SF 54 M6HLR JO01 6 6 1 2 12 G4JED 33 10w 6 ele yagi Happy New Year to you all.
O 55 M0SPN/P IO91 3 3 1 3 9 G0BBB 76 50 Mobile 5/8 Operating ~10 minutes, vertical 5/8
SF 56 2E0VKH JO01 3 3 1 3 9 G0BBB 79 25 LFA 3 Ele Quad operated to give some points away only on air for about 45 minutes. Happy new year to all those who participate, 73's
SF 57 G1MZD IO92 2 2 1 2 4 G0BBB 71 50w Colinear Only on colinear today, tried to concentrate on 4m till visitors arrived. tnx HNY
SF 58 GM4IGS IO75 2 2 1 2 4 GM4PPT 17 50 DIPOLE Giving away points. Indoor dipole. QRN S7. 73'3 & HNY when it comes.
SF 59 2E0IJH JO01 1 1 1 2 2 M1GEO/P 29 15 Co-Linear Very Very Token Entry , have no Beams up due to storm damage, Only ant is a Co-linear

28th Dec (54 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G0BNC IO91 6 831 138 3 2,493 F8BRK 301 50 JAYBEAM 10XY    
SF 2 G8DOH IO92 74 74 1 30 2,220 GM3WOJ 661 400 2x8ele Conditions up in all directions. Never worked so many GM stations from this site in one contest.
SF 3 G0BBB IO91 66 66 1 25 1,650 GM4JJJ 546 400 17ele M2 Continent silent. 73 to all
SF 4 G4ZTR JO01 48 48 1 26 1,248 MI0SMK 540 200w 9 el G4CQM Conditions not as good as yesterday and activity was down, especially from the Continent.  
SF 5 G4DBN IO93 45 45 1 24 1,080 F1BHL/P 491 300 9 ele LFA Rotten tactics today, spent too much time DXing... Missed ON/PA. Still excellent fun
O 6 G3PIA/P IO91 50 50 1 21 1,050 GM6JNJ 494 150 17 element Bad QSB but good activity Juggling with 70cms as well made for an interesting time! Thanks for QSOs  
SF 7 GM4JJJ IO86 48 48 1 21 1,008 G4WEY 597 400W 10 ele WAXX10S Good fun, sorry to the couple that I couldn't complete with due to QSB. See you tomorrow, wind permitting.  
O 8 2E0IBF/P JO01 42 42 1 24 1,008 GI4SNA 579 50 14 ele DK7ZB Much better than yesterday... Amazing what happens with a decent Antenna and a Rotator! Thanks to all who called and HNY!
SF 9 M0SAT IO91 47 47 1 21 987 GM4JJJ 532 100 9 ele LFA Two days in a row with no wind! Will it last. Tnx to all for QSO & HNY to all.
O 10 G8NEY IO81 36 36 1 23 828 GM4JJJ 521 100 17 ele A bit quiet  
O 11 M1EYP/P IO83 37 37 1 21 777 F8BRK 460 5w SOTAbeams SB270 - 3Y From SOTA summit The Cloud G/SP-015.
O 12 F8BRK IN99 43 43 1 18 774 G8BNE 540 200 2 x 10 ele  
SF 13 G4JQN IO81 40 40 1 19 760 GM4JJJ 540 100 PowAbeam 144NX11 Good fun - thanks for contacts - see you tomorrow. 73, Jerry
SF 14 G4ASR IO81 38 38 1 20 760 GM4JJJ 555 400 17-element Yagi A short session on 144 to boost up the scores on 50, 70, 432MHz. Good to hear so many GM stations active.
O 15 2E0LDZ/P IO93 40 40 1 17 680 F8BRK 468 50 7 ele LFA Lots of hills in the way but got me out from the MIL for a while. See you in 16
SF 16 G8DTF IO83 34 34 1 19 646 F8BRK 503 100 9 ele Turning Mast by hand still. Need to fix rotator.
O 17 F1BHL/P IN99 34 34 1 19 646 GI4SNA 686 100 16 ele Tonna Poor conditions, bad QSB. Very strong wind, antenna height 4m only. See you tomorrow with better conditions.
