Claimed Scores 2016
  11857 claimed scores
V8.41 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
20/12/16 1.3GHz UKAC
13/12/16 432MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for Christmas Cumulatives 144 MHz

29th Dec (67 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G0VVE IO91 128 128 1 50 6,400 SM7GVF 1164 400 2x15 Great to have a contest with good condx. Tnx qsos Happy New Year
SF 2 F8BRK IN99 140 140 1 41 5,740 OZ5AGJ 1051 400 2x 10 elements Great condx and good activity. HNY 2017 gerard
SF 3 G0XDI IO91 112 111 1 46 5,106 EA1FDI 1109 400 9 ele Vargarda Really good conditions and a really enjoyable contest, OZ and EA worked! Thanks to al for the QSOs
O 4 F1BHL/P IN99 105 105 1 41 4,305 SM7GVF 1353 100 14 ele DK7ZB Great conditions and activity. Continuous pile up. Unexpected distances. HNY to all and hope to work you in 2017.
SF 5 G3YDY JO01 93 93 1 45 4,185 SM7FMX 924 200 7 ELE DK7ZB Managed to repair rotater that broke yesterday. Thank Goodness. Thanks all for points in great conditions.
SF 6 G0GQT JO01 81 81 1 43 3,483 SM7GVF 1102 100 17 ELE Normally nowhere near the shack when condx like this arrive. So pleased to be in the zone.Great activity and some new squares workd.73s Mark
O 7 F4FFH/P IN98 100 100 1 32 3,200 GM4JJJ 806 100 9 ele TONNA  
SF 8 G7LRQ IO91 79 79 1 40 3,160 EA1DFI 1115 400 9 ele LFA Good conditions and thanks for all the points this year. Happy new year all.
O 9 M0NVS/P IO91 61 61 1 37 2,257 EA1FDI 1110 25 5 ELE JAYBEAM Great conditions gave me a buzz and using such a basic set up, well worth going portable. Thx for all qso's in 2016. HNY to all. 73 de Phil
SF 10 M0CGL JO03 63 63 1 35 2,205 EA1FDI 1276 400 9 element LFA H/B Another good contest with very nice tropo Good fun, and many thanks for the points, Spalding & DARS
SF 11 M0SAT IO91 59 59 1 36 2,124 OZ1BEF 805 100 9 ele LFA Tropo condx best of week. Missed EA but nice to work OZ. Good activity & great Xmas fun. HNY to all.
SF 12 GD8EXI IO74 61 61 1 34 2,074 F1MOZ 1189 400 18 ele M2 Very strong signals from Western France otherwise normal conditions
O 13 G4FZN/P IO94 66 66 1 28 1,848 EA1FDI 1331 350 12 ele LFA Very cold. Lost first half hour due to mast not pumping up. Antenna was only 3m agl. Happy New Year when it comes & 73 de Chris & Pauline.
SF 14 PA5Y JO21 48 48 1 35 1,680 GI6ATZ 845 400 4 x 8 JXX Well despite being the best score I really think that I stuffed it up! I had fun all the same. Didn't do 70cms this time
SF 15 G3YSX IO91 48 48 1 30 1,440 SM7GVF 1146 400 11el tonna  
SF 16 G8HGN JO01 45 45 1 32 1,440 OZ1OY 775 50 11 ele LFA Great condx & activity. HNY 2017 to all.
O 17 M1GEO/P JO01 51 51 1 28 1,428 EA1FDI 1143 200 9 element portable tonna Operated Alfresco with M0TAZ. Freezing cold. Enjoyed Tropo. Thanks QSOs
SF 18 M0ICR IO91 48 48 1 29 1,392 EA1FDI 1105 20 Trigger's Broom Working EA1 on the TR751E ... Wow! A great way to end the year. Thanks for all the QSO & Pts in 2016. Vy 73 and HNY de Carl M0ICR ... Rats
O 19 M0BAO/P IO80 47 47 1 26 1,222 EA1FDI 943 50 8 ELEMENT Great conditions today,very busy never worked so many countries during one contest, Thanks for all the points.Happy New Year.  
