Claimed Scores 2017
  13783 claimed scores
V8.42 by G4CLA

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29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
21/12/17 70MHz UKAC
21/12/17 70MHz FMAC
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Claimed scores for Christmas Cumulatives 144 MHz

29th Dec (38 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G4KUX IO94 40 40 1 26 1,040 OZ1BEF 720 400 4X8ele Called CQ for a change, must do that more often!
SF 2 G3YDY JO01 38 38 1 19 722 GM4PPT 529 100 7 ele DK7ZB Yagi Only operated for just over an hour. Better QSO rate than Wednesday. Activity very much down on last year.
SF 3 G3MEH IO91 29 29 1 17 493 DF0MU 544 400 2 x 9 ele M Squared  
O 4 G3PIA IO91 26 26 1 18 468 DF0MU 587 150 17 element Very noisy. Great way to spend 38th wedding anniversary! HNY to all.  
SF 5 G3SQQ IO93 26 26 1 18 468 G7RAU 445 100 9 EL LFA Really enjoyable, QSB caused some troubles though. Thanks to all.
SF 6 GW8ASD IO83 24 24 1 19 456 DF0MU 706 100 12ele  
SF 7 GM4PPT IO75 25 25 1 18 450 G3YDY 529 400 2x 12ele M2 My best day of 3. Conditions fair, activity semed low, and lots of sudden & deep qsb. Tnx G0LGS for persevering inlast minutes
SF 8 M0CGL JO03 24 24 1 16 384 G7RAU 516 400 2X12 I0JXX Managed an hour, but good fun.. But rain and snow static made it hard going... Many thanks for points, Splalding & DARS... HAPPY NEW YEAR !!
SF 9 G4YPC IO91 25 25 1 15 375 DF0MU 547 400 9ele OZ5HF / 2 off 9ele Tonna 73, Guildford & DRS
SF 10 G0MJW/P IO83 26 26 1 13 338 G7RAU 443 50 Beam Happy New year.  
O 11 G0LGS IO81 21 21 1 15 315 GM4PPT 423 50 8Ele GM came out of the noise in last 30 seconds.  
O 12 M0BAO/P IO80 18 18 1 14 252 DF0MU 728 50 8 ELE Better number of multipliers today. Thanks for all the points. HNY.  
SF 13 G8ZRE IO83 18 18 1 13 234 GM8MJV IN IO85 297 50 8 XY ELEMENT YAGI No IO91 stns today missed IO94 & G3SQQ in IO93.HNY all stations Dave G8ZRE.
SF 14 M0IEP IO91 21 21 1 11 231 DF0MU 620 25 6 Element Yagi  
SF 15 PE1EWR JO11 16 16 1 12 192 G4KUX 505 70 10 el. Parabeam Jaybeam  
SF 16 G1PPA IO93 14 14 1 13 182 DF0MU 563 100 9 ele beam hard work with noise again today happy new year all
SF 17 G4NZV IO82 14 14 1 13 182 DF0MU 644 10 9 Ele Yagi    
SF 18 MM0CEZ IO75 15 15 1 12 180 G4KIY 446 400 2M12 by M2 conditions slightly better than yesterday, but still not good. Happy New year to everybody.
SF 19 G1MZD IO92 17 17 1 10 170 DF0MU 558 50 8 ele G4CQM Missed the first hour but reasonable conditions. HNY everyone
SF 20 2W0JYN IO83 14 14 1 11 154 2M0DRY 444 50 3ele Yagi good contest conditions cold activaty was high thanks to all i worked happy new all
SF 21 G8LZE IO91 15 15 1 9 135 G4KUX 352 24 8 element Always enjoy this series of contests, always time for a natter while one finds the correct log sheet! HNY to all.
SF 22 G4LDR IO91 14 14 1 9 126 G4KUX 395 100 11 element yagi  
O 23 G4GFI/M IO80 11 11 1 10 110 DF0MU 704 50 Halo Low activity again, condx slightly up but with severe QSB.
SF 24 G0CDA IO83 10 10 1 10 100 DF0MU 672 40 15ele Cuschraft Junior Boomer    
SF 25 G0MCV IO92 12 12 1 8 96 G4KUX 219 50 sandpiper  
SF 26 G8TZJ IO84 11 11 1 8 88 G4DFA 348 50 7 el Yagi    
SF 27 2E0VKH JO01 13 13 1 6 78 G4NZV 263 50 3 Element Quad LFA Thanks for the points, some technical issues, Happy New year 73's
SF 28 G0GJV IO91 10 10 1 7 70 DF0MU 561 100 9 ele  
SF 29 G4JED JO01 9 9 1 6 54 DF0MU 498 50 9 ele Yagi  
SF 30 GD1MIP IO74 5 5 1 8 40 G3YDY 439 400 WAXXX10S Blein Vie Noa!