SF 18 G3SQQ IO93 38 38 1 17 646 F8BRK 437 100 9 Element LFA Very quiet at start, many GM stations ,conditions very variable, you all made it a very enjoyable contest.
SF 19 GM4JR IO85 40 40 1 16 640 2E0IBF/P 503 250 12 ele M2 Activity slightly better duct to IO81/91/JO01. Maybe tomorrow WX dependent.
SF 20 GM4PPT IO75 35 35 1 18 630 G3MLO 601 400 2x 12 ele M2 Best 144 this Xmas, thanks to all, Activity fair, I worked all I heard bar GD8EXI so No IO74! Hope for even better tomorrow! See you then.
SF 21 GW8ASD IO83 27 27 1 20 540 PE1EWR 482 100 12 ele Yagi Not too bad, considering it's a four band juggle. :-)
SF 22 G4YPC IO91 31 31 1 17 527 GD8EXI 419 400 9ele Yagi Flat. JJJ and ZRE sorry lost u in QSB.Very poor activity (102 points LESS than yesterday!!!)
SF 23 GM6JNJ IO75 26 26 1 16 416 G3MLO 616 400 12ele M2
O 24 G8YMW/P IO93 21 21 1 16 336 F8BRK 481 100 11 element Excellent turnout by the Scottish stations
O 25 G6RC IO91 21 21 1 14 294 GM4JJJ 648 400 5WL M2 Nice to work so many GMs
SF 26 G4WEY IO90 18 18 1 16 288 GM4JJJ 597 100 10 ele Yagi  
SF 27 G1MZD IO92 21 21 1 13 273 GM4JJJ 476 50w 5ele Conditions not quite as good as yesterday, only one GM. tnx HNY
SF 28 GM3PMB IO75 21 20 1 13 260 G6RC 561 400 9 el LFA yagi  
SF 29 G8ZRE IO83 20 20 1 13 260 F1BHL/P 457 100w 8XY ELEMENT YAGI Good day nice to work F1BHL/P in different locator No GI stations heard today.
O 30 GD0TFG/P IO74 16 16 1 16 256 F1BHL/P 601 50 9 ele Tonna Only 60M ASL!
SF 31 G4LDR IO91 17 17 1 15 255 GD8EXI 394 400W 9 element LFA yagi  
SF 32 2W0JYN IO83 21 21 1 10 210 2E0IBF/P 323 50 3 ELE BEAM good contest and good conditions a lot more activity on the band
SF 33 G8TZJ IO84 14 14 1 15 210 G0BBB 320 50W 7 el Yagi    
SF 34 G0GJV IO91 19 19 1 11 209 PE1EWR 301 200 9 ele  
SF 35 G4GSB IO82 17 17 1 12 204 GM4JJJ 405 100w 8el Tonna  
SF 36 G6NUM IO93 18 18 1 11 198 F8BRK 425 50 17-ele Tonna    
SF 37 G8GNI IO91 12 12 1 12 144 GM4JJJ 487 100 11 el  
SF 38 PE1EWR JO11 17 17 1 8 136 GW8ASD 482 70 10 el. Parabeam Jaybeam  
O 39 G0LGS IO81 12 12 1 11 132 F8BRK 326 50 8 Ele    
SF 40 G0EAK IO93 13 13 1 10 130 GM4NFC 325 100 5 Ele LFA Yagi    
SF 41 G4JED JO01 15 15 1 8 120 2E0LDZ/P 248 50 9 ele Yagi  
SF 43 G0TAR JO01 15 15 1 7 105 G4DBN 281 80W 6 ele vagarda much better day less QSB and more activity. Thanks for points. Happy New year 73 de brian
SF 44 GW0IRW IO72 13 13 1 8 104 F8BRK 422 200w 9ele M2 + LNA Limited entry again today but nice to work a fews contacts.