O 20 G4TSQ IO90 44 44 1 26 1,144 DL1BEC 615 200 17ele Tonna Nice conditions
SF 21 GW8ASD IO83 41 41 1 27 1,107 PA5Y 622 100 12 ele Yagi  
O 22 F4VRB IN98 39 39 1 28 1,092 EA1FDI 858 75 8 element Saved the best 'til last! Nice to work EA from this simple set-up here. What a way to spend our wedding anniversary!  
SF 23 G4NBS JO02 42 42 1 26 1,092 EA1FDI 1181 400 10ele Good conditions but seemed to be a lot of activity on KST? Tried using 2m to find QSO for 432 but few interested, thanks to those that did.
SF 24 F1FPL JN09 51 51 1 21 1,071 GD8EXI 673 100 5 elements  
SF 25 G8FMC IO91 38 38 1 25 950 EA1FDI 1119 260 8el G4CQM Wow, some lift to EU! Worked stuff I have never even heard before.  
SF 26 G0MJW IO83 41 41 1 23 943 EA1FDI 1233 10 9 Element Excellent conditions but nobody in SE seemed to beam towards IO83. Why? Because of the awful scoring system.  
O 27 G4GFI/M IO80 39 39 1 23 897 EA1FDI 959 50 Halo Superb tropo to much of Eu but many usual UK squares not hrd. All back at the salt mines?
SF 28 G3SQQ IO93 37 37 1 23 851 EA1FDI 1219 100 9 EL LFA Really good conditions and very enjoyable, thank you for comments and points, all the best for 2017
SF 29 G1KAW IO91 34 34 1 24 816 EA1FDI 1075 400 9ele Very good tropo. G activity seemed down today. One local station very wide. Guildford DRS
SF 30 G8REQ IO83 35 35 1 23 805 F4FFH/P 510 75 H/B 5 Ele DK7ZB good Cdx. and great spread of QSOs, Tnx. to all and HNY..73.
SF 31 G0TAR JO01 33 33 1 24 792 OZ5KM 797 50 9 ele Very good condx with good lift on . Thanks for points, Hpy Ny. 73 de Brian
SF 32 G0CDA IO83 34 34 1 23 782 F4FFH/P 503 50 15ele Cushcraft Junior Boomer Managed 2hrs today but out of TR duct.Many stations beaming to DX in Continent.As yesterday some good strong signals from Northern France  
SF 33 G4ASR IO81 33 33 1 22 726 PA4VHF 666 400 17-element Yagi Mostly operating on 4m & 6m with occasional QSO's on 2m. Happy New Year 73 David
SF 34 G1MZD IO92 33 33 1 21 693 PA5Y 461 50 5 ele G4CQM Very good conditions today and lots of activity,had a few breaks but quite enjoyable. HNY to everyone
SF 35 G4GTH IO90 30 30 1 21 630 GD8EXI 405 95 M2 9 Element Yagi Conditions above average. Bad interference to NNE  
SF 36 G4DFA IO91 30 30 1 20 600 EA1FDI 1089 100 9 Ele Tonna HNY to all Tom  
SF 37 G4WEY IO90 28 28 1 19 532 EA1FDI 969 100 10 ele Yagi  
SF 38 G0GJV IO91 29 29 1 18 522 PA5Y 456 200 9 ele  
SF 39 G8ZRE IO83 27 27 1 18 486 F4FFH/P IN IN98 487 50 8 XY ELEMENT YAGI Best band today had to wait to 15.33 for IO93 thanks G4HVC for mult.3 F stns.HNY all stations see you in 2017.Dave G8ZRE
SF 40 G1PPA IO93 30 29 1 16 464 F4FFH/P 492 100 9 ele beam sorry g8tzj lost you in qsb i had high noise level today thanks to all for the fun and points
SF 41 PE1EWR JO11 28 28 1 16 448 F8GGD 703 70 10 el. Parabeam Jaybeam  
SF 42 2E0VPW IO91 27 27 1 15 405 DK5DQ 630 50 8 element Yagi  
SF 43 GW4ZHI IO82 21 21 1 19 399 EA1FDI 1063 400 12 el LFA Some nice conditions to the south.