SF 31 G8HXE IO83 4 4 1 3 12 GW8ASD 61 10 indoor 5 el yagi **TWCG**  
O 32 G1KAR/P JO00 3 3 1 4 12 G4YPC 88 30 Vertical Colinear Just worked a few of the strongest stations using vertical colinear.
SF 33 G4DZL IO92 3 3 1 4 12 G4KUX 213 20 yagi in loft  
O 34 M0HSU/P JO01 3 3 1 3 9 G3MEH 89 5 SG-7900 Other stations heard but with only 5 watts they were not able to hear me. Chilly but got me out the hose for a couple of hours!  
SF 35 G3UVR/A IO83 2 2 1 3 6 G0MJW 41 30 Vertical in loft Worked all I could hear with FT290 and Vertical in loft at work QTH.
SF 36 G8KQH IO91 2 2 1 2 4 G3MEH 47 50 Slim Jim  
SF 37 GM4IGS/M IO75 1 1 1 2 2 GM4PPT 17 50 1/4 wave whip HNY and happy contesting in 2018 73's Mike
SF 38 G0BNC IO91 2 2 1 1   M0IEP 25 40W JAYBEAM Dire conditions,noisy,few stations heard, and these faded before able tune on then. Turned off early. Thanks to portables on normal contests  

28th Dec (42 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G0BBB IO91 58 57 1 25 1,450 DF0MU 556 400 17ele 5WL M2 Still terrible QSB. Thank you all. Sri the stations I lost in QSB.HNY.
O 2 G3PIA IO91 48 48 1 22 1,056 DF0MU 587 150 17 element Good activity. Nice to work a few different squares!  
SF 3 M0ICR IO91 40 40 1 15 600 EI3KD 535 25 6 Ele Thanks for all QSO. Only one band today. Happy New Year to all. 73 Carl
SF 4 G3MEH IO91 33 33 1 17 561 DF0MU 544 400 2 x 9 ele M Squared  
SF 5 GW8ASD IO83 25 25 1 15 375 DF0MU 706 100 12ele  
SF 6 G3SQQ IO93 26 26 1 14 364 PE1EWR 371 100 9 EL LFA Nice variety of contacts, a pleasure to work you all.
SF 7 M0IEP IO91 29 29 1 11 319 DF0MU 620 25 6 Element Yagi  
O 8 G7LRQ IO91 26 26 1 12 312 EI3KD 539 100 9 ele LFA Un-usually higher than noise noise floor.Sorry to those that tried.
SF 9 G1MZD IO92 22 22 1 11 242 GM4PPT 443 50 8 ele G4CQM Better today but still very little from the north Nice to get GM & F.
O 10 G0LGS IO81 22 22 1 10 220 PE1EWR 394 50 8Ele    
SF 11 GM4PPT IO75 19 18 1 12 228 G3MXH 504 400 5 ele Tonna 30 min late start due M&S! again fairly poor conditions but activity good.See you all tomorrow for full session, 73 Dick.
SF 12 G4YPC IO91 22 22 1 9 198 G4KUX 382 400 9ele OZ5HF / 2 off 9ele Tonna 73. Tnks for QSOs. Guildford & DRS
SF 13 G4KUX IO94 14 14 1 14 196 OZ1BEF 720 400 4X8ele Cond OK, great fun.
SF 14 G0GJV IO91 24 24 1 8 192 DF0MU 561 10 9 ele  
SF 15 M0NVS IO91 22 22 1 8 176 G8ZRE 231 250 8 ELE LFA very noisy, could hear people calling but strong qsb made it very difficult:-( sry .73 phil
SF 16 G4NZV IO82 16 16 1 11 176 DF0MU 644 10 9 Ele Yagi    
SF 17 MM0CEZ IO75 12 12 1 14 168 G0BBB 538 400 2M12 by M2 Band very quiet and not many signals, thanks to those who called.
SF 18 G4LDR IO91 15 15 1 11 165 DF0MU 626 400 11 element yagi  
O 19 G4GFI/M IO80 14 14 1 11 154 DF0MU 689 50 Halo Condx up on yesterday but still low activity.
SF 20 G8ZRE IO83 18 18 1 8 144 G7ULL 278 50 8 XY ELEMENT YAGI Low activity but IO91 very active.