SF 45 G8LZE IO91 14 14 1 7 98 F8BRK 265 24 9 element  
SF 46 G3XHB IO94 11 11 1 7 77 2E0IBF/P 376 100 7 ele Yagi  
SF 47 G8FMC IO91 8 8 1 7 56 F8BRK 305 80W 8el G4CQM yagi Fairly flat. Messed up log with 1st 6 entries put on wrong band! Trying to concentrate on 4m.
SF 48 M1KEY IO93 9 9 1 6 54 M0SAT 221 50 8JXX2 8 ELEMENT YAGI  
SF 49 M0HGY IO83 7 7 1 6 42 GD8EXI 194 50w WiMO Big Wheel  
SF 50 GM4VVX IO78 5 5 1 5 25 GM4JR 333 400w 10 ele Very poor again. Not many looking this far North. Worked all copied though heard op's in 83 today but not get their attention
SF 51 G0GRI IO81 4 4 1 4 16 M0BAO/P 70 50 X50n HNY!
SF 52 M6HLR JO01 5 5 1 3 15 G3YSX 50 10w 6 ele yagi  
SF 53 M0SPN IO91 5 5 1 3 15 G4YPC 91 50 Colinear As expected with colinear :)
SF 54 GM4IGS IO75 4 4 1 2 8 GM4NFC 19 50 DIPOLE Just giving away points. QRN S7 today. 73's Mike

27th Dec (56 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G0BNC IO91 6 6,296 1049 3 18,888 F8BRK 301 50 JAYBEAM 10XY    
SF 2 G0BBB IO91 67 67 1 37 2,479 DF0WD 635 400 17ele M2 Thanks to everyone for the points.
SF 3 G4ZTR JO01 57 57 1 35 1,995 GM3WOJ 722 200w 9 el G4CQM Worked more GM than yesterday and still missed some. Missed GD, again !  
SF 4 G4DBN IO93 50 50 1 25 1,250 F1BHL/P 524 300 9 ele LFA Huge fun. Missed easy mults GD/GI/ON. Must get on the other bands!
SF 5 M0SAT IO91 44 44 1 23 1,012 EI3KD 540 100 9 ele LFA Nice to be able to raise the mast again. Seasons greetings to all especially the /P.
SF 6 GM4JJJ IO86 48 48 1 21 1,008 G4WEY 597 400W 10 ele WAXX10S Good fun, with a good run at start. Weaker signals but more activity. Thanks for the contacts, see you tomorrow.  
O 7 G3PIA/P IO91 52 52 1 18 936 GM6JNJ 494 150 17 element Lots of activity, lack of continentals though. Thanks for all the contacts  
O 8 F1BHL/P IN99 41 41 1 22 902 GI4SNA 717 100 16 ele Tonna Nice weather on Normandy hills. High activity. Very pleased to work 6 countries. Only GM missing.
SF 9 G3SQQ IO93 39 38 1 21 798 F1BHL/P 456 100 9 Element LFA Very enjoyable today, more activity than yesterday, many thanks to you all for points.
O 10 F8BRK IN99 38 38 1 19 722 GI4SNA 712 100 2 x 10  
O 11 G8NEY IO81 35 35 1 20 700 DL1CBQ 658 100 17 ele Good conditons and activty  
SF 12 G4ASR IO81 34 34 1 20 680 ON4LDP 490 400 17-element Yagi Quick 30-minute thrash at the end of the contest to pick up a few points to the 6m & 4m totals....
SF 13 G3MEH IO91 35 35 1 19 665 DF0WD 624 400 2 x 9el M2  
SF 14 G4JQN IO81 34 34 1 19 646 GM4JJJ 540 100 PowAbeam 144NX11 A pleasant break from the festivities! Thanks for the contacts, despite much QSB. 73 - see you tomorrow. Jerry
SF 16 GM4JR IO85 31 31 1 17 527 G8MLQ 484 250 12 ele M2 Activity a little better today
SF 17 GW8ASD IO83 25 25 1 18 450 PE1EWR 482 100 12 ele Yagi Better conditions than yesterday.
SF 18 GM4PPT IO75 24 24 1 18 432 G4ZTR 524 400 2x 12 ele M2 Activity seemed lower than yesterday. Thanks to all who beamed this way.