SF 44 M6HLR JO01 20 20 1 17 340 DB4BU 512 10 6 ele yagi My voice gives out after an hour.Happy new year everyone. Lauren
O 45 G0LGS IO81 17 17 1 18 306 EA1FDI 1071 50 8Ele    
SF 46 GM4PPT IO75 19 19 1 16 304 F8BRK 748 400 12ele M2 Conditions poor here today with very few beams pointing north. Thanks to all who found me. HNY & see you all next Tuesday in the UKAC
SF 47 G0EUN IO93 23 23 1 13 299 F4FFH/P 469 50 Beam  
SF 48 M6YTU IO90 22 22 1 13 286 G4RAA 265 10 VPA Systems 5 El Yagi Very good propagation!  
SF 49 2E0VKH JO01 21 21 1 13 273 ON7ZM 350 50 3el 144Mhz LFA-Q Thanks to those I operated, Happy New Year to all 73's
SF 50 G4JED JO01 19 19 1 14 266 F6DBI 403 50 19 ele Yagi  
O 51 MM0CEZ IO75 15 15 1 13 195 F8BRK 781 400 9 Ele Eagle  
SF 52 2W0JYN IO83 15 15 1 13 195 F8BRK 1641 50 5 ele good contest but conditions cold and missed the first three days thanks to all that I worked 73 and happy new year
SF 53 G8EEM IO93 14 14 1 13 182 F8BRK 531 400 9 ele  
SF 54 G0GRI IO81 14 14 1 10 140 PA5Y 561 50 X50N Tnkx to PA5Y for switching polrarisation. HNY all
SF 55 M1CJE IO91 12 12 1 11 132 GD8EXI 360 85 5 ele beam  
SF 56 G8TZJ IO84 13 12 1 11 132 F6DBI 627 50 7 El Yagi    
SF 57 G3XHB IO94 13 13 1 9 117 F8BRK 584 100 9 ele Yagi  
SF 58 G4LDR IO91 12 12 1 9 108 EA1FDI 1013 400 9 element LFA yagi  
SF 59 2E0KVJ IO80 9 9 1 10 90 M0CGL 428 50 9 el ly tiger tronics only did last half hour
SF 60 F4VQX IN87 9 9 1 9 81 GD8EXI 691 100 11 ele tonna  
SF 61 G4PDF IO93 9 9 1 8 72 F8BRK 455 50 W2000 Vertical    
O 62 GM6JNJ IO75 7 7 1 9 63 F8BRK 765 400 12 Ele  
SF 63 G4CIB IO81 7 7 1 7 49 F8BRK 337 50 5 ele ZL Special in loft Excellent conditions. Only able to be on for the last half hour but still good fun! Happy New Year to all!
SF 64 ON7DQ JO11 9 9 1 5 45 G8XYJ/P 395 20 4el LPDA indoor  
SF 65 2E0VPX IO92 5 5 1 7 35 F8BRK 418 25 Colinear  
SF 66 M0HWO IO83 7 7 1 4 28 G4FZN/P 138 50 3 element beam  
SF 67 2E0DQK IO80 3 3 1 3 9 G8XYJ/P 182 25 5 ele Yagi    

28th Dec (54 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G4CLA IO92 123 123 1 50 6,150 DG7TG 733 400 3x10 Nice conditions !
SF 2 G0VVE IO91 114 114 1 44 5,016 OZ1BEF 838 400 2x15 Thanks for all qsos... cheers!
O 3 F1BHL/P IN99 109 109 1 29 3,161 GM4JJJ 799 100 14 ele DK7ZB Excellent conditions and activity. All signals up to 500Km 59 or 59+. 9 countries worked. Thank you all and HNY.
SF 4 G0MJW IO83 84 83 1 31 2,573 F4VQX 627 80 9 Element Bit of a lift this afternoon - still disadvantaged by the scoring but best so far.  
SF 5 G0XDI IO91 77 77 1 33 2,541 DG7TG 721 400 9 ele Vargarda conditions up but activity seemed down on yesterday. Thanks to all for the QSOs.
SF 6 G4RRA IO80 64 64 1 37 2,368 DG7TG 974 400 10ele  
SF 7 M0CGL JO03 61 61 1 32 1,952 DL1DBR 574 400 9 element LFA/HB Good conditions and good activity too.. Many thanks for the points, Spalding & DARS
SF 8 M0SAT IO91 53 53 1 35 1,855 EI3KD 540 100 9 ele LFA Good activity & good condx in many directions.
