Claimed Scores 2011
  7946 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
27/12/11 SHF UKAC 10 GHz
27/12/11 SHF UKAC 3.4 GHz
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Claimed scores for Christmas Cumulatives 50 MHz

29th Dec (23 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G4ELJ IO91 26 26 1 11 286 G7DWY 281 200 6 over 6 DK7ZB design Too many stations flitting from band to band to band without stopping to listen first for others calling. Madness! G4VFL/P did a great job.
O 2 G1LSB/P IO92 15 15 1 14 210 GI4SNA 430 400 6E That's it for 2011 Thx for all points> SPALDING & DARS ~ CU in 2012
O 3 G8NVI/P IO91 21 21 1 10 210 GW8ASD 205 100 5 element Happy New Year to you all from both of us. Good luck for 2012  
O 4 G8NEY IO81 19 19 1 9 171 GW8IZR 259 100 5 ele YU7EF Very high noise level today 73 & HNY David & Pete  
SF 5 G3ZVW IO80 15 15 1 8 120 G7DWY 337 400 5-ele Too windy for antennas at full height today  
SF 6 G7DWY IO93 15 15 1 7 105 G3ZVW 338 400 5 ele Vine Duo-band HNY everyone! Look forward to the next one!
O 7 G0MJW/P IO83 14 14 1 7 98 G3ZVW 317 100 Halo Quiet. What is with the new colours? HNY!  
SF 8 G1SWH IO83 12 12 1 8 96 G3ZVW 316 200w 5ell tks to gi4sna 4 bands =and gi6atz on 2 bands happy new yr
SF 9 G8LZE IO91 13 13 1 6 78 G1LSB/P 146 25 5 element Thanks to all for contacts in 2011, see you again in 2012.
SF 10 GW8ASD IO83 10 10 1 7 70 G4DFA 275 400 5ele Eagle  
O 11 G4VFL/P JO00 12 12 1 5 60 G1LSB/P 223 70 HB9CV Wx: Rain & Wind, Missed a mult with IO83LB ? It was worth a try from G/SE-014
O 12 G0LGS IO81 9 9 1 6 54 M0MCV 157 400 4 Ele    
SF 13 G4RYV IO91 7 7 1 5 35 G8NEY 99 100W 4 ele DK7ZB HNY to all from David. 73
SF 14 G4JED JO01 7 7 1 5 35 G8NEY 170 100 4 ele Yagi  
SF 15 M0XDF IO91 8 8 1 4 32 G4VFL/P 80 100 Halo Perhaps I should have paid more attention to 6m on the other days! Thnks for the points.
SF 16 G1SMI IO83 5 5 1 5 25 GW8IZR 112 90 7 ELE  
SF 17 M6OXO IO83 5 5 1 4 20 G7DWY 93 1.0w 3 ELEMENT HOME BREW Howling winds during contest. Thanks for the points over the year, H.N.YEAR to all 73s
SF 18 G8ONK IO83 3 3 1 3 9 G7DWY 72 25 5 ele YU7EF Thanks for all points and HNY to all
SF 19 G0CDA IO83 3 3 1 3 9 G7DWY 54 5 3Y    
SF 20 G4LDR IO91 2 2 1 3 6 G3ZVW 101 160 5 Element Yagi  
SF 21 M6XJP IO83 2 2 1 2 4 G0MJW/P 34 10W Watson W2000 triband Best wishes to all for 2012. Tnx for all the points thro'2011
SF 22 G8TZJ IO84 1 1 1 2 2 G1LSB/P 217 50 colinear  
SF 23 PE1EWR JO11 1 1 1 1 1 G1LSB/P 279 60 3 el. EX-TV  