O 19 M1EYP/P IO83 24 24 1 16 384 F1BHL/P 475 5w SOTAbeams SB270 - 3Y From SOTA summit The Cloud G/SP-015.
SF 20 GM6JNJ IO75 26 26 1 14 364 G4DFA 554 400 12ele M2 Good fun, lost a few in QSB.
SF 21 G8ZRE IO83 21 21 1 16 336 F1BHL/P 490 100w 8XY ELEMENT YAGI Good day on 144Mhz 2 GM & 2 French stations plus GD.No GI today.Good to work IO73 GW4BZD & IO84 G8TZJ many thanks.
SF 22 M0ICR IO91 30 30 1 11 330 F1BHL/P 288 25 9 Ele Tonna Not as good as yesterday but still fun. Sad not to work GI4, GD8 not heard. Little gun couldn't make GM today :( 73 Carl DRRG  
SF 23 G4NBS JO02 20 20 1 15 300 GM4JJJ 484 200 12ele 1 hour rest from TV, giving points way. Seasons Greetings
SF 24 GW0IRW IO72 18 18 1 14 252 F8BRK 422 200w 9ele M2 + LNA Only managed to get on for an hour, but nice to work a few on a rather wet Welsh afternoon! HNY to one and all. 73 Nigel de GW0IRW
SF 25 G1MZD IO92 21 21 1 11 231 GM4JJJ 476 50w 5ele Strange conditions two GM's and very little else from the north. tnx all & HNY
SF 26 G4WEY IO90 16 16 1 13 208 GM4JJJ 597 100 10 ele Yagi  
SF 27 G0GJV IO91 17 17 1 12 204 DL1CBQ/P 561 200 9 ele  
SF 28 G4NRG JO02 20 20 1 10 200 F1BHL/P 407 200 8JXX2 Antenna quite low, and unable to beam north. More activity than yesterday.
SF 29 G3YHF IO92 18 18 1 11 198 F1BHL/P 390 50 3 ele yagi  
SF 31 G4GSB IO82 17 17 1 11 187 GM4JJJ 405 100w 8el Tonna An enjoyable way to spend a wet miserable Sunday afternoon :)
SF 32 G8LZE IO91 17 17 1 11 187 F1BHL/P 288 24 9 element  
SF 33 G8TZJ IO84 13 13 1 12 156 G4DFA 348 50W 7 el Yagi    
SF 34 M0NVS IO91 19 19 1 8 152 F1BHL/P 302 25 3/3 DUAL ELE better activity than yesterday. HNY. 73 phil
SF 35 G3UVR IO83 13 13 1 9 117 G4ZTR 311 25w Dipole Rotatabl First time entry to the Christmas contest this year. Best wishes to all.
SF 36 G0MCV IO92 13 13 1 9 117 F1BHL/P 414 50 beam QSB
SF 37 2W0JYN IO83 14 14 1 8 112 G4ZTR 292 50 3 ELE BEAM good contest and average conditions and average activity but of qsb at end of contest
O 38 G8YMW/P IO93 11 11 1 10 110 F1BHL/P 501 100 11 element Some savage qsb
SF 39 G8VPE JO02 11 11 1 10 110 F1BHL/P 433 100W 9ele F9FT Much better activity than yesterday, but still no contacts from North, best signals from South again.
SF 40 G4LDR IO91 11 11 1 9 99 GM4JJJ 565 400 9 element LFA yagi Good to work GM4JJJ.
SF 41 G6NUM IO93 12 12 1 8 96 F1BHL/P 446 50 17-ele Tonna dry, cold and misty  
SF 42 PE1EWR JO11 13 13 1 7 91 GW8ASD 482 70 10 el. Parabeam Jaybeam Missed some of yesterday, but happy to work some others today!