SF 9 G3YDY JO01 56 56 1 32 1,792 DG7TG 658 200 7 ELE DK7ZB Rotator packed up for last 30 minutes!
SF 10 GW8ASD IO83 55 55 1 32 1,760 DF7YE 759 100 12 ele Yagi  
SF 11 F8BRK IN99 73 73 1 22 1,606 MM0CEZ 782 400 2 x 10 elements  
SF 12 M0ICR IO91 52 52 1 25 1,300 EI3KD 535 25 9Ele Condx better than yesterday. Nice to work so many F stns plus GM, GU, GW, GK, EI and GI. No DL for me :( Vy 73 & HNY , Carl M0ICR  
SF 13 GU6EFB IN89 51 51 1 25 1,275 GI6ATZ 599 100 9 Element LFA Good Fun Happy New Year
SF 14 G3YSX IO91 50 49 1 24 1,176 DF0MU 520 400 11el tonna  
SF 15 M0BUL IO82 43 42 1 25 1,050 DF0MU 693 100 5 ELE LFA Decent activity, thanks all, 73 Craig
SF 16 G4NBS JO02 38 38 1 27 1,026 DL1DBR 560 400 10ele Perhaps I should have operated more on this band? Lots missed by concentrating on 432...
SF 17 G1KAW IO91 43 43 1 23 989 DF0MU 547 400 9ele Slightly up. More activity than previous sessions. Guildford DRS
O 18 F4FFH/P IN98 47 47 1 21 987 MM0CEZ 793 100 9 ele TONNA  
O 19 G4GFI/M IO80 34 34 1 28 952 DF0MU 704 50 Halo Excellent condx with no QSB and plenty of activity.
SF 20 G3SQQ IO93 33 33 1 25 825 DF0MU 585 100 9 EL LFA Very good conditions, but a real pleasure to operate so many thanks to all.
SF 21 M0NVS IO91 40 40 1 19 760 DF0MU 533 250 8 ELE LFA Blimey, conditions are great:-) heard more than worked. New amps working well but qth is just rubbish. Im out portable with 25w tomorrow!!
SF 22 PA5Y JO21 29 29 1 26 754 GI6ATZ 845 400 4 x 8 JXX Conditions were good today but still not many beaming this way for long. I had some nice QSOs and nearly made it with EI3KD, maybe tomorrow.
O 23 M0BAO/P IO80 38 38 1 19 722 GM3SEK 437 50 8 ELEMENT    
SF 24 G4ASR IO81 34 34 1 21 714 DG7TG 863 400 17-element Yagi Running SO3R today, prioritising 4m & 6m and then 2m to fill in the gaps. See you all on Thursday.
SF 25 G0GJV IO91 32 32 1 22 704 DF0MU 561 200 9 ele  
O 26 F4VRB IN98 27 27 1 26 702 DL6BF 693 75 8 element Even better conditions and activity today.  
SF 27 G8ZRE IO83 31 31 1 22 682 F4FFH/P 487 50 8 XY ELEMENT YAGI Excellent conditions on 2/6/70cma.Chaos with paper logs. HNY all stations. Dave G8ZRE
SF 28 G1PPA IO93 25 25 1 21 525 F6DBI 583 100 9 ele beam thanks to all who took part
SF 29 G4DFA IO91 36 36 1 14 504 G4OJY 401 100 9 Ele Tonna    
SF 30 G8HGN JO01 21 21 1 20 420 DG7TG 661 50 11 ele LFA Just on 144 today. Seemed to be plenty of activity and condx up. Hope you had a good Xmas & HNY for 2017
SF 31 G4JED JO01 25 25 1 16 400 GD8EXI 461 50 9 ele Yagi Good conditions in UK, no D stns worked today.
SF 32 2E0VPW IO91 24 24 1 16 384 DF0MU 620 50 6 element Yagi  
SF 33 G0CDA IO83 20 20 1 18 360 F6DBI 560 50 15ele Cushcraft Junior Boomer Giving pts away in last hr or so.Some good signals from Northern F and southern G.Might attempt full 2hrs tomorrow?  