O 21 M0BAO/P IO80 16 16 1 9 144 DF0MU 728 50 8 ELE    
SF 22 PE1EWR JO11 12 12 1 11 132 GW4SHF 491 70 10 el. Parabeam Jaybeam  
SF 23 G1PPA IO93 14 14 1 9 126 GM4PPT 329 100 9 ele beam very noisy band think its all xmas lights etc hpny to all
SF 24 G8LZE IO91 15 15 1 8 120 DF0MU 535 24 8 element  
SF 25 G0MCV IO92 17 17 1 7 119 G6UBM 195 50 sandpiper  
SF 26 2W0JYN IO83 14 14 1 7 98 G7LRQ 243 50 3ele Yagi good contest conditions cold much better today out of the last two days thanks to all i worked 73
SF 27 M1CJE IO91 12 12 1 8 96 DF0MU 630 50 3 ele beam  
SF 28 G0CDA IO83 11 11 1 8 88 MM0CEZ 292 40 15ele Cuschraft Junior Boomer    
SF 29 G3WJG IO91 13 13 1 5 65 G3SQQ 169 25 6 ele Homebrew yagi Good condx but had no KST so missed out out on Dx. HNY to all
SF 30 G3TDH IO83 8 8 1 8 64 GM4PPT 277 100 3 Ele Yagi  
SF 31 2E1SKY IO93 9 9 1 5 45 GW4SHF 168 10 7 element 144MHz LFA Yagi  
SF 32 2E0VKH JO01 7 7 1 3 21 G3PIA 118 50 3 Element Quad LFA Computer log issue, reconstructed file.
SF 33 G8TZJ IO84 5 5 1 4 20 G8OFA 333 50 7 el Yagi    
SF 34 2E0IJH JO01 4 4 1 5 20 DF0MU 482 50 2 x 6 Ele LFA Just a Little Play to prove repaired Mast and New Rig
SF 35 G4JED JO01 6 6 1 3 18 M0IEP 141 50 9 ele Yagi  
SF 36 G7ICV JO01 4 4 1 3 12 G0GJV 93 50 5 ELE LFA    
SF 37 G0BNC IO91 4 4 1 2 8 G0BBB 67 40 Jaybeam 10xy    
SF 38 G8KQH IO91 4 4 1 2 8 G3MEH 47 50 Slim Jim  
O 39 M0RJL IO90 2 2 1 3 6 G4LDR 48 50 6 over 6 slot fed single feed j-beam  
SF 40 G4DZL IO92 2 2 1 3 6 G3SQQ 38 20 yagi in loft  
SF 41 GM4IGS/M IO75 2 2 1 2 4 MM6POV 31 50 1/4 wave whip Just giving away points. Heard GM4OYG/P & MM0CEZ. 73's Mike
SF 42 MM6POV IO75 2 2 1 2 4 GM4IGS/M 32 10 13 ele Cushcraft  

27th Dec (38 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G0BBB IO91 61 60 1 22 1,342 GM4NTX 557 400 17ele 5WL M2 Tnx all. A lot of QSB. No JO02.
SF 2 G3MEH IO91 36 36 1 15 540 F6DCD 669 400 2 x 9 ele M Squared Poor conditions with deep, slow, QSB.
SF 3 G3YDY JO01 37 37 1 13 481 DF0MU 472 100 7 ele DK7ZB Yagi Last year worked more in one hour than in the full 2 hours today.
O 4 G3PIA IO91 35 35 1 13 455 G4KUX 342 150 17 element Activity better, conditions poor.  
SF 5 G0MJW/P IO83 34 34 1 11 374 G7RAU 443 50 9el Very hard going. Multipliers hard to find up here, difficult to compete with Eastern stations who can access many more countries and squares  
O 6 M0BAO/P IO80 29 29 1 12 348 DF0MU 728 50 8 ELE Much better activity today & better WX.  
SF 7 G3SQQ IO93 26 26 1 11 286 GM0HBK 535 100 9 EL LFA Nice to work some new stations, Oz heard me but no exchange made.
SF 8 G4KUX IO94 16 16 1 16 256 DG4KLK 806 400 4X8ele Noise in some directions, otherwise good fun.