O 43 G0LGS IO81 10 10 1 9 90 GM4JJJ 472 50 8 Ele    
O 44 G7KSE/P IO84 8 8 1 7 56 G4ASR 287 10 5 element hombrew Lovely day for /p. Not many southern stations heard but nice to work the GM's
SF 45 M6HLR JO01 8 8 1 6 48 F8BRK 252 10w 6 ele yagi  
SF 46 G3OVH IO92 6 6 1 5 30 GD8EXI 284 10 6 ele J Beam  
SF 47 G3XHB IO94 6 6 1 5 30 G4JQN 350 100 7 ele Yagi  
SF 48 GM4VVX IO78 5 5 1 5 25 GM4JR 333 400w 10 ele Very little activity heard. A few MS bursts from South coast operators but no QSOs. GM6JNJ r5s7 but got away, the only one.
SF 49 M0SPN IO91 6 6 1 4 24 M0BAO/P 115 50 Colinear As expected for colinear
O 50 2E0IBF/P JO02 5 5 1 4 20 G4NRG 83 50 HB8CV Token entry.... HB9CV in the flatest bit of the country. No tower :( Slow going.  
SF 51 G0TAR JO01 4 4 1 4 16 G8VPE 162 80W 6 ele vagarda Very hard going due to Xmas lights to the west of me with S7-8 of noise.
SF 52 G0GRI IO81 5 5 1 3 15 G0BBB 180 25 X50N Seasons Greetings 73 Ian
SF 53 M0HGY IO83 3 3 1 3 9 2W0JYN 68 50w WiMO Big Wheel  
SF 54 M0CES IO93 2 2 1 3 6 GM4JJJ 371 50W 2 ele innov quad Tiny 2 ele quad from Lincoln. A pleasure to work my fellow Scots.
SF 55 GM4IGS IO75 2 2 1 2 4 GM4PPT 17 50 5 ELE YAGI Giving away points, QRN S7. Antenna indoors. Only QRV for 10 minutes. 73's Mike. (Will also be on 432 MHZ tomorrow.)
SF 56 G4DYC JO02 2 2 1 2 4 M1BXF 65 10w 2m COLINEAR VERTICAL  

26th Dec (38 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G0BBB IO91 48 48 1 27 1,296 GM3WOJ 738 400 17ele M2 Tnx to everyone. 73
SF 2 G4ZTR JO01 43 43 1 25 1,075 MI0SMK 540 200w 9 el G4CQM Activity a bit low, but 5 x GM helped a lot !  
SF 3 GM4JJJ IO86 30 30 1 21 630 G4WEY 597 400W 10 ele WAXX10S Thanks for all the contacts. Sorry to G8ZRE and M0BAA/p lost in QSB. G4YPC called with no reply.See you in next part on 144, Merry Christmas  
SF 4 G4ASR IO81 21 21 1 23 483 GM4JJJ 455 400 17-element Yagi Only on for last 27 minutes but surprised to work 5xGM ... and GD, GI, GW, PA.
O 5 G3PIA/P IO91 29 29 1 16 464 GM3PMB 479 150 17 Element Low activity and deep QSB. Thanks to all and happy Christmas!  
SF 6 M0ICR IO91 25 25 1 15 375 GM4PPT 502 25W 9 Ele Tonna Activity low? HNY to everyone. See you tomorrow? 73 Carl, DRRG
SF 7 GW8ASD IO83 20 20 1 17 340 GM4JJJ 335 100 12 ele Yagi Poor conditions. A few GMs on. Makes a change from UKAC!
SF 8 G0BNC IO91 5 326 65 1 326 G4DFA 103 50 JAYBEAM 10XY    
SF 9 GM6JNJ IO75 20 20 1 16 320 G4ZTR 538 400 12ele M2 Poor conditions with deep QSB here, but good fun.
SF 10 GM4PPT IO75 21 21 1 15 315 G4ZTR 524 400 2x 12ele M2 Poor conditions with lots of qsb & seemingly low activity, maybe more tomorrow. Still good fun!
SF 11 G4YPC IO91 22 22 1 12 264 GD8EXI 419 400 9ele Yagi Flatter than a pancake. Noisy band. Bad QSB. Low activity
SF 12 G3SQQ IO93 17 17 1 13 221 GM4JJJ 360 100 9 Element LFA Tower very low due to high winds, but a reasonable spread of contacts. Merry Christmas to all
SF 13 G4DBN IO93 15 15 1 14 210 PE1EWR 389 300 9 ele Innov LFA Token effort, only QRV 36 minutes. Those dogs had to be walked. I *must* ditch Tucnak, sent ANOTHER dupe serial. Hopeless.