SF 34 G4WEY IO90 19 19 1 18 342 GM3SEK 472 100 10 ele Yagi  
SF 35 G1MZD IO92 22 22 1 14 308 F1BHL/P 330 50 5 ele G4CQM Better conditions & activity today, took a few breaks but pleased with the score. No 82 sq. until afterwards but thanks Matt. HNY.
O 36 G0LGS IO81 18 18 1 17 306 F6DBI 398 50 8Ele    
SF 37 PE1EWR JO11 18 18 1 17 306 G4RRA 524 70 10 el. Parabeam Jaybeam  
SF 38 2E0KVJ IO80 16 16 1 16 256 GI6ATZ 446 50 9 el ly tiger tronics rotator controller decided to give up with 30 mins to go,i fixed it but too late to continue
SF 39 G8TZJ IO84 16 16 1 16 256 F4FFH/P 575 50 7 El Yagi    
SF 40 G0TAR JO01 25 25 1 10 250 GD8EXI 468 50 9 ele Much better condx today. Thanks for points.
SF 41 GW4ZHI IO82 14 14 1 17 238 F1BAC/P 427 400 12 el LFA  
SF 42 M6HLR JO01 17 17 1 12 204 GK4LOH 431 10 6 ele yagi JUST DOING ONE HOUR TODAY
SF 43 G0EUN IO93 15 15 1 13 195 DF0MU 548 50 Beam  
SF 44 G3YTU IO90 15 15 1 11 165 G0MJW 333 30 VPA Systems 5 Element Yagi    
O 45 GM6JNJ IO75 11 11 1 12 132 F1BHL/P 682 400 12 Ele  
SF 46 G3XHB IO94 14 14 1 9 126 F8BRK 584 100 9 ele Yagi  
O 47 MM0CEZ IO75 10 10 1 11 110 F4FFH/P 793 400 9 Ele Eagle  
SF 48 G7LRQ IO91 9 9 1 12 108 DF0MU 528 400 9 ele LFA  
SF 49 2E0VKH JO01 14 14 1 6 84 G4CLA 177 50 3el 144Mhz LFA-Q Fun working 3 logs, Yes only joking, Happy new year to those I worked 73's
SF 50 G0GRI IO81 8 8 1 8 64 F1BHL/P 273 50 X50N 73
SF 51 F4VQX IN87 7 7 1 7 49 GD8EXI 691 100 11 ele tonna  
SF 52 G4LDR IO91 6 6 1 7 42 F6DBI 325 400 9 element LFA yagi  
O 53 MD0MAN/P IO74 5 5 1 6 30 G0VVE 422 50 5 ele diamond Hope cuagn in new year HNY 73
SF 54 G7JJZ IO93 1 1 1 2 2 G4HVC 58 2 rubber duck  

27th Dec (55 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M1DDD/P IO93 94 94 1 54 5,076   0 400 16 x 2 Testing some new ally. Nice activity today. Only 90 mins activity until rotator burnt out! Yikes!
SF 2 G4CLA IO92 109 109 1 44 4,796 DL1DBR 647 400 3x10 Great activity again today - thanks for the QSOs
SF 3 G0XDI IO91 81 81 1 36 2,916 DF7YE 586 400 9 ele Vargarda better Activity today and conditions a little better too. Thanks to all for the QSOs :)
SF 4 F8BRK IN99 71 71 1 27 1,917 GI6ATZ 698 400 2 x 10 elements  
SF 5 M0SAT IO91 54 54 1 27 1,458 DL6BF 537 100 9 ele LFA Slightly enhanced condx, but also less QRm than during UKAC enabled reasonable contacts. Good activity. Seasons greetings & HNY to all
O 6 M0ICK/P IO83 45 45 1 28 1,260 F6APE 707 45 7 Ele LFA h/b Nice couple of hours portable missed EI GI ON, excellent conditions and very quiet in 83 square HNY to all GL in 2017
SF 7 M0CGL JO03 52 52 1 22 1,144 DF0MU 499 400 9 element LFA H/B Good fun and many thanks for the points...