SF 9 M0IEP IO91 22 22 1 11 242 DF0MU 620 25 6 Element Yagi  
O 10 G0LGS IO81 20 20 1 9 180 G4KUX 307 50 8Ele A little better than Yesterday  
O 11 M0BTZ/P IO80 16 16 1 11 176 DF0MU 695 10 2 x 4ele @ 20ft Telegraph Hill, Dorset 264m asl. Vy cold, snow on the ground but blue skies & sunshine. Some loud signals. Forgot to bring a preamp! HNY
SF 12 G4TSQ IO90 16 16 1 10 160 G8EEM/P 353 200 17ele tonna  
SF 13 G4NZV IO82 15 15 1 10 150 G4KUX 293 10 9 Ele Yagi    
SF 14 G1PPA IO93 16 16 1 9 144 M0BAO/P 318 100 9 ele beam thanks all hpny
SF 15 GW8ASD IO83 17 17 1 8 136 G4TSQ 301 100 12ele  
SF 16 G0GJV IO91 19 19 1 7 133 G8ZRE 241 100 9 ele  
SF 17 G8ZRE IO83 16 16 1 8 128 G0BBB IN IO91 245 20 15 ELEMENT YAGI No GI/GD/GM heard always tomorrow.
SF 18 M0NVS IO91 17 17 1 7 119 G8ZRE 231 250 8 ELE LFA kept me busy switching between logs and bands, thx for qso's. hopefully be on later in week. 73 phil
O 19 G4GFI/M IO80 13 13 1 8 104 G3YDY 213 50 Halo Low activity, average condx.
SF 20 G1MZD IO92 16 16 1 6 96 G4KUX 295 50 8 ele G4CQM Rather poor conditions, not much heard from the north again. Perhaps better tommorrow.
SF 21 G8EEM IO93 10 10 1 8 80 G4TSQ 353 400 8 ele  
SF 22 G0MCV IO92 13 13 1 6 78 G3YDY 159 50 sandpiper  
SF 23 2W0JYN IO83 12 12 1 6 72 G0BBB 238 50 3ele Yagi good contest conditions good bit more activaty then yesterday but lots of qsb thanks to all i work 73
SF 24 MM0CEZ IO75 7 7 1 8 56 G4ODA 427 400 2M12 by M2 and very quiet and low activity.
SF 25 G4JED JO01 9 9 1 6 54 DF0MU 498 50 9 ele Yagi  
SF 26 G8LZE IO91 10 10 1 5 50 M0BAO/P 197 24 8 element Missed first half hour.
SF 27 G8TZJ IO84 7 7 1 6 42 G0BBB 320 50 7 el Yagi    
SF 28 G8ONK IO83 8 8 1 5 40 G0BBB 297 100 12 ele Thanks for all QSOs
SF 29 G4LDR IO91 8 8 1 5 40 G3YDY 159 400 11 element yagi  
SF 30 M1CJE IO91 5 5 1 5 25 G3YDY 159 50 3 ele beam  
SF 31 G4DZL IO92 4 4 1 4 16 G0MJW/P 125 20 yagi in loft  
SF 32 G3WJG IO91 5 5 1 3 15 G7ULL 47 1 8eleTV sorry folks tx'ing on TV yagi with infinite VSWR but better than stub-vertical!! HNY to all
SF 33 G8HXE IO83 4 4 1 3 12 2W0JYN 65 10 indoor 5el yagi **TWCG* Indoor antenna.  
SF 34 M6JIJ IO93 3 3 1 4 12 GW8ASD 111 10 V-2000 Tri-linear Not much activity, but still enjoyable. Thanks for the points & happy new year.  
SF 35 GD1MIP IO74 2 2 1 4 8 G0BBB 407 400 WAXXX10S Blein Vie Noa!
SF 36 MM6POV IO75 2 2 1 4 8 GD1MIP 107 10 13 ele Cushcraft Very poor conditions here
SF 37 GM4IGS IO75 1 1 1 2 2 MM6POV 32 50 1/4 wave whip Only 1 station heard today. 73's Mike
SF 38 G8KQH IO91 1 1 1 2 2 G0BBB 15 50 Slim Jim  

26th Dec (34 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G0BBB IO91 57 56 1 21 1,197 GM4NTX 557 400 17ele 5WL M2 tnx all. Sri MM0BSM QSB was just too bad. Also the other GM that called. Perhaps tomorrow.
O 2 G3PIA IO91 34 34 1 19 646 DF0MU 587 150 17 element Activity low with some QSB. Hopefully better tomorrow!  
SF 3 G3MEH IO91 27 27 1 16 432 DF0MU 544 400 2 x 9 ele M Squared Poor conditions with QSB. Low activity, for 1st 5mins thought I had wrong day!
SF 4 G0MJW/P IO83 26 26 1 14 364 G7RAU 443 80 , though not a good one, no preamp either. Activity seemed quite low from up here in IO83. Nice surprise to work Dave in new Cornwall QTH.  