28th Dec (25 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G4ELJ IO91 24 24 1 9 216 G7DWY 281 200 6 over 6 DK7ZB design Very flat condx and low activity. No IO83's hrd yesterday or today. Tnx for the points.
O 2 G8NVI/P IO91 21 21 1 9 189 PE1EWR 335 100 5 element Very slow today  
SF 3 G0XDI IO91 20 20 1 9 180 PE1EWR 283 180 5ele Moonraker Poor conditions and low activity
O 4 G8NEY IO81 19 19 1 8 152 G1LSB/P 216 100 5 ele YU7EF Very poor condx and low activity  
O 5 G1LSB/P IO92 14 14 1 8 112 G3ZVW 307 400 6ele  
SF 6 G3ZVW IO80 14 14 1 8 112 G7DWY 337 400 5-ele Less activity today  
SF 7 G7DWY IO93 15 15 1 7 105 G3ZVW 338 400 5 ele Vine Duo-band Very windy here, so tower at minimum today.
SF 8 G8LZE IO91 16 16 1 6 96 G1LSB/P 146 25 5 element  
SF 9 G1SWH IO83 12 11 1 6 66 G3ZVW 316 200w 5ell  
O 10 2E0VXX/P IO82 9 9 1 7 63 G4JED 230 50 3 ele  
O 11 G0MJW/P IO83 12 12 1 5 60 G3ZVW 317 100 2xhalo Tried stacked Halos. Didn't seem to help with the difficulty in attracting activity from South  
SF 12 G4JED JO01 10 10 1 5 50 2E0VXX/P 230 100 4 ele Yagi  
O 13 G0LGS IO81 8 8 1 6 48 G1LSB/P 176 400 4 Ele Heard OE2UKL for a few moments, but the band was awful.  
O 14 G4VFL/P JO01 10 10 1 4 40 G8NEY 198 70 HB9CV  
SF 15 G4LDR IO91 5 5 1 4 20 G3ZVW 101 160 5 Element Yagi  
SF 16 G8ONK IO83 4 4 1 4 16 G1LSB/P 210 25 5 Ele YU7EF High winds, low antenna
SF 17 G1SMI IO83 5 5 1 3 15 G7DWY 60 90 7 ELE  
SF 18 G0CDA IO83 5 5 1 3 15 G7DWY 54 5 3Y    
SF 19 M6OXO IO83 5 5 1 3 15 G7DWY 93 1.0w 3 ELE HOME BREW THANKS FOR THE POINTS will be on 50.170 catch you tomorrow 73s
SF 20 G4RYV IO91 2 2 1 2 4 G8NVI/P 42 100W 4 ele DK7ZB Noisey band here, low activity.
SF 21 M0XDF IO91 2 2 1 2 4 G0XDI 31 100 Halo cond. perhaps not as good as yesterday
SF 22 G8TZJ IO84 1 1 1 2 2 G1SWH 48 50 colinear  
SF 23 M6XJP IO83 1 1 1 2 2 G1SWH 23 10W Watson W2000  
SF 24 GW3TKH IO81 1 1 1 2 2 G3ZVW 86 100W Dipole    
SF 25 PE1EWR JO11 2 2 1 1 2 G0XDI 352 60 3 el. EX-TV  

27th Dec (24 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G4ELJ IO91 33 33 1 14 462 PA4VHF 526 200 6 over 6 DK7ZB design Tnx for the points. Tnx for IO72 & IO94. Pse beam to Surrey!!!!
O 2 G8NEY IO81 28 28 1 11 308 G4KUX 358 100 5 ele YU7EF Reasonable activity but no dx  
O 3 G8NVI/P IO91 24 24 1 11 264 G4KUX 346 100 5 element Hard going  
O 4 G1LSB/P IO92 23 23 1 9 207 GI4SNA 430 400 6 ele Poor UK Activity - is everyone saving themselves for UKAC?
SF 5 G3ZVW IO80 20 20 1 8 160 G7DWY 337 400 5-ELE    
SF 6 G7DWY IO93 12 12 1 10 120 G3ZVW 328 400 5 ele dual band now for a four hour break before the next one!...
SF 7 G1SWH IO83 9 9 1 11 99 G3ZVW 316 200w 5ell see u on 28 12 11
O 8 G0MJW/P IO83 12 12 1 8 96 G3ZVW 317 100 Halo I am astonished to work 300km with a Halo  
SF 9 GW8ASD IO83 11 11 1 8 88 G3ZVW 255 400 5ele Eagle  
SF 10 G0XDI IO91 10 10 1 8 80 PE1EWR 283 180 5ele Moonraker Not enough time spent on this band. Thx for all the QSO's :)
SF 11 GM4JR IO85 7 7 1 10 70 2E0UAC 325 300 6 ele Yagi Better activity today. Thanks for the points
O 12 G0LGS IO81 8 8 1 7 56 G7DWY 205 400 4 Ele    
SF 13 G4JED JO01 9 9 1 6 54 G3ZVW 228 100 4 ele Yagi  
SF 14 G8LZE IO91 10 10 1 5 50 G1LSB/P 146 25 5 element  
O 15 G4VFL/P JO01 7 7 1 6 42 G3XVW 289 50 HB9CV  
SF 16 G1SMI IO83 4 4 1 6 24 G1LSB/P 186 90 17 ELE  
SF 17 M6OXO IO83 3 3 1 5 15 GM4JR 192 1.0w 3 ELEMENT HOME BREW THANKS FOR THE POINTS catch you tomorrow 73s
SF 18 M0WAF IO92 3 3 1 3 9 G4ELJ 144 50 5EL Tonna Thanks all for Points !! Merry Christmas
SF 19 G7LRQ IO91 3 3 1 3 9 G8NEY 130 100 6 element G0KSC design 50/70 Dualband Yagi  
SF 20 G4LDR IO91 2 2 1 3 6 G4ELJ 68 160 5 Element Yagi  
SF 21 G8ONK IO83 2 2 1 2 4 G0MJW/P 36 25 5 Ele YU7EF Dire conditions
SF 22 M0XDF IO91 2 2 1 2 4 G0XDI 31 100 Halo    
SF 23 G8TZJ IO84 1 1 1 2 2 G1SWH 48 50 colinear  
SF 24 PE1EWR JO11 1 1 1 1 1 G0XDI 284 60 3 el. EX-TV  