SF 8 GW8ASD IO83 39 39 1 26 1,014 DF0MU 706 100 12 ele Yagi  
SF 9 G4ASR IO81 39 39 1 20 780 GM4JJJ 455 400 17-ELEMENT YAGI Majoring on 6m & 4m and using 2m as a fill-in band to keep the overall score up. Just using SO3R today as the 70cm antenna has wind damage :
SF 10 G1KAW IO91 38 38 1 19 722 DL6BF 556 400 9ele Flat. More people on today. Guildford DRS
SF 11 G3SQQ IO93 43 43 1 16 688 DF0MU 585 100 9 EL LFA Conditions creating weird effects, sorry I lost the mobile station and at the end the F1 station, Many thanks to all.
SF 12 G4NBS JO02 33 33 1 20 660 GM6JNJ 477 250 10ele Seasons Greetings all. Aerial at resting height, just on to give points away
SF 13 G3YSX IO91 40 40 1 16 640 G4KUX 394 400 11el Tonna  
SF 14 PA5Y JO21 29 29 1 21 609 G4RRA 680 400 4 x 8 JXX I thought beaming east for a while might work, it didn't :-) Good fun
SF 15 G0MJW IO83 35 35 1 17 595 F6APE 706 80 9 Element Bit more activity - how do I get the automatic logging system to score valid QSOs where the op doesn't know their square?  
SF 16 G0GQT JO01 32 32 1 17 544 DL8DAU 613 100 17 ELE A bit more activity today. Tnx fer points. 73s. Mark.
SF 17 G8ZRE IO83 27 27 1 20 540 DF0MU 696 50 8 XY ELEMENT YAGI Excellent conditions. Hope QSO with DF0MU was successful. Thanks GW4BZD for IO73 & F6DBI for IN88.
SF 18 G4DFA IO91 39 39 1 13 507 G4KUX 388 100 9 Ele Tonna    
O 19 M0BAO/P IO80 29 29 1 17 493 PA5Y 620 50 8 ELEMENT    
SF 20 G0GJV IO91 29 29 1 16 464 DF0MU 561 200 9 ele  
O 21 F1BHL/P IN99 27 27 1 17 459 GM4JJJ 804 50 14 ele DK7ZB Just 45mn on this band. Good conditions and great activity. Very cold at the end.
O 22 F4VRB IN98 21 21 1 21 441 DF0MU 674 75 8 element Better conditions today and more multipliers... Shame it's not Points per Km!  
SF 23 M0NVS IO91 30 30 1 14 420 DF0MU 533 250 8 ELE LFA Sorry to those I couldn't hear. Using these contests to set up my new station equipment. Until tomorrow. 73 phil
SF 24 G1PPA IO93 27 26 1 15 390 F4VRB 510 100 15 ele beam thanks to all also for f4vrb mike for your patiance cheers
SF 25 G4JED JO01 24 24 1 13 312 DF0MU 498 50 9 ele Yagi Nice to work some more regulars today, seasons greetings to all.
SF 26 G4BRK IO91 19 19 1 16 304 DF0MU 597 100 7 el Still average  
SF 27 G8FMC IO91 20 20 1 15 300 DF0MU 559 260 8el G4CQM 11 squares in the first 13 QSO's! Cond. seemed slightly up at times? Good fun, but just over 1hr.  
O 28 G4GFI/M IO80 22 22 1 13 286 M0CGL 312 50 Halo Good condx and plenty of activity.
SF 29 2E0VPW IO91 19 19 1 14 266 DF0MU 620 50 8 element Yagi  
SF 30 M0VSE IO92 16 16 1 16 256 DF0MU 580 300 9ele Tonna Only a quick play for an hour today.
SF 31 PE1EWR JO11 14 14 1 16 224 G4RRA 524 70 10 el. Parabeam Jaybeam  
SF 32 G0EUN IO93 20 20 1 11 220 F1BHL/P 464 50 Beam  
SF 33 G8REQ IO83 16 16 1 12 192 G0XDI 255 35 HB9CV Fair activity but only using HB9CV, Tnx to all HNY...73.
SF 34 GW4WND IO82 14 14 1 13 182 DF0MU 705 400 8 ele PowAbeam Popped up for the last 20 mins. Condx seemed OK but I am no expert!