SF 5 G4TSQ IO90 23 23 1 14 322 GI4SNA 551 200 17 ele tonna  
SF 6 G3SQQ IO93 23 23 1 14 322 GM4NTX 374 100 9 EL LFA A little quiet but some new contacts making it very enjoyable, many thanks to all.
SF 7 G3UVR IO83 23 23 1 11 253 G0BBB 266 100 3 element DK7ZB Special thanks to the contest committee crew for making all these contests possible through out the year. 73 all.
SF 8 GM4PPT IO75 15 15 1 13 195 G4DFA 539 400 2x 12ele M2 Poor conditions, low activity and static charged rain and snow showers made it hard going! 73 See you on Thursday.
SF 9 M0IEP IO91 16 16 1 11 176 DF0MU 620 25 6 Element Yagi  
O 10 G0LGS IO81 17 17 1 10 170 G4KUX 307 50 8Ele A bit quiet  
O 11 MM1BXF/P IO76 14 14 1 12 168 G4RRA 584 80 9ele Tonna /P Out /P with Stevie MM0ZFG while visiting parents. Was only QRV on 6m and 2m.
O 12 M0BAO/P IO80 14 14 1 12 168 DF0MU 728 50 8 ELE    
SF 13 G8ZRE IO83 16 16 1 10 160 G4DFA IN IO91 277 50 8 XY ELEMENT YAGI Good number of mults & QSO`s for 1st day.
SF 14 GW8ASD IO83 15 15 1 10 150 MM1BXF/P 336 100 12ele  
SF 15 G0MCV IO92 13 13 1 8 104 G6UBM 195 50 sandpiper  
SF 16 M0HOM IO93 11 11 1 9 99 ON5PU 456 90 10el CQM just giving points out, GL all, HNY 2018
SF 17 G1TYY/A IO91 13 13 1 7 91 G7RAU 348 200 5Y Fixed West Inside Roof Very quiet, heard DF0MU. Nice to work Dave on the Lizard for his first contact. HNY to everyone 73's, Rob.
SF 18 G1MZD IO92 10 10 1 7 70 GW4SHF 182 50 8 ele G4CQM Missed the first 1/2 hr but still very quiet especially to the north, hopefully better tomorrow.
SF 19 G8LZE IO91 13 13 1 5 65 G3SQQ 175 24 8 ele DK7ZB  
SF 20 G8TZJ IO84 8 8 1 8 64 G0BBB 320 50 7 el Yagi  
SF 21 G4JED JO01 10 10 1 6 60 G7RAU 407 50 9 ele Yagi  
SF 22 2W0JYN IO83 9 9 1 6 54 G4DFA 271 50 3ele Yagi good contest conditions overcast band very quite but only first day hope it pick up tommow thanks to i work 73
SF 23 G4DZL IO92 7 7 1 7 49 GM4PPT 362 25 indoor yagi  
SF 24 G1PPA IO93 9 9 1 4 36 G0BBB 218 80 9 ele beam just trying new radio thanks and happy new year to all
SF 25 M1CJE IO91 5 5 1 4 20 G4TSQ 105 50 3 ele beam  
SF 26 G0CDA IO83 5 5 1 4 20 G0BBB 248 40 15ele Cuschraft Junior Boomer    
SF 27 G8ONK IO83 4 4 1 4 16 G3SQQ 136 100 12 ele Last 1/2 hr.
SF 28 2E0DGP IO83 3 4 1 3 12 GW8ASD 71 45 9el lfa last 15mins, all the best
SF 29 G0GJV IO91 4 4 1 3 12 G6UBM 75 100 9 ele Equipment disasters!
O 30 M0HSU/P JO01 3 3 1 3 9 G3MEH 69 5 SG-7900 Bit of fun sat in the car near the in-laws house.  
SF 31 M0IKO IO91 2 2 1 3 6 G0BBB 47 5 2m Halo  
SF 32 MM6POV IO75 2 2 1 3 6 MM1BXF/P 82 10 13 ele Cushcraft  
SF 33 GM4IGS IO75 2 2 1 3 6 MM1BXF/P 63 50 1/4 wave whip Only on for 15 mins giving away some points. Worked all I could hear. Sri about feedback due to aerial only a few feet from rig! 73's Mike
SF 34 G4YPC IO91 2 2 1 3 6 G7ULL 43 400 9ele OZ5HF / 2 off 9ele Tonna Fixing sequencer so last few mins only. Guildford & DRS

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