26th Dec (25 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G0XDI IO91 24 24 1 15 360 GM4JR 425 180 5 ele Moonraker Interesting contest, supprised to hear GM4JR. Thx to all for the QSOs :)
SF 2 G4ELJ IO91 27 27 1 11 297 GW8ASD 252 200W 6 over 6 DK7ZB design Tnx for the points
O 3 G8NEY IO81 24 24 1 11 264 GW8ASD 190 100 5 ele    
O 4 G8NVI/P IO91 23 23 1 11 253 G0MJW/P 241 100 5 element Hard going  
SF 5 G3ZVW IO80 17 17 1 10 170 G7DWY 337 400 5-ELE  
O 6 2E0VXX/P IO82 17 17 1 10 170 G4JED 230 50 3 ele  
SF 7 GW8ASD IO83 13 13 1 10 130 G6HIE 307 400 5ele Eagle  
SF 8 G7DWY IO93 10 10 1 10 100 G3ZVW 338 400 5 ele Vine 6+4m  
O 9 G0LGS IO81 12 12 1 8 96 G7DWY 205 400 4 Ele    
SF 10 G1SWH IO83 11 10 1 9 90 G3ZVW 316 300w 6ell all the very best
SF 11 G8LZE IO91 12 12 1 6 72 2E0VXX/P 168 25 5 element  
SF 12 G4JED JO01 10 10 1 7 70 2E0VXX/P 230 100 4 ele Yagi  
O 13 G0MJW/P IO83 11 11 1 6 66 G0XDI 250 100 Halo Not bad for a Halo from IO83  
SF 14 G4BRK IO91 8 8 1 5 40 G3ZVW 148 100 5 el    
SF 15 G4LDR IO91 6 6 1 4 24 G3ZVW 101 160 5 Element Yagi  
SF 16 G8ONK IO83 4 4 1 5 20 GI4SNA 220 25 5 ele YU7EF Thanks for all points
SF 17 G4HHJ IO91 6 6 1 3 18 G8NEY 138 110 3 ele  
SF 18 G4RYV IO91 5 5 1 3 15 G6UBM 72 100W 4 ele DK7ZB Band noisey. few stations.
SF 19 M0SAT IO91 3 3 1 3 9 G4JED 62 100 co-linear  
SF 20 M6OXO IO83 2 2 1 3 6 G0MJW/P 53 1.0w 3 ELEMENT HOME BREW High winds to start 40-60mph died off stns in south point north please tomorrow 73s & Merry Christmas
SF 21 GM4JR IO85 2 2 1 3 6 GW8ASD 225 200 6 ele yagi Where was everyone? Fair CDX. Thanks for the points
SF 22 G0CDA IO83 2 2 1 3 6 G7DWY 54 5 3Y    
SF 23 GW3TKH IO81 2 2 1 3 6 G3ZVW 86 100W Dipole    
SF 24 G1SMI IO83 1 1 1 2 2 G1SWH 11 90 7 ELE  
SF 25 PE1EWR JO11 1 1 1 1 1 G0XDI 284 60 3 el. EX-TV  

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