SF 35 2E0KVJ IO80 15 15 1 12 180 M0CGL 364 50 9 el ly tiger tronics  
SF 36 G0MCV IO92 15 15 1 12 180 PA5Y 488 50 sandpiper beam  
O 37 G1KAR/P JO00 17 17 1 10 170 F6DBI 367 30 10 element J Beam Great Weather and fair activity. Treated this as an enjoyable practice. Many thanks to RSGB adjudicators.
SF 38 G8TZJ IO84 13 13 1 13 169 F6DBI 627 50 7 El Yagi    
O 39 G0RAF IO93 15 15 1 10 150 F8BRK 446 50 BEAM  
SF 40 G3XHB IO94 12 12 1 12 144 F6DBI 677 100 9 ele Yagi  
SF 41 M0YDB IO93 16 16 1 8 128 G0XDI 200 100 12ele all the best for the new year
SF 42 G3VCA IO93 13 13 1 9 117 F8BRK 453 100 10EL yagi token effort - points to RAF Waddington
SF 43 G1MZD IO92 13 13 1 8 104 F8BRK 319 50 5 ele G4CQM On longer today but not too good with conditions and activity down. Hope to be on tomorrow again. HNY.
O 44 GM6JNJ IO75 10 10 1 10 100 M0SAT 516 400 12 Ele  
O 45 G0LGS IO81 9 9 1 10 90 F8BRK 326 50 8Ele    
SF 46 G4LDR IO91 9 9 1 10 90 DF0MU 626 400 9 element LFA yagi  
SF 47 G4CIB IO81 6 6 1 8 48 F8BRK 337 50 5 ele ZL Special in loft Thanks to all who came on and supported this event. Very enjoyable.
SF 48 G0TAR JO01 9 9 1 5 45 M0CGL 211 50 9 ele Slow start and limited time.
SF 49 M1CJE IO91 6 6 1 7 42 F8BRK 266 50 5 ele beam  
SF 50 G0GRI IO81 7 7 1 6 42 F8BRK 275 100 X50N Home today 73 HNY
SF 51 G8EEM IO93 4 4 1 7 28 DF0MU 590 400 9 ele  
SF 52 M6HLR JO01 7 7 1 3 21 M0SAT 68 10 6 ele yagi  
SF 53 M0BUL IO82 4 4 1 3 12 G1KAW 193 100 5 ELE LFA ONLY ON FOR 5 MINS
SF 54 2E0DQK IO80 4 4 1 3 12 GK4LOH 163 25 Dipole    
SF 55 F4VQX IN87 2 2 1 4 8 G4CLA 518 100 11 ele tonna  

26th Dec (39 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G4CLA IO92 55 55 1 30 1,650 DL1DBR 647 400 3x10 Quite good activity, only on for 1st hour.
SF 2 G0XDI IO91 53 53 1 24 1,272 DF0MU 540 400 9 ele Vargarda Poor conditions and low activity. has lots of distractions today, should be more active for rest of the week. Thanks to all for the QSOs :)
SF 3 F8BRK IN99 48 48 1 21 1,008 GI6ATZ 698 400 2 x 10 elements  
SF 4 G1DFL IO91 33 33 1 21 693 DF0MU 566 400 6Y G4CQM A bit of fun in-between Minced Pies and Turkey Sandwiches! Nice to get some QSY's onto 6m and 4m. No 70cm today. Thanks for the QSO's!
SF 5 GW8ASD IO83 32 32 1 21 672 DF0MU 706 100 12 ele Yagi  
O 6 F1BHL/P IN99 33 33 1 19 627 G4VCJ 595 100 9 ele DK7ZB Late start. Antenna shortened due to strong wind. Poor conditions excepted NE. Reasonable activity. Will be better tomorrow.