SF 14 G0GJV IO91 18 18 1 9 162 PE1EWR 301 200 9 ele  
SF 15 GM4JR IO85 13 13 1 12 156 G4ZTR 454 250 12 ele M2 Low activity. Poor QX. 1 hour only
SF 16 G0TAR JO01 17 17 1 8 136 GI4SNA 565 80W 6 ele vagarda Hard going on one frequency. Thanks for points. Happy new year 73 de brian
SF 17 G4WEY IO90 12 12 1 11 132 GM4JJJ 597 100 10 ele Yagi  
SF 18 G8TZJ IO84 9 9 1 10 90 G4ZTR 338 50W 7 el Yagi    
SF 19 G3YHF IO92 9 9 1 10 90 GM4JJJ 416 50 3 ele yagi  
SF 20 2W0JYN IO83 11 11 1 8 88 G4ZTR 292 50 3 ELE BEAM good contest but conditions where poor and the band was quite
SF 21 G8ZRE IO83 10 10 1 8 80 G4ZTR 290 100W 8XY ELEMENT YAGI Poor on 2 metres Missed 2 GMS & GD8EXI.GM4JJJ lost in QSB.
SF 22 M0NVS IO91 11 11 1 7 77 GW8ASD 230 25 8 ELE LFA A bit quiet,sorry to gw8asd who I couldn't hear on 6/4. Merry Christmas everyone and catch you all tomorrow
SF 23 GM3PMB IO75 8 8 1 8 64 G0BBB 511 400 9 el LFA yagi First time in this event. Tnx for patience
SF 24 G8GNI IO91 9 9 1 7 63 GM6JNJ 465 100 11 el Not alot of actiivyt. Antennas low due to the wind
SF 25 PE1EWR JO11 12 12 1 5 60 G4ASR 451 70 10 el. Parabeam Jaybeam Not as much activity as I hoped for!
O 26 G0LGS IO81 7 7 1 8 56 GM4JJJ 472 50 8 Ele Appears to have been very little activity, good signals from GM but Deep QSB  
SF 27 G4JED JO01 11 11 1 5 55 GD8EXI 461 50 9 ele Yagi QSB at the start then S4 static from the West. Hope for better conditions.
SF 28 G4NRG JO02 9 9 1 5 45 M0BAO/P 335 100 8JXX2  
O 29 G8YMW/P IO93 5 5 1 8 40 GM4JJJ 325 100 11 element Token entry, aerial low due to winds
SF 30 G8VPE JO02 5 5 1 5 25 G4YPC 210 100W 9ele F9FT Grim condx. Nothing from North or West. Best signals from IO91 & JO01, GB3VHF/b and PI7CIS/b quite strong??? Where was everyone ?
O 31 G3WCB/P IO80 6 6 1 4 24 G4ZTR 365 50w Horiz dipole Horrendous winds, so operated with just a low dipole for an hour. Merry XMAS and HNY!73, Dave G3WCB
SF 32 G0ACK IO91 7 7 1 3 21 G3PIA/P 58 10 7 ele Pts to DRRG. Family/hospital prevented further participation this year. Sorry guys
SF 33 M0HGY IO83 4 4 1 5 20 G4GSB 84 50w WiMO Big Wheel  
SF 34 M6HLR JO01 5 5 1 3 15 G3PIA/P 123 10w 6 ele yagi A token entry as being only 10 years old, I have lots of other things to play with today. happy Christmas everyone.
SF 35 G1MZD IO92 7 7 1 2 14 G4DFA 96 50 5ele Had to put the beam up first only on for the last 40mins. Hope to be on tommorrow.tnx. Dave
SF 36 G3OVH IO92 4 4 1 3 12 G3TBK 58 10 6 ele J beam Quickly knocked together a station to complement my 4m rig
SF 38 GM4IGS IO75 2 2 1 2 4 GM4PPT 17 50 DIPOLE Giving away points

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