SF 7 PA5Y JO21 23 23 1 24 552 G4RRA 680 400 4X8 jxx Try again, for some reason I thought that this was points per km, new strategy tomorrow :-)
SF 8 G0MJW IO83 28 28 1 17 476 F6APE 706 80 9 Element Very quiet - difficult from this part of the world with these rules  
SF 9 G0GJV IO91 24 24 1 19 456 DF0MU 561 200 9 ele  
SF 10 G1KAW IO91 27 27 1 15 405 DF0MU 547 400 9ele Average. Low activity. See you tomorrow. Guildford DRS
SF 11 G4ASR IO81 24 24 1 16 384 PA5Y 603 400 17-EL Those HF ops running SO2R have it far too easy. Here was real SO4R operation on xx.185MHz. Just need automatic band-log switching!
SF 12 M0BUL IO82 22 22 1 17 374 PA5Y 598 100 5 ELE Merry XMAS HNY to all!
SF 13 G8ZRE IO83 21 21 1 17 357 ON5AEN 520 50 8 XY ELEMENT YAGI Best score on 2 meters ,no GM or GD heard for mults. 3 EU Stns worked for valuable mults.
SF 14 G3YDY JO01 22 22 1 16 352 F6APE 490 100 7 ELE DK7ZB Operating for part of last hour.
SF 15 G0GQT JO01 21 21 1 16 336 PD4HDB 437 100 17 ELE  
SF 16 G3YSX IO91 28 28 1 11 308 G0MJW 304 400 11el tonna  
O 17 M0BAO/P IO80 21 21 1 14 294 DF0MU 728 50 8 ELEMENT    
SF 18 G4DFA IO91 23 23 1 10 230 G4BEE 308 100 9 Ele Tonna    
SF 19 G3SQQ IO93 17 17 1 12 204 DF0MU 585 100 9EL LFA Conditions good to say antenna not to high.
O 20 G0LGS IO81 16 16 1 12 192 GI6ATZ 378 50 8Ele    
O 21 F4VRB IN98 13 13 1 14 182 PA5Y 557 75 8 element Quite a struggle from down here. Hopefully better tomorrow.  
SF 22 G4BRK IO91 15 15 1 12 180 DF0MU 597 100 7 el Average  
SF 23 G4JED JO01 16 16 1 11 176 DF0MU 498 50 9 ele Yagi Low activity and QSB in last hour. Tnx all for the contacts.
SF 24 G1PPA IO93 17 17 1 10 170 DF0MU 563 100 9 ele beam ant low down today high winds hopefully hear more of you tomorow cheers
SF 25 PE1EWR JO11 12 12 1 14 168 F6APE 552 70 10 el. Parabeam Jaybeam  
SF 26 2E0VPW IO91 14 14 1 11 154 DF0MU 620 50 6 element Yagi  
SF 27 G4WEY IO90 11 11 1 11 121 G1PPA 303 100 10 ele Yagi  
SF 28 G1MZD IO92 10 10 1 9 90 DF0MU 558 50 5 ele G4CQM Only on for 1st hr. Panto. Took up the rest of the time.Jack in the Beanstalk was very good.Hope to be on tomorrow. Seasons Greetings.
O 29 G0GRI/M IO81 11 11 1 8 88 F8BRK 262 25 144/432 mobile quick trip /m run to the local hills. HNY all
O 30 M6JJV/P IO81 10 10 1 8 80 F8BRK 322 5 9 Ele tonna Not hugely busy, but nice to have a couple of French contacts. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
SF 31 M0ICK IO83 8 8 1 9 72 F8BRK 504 10 7 Ele LFA Giving points away in and out of shack, amazed F8BRK heard my signal
SF 32 G0EUN IO93 10 10 1 7 70 F8BRK 442 50 Beam  
SF 33 M1CJE IO91 7 7 1 9 63 DF0MU 630 50 3 ele beam  
SF 34 G8TZJ IO84 7 7 1 7 8,288 G0IUE 290 50 7 El Yagi  
SF 35 G4BEE IO83 6 6 1 5 30 G4DFA 308 40 5 ele Yagi    
SF 36 2E0KVJ IO80 6 6 1 5 30 G4ODA 315 50 9 el ly tiger tronics  
SF 37 M0YDB IO93 3 3 1 4 12 G7RAU 307 100 12ele all the best for the new year
SF 38 2E0OOH IO92 3 3 1 3 9 G4DFA 125 5 3 el tape measure yagi  
SF 39 G4PDF IO93 1 1 1 2 2 G4HVC 43 50 W2000 Vertical    

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